The Law of Attraction

Chapter 83: Don’t Worry

Chapter 83: Don’t Worry

At Sy Building

Lana went through a lot of pending documents while Liam was not around. She looked at the wall clock and yawned. She was done with the documents and wondered what she would need to do next.

Her body was looking for some type of adrenaline rush and action. She wanted to go out and chase down some clues on Gale's case, but she needed an order from Liam. Right now, his command was to stay put and wait for his arrival pertaining to that case.

She crumpled her face, recalling when Liam called a while ago to ask her if she wanted to come to the funeral of Senior Go, but she said 'No'.

She was not a family member, nor did she know Mr. Go personally,?so why would she go? Her presence was not needed there. Liam didn't need her appearance as his girlfriend as well since no woman would surely pester him with Gracy around.

Speaking of that Gracy, Lana was uncomfortable with that woman for an unknown reason. Now that Gracy was around, maybe Liam would not need her anymore to pretend to be his girlfriend.

"I should be grateful, right?" Lana mumbled. She stood up from her seat and did some stretching. She went out and asked Dona if she could help her on other things, but there was nothing she needed done.

Soon time for lunch arrived and as usual she received calls from other interns, asking her to join them at the canteen.

"Good thing you'll eat with us again. I bet it's uncomfortable eating with the Boss?" Lily commented as they gathered at one table for lunch.

"Yeah, is Attorney Sy strict? I bet it's hard getting assigned there. Imagine that he can see what you're doing, checking your every move." Chelsy seconded, followed by an exaggerated shivering.

"Not really. I like it, it helps so that I can focus more on the task at hand. Besides, I prefer to be under a strict lawyer." Lana simply commented. Lily and Chelsy exchanged meaningful glances because among them Lana was the only one who seemed not to mind having direct orders from the Sy Law firms Attorney CEO.

Steven, who was also one of the interns, looked at Lana and smiled.

"You should join us often, Lana. Or how about we all have a gathering like a casual intern's night-out sometime?" Steven commented.

Almost all interns showed their agreement on the idea except on Lana who remained silent all throughout, having her own thoughts while having lunch.

"Hey Lana, what do you think? You should come. All of us will join… You should too." Lily convinced her.

Lana smiled and nodded. "Sure, just tell me the date and time." she answered with a smile. Although she was not fond of gatherings like that Lana knew she should sometimes join and have a good relationship with others like that.

She creased her forehead, seeing Attorney Daryl Cha walking towards their table. Then she heard Daryl ask Steven to accompany him out to visit a possible witness in the crime case he was handling.

"Sorry Attorney Cha, but can I skip on this?" Steven answered with a paled face. Daryl laughed seeing those expressions and said in a jest, "Hey, how can you play that your scared just on simple things like this! Don't you know how exciting it is to handle a crime case?"

Steven scratched his head and said, "Alright Sir. I'll just finish my lunch and follow you soon."

"Okay good. I'll wait in my office. That's the man." Attorney Cha mumbled and even gave Steven a man up gesture where he raised his arm, tapping his muscles.

"Why are you hesitating to accompany him?" Lily asked. Lana looked at Steven, curious to hear him as well because in her case she would immediately answer 'yes' to accompany the lawyer whenever they would go out to meet people pertaining to the case they were handling.

"I told him to bring some police with us because the place he wants to go is scary. I heard a lot of hooligans live in those suburbs. I don't want to get killed yet, you know, without even getting my license as a lawyer, but he said police are not needed." Steven exaggeratedly stated.

Lana's eyes brightened hearing that, and she quickly finished her meal. She wanted some action like that. She wanted to experience how dangerous it could be if you would handle crime cases. Not that she was asking to get killed, but she wanted to know about different approaches on different kinds of cases you had to defend.

"I'll go ahead first." she said, excusing herself from the rest. She almost ran towards Attorney Cha's office to volunteer in accompanying him as well.

"Attorney Cha…" Lana called out of nowhere which had startled Daryl, who was in his office getting ready to leave soon.

"Oh, you almost scared me. Yes, Lana? What can I do for you?" Daryl asked with a smile.

"Sorry, just want to ask you if you can bring me with you? I want to experience chasing possible witnesses for a case." Lana straightforwardly asked.

Daryl gulped because Liam's gloomy look suddenly popped up on his face. Liam surely would kill him if he found out about it. Daryl was aware that Lana was Liam's woman and was someone who Liam gave importance to, not to mention how possessive that brute could be.

The place where he would go could be dangerous, though it was not confirmed. Steven suggested he brought a police officer with him, but it was not advisable since it would cause a great attraction that would jeopardize his task.

"Liam will kill me, Lana. That place is not safe for you to go to." Daryl pleaded nicely, hoping Lana would not give him a hard time. But he was wrong… so wrong...

"Don't worry, I'll take care of Liam. I don't have anything to do in the office, so I'm free to go. Let's go? I'm good at fighting so I can back you up, you know." Lana tried to convince him with a smile.

Seeing the hesitation on Daryl's face, Lana continued, "Please? Daryl, please... I'm so bored inside the office. I'm not learning anything without Liam around. I promise not to cause you any trouble. Promise. I went to the military. Didn't you see my background so you don't need to worry."

Daryl scratched his head. Lana was so persistent that she did not stop until he agreed to let her tag along with him and Steven.

Inside the car, Lana asked him why he did not bring some police officers in disguise as Steven suggested or some private security men if the place was dangerous.

"It will be hard to get a grip on potential aloof witnesses if I bring more people with me or men with well-built appearance like someone who can attack them. It's better that I go alone, but I thought to bring Steven so he can be familiarized with such scenarios. There's possible danger, but that doesn't mean that there will always be danger. Besides, we are trained to fight well too. Liam made sure that lawyers who will be assigned to take crime cases must be fit, trained to fight and protect themselves in every kind of circumstance." Daryl explained.

Lana liked Daryl. He was like Jorge, a comedic person, so she enjoyed talking to him and asking a lot of things about his experiences in cases he handled. She was at the back of the car while Steven drove the car and Daryl in the passenger seat.

She took her time in asking Daryl about that case he was handling while they were on the road.


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