The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 24: Control of the Base City

Chapter 24: Control of the Base City

Wait, when did the system give him something useless?

Su Chen carefully read the instructions for the paratroopers. He could summon a team of one paratrooper anywhere, anytime. These soldiers had the same attributes and equipment as the ones just built from the barracks, with no difference.

If that was all, it wouldn't be worthy of being a reward. Could it be that I, the lucky Navy SEAL Su Chen, would fail today?


After Su Chen's careful inspection, he finally found a problem. The instructions said that he could summon paratroopers anywhere, so what if he summoned them in the black area of the map?

Thinking of this, Su Chen couldn't help but get excited.

So he opened the map interface, clicked on the black area outside, and revealed the intention to summon paratroopers. The system's voice sounded: "Master, do you want to summon paratroopers here?"

"It seems that there is no problem here. Then what is the limit of the paratrooper summoning location?"

"Within a radius of about one thousand kilometers centered on the base." The system replied.

Su Chen's eyes lit up. This was twice the range of the radar. This was good news for him. He could now know what was happening in other places.

Currently, he only knew the situation within a five hundred kilometer radius of the radar, and nothing else.

"If I summon paratroopers there, will the map show the area?"

Su Chen remembered that in the game, after obtaining the radar, the entire map could be covered, but only if the map was opened.

So, was it the same here?

"Base units can display a scene for a period of time beyond the radar range, but cannot be retained for a long time."

Su Chen understood. He could only see where the paratroopers had been, and those places would gradually become black areas over time.

Even so, it was enough. Thinking of this, Su Chen decisively summoned paratroopers one thousand kilometers to the north.

He was in the south and wanted to know what was happening in the north.

Just as Su Chen was summoning the paratrooper, a plane suddenly appeared in the sky one thousand kilometers away from the base, and twelve people jumped out of the plane. Then the plane flew into the clouds and disappeared.

At the same time, Su Chen saw a blue light spot appear in the black area on the map. This was the paratrooper he had summoned.

As soon as the paratrooper landed, he immediately gathered with the others and guarded the surroundings.

"No danger found for the time being. Contact the commander." A soldier who looked like a captain said.

"Commander, the first paratrooper team has landed successfully. Please give instructions."

"Your task is to explore the area and see if there are any human base cities or gathering places. If you find any, mark them on the map. If you encounter mutant beasts, fight if you can, run if you can't. Do you understand?"

For these paratroopers, Su Chen planned to use energy to enhance their strength, but the system told him that it was not within the range of his vision, so he couldn't enhance their strength anywhere unless he could build a spy satellite.

Fortunately, these soldiers had first-tier peak strength as soon as they were born, so they had the ability to protect themselves outside, as long as they didn't do anything stupid.

With the command given, these paratroopers began to investigate the surrounding area.

At this time, the system's voice appeared: "Trigger mission, control a base city, by any means necessary, with a population loss of no more than 50%. Successfully completing the mission will increase the commander's authority once and provide three lottery chances. Failure will result in a decrease in the commander's authority."

This mission made Su Chen raise his eyebrows. This mission was still a bit stressful for him. The military power of a base city was not something he could handle right now.

Fortunately, this mission had no time limit. He just needed to work hard to complete it.

There was nothing happening with the paratroopers, so Su Chen didn't pay much attention to them. He found Leng Yuwei and the others. At this time, the three of them were resting in two wooden houses.

It was called rest, but in reality, they were under house arrest and couldn't leave the wooden house.

"Su Chen, what do you want? Do you want to keep us locked up until we die?" Seeing Su Chen appear, Luo Hang gathered his courage and said these words, then hid behind Leng Yuwei. He used the most vicious words to say the most cowardly things.

"I'm not that bored. How about this, I'm going to give you a chance." Su Chen calmly sat down.

"A chance?" The three of them looked at each other.

"You should have seen the fate of the Gathering Place. If it weren't for me, your fate would have been the same as everyone else's, right?"

The three nodded. They knew that Su Chen had saved them.

"Since that's the case, help me with something, and I'll give you some benefits. Is that strange?"

Leng Yuwei said seriously, "Just say it."

"Okay, no wonder you're the captain of the Rose Squad." Su Chen clapped his hands, and several soldiers walked in, placing a large amount of weapons and equipment on the table.

"I need you to enter the base city, climb to the top floor, and act as my insider."

"What do you want to do?" Hearing what Su Chen wanted them to do, Leng Yuwei felt uneasy.

"Nothing much, I just feel bored and want to control the base city."


Look at what you're saying. What do you mean by being bored and wanting to control the base city? Do you have any misunderstandings about the base city?

"Su Chen, the power of the base city is not as simple as you imagine. As far as I know, there are three levels of base cities: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Level 1 base cities are the most powerful, with eight-order Transcendents guarding them. There are only five in the world. Next are the Level 2 base cities, of which there are five, and the most numerous are the Level 3 base cities, of which there are 60. The closest one to here is the Level 3 base city named Wangchang City."

"Don't underestimate the Level 3 base cities. At least one seven-order Transcendent sits in each of them, and each Transcendent with a level of six or above has amazing power. They can be said to be human strategic weapons, and each person is the most valuable asset. Without them, there would be no current human situation."

"If you want to control a base city, you not only need strong military force, but also a powerful force as a backing. Those seven-order or higher Transcendents all have huge backgrounds, otherwise they would not have been able to reach that level. As far as I know, only a few seven-order or higher Transcendents are lone wolves who rely on themselves to reach that level, but such examples are rare."

Luo Hang and Zhang Tao listened with fascination. It was the first time they had heard about the situation outside, and this kind of intelligence was not something that everyone could know.

To be precise, everyone may know about the base city, but in the Gathering Place, few people can know this news.


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