The Lazy King

Chapter 3: Luxuria, Part 2: We Cannot Lose

Chapter 3: Luxuria, Part 2: We Cannot Lose

A red hot light fills the world.

Demon Blade Celeste.

It’s a sword that contains the attribute of fire.

Its ranking as a weapon is SSS. Besides dragons, it’s a blade that’s said to have also burned higher level Angels to death.

After having been enshrined in the Great Demon King’s warehouse for many years, that weapon is now showing off its power once more.

By no means can High Level Demon Blades be used as nothing but swords.

“Ki ki ki, as expected, this is some amazing magic…”

Laughing in his annoying voice, Deije unsealed the sword’s power.

Usually, this level of weapon would be in the hands of a Demon Lord. It should be too much to handle for a General, but Deije seems to be able to direct that ridiculously large amount of magical power at the enemy forces without much problem.

I guess his large build isn’t just for show.

What an annoying man…

The flaming dragon that emerged from the sword swiftly passes over the Third Brigade, before taking a taste of the enemy army a few kilometers away.

A black light emits from their forces.

『Surge of Starvation』

A Gluttonous skill of Gluttony.

The wave of power clashes with the Demon Blade’s flames.

The ravenous magic that seems to want to devour anything and everything competes with the inferno so powerful I cannot even begin to comprehend it.

While borrowing that sword’s power, Deije truly is able to rival that Zebul’s strength.

He licks his thick lips in an irritating manner.

“When borrowing from Celeste, we’re just about equal… as expected from a Demon Lord… that power, I want it.”

The root of Original Sin is said to be desire.

I want money. I want items. I want to eat good food. I want sex. I don’t want to work. I despise others. I want to make them all kneel.

And both mine and Deije’s desire can be summed up as jealousy towards others.

In the end, stealing is, in itself, a demon’s base nature. Collecting more of something than everyone else in a land with limited resources.

Deije grasps onto the sword emitting light with four of his hands. His expression towards the violent power he was letting forth remained a heroic smile.

The heat is tanning his arms red, but there’s no sign of him lessening his grip at all.

“Ki ki ki, we really only have long range attacks, I guess. If I get closer, I feel I’ll get eaten up. I’m a bit ill-suited with Gluttony as my opponent…”

“… But we cannot lose.”

“Naturally. If we lost with two Generals dispatched here… that Heard will give us hell before the Boss even hears about it.”

I touch the sword in his grasp.

It’s a heat great enough to scorch both the body and the soul.

By a skill, Friendly Fire, damage from allied troops is cut off, so I’m not hurt. But even without taking any damage, his overbearing might made me feel jealousy.

Deije’s right hand Demon, Lebell, is making a grim face.

“Fumu… Gluttony Skill 『Surge of Starvation』 eats any power thrown at it. Deije, if you don’t settle this soon, it’ll suck up all of Celeste’s magic, you know?”

“I know. Ki ki ki, competition… it’s a game. How useless. Celeste’s magic power truly is terrifying. But this isn’t enough to sate my desire! If we just take down the enemy Demon Lord, then we’ll be able to achieve victory with ease!”

At the sight of the conquering flame, our own troops halt their advance. Even if they don’t take any damage, they don’t have the courage to jump into the fire.

No, right now, the war’s become a one on one with the Demon Lord and Celeste. One more step forwards, and it seems evident they’ll get devoured but Zebul. Thus is the extent of the thirst emitted by his aura of Gula.

His subordinates are halted as well.

“Ki ki ki, but I’m a bit short on hands. I can’t push him back. There’s no helping it, I’ll use the Doll…”

I turn my eyes to the skeletal doll made of silver-colored bones standing behind him.

“… No need. I’ll do it.”

Deije seems taken aback as he stares at me. Is it really that strange?

Is it strange for a Luxuria to say such things?

Our affinity is the worst. I’ll admit that. But that can’t be the end of it all. We have no time to care about something like that.

At this rate, Deije’s going to take all the credit.

I close my eyes and extract power from all over my body. I wring out power from my demon heart, my soul core. Fight fire with fire. I desire flames of hell to swallow everything.

Everything, burn the roots of hunger to the ground and eradicate it from the world.

And I manifested my own 『Sword』.

“… Oy, oy, what sort of joke is this…”

“… Do I look like I’m joking?”

I raise up the sword in my right hand.

It’s a beautiful straight sword with a flaming edge. The blade I made with almost all of the magic in my body at the base falls short of Celeste, but it’s still fitting to be held by a Demon Lord.

If Deije isn’t enough by himself, then just add some extra.

The Greed Demon’s expression warps.

“Is that also… a Lust skill!? Like hell… what did you do!?”

“Witness and behold the power of Luxuria, foolish heathen.”

I swung the sword.

Power storms out of it, and a red flash dyes the world.

An enormous amount of heat races up my arm.

Demon Blades require some form of compensation. So Celeste had a feedback like this on the wielder!?

Flames of hell envelop my arm as a similar stream of flame flows forth to mingle with Deije’s dragon.

It feels like my body is being torn apart. By flames. My head is spinning.

But Deije, who’s supposed to be taking an equivalent amount of pain stands calmly. I cant be the only one showing pain.

Even I’m… a commanding officer. One of the leader of Leigie-sama’s army.

My arm was baked by the dazzling light and began to emit an ominous stench. Blisters began to cover my white skin, but those disappear just as fast, being replaced by unsightly burns.

I grit my teeth, and do my best to endure the pain, as I direct my gaze forward.

I continue to direct my flame at Deije’s, and the light from it glows brighter. Bright enough that I can’t open my eyes.

At that moment, the inferno definitely overwhelmed the Demon Lord’s power. Waves of flame came down on the Demon Lord’s army.

“… I don’t really get it, but you’re not bad, girly. Ki ki ki, but I’m…”

Deije let off an evil laugh. His six eyes gleamed with an uncanny sparkle.

“… going to get even more power.”

The moment he said that, the intensity of the flames increased explosively.

This is… a Greed Skill!?

The black, surging power that had been pushed back the instant our flames mingled was instantly blown away with the skill Deije used.

Red waves of light swallowed up the army of Gluttony, and spread immensely in every direction.

The swirls of light rain down incessantly on the area several kilos away, but the blast extends all the way here.

It’s a fearsome response.

“Ki ki ki, this is Celeste’s power… I guess the fact that it was made with the heavenly flames that burned a ruler of demons to death was no lie.”

Deije’s voice is full of excitement.

What power. It’s a dangerous weapon. What’s more ,its power that pushed back a Demon Lord was further enhanced with a skill of Greed.

Leigie-sama… this toy is too dangerous to be in Deije’s hands.

Waves of intense heat pass over the Demon World desert, and my hair dances wildly behind me.

But Deije’s smile soon vanished from his face.

“Oy, oy… is this for real…”

“… This cannot be. There’s no way a normal Demon Lord would be able to stand that…”

Libell has a face of shock as he faces the distant wasteland… the distance between us no longer has meaning.

A black mass squirmed. There’s no sign of the army that had covered the region.

With heat of that level, they’ve probably been obliterated without even their souls left behind.

The mass trembled greatly, before it started to contract.

The Third Brigade that had come to a halt only a few hundred meters away from it raise their voices.

The air changes.

It’s not just around Zebul. Even the area where I am standing is affected.

The clear pitch-black changes into a swamp-like drudgy darkness.

Noticing that, Deije raised his voice in a daze.

“… Boss Leigie… lost… you say!?”

It was the feeling of him overwriting the 『Abyss Field』.

The proof that we had been cast into enemy territory. The power in my body truly has decreased by a noticeable level, and my magic is dropping.

Abyss zone is a skill that is more effective the closer you are to your Demon Lord, as long as you’re on their territory.

It should be impossible for a higher ranking Demon Lord to have his Zone taken over by a lower one so easily.

However, up until now, Leigie’s zone was one that had never been violated, no matter how vicious the wars were.

“… Give me a break. A Demon Lord that can withstand that baptism by fire!? Isn’t that L Class…”

“… Deije, are you able to use that skill from before again?”

“You joking? It didn’t even work when we were on Boss’s Zone. There’s no way it would have any effect on his.”

Deije’s eyes are in a panic as he looks over his surroundings.

He’s correct. Abyss Zone raises the abilities of friendly troops. It’s boost is not at an ignorable level.

“Just how much of the zone was eaten!? Libell!”

“… Quite a large portion! The extent is outside the range of my perception!”

A hostility I could sense with my very being.

A viscous and hungry aura.

The only one left is the Demon Lord? There doesn’t seem to be anyone else left standing around him, but that’s not even any consolation at this point.

The contracting black lump begins to change shape.

From an uncertain slime-like blob to… Human form.

“Zebul Glaucus… One with unsatiable hunger… the one who’ll swallow everything, the Devouring King, is it…”

I can see it.

The Dark Beast that encroaches on the world, decomposing everthing in its path.

The human form it took was much smaller than I expected. It may even be smaller than me. Compared to Deije, who stands over two meters, I estimate he’s around four heads shorter.

Just where did all of that mass go?

As if a hole had been opened in space, the overcoat he wore sucked in all light, leaving only black space.

The oppressive feeling he gave off made the kilometers between us feel like nothing.

It was something I hadn’t felt when approaching him before, that is, until I was right next to him.

“Ki ki ki, how interesting… He’s eating up Boss’s Zone with some amazing momentum…”

You still have the leisure to laugh? Deije’ pluck is to be commended.

His bulging pectoralis muscles expand further, and he raises a fierce voice.

“Men! What are you doing spacing out!? Our opponent is the Demon Lord alone! Forward!”

The air quivers.

Having heard Deije’s reprimand, the Third Brigade that had come to a halt dashed forward violently.

Their force was like a Tsunami. Even after seeing the Demon Lord’s power, even after the zone was taken, they didn’t fall back.

“Girly, even if you’ve got power, you lack guts. I’ll bet you’ve got a lot on your mind, but to those normal folk down there, if we give up on battle, it’s the end, right? Ki ki ki, you aren’t strong enough to be able to sleep on the battlefield yet.”

“… That’s right.”

But at this rate, our annihilation is inevitable.

Deije’s words may be on the mark, but they’re also a death sentence to his men.

Even if it’s the Third Brigade, a hoard of Normal Demons won’t even be able to buy that much time. Because I fought him myself, I can tell.

Tentacles protruded from his coat, mercilessly impaling the Demons on the front lines.

Without even the time to scream, they were dyed pure black, and absorbed.

But the Demon Lord’s mass doesn’t increase in the slightest.

Just how do you expect me to beat an enemy like that…!?

Countless dripping tentacles protruded from all over his body.

He took off the hood covering his face.

“That one’s… a Woman…! Isn’t her appearance quite similar to yours, girly?”

Dark green hair almost black in shade, and eyes of the same color. From the look on her face, she doesn’t even see the army laid out before her.

A Demon’s appearance is irrelevant.

No, the more calming one’s appearance, the more dangerous they are. Because that is but another weapon.

Zebul’s looks were gentle without a hint of the Gluttony she ruled over.

I’m not sure what was on her mind, as she lorded over the demons around her.

At least we have the numerical advantage. From the Demon Lord’s blind spot—I greatly question whether such a thing even exists—anyways, from behind, a lance was stabbed into the Lord.

It definitely pierced the coat, but like that, it continued to be sucked into it. He had let go in time, so the wielder was spared the same fate. He dodged the tentacles that came after him with a back step, but that didn’t change the fact he was still unarmed.

In the gap created, another demon deployed a number of fireballs, and hurled them at the Demon Lord. But even that was just swallowed up, and all that remained was silence.

Zebul licked her lips hungrily.

“… That’s unfair. Did Gluttony have a skill like that?”

Libell’s expression is pale, but his voice is level as he answers.

“It’s a mid-level Gluttony Skill. An endless stomach that sucks in any and everything. … But originally, is shouldn’t be able to indiscriminately suck in everyone’s attacks like that.”

“So it’s a difference in refinement… Ki ki ki, this is why people who arrive at the summit are… it can’t be that Celeste’s attack was sucked into that too?”

“I doubt it would be able to swallow something of that level… I think. But if you prevent her mid-level skills, I can’t even imagine what her high-level ones will do…”

The Demon Lord doesn’t have any particular expression on her face as she just looks around.

Deije has an unpleasant expression as his lips warp. He reluctantly reaches for his sword.

With a single blade, I think I could beat a higher level Demon with four normal level Demon Blades. But now that he’s this equipped, I can’t see any chances of victory.

“Crap, our eyes just met…”

“Will you run?”

“Don’t be stupid, against a high ranking Demon Lord… there’s no way I’ll be able to get away. Ki ki ki, prepare yourself, Libell Aijens. Think back to the War of Black and White. Compared to that… we’re still better off, right? We’re only up against one.”

On Deije’s words of resolution, Libell let out a deep sigh.

“… Well, well, there’s no helping it. I’ve already given up my life once… Deije, I’m not even Envious of your resolve right now.”

“Ki ki ki, you’re as serious as always. I’m just a little… greedier than most humans.”

… There’s no helping it. I’ll resolve myself as well.

While it may be a fake I created, the Demon Blade in my hand barely has any Magic left At most, the skills I can use now are Elementary Level.

CQC isn’t in Lust’s territory, but I draw the knife hanging from my belt.

It’s something Leigie-sama bequeathed to me. Of course, it falls far short of Celeste, but it’s a Demon Blade all the same. It’ll at least buy me an instant of time.

“Girly, you can run, you know? You’ve barely got any magic left, right?”

“Run? Is that a joke?”

Why must I… I, who was picked up by Leigie-sama abandon my duty when crisis strikes?

Even a mercenary like Deije isn’t considering fleeing this desperate situation.

Deije blinks his eyes as if he had witnessed something mysterious.

“Hmm… but no matter how you look at it, a dagger ain’t gonna cut it. Can you use a sword?”

“… As much as the next guy.”

“Ki ki ki, then so be it. I’ll lend you… a single one of my swords. The interest for this transaction is that dagger. Only if we return alive, that is.”


Just how far does his greed go? I unintentionally laughed.

For him to make business dealings when our lives are on the line…

“Hah… what are you saying at a time like this? Greed sure is something.”

“Ki ki ki, when there’s a chance to get something, you just have to take it… I mean, there are way too many things I want in this world.”

“And the most important of them is life, isn’t it?”

“Of course, so I plan on getting my hands on that someday as well.”

The sword Deije tossed over was covered in a freezing aura.

It’s no Celeste, but I feel power within it that would be more than what a General Class Demon deserved.

Glaring at the Lord who was tossing around the soldiers he trained like scraps of paper, Deije spoke.

“But I have no intentions of dying, though.”

“Neither do I.”

That’s right, we cannot lose. Not with so much regrets left behind.


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