The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 169 Ch 167: True Trouble [Pt2]

Shizue felt a shiver go down her spine as soon as she heard Yohan's words. His certainty made her feel weak and agitated. She could see in Yohan's eyes that he was not even a bit bothered by Shizue's attempts to capture him.

"Y-You can't intimidate me like this. You should rot in here until I say that it is alright for you to be let out. But by the time you are let out, the race to get the central cord would be long over."

Shizue was sure she would be able to keep Yohan in for a week at least. She might have to use every available favor and then some, but she would see it through.

After all, it had taken her ages to secure a friendship and then something more with Bernetta. She could not see all her attempts this far go down the drain.

"M-Miss Shizue, are you sure we have enough authority to keep a civilian behind bars? We will get in huge trouble if someone investigates this."

One of the attendants asked this question rather nervouslessly. The stutter in his voice was evident as he tried to seek assurance from Shizue.

He had been here long enough to know that messing up was not an option. As security officers, these people were always under surveillance and they would be easy to criticize by the public as well.

"Oh, it'll be alright. And we have enough permits to keep this man in for being connected to the rebellion. And even if it's not, who would question a little mishap from our side?"

"Y-Yeah, right. I got what you are trying to say."

The man still did not sound impressed or even relaxed. But it did seem like he realized that he had no choice but to comply with Shizue. She did have the necessary permissions after all.

Shizue knew how dangerous insubordination could be but she was not worried this time. She had to appear confident as she exited the room to meet the party she had left behind.

She expected the rest of the party to have gone home. But surprisingly enough, someone decided to stay behind even now. It was the 'leader' who had tried to interfere with their capture in the first place.

"You should go back now since you are free to go. We will keep the child in here as collateral and let him go once the investigation is over."

Shizue assured the man, hoping that he would go away finally. But the man just glared back at her without flinching or even moving.

And when he spoke, his voice was filled with mocking.

"Let him go, huh? Why do I have a feeling that your words hide something more sinister? You had no reason to detain us all in the first place."

Bruce, the leader and also a priest, yelled at Shizue. He was getting aggressive in a way Shizue had seen before. It was an attempt to attract attention toward himself and his situation.

Usually, Shizue would not have done anything regarding this since it would only add to a party's crime. But this time, she could not afford to attract attention to her actions.

"I am sorry to say but the orders I received are from some 'higher ups'. If you have any complaint then you should approach them yourself."

Shizue knew it would be impossible for a normal man to approach the higher-ups since they liked to seem as important. Even if this man was a priest, she doubted that he would be able to get anything going.

In this way, Shizue would be able to make all the blame bleed away from herself.

"Oh, I will. Just wait and see what else I will do to you."

The priest was not very gentle in his speech and his words sounded certain when he said that he would approach the higher-ups. For the first time, Shizue doubted her decision to pin everything on the higher-ups.

'No, don't be fooled. This man would not be able to reach the higher-ups. And even if he did, the higher-ups would have to take my side since I did everything legally.'

Shizue knew how rotten the government was and that was why she had taken measures against everything beforehand. As long as Bernetta did not forsake her, Shizue would be able to get through anything.


'So that happened. I guess I should have expected this to happen to me once Shizue refused to back down.'

Yohan had to say that Shizue was a tough egg to crack. So far, she had managed to defy every expectation Yohan had about her and she was proving herself to be resourceful as well.

The only thing she regretful about her was her sexual orientation and her innate dislike of Yohan. Both were things his magic would not be able to overcome.

"Ugh, I give up for now. I should send a message to Diantha to let her know what is happening and not panic. But knowing her, she would do something drastic."

Yohan knew that he would have to do something to take care of this situation with Shizue and also Bernetta. It was no longer a case he could take lying down.

"System, send a message from me to Diantha. Ah, now that I think about it, send one to Bernetta as well. I need both of them to be aware of what is happening."

Yohan knew that what he was about to do was risky and he would be gambling on his relationship with Bernetta. But Yohan felt certain that Bernetta would take his side in this small conflict.


"I can't believe that Yohan got captured and got thrown into prison. I always knew those two officers were trouble for Yohan but he refused to hear me out. Now he is reaping what he had sown."

Diantha felt justified with the news she got from Yohan. She had told him not to pay too much mind to Bernetta since she had a feeling he would be betrayed.

And that was what ended up happening. But she had not thought that Shizue would be this fast in capturing Yohan and putting him behind the bars.

Diantha was about to head out to help Yohan despite his insistence not to do anything when her door was knocked on by someone. Diantha was a little surprised but she still decided to head out and open the door.

The person who stood on the other side was none other than the one person she had been cursing just a few minutes before.

"Yo, how are you fairing? I hope I am not disturbing you too much today."

It was Bernetta who stood on the other side of the door. Her flaming red hair rested stylishly on her strong shoulder. She was a good-looking person and she looked even more attractive when she was relaxed.

But despite all that, Diantha could not say that she was too fond of this person. Especially since this woman had been the reason Yohan had been pout beyond the bars.

"You should keep your girlfriend under check. Why does she feel the need to go after Yohan and make our lives tough? Can she not keep her hands to herself?"

Diantha knew that there was no point in her getting angry at Bernetta. This girl was not the one who was causing all these problems. But still, her involvement and her importance were beginning to get to Diantha now.

"Huh? Ah sorry about that. I heard from Yohan what happened and I have to say that even I had no idea what she was planning. If it helps, I would like to apologize in her stead."

Diantha was annoyed with Bernetta and her insincere apology. It seemed as if she was speaking these words just for the sake of speaking.

"Does your sorry solve the problem? And your partner, what the heck is wrong with her?"

The more Diantha complained, the more amused Bernetta looked. Her eyes were sparkling as she tried to not burst out into laughter. But it seemed to be impossible for her as laughter managed to break free from her lips.

Diantha allowed Bernetta to laugh all she wanted and she did not speak until Bernetta caught her breath.

"Sorry, it was just a little too much for me. We have been in the same class throughout our academy days but I have never taken notice of you like this. Did your love and affection for your 'brother' change you?"

Diantha had a feeling that Bernetta did not mean 'brother' when she asked this question. There was no doubt that she knew about something but was unwilling to say it.

"Yeah, I live my 'brother'. So keep your partner in check for the time being. I will cooperate with you since Yohan asked me to but don't take it as a sign that I like you."

Now that Yohan was out of the picture for the time being, it would be up to everyone else to make sure the plan was carried out in the full. Diantha needed to make sure nothing went wrong.

And she would do so for the sake of the future she sought. Soon, she would have the power to put an end to her torment.


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