The Legacy System

Chapter 8 - 8: Resigning

Behind, the entrance that connected the small hallway with the other part of the restaurant, the owner seemed to be discussing with the only person he called a friend in there.

This guy's name was Katsuto Daichi, he had an athletic build and looked like one of those MC in movies. The only reason he was working here, was because this was the only place that accepted him. ​​

He had criminal records, and this was the only place that gave him a shot. Of course, the biggest reason he got the job was because he accepted the low wage.

He was one of those he deemed brothers in his previous future and had stabbed him in the back at the end. That was why this guy was also an important part of his revenge.

Right now this guy was having a quarrel with the owner and seemed to be really pissed off. It was at this time that he heard them talking,

Owner:" I know your situation Daichi, but there is nothing I can do about it. One of you has to go, it's either you or that friend of yours in here."

Daichi didn't seem to hesitate in the least when he answered,

Daichi:" Then fire him, not me!"

The owner must have been surprised at his fast response, he didn't expect it. He kind of liked Eric more, he always did his work and never complain.

Furthermore, he was also a nice way for his daughter to relieve her stress at him not giving her money.

But now, he was in a tough spot, this guy wasn't accepting his firing.

It was just at this time that Eric came out of the door with a calm and relaxed expression, and looking at them both seriously he said, Th.ê most uptod/at𝓮 n𝒐vels a/re published on n(0)velbj)n(.)c/o/m

Eric:" Owner, I am quitting the job. Give me my due, and I will leave this place."

The owner was caught off guard by his announcement, and even his friend was surprised. What was happening here? Had he heard them talk or something?

Trying to figure out the situation Daichi looked at him and said,

Daichi:" What do you mean Eric? Why?"

Eric really couldn't believe how stupid he must have been in his previous life to believe this guy. Truly unbelievable!

But he didn't give a big reaction, and just continued calmly,

Eric:" Well something happened to me, and I need to leave this job. Now owner if you could give me my due, I will leave this place right away!"

Daichi seemed more surprised, he had never seen Eric handle things so calmly before, it was a great surprise to him. But at least it seemed like this guy hadn't heard a thing.

Since this was the case he wouldn't mind, leeching off some more on his back. After all, Eric was his favorite type of guy, dumbass that gave him money.

Not to mention, that hot Tina Eric had. He was happy to keep Eric as a friend, as long as, he had a shot with her. Too bad that she didn't seem to care at all about Eric.

But anyway the matter was different now, Eric was asking for his leave.

The owner was also surprised at this situation, when he came to work here, Eric had to beg and plead like he was a God in a temple.

And now, he was asking for his leave with that calm and serious face.

Recollecting a bit himself, the owner pretended to show care for him, it was free after all,

Owner:" What do you mean child, did something bad happened?"

But Eric didn't seem to care about his words, and just continued with that weird calmness,

Eric:" That is something personal owner, now if you could please give me my due, and I will take my leave."

The owner was once again left speechless from Eric's answer, he didn't understand what this guy took, to change so rapidly.

But that didn't matter, he was about to fire him anyway, at least now he could bargain about his leaving salary. Thinking like this, he said with a pondering look,

Owner:" Well since you don't want to tell then it's okay child. It's just that there isn't much money here at the restaurant here at the moment.

And you are also leaving without prior notice, so you are kind of damaging my service here at the restaurant.

Taking all these into consideration, the most I can give you for your due is 120$"

Hearing his speech Eric and seeing his movements, Eric was about to have a huge laugh. This guy was the best actor he had seen.

Even when his restaurant was flourishing, and it was so apparent, he still could act as someone who was passing the worst period of his life.

Anyway, the amount he said, was still better than what Eric had expected, so with the same calmness of before, he said,

Eric:" Whatever just give me my money, and I will leave."

Daichi was stunned by his answer, normally this guy was a pus*y, and would accept whatever the owner gave him, but he would always ask for more than what he offered.

But now, he was accepting it so calmly, without bi*ching about it in the least, it was terrifying. What had happened to him? Was this someone personificating him?

But who would personificate a looser, and that only for 120$? Wasn't worth it!

What had happened with this guy?

On the other side, the owner was a bit perplexed, perhaps he had been too generous and given him to much. Perhaps he might have lowered that a little more.

After all, 20$ more were like 20 more minutes of oxygen for him. That was why staggering he said,

Owner:" When I said 120$ I counted even for tonight, so if you leave now, then I can give you only 110$."

Hearing his words, Eric looked at him with that scary calmness and said,

Eric:" Well now that you have taken this night off the count also, you can finally pay me, and we can destroy the work contract.

Oh right if I don't have a work contract, but I have worked here. I wonder what the Employing Agency would say about this!"

Hearing those words the owner was frightened, the truth was that all the people working for him were on the black.

He paid no taxes for them, and not even registered them as workers. So if the Employing Agency or any other Agency came here he would have to pay a huge fine.

But at the same time, he was in shock, he had never seen Eric be so calm talking to him, and not to mention threatening him.

Taking out 150$ from his pocket, he just pushed them in Eric's hand and said with a fake smile,

Owner:" Oh you have so funny jokes child, we are a family here, we don't need contracts."

While, on the inside, he was cursing himself for not keeping 120$ but kept 150$!

At the same time that the owner was cursing himself, Eric was so happy inside him hearing his System's voice,

'Congratulations to Host for completing the Special Mission 3!

The host has earned Gold Tier Rookie Bonus Pack, and 15SP points, since the Host has earned additional money.

Does Host want to open the pack right now? YES/NO'

Eric felt really good winning that, he couldn't wait to open that but now was not the time. Although, he was a bit surprised by the fact that there were tiers of completing a mission.

The system hadn't mentioned anything like that. But clicking on the NO, he left it to ponder over it at home.

On the outside though, Eric took the money without any courtesy, and said with the same creepy calmness,

Eric:" Of course we are Owner, it has been a pleasure being part of this family."

With that said, he turned around to leave the place. He walked off the service door, and as soon as he got out of the door, he was suddenly stopped by Daichi.

Daichi looked at him with a fake worried look and said,

Daichi:" You okay bro? What happened to you!?"

Eric was feeling like he had to torture this guy right here and now, but he was too weak for that, and it was too soon to do it.

Thinking like this, he kept that cold, calm look and said,

Eric:" Yes, of course, everything is fine, we will talk about it some other day…"

Just as he was about to finish his words, some object came flying towards him, even though he was weak as hell, he could avoid that though.

Avoiding it, the object flew past him, hitting Daichi on the head, and taking him more than 3 or 4 steps back.

Daichi never saw it coming.

Actually, he did, but seeing that it was headed for Eric and not him, he didn't care much. To him, it was just the usual funny moment of the day, when Eric was bullied.

But everything went out of his prediction when Eric avoided that, and he could no longer do the same as Eric.

On the other side, Eric felt good for having dodged that, and at the same time, he was a tiny bit glad that it hit Daichi.

Though he couldn't kick him now, at least he was kicked somehow.

But not everyone was happy at this turn of events, and right at that moment, an angry, bi*chy voice was heard,

Bi*ch:" How dare you…



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