The King of Tricks and Magic

Chapter 19: Departure

Chapter 19: Departure

[ Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 30

Agility: 2000

Vitality: 200

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 1, 000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen -leap -basic magics -fire magic -Fire Archmagic -illusion magic -water magic -light magic -nature magic -Grimoire of death -Real Clone [Heavenly Slime] -Eye of Wisdom ]



Necromancy is a practice of magic involving communication with the dead either by summoning their spirit as a specter or raising them bodily for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events, discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the dead as a weapon. Sometimes referred to as “Death Magic”, the term may also sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or cursed magic.

Necromancy is very rare, the knowledge of the magic has been gone since the last great war with the demons, all of the necromancers or people who engrossed themselves with necromancy got sentenced to death because of the accusation of conspiring with the demons.

-World history of Grandaria, Grandaria library, Grandaria capital


With the final decision of having the human Oz as their king, the executives think hard for the best way to tell the people of the tribe about the decision and Oz’s real identity.

They continue to discuss the matter for 3 hours and decided to show them Oz’s real form to the tribe members. The tribe usually follows every decision that the executives made, but this time, they’ll ask the opinions of all tribe members whether they agree with making Oz that’s a human to be their king.

They decided not to plan it too long, they went back to their home immediately after the meeting to rest, and immediately announce it in the morning. They assemble all of the tribe members in front of Aegir’s house, the tribe hall. The tribe members are thrilled when they heard that their small tribe is going to be a kingdom, but their thrill is overwhelmed when they saw Oz’s human form.

“Sorry guys, I lied. I’m not an actual goblin. My true form is a human, I don’t have excuses for lying to you all, and all of you have the right to hate and despise me.” Oz bows and apologized.

Oz apologize shooks all of the tribe members’ heart, they remembered the figure who helped them to improve their defense and their life, they remembered the figure who gave them the hope in the recent war.

“I d-don’t actually mind for you to be a human, Ren. We have orcs in our tribe too, so I don’t think an additional human is going to be a problem for us!” One of the goblins who joins the war with Oz said.

Oz remembers him, he’s the goblin soldier that he saved from the sneak attack from a demon back then at the war.

“Yes, Ren! It’s okay for you to be here!”

“It’s okay, Ren. We forgive you!”

All kinds of lines of forgiving and accepting are delivered to the bowing Oz. Oz couldn’t hide his surprise seeing the reactions of the tribe members, they supposed to be angry and disappointed to him, but the reality is the exact opposite of his predictions. He’s prepared his heart if the tribe denies him.

But the reaction is way too unexpected, the tribe members seem to be don’t mind the fact that Oz’s actually a human.

Except for one person.

A figure silently retreats and went away from Oz’s sight.


Oz wants to run after Geeta right away but his momentum got interfered by Aegir.

“And following the announcement of our plan to be a kingdom, we the executives decided to crown the most powerful, wise, and intelligent amongst us!”

“We choose Ren!”

“Does everyone here agree to make Ren as our king!!??” Aegir shouted the question.


All of the tribe members shouted following Aegir’s loud voice.

“Then when we’re prepared to declare ourselves as a country, we will crown Ren as our king, the Tarot kingdom king! Hail to our king!”

“””Hail to our king!!!!!”””

All of the tribe members salute to Oz.


Oz could hear his heartbeat screaming.

He’s scared.

Scared of disappointing his friends and his subjects.

Scared of misusing the power.


A hand tapped at his shoulder, Oz turns his head and found Aegir with his soothing smile and eyes full of support.

“Relax, Ren. All of us will support you!”

“Attention! We’re going to hear some words from our newly appointed king! Show some respect!”

Aegir’s voice makes the crowd immediately died out.

Oz spaced out for a moment.

(No one told me about this!)

“Hello everyone…”

Oz straightens his back and takes a deep breath to keep himself calm.

“I’m honored to hear that all of you agreed to make me the king. I hear and I saw your trust. And I’ll accept it gladly,”

“Following the appreciation, I also have an announcement. Our population is not enough to be called a kingdom yet. But, along with the demons invasion, there will be a lot of races that will be needing our help, and will join hands with us.”

“So I, as your king, will take on a journey to search some races who need help, and to search for some resources from the human’s territory!” Oz said with a loud and firm voice.

“We hear and obey! Hail to the king!”

Aegir shouted and the crowds follow his words.

The assemble ends with Oz’s words of accepting the position of the king, and his announcement of taking a journey. The tribe members go back to continue their daily routine, while the executives gather again inside of Aegir’s house.

“Just like what I say, I will be taking a journey, I’m afraid that the demons attack us again, they will be attacking with more numbers than before.”

“So increase the quality of our soldiers, we have the direwolves, goblins, and orcs. I let Fedra, Ibra, Gurolf, and Brad to handle the military. Train them to become a good warrior.”

“While Aegir and Magra will manage the tribe’s affairs. Protect the tribe, and accept anyone who needs help, because we won’t know when we’ll need their help.” Oz explained.

“When will you go back?”

Surprisingly, the one who asked the question is not the passionate Aegir or Fedra. It is Gurolf who asked the question.

Oz smiled at him.

“Approximately 3 years, but I’ll find some way to communicate with you guys, so don’t miss me too much,” Oz said with a smirk.

“Who the hell misses you, huh?” Aegir cut in.

“Well, if there are no questions, I’ll go now,”

“Are you the one who will be our king, going to have an adventure with only a shabby shirt?” A figure suddenly appears from the corner.

Gina bringing some clothes, cloak, food, and a shabby bag.

“Where do you get those clothes from?” Oz asked, confused.

“You remember the story where we found the magic books? we also found some useful things from it, one of them is these clothes.” Gina said with full of smiles.

Gina puts all of the things inside the bag neatly and gave it to Oz.

“Ren, Geeta’s the one who prepared all of this hearing you will go for a journey. She said that she’s not mad, but she just needs a little time to process her thoughts,” She whispers to Oz.

“Ah! I also have something for her, please gave her this for me!”

Oz pulled out a paper, folded up neatly to a shape of a letter.

“Okay then!” Gina takes the letter and puts it in her pocket.

Oz sighs.

(All is ready, all I need is just to say goodbye and go, but why does my chest felt so heavy)

“Ren, don’t forget us okay? we can’t have our king to forget about us you know?” Aegir with teary eyes and a hoarse voice said.

“Don’t cry when I’m gone okay?” Oz teases with his evil smirk.

“Whose gonna cry when you have gone, huh!?”

Oz laughed.

“Take care, all of you! Goodbye!”

Oz’s departure saddens all of the tribe members, but they engrave a thing in their heart, that their king, is going to find for more brothers and sisters that will be joining their kingdom, and the king will be back if they need help.

Everyone watches Oz since he got out of Aegir’s house until he gets out of the tribe’s gate. After the figure of their king disappears from their sight, then they continue their activities.


“Damn, why does my heart felt so heavy,”

Oz walks his way to the direction of the nearest human kingdom from the magical forest.

The Grandaria Kingdom.


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