The Last Adventurer

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

Chapter 12. Test (3)

Controlling magic with telekinesis was an incredibly difficult feat.

However, it was not impossible.

Throughout Maple World’s history, there have been a few magicians who have been able to achieve this incredible feat.

Therefore, it was impossible to earn the nickname of the best telekinesis user just by doing that.

The same was true for El Paume.

He didn’t get the nickname of the best telekinesis user just because he could move magic with telekinesis.

‘He can move two at the same time.’

The fact that he could do multiple tasks at the same time.

It was amazing.

That’s why the adventurers were happy to rate El Paume as the best telekinesis user.

Of course, if it was just something that was amazing, then El Paume wouldn’t have developed such an ability.

‘Thanks to that, I was able to catch quite a few monsters that I couldn’t catch before.’

The reason El Paume worked so hard to develop this ability was because it was so powerful in battle.

In fact, being able to control two magics with telekinesis was not just a concept of being able to attack twice.

It was a concept of being able to attack twice, simultaneously, and in different ways.

For example, El Paume could use one magic to attack the enemy while using the other magic to defend himself.

Or, he could use one magic to attack the enemy while using the other magic to support his allies.

The possibilities were endless.

This was why El Paume was considered the best telekinesis user.

He was not just someone who could move magic with telekinesis.

He was someone who could use telekinesis to control the battlefield.

For example, in the case of bees, it wasn’t that difficult to avoid them when there was only one.

Because you could focus on just one.

‘Two can cause confusion.’

But what if there were two flying around?

It didn’t matter when you could see them.

But what if one flew in from a blind spot while you were following the other with your eyes? That was an unspeakable fear.

And when you’re in that kind of fear, there’s usually one thing on your mind.

‘Humans lose their will to fight.’

All you can think about is running away.

‘Monsters burn with their will to fight.’

Of course, it was different for monsters. They didn’t have the option to run away.

That’s why it was more useful.

‘There’s nothing more vulnerable than a monster that’s drunk on bloodlust.’

Even a child could easily predict what a bull that was enraged to see red would do.

And El Paume showed that against Stumpy.


Five fire arrows swirled around Stumpy, the giant monster, like a swarm of bees, and Stumpy began to lash out with the branches on its body like whips at the fire arrows.

And every time the branches stretched out to attack, El Paume cut them off precisely with his fire arrows.

One by one, precisely.

But very quickly.

He literally pruned it.

Of course, Stumpy’s branches were as fast as whips, and there were often times when he would swat the fire arrows away like flies.

But it didn’t matter.

“Fire arrow.”

All El Paume had to do was summon a new fire arrow each time.


Stumpy, who had started to lose his branches, quickly found himself in a miserable situation.

At one point, there were no more branches left to swing at the fire arrows.

He was reduced to a sorry state, with only his roots left.

The outcome after that was obvious.


There was only one-sided attack.


Eventually, Stumpy started to roar and burn.

“Damn it.”

Dibo, who was watching the scene, let out a curse.

It was a sight to behold.

However, Dibo didn’t just stand there and marvel.

“Hey, those brats!”

Even in the face of a spectacle that would have been excusable to lose his mind over, Dibo didn’t lose his mind.

“Boss! I’ll take care of those stumps!”

He willingly threw himself at the stumps that were approaching him and El Paume.

It was thanks to the fact that he hadn’t forgotten.

‘I can’t afford to make any mistakes this time.’

El Paume’s words, telling him not to make the same mistake next time, were clear in Dibo’s mind.

More than anything, Dibo knew.

‘If we can take down the boss, the rest is child’s play.’

He knew that it was stupid to just stand there and watch the situation unfold when they had such an advantage.

“Come on!”


And so, Dibo began to fight the approaching stumps.

In that battle, Dibo fought so magnificently that it was hard to believe it was his first time using the polarm.

‘It’s been a while.’

Looking at Dibo, El Paume was reminded of something.

‘This is what hunting is like.’

Memories of hunting monsters with trusted comrades at his side.

However, there was not even a hint of a smile on El Paume’s lips as he recalled those memories, distant but warm.

The reason for this was that the end of those memories, the end of the memories he had built with his trusted comrades, was always the same.

He would see them off, and be left alone.

And so, instead of smiling, El Paume sharpened his gaze.

He focused harder.

He honed his senses.

‘I can’t be satisfied with this.’

He began to move the fire arrows with his telekinesis more sharply, like knives rather than arrows.

‘I can do better than this.’

He began to cut through the body of Stumpy, the giant monster, as sharply as if he were cutting through wood.


Soon, El Paume heard Stumpy’s last words in his ear.

“I got him!”

Dibo cheered at the fact.

But El Paume was different.

“We’re hunting the remaining stumps from now on.”

The moment the battle ended, the two fire arrows that had lost their target began to move in search of new prey.

“Hunting? How many do you need?”

“All of them here.”


“We’re starting an extermination hunt.”


‘A 100-man gate appeared in Sleepywood?’

Ebisu’ expression as he thought about the 100-man gate was not good in many ways.

In fact, this was a very good opportunity.

‘An epic or better item is always guaranteed to drop.’

After all, the 100-man gate always dropped a very powerful item without exception.

And the value of that item was beyond what money could measure.

That’s why his expression was so grim.

‘There’s no chance we’ll get to eat this time.’

When a 100-man gate appeared, the top 10 guilds in the port city of Lees would have first ownership.

And each of the top 10 guilds would have 10 spots.

‘It won’t be easy to get results with the adventurers I have right now. No, it’s impossible.’

However, there were no adventurers among the 2nd Circle or lower adventurers that Gaebor’s Top was currently leading who were making a name for themselves.

It wasn’t that there weren’t any at all.

‘They’re not even at the level of adventurers compared to the three Natasha sisters in Goldrich Top.’

The problem was that Goldrich Top, one of the top 10 guilds and the one with the oldest history and tradition in the port city of Lees, was too powerful.

In fact, it wasn’t just Goldrich Top.

With the exception of Gaebor Top, which had the shortest history among the top 10 guilds, the power of the other 9 guilds was beyond what Gaebor Top could handle.

It was already impressive to just keep up with them.

That’s why Gaebor Top had never achieved any meaningful results in the 100-man gate raid until now.

‘If we fail this time, someone will have to take responsibility.’

However, Gaebor, the owner of Gaebor Top, was not a man who was full of faith, trust, and patience.

That’s why Lacan had called Ebisu.

‘And that someone will be Lacan.’

It was a headache in many ways.

That was why.

Knock knock!

“It’s El Paume. I’m coming in.”

“Come in.”

Ebisu was willing to face this madman.

‘With pure skill and ability alone, we can never beat the other 9 places, including Goldrich Top. So we have no choice but to rely on variables.’

At this point, there was no choice but to expect a high risk, high return rather than a head-on confrontation.

‘A bomb like this that’s so crazy.’

And for such a result, they needed someone who could do something bold and unconventional.

‘But I can’t just throw a bomb.’

Of course, Ebisu had no intention of just sending a madman.

“You raided the Mystic Gate?”

That’s why he had set up this meeting.


“Have you decided on the next Mystic Gate to raid?”

“I’m thinking about it.”

Ebisu was going to demand results.

“As you know, you borrowed a lot of money. We lent it to you because we saw your potential. But we can’t lend money based on potential alone. From now on, you have to show us how well you can repay it.”

That’s why they agreed to his ridiculous demands and lent him the money.

“For now, I’ll give you a task. Pay back 200,000 mesos within a week. You have to show us your minimum ability.”

After all, Gaebor Top used money to control adventurers and slaves.

To Ebisu’s words, El Paume asked back.

“200,000 mesos, you say?”

Ebisu nodded at his question.

‘It won’t be easy.’

The cost of hiring a 1st Circle adventurer was usually around 5,000 mesos, and for a 2nd Circle adventurer, it was 10,000 mesos.

Of course, that was just the cost of hiring them, and their income could be incredibly high depending on their performance in the Mystic Gate.

Even so, 200,000 mesos was no small amount.

It was the amount of money that a 2nd Circle adventurer could earn if they worked really hard in the Mystic Gate for a whole month.

That’s why it was the most reliable indicator of an adventurer’s ability.

A capable adventurer was not one who could find the exit well in the Mystic Gate, but one who could hunt monsters, in other words, one who could make money.

Anyway, Ebisu was prepared.

‘The moment he refuses, I’ll throw him away.’

If El Paume showed any hesitation here, he would be treated as nothing more than a madman.


El Paume said to Ebisu, who was sharpening his gaze.

“I just paid it back.”


El Paume spoke to the surprised Ebisu.

“I met a Stump in the Mystic Gate. And Stump’s tears came out.”

Stump’s Tears!

A tear that could be obtained with an extremely low probability when catching a Stump, it was used as an ingredient for a potion with powerful abilities.

As much as it could save lives, its price was at least 200,000 mesos!

And as I said before, it was very difficult to obtain.

“I’m lucky.”

The probability of it coming out was very low.

In other words, to increase that probability, you had to catch more and more Stumps.

In other words, getting Stump’s Tears meant that you had caught an uncountable number of Stumps.

‘But maybe it’s just luck.’

Of course, there was a possibility that it came out even though he only caught one.

That doesn’t mean that El Paume’s hunting ability can be confirmed by this alone.

‘Luck is also a skill.’

However, Ebisu didn’t bother with such calculations here.

Whatever it was, luck was better than being able to do nothing at all.

“So you have 2 million mesos left.”

More than anything, Ebisu was prepared.

“I’ll give you a chance to pay off that debt all at once.”

“Is there such an opportunity?”

“Raid a Mystic Gate.”

He was prepared to test him.

Moreover, this time Ebisu could confirm El Paume’s ability for sure.

“Am I raiding it alone?”

“There’s a party.”

This time, there were witnesses.

“There are five parties, including you.”

Many witnesses.

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]


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