The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 86: Kama Sutra

Chapter 86: Kama Sutra

Familiar darkness greeted me as I glanced at the being sitting across me like as if a replication of myself through a mirror.

"I am back here," I spoke trying to converse with the inner me who was the spokesperson of the Akashik Records.

He glanced at me, finally making eye contact before nodding.

"Yes. It is time for the second trial."

I shook my head a bit as I started to ponder, maybe these trials for the Authority of Akashik Records and merging properly only come when I am undergoing the process of evolution.

"The first trial consisted of riddles, what will the second trial comprise of?" I couldn't help but ask Akashik. I thought of calling him that since he is a spokesperson for it.

He glanced at me a bit and moved his mouth to speak, "The second trial is the easiest yet the hardest trial of them all. It will depend all on your luck. If you succeed then you get to proceed but if you don't then your soul will split apart into halves. It is simple, a coin toss."

I fell silent while staring at Akashik directly in his eyes, I couldn't help but speak in a soft tone.

"Alright then since you say that I'll choose the second option."

Akashik narrowed his eyes, "There is no second option."

A grin escaped onto my face, "There is a loophole, you said that it is time for the second trial but you didn't specify if it is compulsory or not. So hence, I will come back for it when it suits my own convenience."

I would be a fool to choose to do the trial, I know from the gacha and gambling games I have played that I suck in it.

Doing a trial that decides my fate on luck? Dream on! That is something only naive people do! I am not even impatient about this Akashik Records since I can get stronger even without it.

"Hmm...." The being kept a finger on his chin letting his arm rest on his knees. A sigh escaped his mouth.

"You pass the second trial."

I couldn't help but smile, the Akashik Records is a part of me, and I a part of it. I would never make a trial that I don't know the answer to.

If it was made for me then it was because it was suitable, although I have a feeling that things are going to change from the second trial.

Nevertheless, all the trials are based on my true self, it might even be beneficial since it makes me realize important things that I might have forgotten.

The principle of this trial if I am not wrong was to think out of the box and the principle of the first trial was to make me remember the three things to greatness:- Confidence, Knowledge, and Words.

I even suspect that I was sent in a parallel world to live being a human as a punishment by my inner true self, it wanted to lower my narcissism and arrogance.

Even if outside I flexed around, overwhelmed by my power, losing control of myself, I knew deep inside that my narcissism would be the death of me.

Hence, my inner true being sent me to live as a human in a human world hoping for my narcissism to tone down and the fortunate thing is that it toned down quite a lot or who knows how many times I would have to live as a human in multiple lives or a species worse than a human eg:- Goblins, Orcs, etc.

I even learned quite a few things while being a lower species. To be honest, my second life was a roller coaster. Crazy things were happening in it, it was a joke! The world was fucking me and I was fucking it back.

Although the world is still fucking me in my third life.... am I really that good?

Akashik stared at me with a deadpan expression, I totally forgot about him in my entire daze.


"Please continue."

He sighed and smiled at me wryly,

"Anyway since you passed, it is time for you to go, you will see the reward in your Pseudo God Status."

I nodded at him and waved my hand.


He nodded back while waving at me. Instantly the whole world went white.


His eyes suddenly fluttered open causing everyone in the hospital room to freak out for a bit.

The slime that was on top of him fell due to the sudden movement.

Rael groaned as he woke up from the hospital bed, stretching his body and yawning.

Inside the room, his loyal subordinates were standing. It seemed that Puck hypnotized all the nurses and doctors to not trouble them.

Puck, Derek, Hecate, Slime, and the new member Edward.

He then started to observe them all including Edward who kneeled on his leg all of a sudden. Now he was not just Edward, he was also the shadow of Rael.

Tricking him was one of the best things Rael had ever done in this life for sure.

He had a guy with the potential to become a primordial god or even more as a servant!

Edward had changed very little but looked a bit similar to Derek. It didn't take time for him to evolve since Rael had quite a lot of Divine energy through the heavenly lightning.

Rael then turned his gaze away to look at the Slime. His eyes wouldn't avert and he kept on staring at her.


She looked utterly flawless. Her skin was fair and smooth, her eyes were golden in color and her hair was long silver-sky blue.

'Is this because of her getting primordiality?'

He wondered, but he knew one thing for sure. The slime in front of him had become strong!

Obviously, she was strong. She ate the last consciousness of a primordial devil.

Her growth was at an amazing rate! Rael could only look at her astounded. The good thing was that she was his wife and fully loyal to him.

Rael then started to check his body, he had gotten taller! His muscles had become harder and compact! Even more shredded than before.

He closed his eyes as if trying to pull something from his soul.


His hair remained the same this time in color and his eyes shined in a golden color with a batwing on his left side and a beautiful pure white angel wing behind his back.

He was now a Demon Lord along with being an Archangel.

He clutched his head, it was quite troublesome to balance the two sides of chaos and order that were fighting with each other inside.

Still, excitement erupted inside his heart, a brief boost in adrenaline as he stared at himself in the mirror before turning to look at his companions with a warm smile on his face.

Closing his eyes, he mentally clicked on the familiar dot in the corner of his eyes.


[ Name: Irakiel El Navah

Species: Demon Lord + Archangel, Fairy Cultivator.

Age: 28 (1000000+) (???)

Rank: SSS++$#&%$#???

Constitution: Absolute Imperial Godly Body.

Titles: Supreme Existence, Narcissistic Bastard, The Most Graceful One, Kind Stepfather(New), etc.

Legacies: The Holy Bible.

Demon Characteristics:


- When in a life-threatening condition the demon mark will awaken. Demon Mark is like a berserk mode in which the user gains a massive amount of power stimulated through their emotions.


Injuries that would be fatal to humans, such as broken necks or gunshot wounds, have very little - if any or effect on demons.


Demon wings will sprout from the back and horns from the forehead. Demonic eyes will automatically activate.

4.PARTIAL IMMORTALITY: Successor of normal demon ability, Lesser Deathlessness-

Characteristics embedded into the body it gives an indefinitely long lifespan and an arrested aging process. They are also immune to diseases except for those which are too superior.


Greater Demons never tire and do not require food, water, oxygen, or sleep to sustain themselves. They also have no need to urinate or excrete, nor do they feel hot or cold unless one is using mana elements.


Greater Demons possess superior physical strength much superior to many species; capable of physically overpowering them, it can also overpower most monsters.


Enhanced sense of smell and taste.


Enables a person to appraise someone, mana, and see through illusions. It also gives good eyesight.


As the name says, bat wings.


Affinity to dark elements, 25% more.

Archangel Characteristics:

Lie Detector: As the name says one can discern between the truth and the lie.

Happy Aura: Using your aura, you can cheer anyone up by just being in their presence, making people hard to hate you.

Holy Boost: 25% Boost in Light and Holy Magic spells.

Divine Healing: Can heal the wounds of any being, wound shouldn't be too complicated, uses a lot of mana.

Saint Sword Intent:

Different from normal sword intent awakens a pure and holy sword intent, purifies every being. Uses a lot of mana but since the user is a part fairy he doesn't need to worry he can use spiritual energy and replace his normal with saint sword intent.

Fairy Characteristics

Spiritual Cultivation: As the name says, cultivation.

Pseudo-God Characteristics.

Telepathy: You can speak with anyone from mind to mind.

Status: Representation of power in words and numbers.


Greed is a bloodline that doesn't belong to demons of the lower world solely, the greed demons of the lower blood only have (0000000000.0000001) of divine greed blood in them.

The Deadly Sin Greed bloodline dates back to the existence of everything and nothing.

The user having awakened the Akashik Records has automatically awakened one of the hidden bloodlines in his body.



User can butter anyone.


User can detect lies.


MIND CONTROL: The user can control a person weaker than him, however, it puts a mental strain upon the user.

MEMORY EXTRACTION: The user can extract memories and even change them.


User can use Time Element, affinity is very high.


Akashik Records (New!)

1) Eternal Tundra Flames (New!):

Coldest flames in existence.

2) Eternal Kama Sutra (New!):

Ancient Supreme Level lost teachings on Desire.

For more information click mentally on the desired category.]


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