The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 451: I Love You

Chapter 451: I Love You

"Why did she call me behind the school?" Das wondered as he thought, 'The exam results were announced last night, and I checked her results first rather than mine.'

"I am happy she passed." Das couldn't focus on his studies during exams and kept worrying about Elena.

Das didn't want Elena to get expelled. If Elena had gotten expelled, Das was ready to leave the high school and follow Elena wherever she went.

Das reached the back of the school, concluding that Elena called him to thank him for all the things he did for her.

"So this is farewell, huh?"

'What was I thinking? Everyone is the same in the end. They will come to you when they need you and then leave you alone when they don't need you anymore.'

'Why did I think that she was different?'

'Well I just need to spend some days online, and I will go back to how it was before.'

Das dejectedly closed his eyes and waited for Elena to come.

After about a minute or so, Elena came rushing and said, "I am here."

Das and Elena hadn't met for more than two weeks now.

Das opened his eyes and saw Elena. He remembered how lonely he felt when he didn't see and talked to Elena for two weeks.

'How can I survive without her? I can't imagine my life without her.'

Das knew it was impossible for him to live without Elena.

He gulped down as he prepared himself, "So, why did you call me here?"

Elena's face slightly flushed as she muttered, "I am sorry for not contacting you for the past few days."

"It's fine. You were sick, so there is no need to say sorry."

"Also." Elena muttered something in a low voice.

"Hmm? What was that?"

"Did you hear it?"

"No, you were speaking in a low voice, so I couldn't hear it. Can you speak it again?"

Elena shook her head. "That's not what I am talking about."

"What do you mean? I don't understand what you are talking about. Please be more clear."

"On that phone, did you hear what I said in the end?"

"You mean yesterday?"

Elena shook her head again and said in a loud voice, "The last time we talked on my birthday night."

"Oh!" Das recalled hearing something, but it shrugged it off as some disturbance. "I didn't."

Elena's face flushed a little more as she sighed, "I see."

"What was it?"

Elena's face flushed even more.

"Come on, tell already. What did you say? And why did you call me here?"



"I want to know more about you."

"..." Das tendered with a puzzled look on his face. 'What is that supposed to mean?'

"Believe me, if you try to know more about me, you will just end up hating me," Das replied.

'I have sides which you have never seen I have done things which you can never imagine.'

"That's not true! I.." Elena stopped and took a deep breath.

"I I lo--"


The bell rang, and Das couldn't hear what Elena said.

'What did she say? I and then what? I heard 'lo' only.'

Das' widened his eyes as he gasped, 'Is it what I am thinking is it?'

Das placed his hand on his chin and wondered. 'That's the only word I can think of.' Das finally came to a conclusion.

'She was trying to say, 'I loathe you'.' He came to a wrong conclusion.

Das looked at Elena to see her face red as blood.

She had finally gathered her courage to confess to him, but the bell censored it.

Elena was about to cry on her luck. 'Is this the sign that I will get rejected?' Elena wondered.

Here Das was convinced it was 'Loathe', and looked at Elena. "So?"

Still, Das wanted to make sure, or rather, he wanted to hear it from Elena's mouth.

"I" Elena summoned up her courage and yelled, "I love you!"

"...." Das stared blankly at Elena and tried to process her words.

Seconds passed, and seconds turned into minutes.

Elena glanced at Das with her flushed face, "So?"

Das was still staring at her like his brain had died, and he couldn't understand what Elena said.

"Can you repeat it again?"

Elena was about to cry from embarrassment, but she had come this far, so she had no intention to fall back now.

"I love you."

"Love as in?" Das asked with a confused face.

"As a boy."

"Yeah, but like how?" Das himself didn't know what he was saying.

"I want to go out with you." 

With that statement, Das realized what Elena meant, and his face flushed a little.

"What do you mean by you love me? Like romantically? And you want to go out with me? Like dating?"

Elena nodded.

"Is this some kind of prank?"

Elena shook her head.

"Are you being one hundred percent serious?"

"I am one thousand percent serious."

"...." Das looked at Elena for a while and tried to figure out the situation.

'Is this dream?' That was his first thought.

"Why do you want to date me? I have treated you so harshly, and I don't see any reason for you to fall in love with me."

"That's not true! I love you because of that! I love you when you are angry! I love you when you are cute! I love you when you are sulking! I love everything about you!"

Even though half of the things she said made no sense, it was effective.

All those dark and painful feelings from Das' heart disappeared.

Elena looked at Das and waited for his reply, but he just stared back at her.

"Please tell me your answer."

"What answer?"

"Will you date me?"

Das took a deep breath and answered, "I don't date gamer girls."

Elena's eyes widened as though she never expected a rejection like this. "I will stop playing games, so please go out with me!"

'Why is she going this far? Nothing good will happen if you love someone like me.'

'I am a killer, and I have killed many people. Not only that, I get attacked almost every day. If you stay with me, then one day you might get attacked too. I don't want that.'

Elena had already started crying, and Das was weak against that.

'But I can't I want to be with her too.' Das once again glanced at Elena, who was trying to wipe her tears.

'I need to change myself. I will kill that company boss and then end everything.'

'After that, I can live my life as a normal high school boy.

The only reason Das didn't want to be with Elena was the danger-- of himself. Daas was very well aware of his personality, and he knew that there would be no sane girl who would want to date someone like him.

Still, Elena confessed to him and asked him to go out with her. If Das wanted to date her, he would have to leave everything behind, and for that, he needed to take care of his unfinished business.

Das looked at Elena and nodded, then said with a gentle smile on his face, "I will go out with you."


Hey guys, This is NoWoRRyMan. I have one announcement.

This novel is doing very badly for the past 2 months, and the stats decreased by 95%. I waited for more than a month to see if everything goes back to normal or not-- but it didn't. (less than 50 readers are reading this book despite having such high collections. This makes no sense and makes me more depressed. You can even tell it by the power stones.) 

I had one more mini-arc after this one (in the back story itself) and planned to end this novel after that, but sadly, things have been hard on me. The lack of motivation after seeing those stats and depression and everything is beating me really hard, and I can't go one like this, so I have decided to end this novel here.

Thank you for reading until here and supporting me so far. But, this is not the end of this novel. When I was new, and I started writing this novel, I never hoped I would reach this far, and at that time, I promised myself that I will never drop this novel and would continue it even if there is only one reader reading it-- and I plan to fulfill that promise. 

I am not dropping this novel. There are still many things to take care of and many things left for Das to do. He still has to know who Agustus is, and the truth about his system and everything else.

I had three options,

1) Keep writing this novel as I am writing it. But if I had done this, I would be just more and more demotivated.

2) Second was to drop this novel and say goodbye to it. But I would never do this.

3) Third was to write another book as this novel's sequel (and I planned to do this). But that would have just looked like I was trying to force the new reader to read this book to understand the sequel.

So, I came up with a 4th option,

I will write a reboot. The reboot will entirely new story with the same characters. They would be introduced again like a new story, and the story will progress. But don't worry, the story won't repeat; it would be a new story (the same story, but with different events). The events will be different, and after some events, the story will connect to where it left off (chapter 372), so a new reader would also be able to read that book without reading this one.

One more thing about the reboot is that it will be a 3RD person POV, meaning it won't be only Das' POV. As it will be 3rd person pov, like all the other novels, readers would get to know more about other characters and the world, which would help readers get immersed into the story rather than just reading it as Das' POV. 

[I had made many mistakes in the past and destroyed this story. Now that I have gained writing experience as well as have a better grasp of describing the story, I promise you would like it] 

Once again, I thank you all for supporting me until now, and I hope you keep supporting me.

I will soon (in about a month) will start writing the reboot, and the name will be [Corrupted System of Almighty King] (The name might change as I am still not sure how it is). Feedback and suggestion for the name would be appreciated.

Until then, read my other novels if you are interested.

Well, then, see you guys after a month, and I hope you guys support me and read it on . I will try my best. 


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