The Lady's Sickly Husband

Chapter 129: Love Palm

Chapter 129: Love Palm

Mo Qianxue thought that to jump over the desk to the narrow space near the chair she was sitting on must require quite a lot of effort and the medicine soup would be spilled out a little, and probably, if his hand shook, all of the medicine soup might be spilled out, so that she wouldn’t have to take it...

Hearing her words, Ning Shaoqing supported his body with one hand against the desk and lightly jumped over. Mo Qianxue blinked, and he already stood gracefully before her. The medicine soup in the bowl didn’t even ripple, let alone to spill out a drop.

She forgot he was a master of martial arts. Having seen him performed martial arts for several times, she believed that he should be a high-achiever in this field.

So now...she had moved the stone only to hit her own feet?

Her wishful plan failed, and Mo Qianxue, wearing a bitter face, took over the bowl and drank it angrily in one breath. At once, the bitterness seemed to have moved her organs to wrong places, “Hurry and give me a sugar.”

Ning Shaoqing had never served a person to take medicine and didn’t have the experience at all. Spotting the small plate of sugar over there, he instantly passed one to her.

As the sugar entered her mouth and the sweet taste spread, Mo Qianxue breathed a long sigh out. If she got the sugar one second later, she was afraid that all that she had eaten and drunken would be thrown up.

After she felt better, Ning Shaoqing took her to the bed again.

After two days of such battles of wits, Mo Qianxue finally finished all the medicine, the story ended with the curving up of Ning Shaoqing’s lips in the corners.

Although the medicine was bitter, in combination with external application of other cream, it worked out well. After only two days, scabs began to grow around the wound, which didn’t hurt at all unless she touched it, and she could move freely.

Mo Qianxue was pacing around in the yard, when Mr. Wang visited.

He didn’t forget the first-aids methods and food therapies she had mentioned last time.

The first-aid that she had applied on old madam Jian was excellent once he thought it through. Later, skillfully, she had cured Tong Zijing’s disease, which had been a huge persistent difficulty to him for so many years.

Mr. Wang had decided to help Ning Shaoqing mainly because of her unique cures.

Mo Qianxue wasn’t being mean and told him everything she knew.

Anyway old Mr. Wang was the life-savor of Ning Shaoqing. In addition, these cures would be meaningless to be kept to herself. If these were known to old Mr. Wang, probably more people would be saved in the future.

In fact, those cures had been learnt online. In modern times, she worked in the food industry, so she had paid special attentions to things of this sort which were lubes of conversations during business negotiation.

For example: when you have a toothache, try press Hegu acupoint to ease the pain.

Another example: when you have a stiff neck, try press Laozhen acupoint to ease the pain.

And other curse like: how to treat a sprained back; the treatment of acute cholecystitis; raise the other arm to treat let cramps; hold breath to treat burping, and so on.

Vividly, she mentioned a dozen therapies, making Mr. Wang open his eyes rounder and rounder and itchy for a try.

Although these minor diseases were no difficulties to the strange doctor, he still had great interest in treating these in different ways, especially the treatment of leg crapms.

Soon after Mo Qianxue mentioned it, Wang Tiansong happened to come to report something and, unluckily, was caught by Mr. Wang as a specimen.

With one needle, his had leg cramps.

Then, Mr. Wang let him raise his arm and asked how his leg felt.

His leg suddenly shaking, Wang Tiansong almost fell by the acupuncture and subconsciously raised his arm under the direction of Mr. Wang.

As a result, as he lifted up the arm, his leg was well at once.

In a daze, Wang Tiansong didn’t answer yet, but Mr. Wang already knew the answer and directly gestured him to leave.

What a wonderful little trick! He didn’t want others to bother him. Mo Qianxue only smiled since it wasn’t a big deal after all.

No wonder people called him the strange doctor. His temper was indeed strange.

Of course, Mr. Wang also asked where she had learned the knowledge, and she only gave a perfunctory answer that she had picked it pick from an unknown booklet.

When Mr. Wang asked again, she said that she didn’t know where to find the booklet. Fortunately, Mr. Wang knew that she had been thrown to the Wang village with nothing on her, so he stopped asking more.

After narrating these little tricks, she began the food therapies. Upon impression, she wrote down over twenty food therapies and handed to Mr. Wang.

After finishing this, it had been half a day, and Mo Qianxue felt a little tired and was about to say goodbye to her guest. Mr. Wang stood up, eyeing her strangely and asking, restless, “You just give it to me like this?”

Mo Qianxue was puzzled, “Yes. Any problem with this?” Anything wrong with the therapies or was it not enough?

Mr. Wang could tell that she misunderstood him and clarified, “Didn’t you want anything from me?” No one had ever offered him things without asking for anything. He also didn’t like to owe others.

Mo Qianxue shook her head. She was satisfied that Ning Shaoqing was well now.

Mr. Wang felt reluctant, stroking his goatee and pondered for a moment, “Alright, I don’t want to owe you one, so I decide to teach you some self-defending acupunctures.”

“Self-defending acupunctures?” Weren’t those needle used to cure disease? Self-defending? Sounded weird!

Mr. Wang’s eyes were penetratingly sharp, “Yes. These acupunctures weren’t to cure diseases but to hurt or kill people.”

“I’m not interested...” Mo Qianxue answered unhesitatingly. Why should she learn how to hurt or kill people? It sounded so creepy.

Mr. Wang stared at her, with a small sneer on his face, asking suggestively, “Are you sure? Are you sure they were useless to you?” The capital was a den of demons. She couldn’t rely on Ning Shaoqing or Chuyi and Shiwu on everything. She did need to learn how to protect herself.

Contemplating for a while, Mo Qianxue looked up, “Difficult?”

Mr. Wang, who a moment ago had worried that she couldn’t appreciate his kindness, smiled while stroking his goatee, “Not difficult. I only teach you three things, Kill, Numb and Trance.”

“Be quick to recognize acupoints, and be speedy to attack...” There were only two of them in the room, so as long as Mo Qianxue agreed to learn, Mr. Wang began to teach her how to locate acupoints and how to use needles.

These three moves weren’t difficult but, as close-range assault, required high speed to catch the enemy by surprise. Having said that, repeated practice was needed to achieve the desirable effect.

After she reached the threshold, Mr. Wang left with satisfaction, but Mo Qianxue secretly took away Caixia’s embroidery needles.

She chose to hide it from others because people must be equipped with ace in the hole. Besides, it was unpredictable whether there was one day that she must use these needles. It couldn’t be wrong to keep a low-profile.


In a thermal room at the Ning mansion, in the capital.

Concubine Xie was having tea, while Ning Shaoyu lay on the couch and threw fruit chunks into his mouth.

“Have you found him in the east?”

“Not yet.”

“Then you still have the mood to sit leisurely? I can’t push off more before your old man.”

“Although he isn’t found yet, he must pass by Yunqi town if he returns to the capital, either by water or land. I’ve set layers of ambush there. Even a bird is unable to escape.”

“Don’t merely use the people I gave you. He excels at martial art and is resourceful. Make sure to leave him no chance to escape.”

“I’ve made a full arrangement. This time, we have not only our own guards, but also killers from the Hunters, which costs me quite a lot. As long as he showed up, there won’t be a chance for him to survive...”


Time clocked in unhurried days. Mo Qianxue totally recovered from the wound.

Recently Ning Shaoqing had been busy shuttling between Tianxiang and the Wang village. Constantly, there were unfamiliar people dropped by to report news.

Mo Qianxue didn’t ask because she knew he must be getting prepared to return to the capital.

First of all, the planning of the route was the most important thing. The capital was far from here. It took at least five days to reach Yunqi town even by water and then many hours to get from the town to finally reach the capital.

If by land, it took at least nine days to reach Yunqi town.

In short, they must pass through Yunqi town, a place haunted by perils.

Even though Ning Shaoqing was busy all day long, he always smiled gently at her, which was because, she understood, that he didn’t want her to worry. But how could she not worry? Therefore, she was also up to her ears in making all sorts of preparations or shutting herself up in the room to practice the weird acupunctures.

On this rare day when Ning Shaoqing wasn’t busy, he started to analyze for her the possible contingencies on the journey to the capital.

He told her that a smooth and safe trip was barely possible and accounted the potential enemies that might pop up on the way.

The first were the bitchy mother and son.

The second were people of the Mo family.

The third were Tong guards.

By telling her Tong guards, he didn’t mean to bad-mouth Tong Zijing, but because he must let her know all the potential dangers.

Mo Qianxue didn’t understand why Tong guards would attack them, so Ning Shaoqing explained that old Tong wanted her to become his daughter-in-law.

This must be made clear to her sooner or later.

The differentiated way that Mo Qianxue treated Tong Zijing from Su Qi and Feng Yuchen had always been a fishbone stuck in Ning Shaoqing’s throat.

Hearing this, Mo Qianxue spouted out the tea in her mouth. Certainly she didn’t believe it and only thought that he was drinking vinegar again. At the sight of his sullen face and at thought that a few days ago, he had forced her to take the medicine, she decided to tease this jar of vinegar for fun...

The Wang village in the afternoon was in extreme quiet which made people sleepy.

“It really is troublesome. But it sounds alright to be his daughter-in-law.” Mo Qianxue joked, “In view of his family background and social status, I have no reason to refuse. Besides, Tong Zijing listens to every word of mine, unlike the man who forced me to...”

In the past, she didn’t dare to tease him like this. Neither would she say something like this. But now, since his poisoned was removed and they were getting more intimate, she believed it was fine to joke with him.

She retaliated him for having mercilessly forced her to take the bitter medicine by pinching her in the nose and pouring the soup in.

The words made Ning Shaoqing’s face changed to black and annoyance at once. He suddenly circled to the back of Mo Qianxue and put his hand around her neck, tightening a little.

Mo Qianxue pretended to scream, which made Ning Shaoqing so distressed that he released her immediately. He knew that she was joking, but he was still irritated. His anger unable to vent out, he instantly took her into his arms and tickled her tickle spots around the waist.

In a while, Mo Qianxue surrendered and begged him to stop, “No...don’t...stop...”

Ning Shaoqing gritted his teeth, “Don’t stop? Then, as you wish...I won’t stop until you’re I also a nice boy? Uh? ...”

“” He must do it on purpose! Mo Qianxue pissed off but couldn’t pronounce clearly from the involuntary laughing. She should have known that she shouldn’t have teased this vinegar jar.

Struggling to collect her breath for a long time, she finally begged again, “Please...forgive me...I won’t dare to say that again...”

“Say something nice, or...” Ning Shaoqing pulled her over and pressed her body against between him and the couch, stopping but not taking away the tickling hands around her waist. They seemed to be starting again at any moment.

Mo Qianxue almost cried from laughing and had to surrender.

“No matter how good-looking and obedient he is, he can’t be as elegant and upright as you’re. My love towards you shall never be changed...”

“Louder. I think my ears have some problem. Say it again.”

“My love towards you shall never be changed...”

In a rage, Mo Qianxue said it so loud that everyone in the yard heard it crystal clear.

Mingyue and Caixia, cooking in the kitchen, had gotten used to it since long ago.

Chuyi and Shiwu, waiting at the door, flushed in an instant.

Asan and Awu, standing guard not far away, looked at each other and shuddered.

The shadow guard looked to the sky, took out two pads of cotton and plugged in his ears.

Ning Shaoqing smiled happily and whispered to her, “Nice girl!” Then, he gently sucked her red earlobe and exhaled heated breath around her neck.

Mo Qianxue’s body became stiff at once!

The sudden attack really caught her by surprise. Just now it was itchy and now numb...


“Do you dare to talk nonsense next time?”

They fooled around for some more time. Then Mo Qianxue jumped off the bed. A psychological trauma would be developed if she continued this in the bright daylight again. If anyone came to knock at the door again, she would definitely dig a hole in the ground and sneak into it.

Looking at the red teeth marks on Ning Shaoqing’s neck, she was quite complacent. Anyway, she didn’t lose totally.

Ning Shaoqing didn’t force her because if this continued, either he or she couldn’t hold it anymore.

The horseplay made the previous annoyance disappear completely.

Combing her hair and tidying up her clothes, Mo Qianxue smiled, “Why don’t you teach me some martial art?” After practicing the acupunctures for many days, she was a little itchy for more. If she knew some martial art, probably she would be helpful at crucial moment.

Ning Shaoqing lied on hand and used the other to comb the wayward hair around his face, looking leisurely and languid. His eyes hanging, he seemed to be thinking for a moment, “Why not. There is a set of palm kungfu suitable for you.”

Mo Qianxue had expected that he agreed so soon, so she was very excited, “What is it?”

The first time she saw him using palm was against Su Qi. At that time, one blow of palm wind, Su Qi and the bucket full of water that she had been put into were pushed away to the wall.

The second time was, according to Shiwu, Ning Shaoqing walking out of the room and forcing lord Chen and his two guards to take several steps back.

It seemed that his palm kungfu must be excellent. What he was going to teach her couldn’t be bad.

Ning Shaoqing smiled cryptically, “I haven’t named this palm kungfu yet. I created it on my own and studied it specially for you a few days ago. Later, when you master it, you give it a name.”

The excited little face of Mo Qianxue instantly pulled long. A set of palm kungfu that had just created by him couldn’t be very powerful.

She pouted and responded unwillingly, “If so, I can make myself learn it.” Then she couldn’t help expressing her confusion and asking, “Are you sure the thing you just created won’t do any harm to me?”

Ning Shaoqing eyed her, “You distrust me like this?”

He half-leaned on the cough, elegant and agile like a panther, yet his prolonged tone gave her a sense of threat. She believed that once she displayed a slightest trace of doubt, he would instantly rush over, speedy and fierce like a panther.

She, a master at reading the air, put on a smile at once, “No! No way! How is that possible? My husband is the most brilliant, talented, resourceful man in the world. Your palm kungfu must be hundred times better than those created by predecessors.”

“These sound nice.” Satisfied, Ning Shaoqing got up, pulled Mo Qianxue to stand in the middle of the room, and instructed seriously, “First, take a deep breath and raise up your qi from elixir field...”

Mo Qianxue inhaled deeply, puzzled, “Where is elixir field...?”

“Cough, cough...” Ning Shaoqing seemed to have been choked by his own saliva. He fought it back and continued, “Skip this. Now spread out your right palm.”

Mo Qianxue followed seriously.

He went on, “Close the four fingers to form a natural angle with your thumb.”

Mo Qianxue did it.

He stuck out his palm and said, “Now put your right palm opposite my left palm.”

She followed his instruction and asked, “Are you going to transfer a little authentic qi to me?”

In TV series, martial arts transferred authentic qi to each other by touching palms. She didn’t know where elixir qi lied or have any authentic qi, so she guessed she couldn’t create powerful palm wind.

Mo Qianxue still looked serious, but Ning Shaoqing was struggling to hold back his laughing.

Upon Mo Qianxue’s palm touched that of his, he suddenly turned it over and tightly grabbed it.

She looked at him, baffled. Finally, he couldn’t hold it back and laughed naughtily, “Dinner is ready. Let’s go.” Then, holding her hand, he walked out.

When they got out, she spotted his curved lips, shook their holding hands, understood, and commented, “This palm kungfu is excellent indeed. Let’s name it Love Palm.”

Ning Shaoqing raised his eyebrows and smiled, not talking. Martial art couldn’t be mastered overnight! Even if she didn’t know it, he could protect her when in danger.

Mo Qianxue smiled, happy and proud.

She never expected him, a serious shy jealous gentle lord, could also be naughty and romantic.

Besides, at this moment when the storm was going to burst, he could remain so calm and self-composed. Holding his hand, Mo Qianxue felt so safe and secured. She believed that one day, everything would be on the right track.


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