The Lady's Sickly Husband

Chapter 112: Reconsideration

Chapter 112: Reconsideration

Translator: Antonia

“Lord.” The three guards called out at the same time, voice full of anxiety.

This was the sign of the cold poison breaking out!

They all knew that lord had used authentic qi for several times today so that the cold poison was triggered ahead of time, but they didn’t expect that it could come so soon and so fierce.

They had thought that even lord had used a little authentic qi, he would be fine after adjustment when coming back, and that even if it would be triggered ahead of time, it should be at least a year later.

Anyway, the weird doctor had contacted them and he had found the guiding herb. Only after the snow melt and spring came when the herb could be picked up, the cure would be ready. They didn’t have to wait for a year.

Certainly, they didn’t know that in the carriage, fearing that Mo Qianxue would suffer chronic disease from coldness in the future, Ning Shaoqing had used his own authentic qi to force out the cold from her body.

It took him a quarter to completely force out the cold with authentic qi, which was much more energy-consuming than fighting.

Of course, at that time, Ning Shaoqing had expect an assassination on their way back. Even if he had, he still wouldn’t let Mo Qianxue suffer.

Seeing lord was shaking violently, the shadow guard quickly held him to sit down on the ground.

Ning Shaoqing crossed his legs and instantly began to run his qi to wrap the cold poison deeper within.

In a short while, there was frost on his eyebrows and hair and cold sweat on his forehead.

Seeing this, the shadow guard didn’t hesitate to put his palms onto the center of Ning Shaoqing’s back to transmit his qi to Ning Shaoqing and help him to control the rampantly running cold qi.

With the help of the shadow guard, in a quarter, the frost on Ning Shaoqing’s face gradually dissipated, and his purple lips turned blue and lighter...

When Ning Shaoqing finally stopped, the shadow guard collapsed to the ground.

“Lord, I’ve tired my best. The poison can only be suppressed for a hundred days. If it broke out in a hundred days, it can no longer be suppressed by merely authentic qi.” Finishing this, the shadow guard passed out.

One hundred days? Then, they must make sure to obtain the cure quickly. Asan and Awu astonished.


Ning Shaoqing raised his hand to stop them from advising and only emphasized, “Don’t tell lady about this.”


The next morning, Mo Qianxue woke up early after a good sleep in warmth.

She stretched out and turned to find Ning Shaoqing was still asleep. The elegant face seemed a little sullen and his breath sounded a little faster than usual.

With the cold poison in his body, he had fought with Su Qi and then driven the cold for her and then fought with the robbers. He must be exhausted.

Therefore, Mo Qianxue gently tucked the quilt for him and then got dressed and walked out of the room without making a noise.

Upon taking an air, she felt so refreshed, exclaiming that the authentic qi of ancient people was so amazing.

Yesterday, she had been soaked in icy water for an hour, but her body kept warm after Ning Shaoqing had driven the cold out of her body so that she had a great sleep last night. When she woke up today, she didn’t catch a cold but was in high spirits.


Tong Zijing had made up his mind yesterday and had gotten up at five o’clock to practice martial arts.

At this moment, he had finished practicing and come back. At the sight of Mo Qianxue, he rushed over to show off his fruitful morning and proposed to demonstrate what he had learned for Mo Qianxue in the yard.

Mo Qianxue feared that he might wake out Ning Shaoqing who was in sound sleep, so in order not to let Tong Zijing down, she pulled him to the outer yard for demonstration.

It wasn’t regular punches at all. He looked so much like a money, making Mo Qianxue giggling nonstop.

However, Asan and Awu, standing behind Mo Qianxue, couldn’t help grinding their teeth loudly.

The sound was so loud that Mo Qianxue could hear it a few meters away.

Mo Qianxue knew that they never liked Tong Zijing, thought they were just jealous on behalf of their lord, and didn’t care.

Then, on a second thought, she had almost rushed to another man and felt a little guilty, so she didn’t talk much with Tong Zijing and left soon after giving him some encouragement.

She walked back to the inner room and found Ning Shaoqing was still in sound sleep, frowning.

Ning Shaoqing rarely slept like this. He must be exhausted! She should cook something nutritious for him. Then, she went to the kitchen to make porridge for him.

Ever since Nizi came, she seldom cooked herself.

The porridge took a long time of stewing. After an hour, it was ready, and Ning Shaoqing also woke up.

Seeing him in bad condition, she pressed him back into bed and insisted to feed him with a spoon.

Ning Shaoqing didn’t want to eat in bed, so after Mo Qianxue brought over the porridge, she held him to sit on the couch and find a blanket to wrap him.

Yet, Ning Shaoqing pulled her over to sit on his lap and said in a husky voice, “I’m hungry.”

Mo Qianxue didn’t mind his behavior due to his exhaustion yesterday and low spirits today, so with all her patience and gentleness, she began to feed him bite by bite.

Seeing that he was satisfied with the porridge and fixed his eyes on her, Mo Qianxue, in a good mood, asked him with a smile, “How do you like it?”

Ning Shaoqin’s eyebrows leaped in satisfaction with the food, but his voice sounded casual, “Not bad.”

“Just not bad?” Then, Mo Qianxue pretended not to feed him anymore. It took her a strong hour to make the porridge, using a variety of materials to stew slowly.

Just not bad?

Seeing her pouting lips, Ning Shaoqing hurriedly replied with a pleasing smile, “Very delicious.”

This was right. The corners of her lips curled up, and she gave him one more spoonful and continued to ask, “How is this delicious?”

Ning Shaoqing reached out and rubbed her hair, “Upon reaching my throat, the whole body is warmed up. No kind of scare and expensive food is better than your porridge.”

Mo Qianxue laughed with joy and fed him more dutifully.

The couple, one feeding and the other eating, seemed to forget all the unpleasantness of yesterday.

Ning Shaoqing ate half bowl of the porridge and remembered that Mo Qianxue didn’t eat any, so he urged, “You have some too.”

“I’ve had breakfast.” The porridge used expensive ingredients, and she only cooked one bowl of it.

Then, Ning Shaoqing didn’t insist and continued to enjoy being fed by Mo Qianxue until the porriage was eaten up. A happy smile hung on his face all the time, as if the porridge was really more delicious than any other rare food in the world.

After he finished, Mo Qianxue wiped his mouth, put down the bowl, stood before him and carefully regarded him for a long time.

Actually, she wanted to ask him how was his body? She wanted to ask about the masked men. She also wanted to asked whether his health would be effected after he sent her his authentic qi...

However, Ning Shaoqing leaned against the couch on one hand and put his jaw on the other, smiling and staring at her. Then, she didn’t want to ask anything.

With loving distress, she caressed Ning Shaoqing’s one strand of wayward hair, “Don’t do this again.”

“Do what?”

She gave him a glimpse and scolded, “Take care of yourself.” Even if her body was invaded by the cold, she would be fine later. However, it wasn’t easy for him to recover. She really didn’t know what to do if his cold poison broke out.

“I will take care of myself.” Ning Shaoqing saw tears in her eyes and felt a surge of warmth flowing through his heart. He took hold of her hands, put them behind her back, embraced her waist and buried his head around her belly, rubbing and swinging like playing cute.

Instantly, Mo Qianxue’s heart became as soft as cotton. The tears that didn’t drop was gone. She took out one hand to stroke his hair.

His rubbing lit a fire within her.

What was going on? Wasn’t that drug gone?

Or, was the old virgin turned on again?

She couldn’t figure it out and stopped to think about it. Clearing her throat, Mo Qianxue tried to disguise it, “Shaoqing, stop’s itchy...”

Ning Shaoqing stayed motionless for a while at her belly and then slowly looked up. Mo Qianxue swore that at that moment she saw murderousness in his eyes.

Yet, she deliberately ignored it and only said that he still looked unwell from the tiredness and that he should take more rest, then she urged Ning Shaoqing to lie back in bed. Ning Shaoqing, unable to dissuade her, insisted that she lie with him.

Mo Qianxue coaxed him into his quilt and then climbed out of the bed, giving Ning Shaoqing a glimpse and saying that they had discussed that today she would go downtown to buy two servant girls and she would stay by his side when she came back.

Nizi couldn’t stay at home all day long. At night, she went back home with sister Guihua. Now there were too many people living here, which always kept her so busy that she needed to push around sister Fang from time to time.

Sister Fang didn’t complain, but she felt a little improper.

There was one more important thing that Ning Shaoqing understood even if she didn’t mention.

That was, next time she went out, without people around her, she wouldn’t be so silly to fall into a trap again.

Therefore, buying servant girls was really important.

Ning Shaoqing had noticed uncle Yu about this, who had already selected some candidates and waited for her to make the final decision. But for the incident happened last night, now the girls should be serving at home.

Ning Shaoqing released Mo Qianxue’s hands, closed his eyes and fell into contemplation. From this day, life wouldn’t be peaceful anymore. He needed to think it through again.

His initial thought was that after the cold poison was cured, he would spend the rest of his life in this quiet village, peaceful, safe and happy.

He didn’t want to be burdened with those responsibilities anymore or to rack his brains on the conspiracies and intrigues against one another or to see the disgusting faces again.

He just needed to wait until everything was settled in the capital. When that younger brother sat on the position and understood his disdain for it, he would take Mo Qianxue to meet his father. And then, if father was willing to, he would take father to the Wang village to enjoy a peaceful and harmonious life together.

However, his dream was too dreamy, and the reality was too realistic.

So far, it has been a year. As long as he deliberately left a hint, that mother and son would attack unsparingly like a tiger chasing after a hare. There wasn’t any trace to suggest that they would give up. Besides, the fifth lady Jian should step in suddenly and trap Mo Qianxue? All this was attributed to one reason that they were nobody.

That old Tong was even more unforgivable to kill try kill him. The old bastard should go to hell with his filthy thought. Now he should really take actions? Was he taking him as a pushover? With people of different parties pushing him, he must reconsider the position that he had disdained. He knew that Qianxue wouldn’t like that kind of life either, so that would be the last resort. He didn’t want to baffle her.

But if that day really came, he wouldn’t be caught off guard. He was modest to call himself a strategic man who could win a battle one thousand miles away, but at least he was able to predict ten more steps when taking one step.

Seeing him releasing her hand and lying quietly in bed, Mo Qianxue lightly walked out of the room.

Awu had prepared the carriage. Mo Qianxue assigned tasks for the workers and Nizi and then got on board. As long as she left, Ning Shaoqing called Asan in and gave him four missions in one breath.

First, to dispatch two hidden guards from Tianxiang city to follow and protect lady in the future.

Second, to send messenger pigeons to the west and withdraw some hidden guards.

Third, to secretly send the letter that he had written last night to lord Lu.

Forth, to asked uncle Yu to help arrange a ‘good marriage’ for the fifth lady Jian.

There were altogether thirty hidden guards who were said to have been trained personally by the shadow guards. They were the hidden power of lord. In the capital, lord had never used these people.

It was until when Asan, Awu and the shadow guards had found lord and when lord fell in love with lady and then regained hope for life that these hidden guards were deployed again.

Asan vaguely knew that there was a dozen hidden guards dispatched in the west to confuse the mother and son.

After they obtained hints of the strange doctor’s whereabouts, lord dispatched eight hidden guards to protect the doctor.

There were still several that had been sent out to perform secret missions, leaving the rest at Tingfengquan to await orders.

“Yes.” Asan bowed and folded fists to receive the tasks. There wasn’t room for him to question any of lord’s orders.

The first three were fine to him. But as to the last one, Asan disagreed.

Although lord did mention the details of what had happened yesterday, Asan was able to figure it out because he and Awu had been around with lord after birth to practice martial arts together with him and they were familiar with the filthy methods of forging a marriage in the backyard of a big family. He didn’t think that they should leave the fifth lady Jian alive.

Of course, Asan understood what lord meant by ‘good marriage’, but this was too easy for that bitch.

Lord was smart and decisive but also too benevolent to employ unsparing methods.

Probably, lord believed that a ‘good marriage’ could stop the bitch from casting her greedy eyes on lord and at the same time let her regret for a life. Or probably, lord scorned to used despicable tricks on a week woman.

Nevertheless, regardless of either thought, Asan didn’t care. He, Awu and the shadow guard had sworn to take advantage of lord’s this ‘shortcoming’ to ‘optimize’ every of his orders. If they didn’t ruin the life of that bitch, how could she be a perfect match of a ‘good marriage’. He wouldn’t let the bitch have any chance to free herself from the ‘good marriage’.

It was the most hideous mistake she had committed to trap their lady and almost make lord die of the breakout of the cold poison.


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