The Lady's Sickly Husband

Chapter 122: Chuyi’s Narrative

Chapter 122: Chuyi’s Narrative

Translator: Antonia

At the sight of Mo Qianxue leaning feebly on the couch, Shiwu rushed over upon entering the room but was deflected by Ning Shaoqing’s raising arm. Then she kneeled before the couch and greeted nervously, “Lady, are you well?”

Mo Qianxue nodded. This girl didn’t talk much and straight-tempered, seemingly rude, but the earnest and sincerity in her eyes couldn’t be hidden, making her an amiable and eager person.

While Shiwu talked, Chuyi got near too, kneeling down and kowtowing hard, “Please punish us for our mistake.”

Lady leaned on the couch, looking frail but with peaceful expression. The man sitting next to her held her hands intimately, with a lingering trace of amorous air in the room. Lady’s choice was obvious.

Seeing Chuyi kowtowing, Shiwu hurriedly imitated her, so fretful that lady might, like last time they met, refuse to recognize them as her servants again.

The two girls were bowed in back and foreheads touching the ground, a gait making Ning Shaoqing slightly touched, but Mo Qianxue was speechless. To be honest, just meeting them, she had no idea of the mistake they were talking about.

At that time, the situation was chaotic. One party was lady’s cousin who had brought them here, a half-lord to them, while the other party was lady’s husband whom was yet to be recognized by lady and whom they had never met.

It was reasonable for them to hesitate and not join in the fight. She wasn’t one of the ancient masters who enjoyed punishing servants for insignificant reasons or even kill them.

Of the two girls, one was straightforward and the other was sophisticated, and both knew martial arts. They were rare talents indeed.

Besides, their loyalty could be seen from their endeavor to have tried every means in search of her and travelled thousands of miles to be here. If anything might happen in the future, they could be a great help.

Mo Qianxue pondering about these and didn’t talk, but Chuyi and Shiwu thought she was angry at them and didn’t want them, so they kowtowed again and kept the foreheads touching the ground, not daring to raise up.

“Please punish us.” This time, the girls said unanimously.

Shiwu was straightforward but not stupid. Now, seeing lady sitting hand in hand with the man, she understood everything already.

She was a great fan of martial arts, so just now when she had witnessed Ning Shaoqing flying to the sky with domineering palm wind in every direction, she had already admitted his superior.

The ancient time valued rank and order, so a person acting too amiable would not be regarded as friendly but less authoritative and respectable. Therefore, since they believed they were wrong, then they were wrong. Masters didn’t need to explain to servants.

Mo Qianxue slightly waved her hand, “Get up. This time, I don’t punish you since you’re loyal to me.”

Then, after exempting them from punishment, she suddenly lowered her voice and said coldly, “If the same happened again, then don’t stay with me anymore.”

Giving both carrots and sticks is the art of leadership. She had been a leader in her company, so she mastered the trick very well.

Chuyi answered respectfully, “Yes.” Then she stood up. Yet, Shiwu refused to get up and remained kneeling, lifting her tearful face, “I will never leave lady in the future unless I died. Madam has given me to lady; unless madam ordered me to leave, or I’ll never go. Even when I died, I must died before lady. Lady, you can’t drive me away.”

Her madam had gone and could never make an order again, so Shiwu meant only death would separate her from her lady.

The loyalty even moved Ning Shaoqing.

A loyal girl indeed. Mo Qianxue took a glance at her and appeased, “As long as you do the right thing, why would I let you go? Get up. What a little girl you are to cry at this age! Come on.”

The words sounded critical but the tone was intimate. Instantly, Shiwu burst into laughter and got up. In view that they kept stealing a glimpse at Ning Shaoqing, Mo Qianxue added, “Come here. This is my husband, your lord.”

This was an official introduction of Ning Shaoqing and an announcement of her attitude towards him.

The two servants bowed to him before Ning Shaoqing finally smiled.

Mo Qianxue adjusted to a more comfortable position and looked to Chuyi, “Chuyi, earlier you said we were attacked by assassins, what happened next?”

Chuyi was puzzled, “Lady, you still didn’t remember the past?”

“Several fragments flashed in my mind but quickly disappeared. When I tried to think again, my head ached.” Mo Qianxue then rubbed her head. She was telling the truth. Her head ached because of the sudden announcement of her identity.

“Do you want to take a break first?” Ning Shaoqing frowned.

Mo Qianxue shook her head, gave him a reliving look, and let Chuyi continue. She didn’t want to guess anymore. The sooner she figured it out, the sooner she could rest assured.

Ning Shaoqing didn’t insist in view that she was so eager to know her past. Hence, he turned slightly to let her lean more comfortably against his body.

In a hurry, Chuyi and Shiwu lowered their heads not to see them directly. Both of them had this idea: This lord seemed to be good-tempered and considerate to lady.

“Lady, if you suffer a headache, then don’t think about it. Let me tell you everything.” Streamlining her thought, Chuyi began in her crisp voice, “After we were attacked, nanny let Xiaonian, who was of similar size with lady, exchanged clothes and accessories with you...

Then, nanny was heavily injured. All of the guards died on the spot. Danian was killed too. Xiaonian jumped off the cliff. Shiwu and I protected you to have broken out of their encirclement, but we escaped in such a hurry that by accident, you fell into a river and pushed away by the stream.

The stream was rushing, and there seemed to be a whirlpool. Shiwu and I dived into the water and also lost each other because we had been exhausted.

When I woke up, I was on the other side of the bank. And when I went back to look for you, I just couldn’t you.

Therefore, I went back home to report and planned to let your uncle send more people when news came in the capital that you were dead.

Lord Feng hurriedly reached the capital, but the Mo Family quickly held the funeral in the excuse that the weather was hot and you were unmarried. At last, lord Feng managed to meet with injured nanny and got to know that the one in the coffin was Xiaonian instead of lady. Your uncle and lord Chen sent out many people to leave no stone unturned, but they only found the badly injured Shiwu.

Since the situation wasn’t normal, the investigation went on secretly because we feared to alert the one behind the scene and put lady into danger again, so it took us almost a year to find you. Sorry, lady.”

By her narrative, the whole story including the movements in the capital, the attitude of the Mo family and the Feng family was all clear.

Mo Qianxue waved her hand, saying she was tired, and let Chuyi and Shiwu leave.

By Chuyi’s ability, she could easily settle down in this small house, without Mo Qianxue’s special arrangement.

Afterwards, Mo Qianxue remained leaning in Ning Shaoqing’s arms. She must sort it out and digest all the information.

Ning Shaoqing hugged her and didn’t talk, from time to time helping comb her hair with his fingers, without disturbing her contemplation.

In fact, he was also immersed in his thought.

As her identity came to sight, it completely disrupted his original plan.

Now, it seemed that it wouldn’t take long before they returned to the capital, which was inevitable.

However, he still needed to wait.

He needed the guiding herb to cure his poison so that he was able to guarantee her safety on the way back to and in the capital.


At the Ning mansion in the capital.

Rare plants and flowers were everywhere to be seen. Vines intertwined to form a shield; dense-leafed trees created shadow. The houses and pavilions with exquisitely caved paintings erected one after another. One more step taken, a different yet still beautiful picture could be seen.

In the thermal pavilion deep in a courtyard stood a group of servant girls and nannies. A luxuriously dressed woman was enjoying top quality tea in an elaborate posture and appreciating a bottle of flowers that she had just designed and trimmed.

A young man with a gloomy face walked over, casually waved his hand to gesture away the servant girls and nannies.

“Any news about him?” The noble woman didn’t look up and continue to blow her tea.

The youth didn’t seem to care, leaning directly on the couch and throwing a piece of refreshment on the tea table right into his mouth.

“No. I got the news that the root of the rare flower appeared a few days ago and felt strange. That is the guiding herb to cure his poison. Is there anyone else who suffers the same poison?”

The noble woman put down the teacup, slamming heavily on the table to make a violent sound. Her elegance was gone, “Where is it? Be sure to destroy it at all costs!”

The air in the room became sullen because of the noise and her ruthless face.

Hearing the woman’s nervous shouting, the luxuriously dressed youth laughed, looking quite complacent, “Shame that we didn’t have a chance. I heard that someone destroyed the herb already.”

“You sure?” The woman was first puzzled and then couldn’t help laughing loudly after seeing the youth’s joyful smile, “Hahaha! The heaven wishes his death. We’re not the one to blame. Shaoyu, at present, even if we don’t take actions, he won’t live long.”

Ning Shaoyu nodded but added, “We must meet him, either in person or his corpse. I wouldn’t appear to be a loving brother unless I held his funeral in person.”

But for the sneer on his face, no one would have believed that an innocent-looking could say such a vicious thing.

Concubine Xie not only didn’t reflect on the abnormal education her son had received but also looked so gratified, “Yu my good son, you’re right. Only personally sending him to hell will look up to the expectation of the dead old man.”

Then, Ning Shaoyu smirked, “Mom. I always find it strange.”

Concubine Xie asked, “How?”

A ghost of distain was detectable in Ning Shaoqing’s stern tone, “We’ve been getting his news in the west, but every time when we got there, we were a moment late. If this happened once, it might be a coincidence, but if this happened all the time, I find it strange. Mom, do you think he is designing labyrinth for us?”

Xie’s eyes became sharped, “Yes. He has always been sly. We shouldn’t overlook.”

Ning Shaoyu analyzed, “Recently, I’ve been suspecting that he isn’t in the west at all, but the opposite. He’s in the east.”

Xie asked nervously, “Then have you sent people to look into it?”

Ning Shaoyu replied, “I’m sending people to Wantong, Jinmo, Tianxiang, and Changyou. I believe we’ll get more news soon.”


At the Mo mansion in the capital.

In the meeting room, sat a middle-age man and two elders.

A butler-looking man stood and reported respectfully, “Master, reported by hidden guards, the eldest lord Feng and two servant girls of lady Qianxue had successively left Yangzhou and now couldn’t be found.”

The middle-aged man who was called master made an order without thinking, “Send more people in the search.”

“Yes.” The butler took the order and left.

The old man on the left asked, “Isn’t that girl dead? What is the Feng family up to?” The old man on the right said, “The Feng family never gave up in looking for the girl. Don’t think that we don’t know what they are up to. They just want that title. Hem! No way.”

The master of the Mo family said, “We can never be too careful. At this critical moment, any trouble mustn’t be aroused.”

“Yes.” The old man on the right nodded, “When the body of the girl was found, although the clothes and accessories were hers, the face were totally scratched by branches. There must be something.”

“Your words make sense, second uncle.” The master instantly pulled his face. This point was also a thorn in his heart. The reason why they had hastened to held the funeral was also because of this.

The earlier her death was announced to the world, the earlier they could obtain the title of duke since the former duke didn’t have any sons.

He had made an arrangement long ago. As soon as the one-year anniversary of the former duke passed, a boy in the family would be selected as his stepped son, and then an application letter for the entitling would be sent to the Emperor.

With such a justified reason, the Emperor had no excuse to refuse.

Of course, the candidate had been decided. The so-called selection was only to be carried out to settle the feuds among the family members as well as to justify himself and prevent undesirable public voice.

The title belonged to the Mo family, so the heir must be a member with Mo blood. How could it be granted to an outsider as a dowry. How ridiculous!

Mo Tianfang must have been meddle-headed by the woman surnamed Feng.

He should cherish a woman who couldn’t give birth to a son like a treasure and swear not to take concubines.

He should love a sickly frail daughter so much as to grant the title to her as her dowry.


Thinking of this, the man flew into a furry again, shouting, “Come in.”

Two men in suit standing outside flashed in. With a gloomy face, he ordered, “Send more people to watch over that nanny Mo.”



By the time when Mo Qianxue and Ning Shaoqing began to have dinner, Chuyi had not only perfectly arranged the accommodation Shiwu and herself and put Mingyue and Caixia on a busy track.

“Mingyue, lady and lord have taken a rest and is ready to have dinner now...”

“Caixia, go and get some water for lady and lord to wash hands...”

As Chuyi requested, Mingyue cooked the dishes, and Caixia handed over handkerchiefs. Mo Qianxue and Ning Shaoqing washed hands and sat at the table. Chuyi, standing next to her, picked dishes for Mo Qianxue.

Today, many dishes were made in a more exquisite way and mostly the ones to Mo Qianxue and Ning Shaoqing’s likings. It could be seen that Chuyi had made much preparation.

As long as Mo Qianxue’s eyes turned to a dish, Chuyi would quickly pick for her right in time.

Mo Qianxue couldn’t help nodding approvingly. She had expected that Chuyi was not only a martial artist, but also clear-minded and a good manager.

Without being informed beforehand, she was indeed a capable person to complete such perfect work. Mo Qianxue had always appreciated capable people.

The servants that she wanted must be first loyal and second capable. Although Mingyue and Caixia had received some training and was able to do their work in accordance with the code, they didn’t have much experience or a broad horizon. How could they be compared to Chuyi who was a professional? It was good to let them be trained by Chuyi.

As the saying goes, employ a person that you trust; and once you employ a person, trust him/her. Since she had kept Chuyi around her, she had trust in Chuyi’s loyalty.

Therefore, Mo Qianxue didn’t intend to correct or disrupt the rhythm of her work. She regarded it as Chuyi’s ability to push Mingyue and Caixia around.

Certainly Mo Qianxue was willing to live more comfortably and effortlessly.

However, although she appreciated Chuyi’s ability, she wouldn’t let her go too far. After dinner, Mo Qianxue convened Chuyi, Shiwu, Mingyue and Caixia to hold a talk, the content of which were no other things than tactfully warned Chuyi that although she wouldn’t step in the training of Mingyue and Caixia, she wouldn’t support her to bully them either.

She did need loyal and capable people, but she also needed harmony between servants.

After living together for two months, Mo Qianxue knew Mingyue and Caixia well. They weren’t stupid nor sophisticated. With time and good training, they would become people of great help too.

Afterwards, Mo Qianxue took Mingyue and Caixia to visit sister Fang. She hadn’t pay attention to the tofu workshop, so she had to check the account books and assign new tasks.


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