The King's Game

Chapter 19 - [Black Knight XIX]

Chapter 19 – [Black Knight XIX]

There was no exaggeration. The number of warships assembled at this airport was not small by any means. Anyone who knew anything about the Zerg Legions knew that all the fleets present at this site were the elite fleets of the Legion.

It was not like they had been invited, but it was more like going to demolish someone else’s house.

Leaders of any race had never seen a convoy of this size before. With a slight pull at the corners of their mouths, the two humans now wanted to raise their hands and cover their eyes, just like the black-haired youth not far away.

But of course, there were differences between the two moods. They felt that they had no eyes. But if they were the young king at present, they would probably feel helpless.

“Shen, the reason why you are treated better than me, I know now.” Although the gap was not obvious, but this different treatment still existed, Hammer always had little care about the reason.

“Well, what do you think?” Shen Mu looked at his companion.

“The color of your hair and the color of your eyes, maybe your looks?” The general touched his blonde hair, if he returned to Earth one day, he might consider dyeing his hair black.

“You mean...” Without saying anything, Shen Mu turned his eyes to the black-haired youth sitting on the shoulder of a Tak Zerg, and suddenly felt that it was undeniable.

The Zergs attitude towards their king was totally unconditional submission and favor, and this submission and awe had no bottom line, outsiders could feel it at a glance.

The fleet was really too large, if they took it out of the planet, Gu Huai thought that in nine cases out of ten they would be considered to be invading when they pass through some galaxies.

With Gu Huai’s reasoning, the fleets of each legion reluctantly withdrew two-thirds of their fleets, but the size of the fleet was still several levels higher than that of the general escort.

“Then we’ll wait for you to come back to Tuther.” There was still a need for the head of the Legions to stay in their capital planet. The head of the Third and Fourth Legions knelt down to the youth, with a straight back and bowed heads.

If allowed, all the Zergs would like to follow their king wherever he went, but reality was obviously different.

The young zerg sat on the shoulder of a giant Tak Zerg, followed by two humans.

For the first time, they came into contact with the Zergs’ Yula warship at such a close distance, the living, self-conscious biological warship.

“Ka, Ka.....”

As they approached, they heard the constant noise from the warship, and they were confused.

This sound sounded a bit like something is wrong with the fuselage. Did it mean that the Yula warship was defective?

As soon as they thought of this idea, they heard the voice of the black-haired youth in front of them, “Good, let’s go to Mino Star.”

The whole hull was shaken by the visible magnitude, and the two humans looked at each other in silence.

Okay, they chose to accept the settings.

After entering the interior of the warship, the two men were given their own seats, but since they were allowed to visit all locations outside the command room, how could they possibly stay be seated? This was a Zerg owned warship. If they didn’t grasp the opportunity well, they would feel sorry for themselves.

In the battleship command room, Gu Huai was exploring his ability. Over his index finger, a miniature space whirlpool was spinning quietly.

Since he woke up, Gu Huai had naturally mastered the ability. Although he knew nothing about the principle, Gu Huai felt that he could manipulate this ability freely.

“Completing the first step of maturity, does that mean I will not be sleepy after eating?” After listening to a few reminders of the system, Gu Huai reached out and poked down the space whirlpool and asked his system a question.

System: “Hmm.”

In this magnificent golden eyes, Gu Huai now only saw his reflection. On the contrary, the pale golden pupils seemed to be removed together with light and shadow.

Waking up after the first sleep on the abandoned planet, it looked the same. It was not too bad twice, but it felt very different.

“Chirp.” Seeing the young zerg turn around and sitting on Alves, he bowed his head and kissed the young zerg’s cheek in a logical way,

“Ah Huai.”

There was no doubt that the face of the silver-haired Zerg was extremely beautiful, and under his cold expression he had a little restrained beauty, but at this time he was intimately and carefully pecking the cheek of young zerg in a pleasant and gentle manner.

When a dangerous beast showed meekness to please, it could be very difficult to resist.

“Chirp?” From the young zerg’s cheeks to the corner of his lip, he kissed it tentatively, Alves lowered his eyebrows slightly.

The silver-haired Zerg’s deep voice echoed in the vicinity, puzzled by the overly focused gaze on his pale pupils.

Gu Huai couldn’t respond for a moment until he felt that his lips were rubbed by another warm and soft thing, and his lower lip felt slightly licked.

After licking the young man’s lower lip with the tip of his tongue, the silver-haired Zerg squinted satisfactorily, “Chirp.”

“...” Even after recovering from the magnificent golden color, he didn’t know what to do. Although the soft thing just clinging to his lips have retreated, Gu Huai still couldn’t forget the touch so quickly.

Just like the other in his cub form liked to lay in his arms, now kissing was also used to express his pleasure...

The reason for his indifference was that he was not interested in most things. Alves was not bad at verbal expression, but he usually had no patience to do it.

But some things must be expressed in words and sentences.

“Chu Chu likes Ah Huai.”

About the next second after the silver-haired Zerg had said that, when Gu Huai was behind him, his body could not help but lean back on the back of the chair, and his legs were suddenly occupied by a zerg cub.

Maybe it was to express this “like” by practicing. The white plush cub tiptoed with his hind legs, which he could hardly see when he was leaning over, with the intention of nestling in his arms.

It was hard to resist. It was impossible to say that he wasn’t moved. The zerg’s actions were a foul. Before he could digest the sentence, the other turned into his cub form to distract his attention. Gu Huai could not help but poke at the soft side of the cub on his leg.

However, such poking only made the cub raise its head and chirp, looking perfectly obedient. Short legs, Gu Huai reached out and pinched the forepaw of the pup, which was still padded for the time being, and then hugged it up.

As a person with zero experience in love who had only been involved in work in the original world, even if he changed worlds, his love experience was still zero. But he knew clearly that he was touched, and when kissed by the silver-haired Zerg, he felt no resistance, and the feeling could not be replaced by someone else.

The micro-space whirlpool created recently had long disappeared in its time. Now on the warship, Gu Huai was not good at studying his own abilities, so he simply studied the body structure of the cub in his arms.

While Gu Huai was feeling the wings of his cub, the door of the command room opened. As a confidant, Alger had access to the door.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw such a scene. He had only one thought at the moment. No wonder his boss sent them to the command room.

“It is reported that the warship is moving at full speed, but it will take another forty-one or so jumps to reach Mino.” Before approaching the warship commander’s exclusive seat, Alger bowed to the black-haired youth in his seat, a cub with a slightly silver tail in his arms.

Since there were two humans on the warship, and most importantly, their King’s body was not suitable for continuous transitions, the forty one transitions must be spaced so that the voyage time would inevitably need to be lengthened.

Exploring the movement of the cub’s wings in his arms, Gu Huai nodded and responded, “Now the speed is OK.”

Just to give everyone some time to prepare, if they directly tore up space to transmit, there would probably be a bit of confusion over there, after all, they replied that they would arrive the next day.

The Galaxy of the Suttasha Empire established by the Goblins was very far away from the Zerg’s core territory, longer than the distance from the distant abandoned planet to Tuther, and it took nearly five days to arrive without continuous transitions.

“Red...” From space, the surface of the planet that the warship was approaching were mostly composed of red, white and dark blue. When Gu Huai saw red, he was curious about the planet’s plants.

The trees on Tuther are all black. They were tough Tamu trees. No flowers could survive on Tuther at present. But Tuther was not short of food supply. The neighboring planet was a research based planet dedicated to the production of various resources.

A considerable number of Yula warships had assembled a large fleet, which was approaching the airport in the central city of Mino.

Important locations such as airports would undoubtedly have monitoring sites for planetary alert areas.

If a fleet wanted to land at an airport not belonging to its own planet, it needed to open information verification when it entered the alert range. After the defense network verified the information, it would identify whether it would be admitted or not, and give the corresponding information feedback immediately.

The staff of the monitoring station had a shift system. It was a bright day. The goblins on duty were in a leisurely state. After all, Mino was an SSS level planet, and the goblins were a neutral race. Over the years, Mino, as the first trading planet among stars, had never had a small scale war.

There was new information feedback, but this was normal in Mino. As a well-known trading planet, the airport had innumerable starship exchanges every day.

“What kind of customer is coming? I wish I was a big customer...” A green skinned goblin at the monitoring site, holding a pipe and rocking a chair, casually glanced at the virtual panel, and the last word of his sentence was stuck in his throat.

Black fleet of warships, Yula warships.

The goblin’s pipe fell to the ground. The goblin hands shook as he pressed the alarm. It was not until he calmed down that he remembered that they had been told that the Zergs would be invited to visit in the near future.

Hearing the eight words ‘Zerg will be invited to visit’, the goblins in the monitoring site all agreed that they had misheard, of course, them and the airport staff were in the same mood.

“What big client is making you this excited?” The goblin in charge of monitoring another area looked aside when he heard the sound of the pipe falling, and then suddenly stood up.

The closer the dark warships approached, the clearer the battleship images reflected in the monitoring stations.

This was a visit.

If it hadn’t been clear that they had received the above instructions, the goblins at the monitoring station would have called the police at the first glance when they saw the dark and oppressive warships, in a true and literal sense.

“So many, the location of the airport does not have enough, even the destroyer level warships have –” Understanding the characteristics of the Yula warship, the goblin was now facing the next communications device, “let the airport arrange a dedicated reception area, and then hurry and do a broadcast, otherwise it will certainly cause fear. Panic.”

This was the most correct approach, but even if the situation was reported in advance, the turmoil in the area was still inevitable.

When a group of Zerg owned Yula warships landed on their planet, they asked if they were afraid.

There were so many races trading on Mino that any race in the interstellar space was likely to appear on this planet. At this time, the ‘any race’ did not include the Zerg.

Shortly after landing at the airport, people of all races who stayed near the area watched the cold black warship glide slowly overhead, a feeling that could be described as sour.

The Zergs and the Goblins had established a friendly relationship, and those who had witnessed the Zerg fleet landing on Mino confirmed it.

Big news.

As a direct source of the news, people of all races on Mino had a shock in their hearts. Although there was a disturbance, it did not cause any panic. It was due to their trust in the goblin race.

Goblins were responsible for the personal safety of all customers who traded on their planet. No matter what hatred there was between two customers, no attack was allowed within Mino. The guilds party would be attacked by the Goblin Race Army. Over time, there was a ban on firearm on trading planets, which was basically a default treaty in interstellar space.

In this era of extremely fast information flow, it would not be long before the Star Net was full of discussions. It was worth mentioning that the lack of Zerg options on the personal registration information registry was resolved several days ago.

Although all the other races in the Twelve Star Alliance, except the goblins, were still unable to understand the Zerg’s intentions for the time being, they would not lose their flesh by adding an additional option anyway.

What they were more concerned about now was the status of Gu Huai among the Zergs, a planet that they had never heard of before, who could own all the Zerg planets at once. Over the head of the legion, that should be the existence of monarchy.

“These goblins didn’t even mention a word in the previous meeting.” Eleven other race delegates who attended the last Star League meeting felt their teeth swell, but they really couldn’t comment on each other’s practices.

They did not ask, and the other party’s choice of silence was justifiable. Stay silent, but be active, that was in line with the goblin’s style of work.

“... Your Excellency?” From the first warship to land, he saw a black haired young man coming down from the hatch. The goblins waiting for reception were stunned. The Yula warship in front of him was indeed Zerg.

Knowing what the other party misunderstood, Gu Huai raised his hand and touched his cheek and chin. He was born in an adult form, and his body in this world was the same in height, appearance and everything else as he was in the original world.

He really had no Zerg characteristics. Knowing that his appearance was too deceptive, Gu Huai was not surprised that he would be mistaken for human beings. There were two living examples in the warship.

If he could transform like the Silver-haired Zerg, he would probably know what his Zerg form was like, but he didn’t seem to be able to do that... At this point, Gu Huai temporarily left the idea behind.

Instead of paying attention to the creature in the arms of youth, they regard him as human , and the goblins waiting for reception at the airport were surprised to see a pet. The others that came out from the warship were Zergs, things were not wrong, these goblins were relatively at ease.

Zerg and human beings were enemies with a long history. To tell the truth, it was a very shocking thing to see three human beings running out from Zerg warships.

Aljer was in charge of negotiating with these goblins, and when he heard the other side say that the airport did not have enough space and that it was difficult to load so many large warships, he responded, “I see. We’ll let Yula shrink first.”

So when all the Zergs in the warship came down, before the eyes of many goblins, the original destroyer level warships was transformed into a small exploratory ship, and the other warships were reduced accordingly.

“...” What magical technology was this? The goblins were shocked.

Because of instructions from their superiors, such a large number of fleets were allowed to enter, but while they were welcomed, they still had to formally and meaningfully inquire about and record the reasons for their entry.

“It’s the escort.” Looking slightly toward the black-haired youth guarded by Zerg soldiers in the central area, Aljer answered, of course.

“... Okay.” The goblin, who was in charge of asking the question, nodded with a stiff throat.

Which leader went out with guards of this size, I don’t know if you think you’re going to tear down other people’s homes, okay?

At this moment, the brain waves of these goblins are completely synchronized with those of the two human generals.


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