The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 63: Entrance Ceremony

Chapter 63: Entrance Ceremony

Across a lively road, a large and exquisite white monument stood proudly. It looked exactly like a castle, or could most probably be called an exquisite school for the noble.

Inside, several different people were doing different things.

Outside the windows of the castle, one could see infinite daffodils spread out wherever anyone might look.

Some trees were scattered by the flowers and the grassy earth.

Separately, this would be just another common sight, but to see this scenario together in such an immensity that eyes couldn't even reach the end would give a feeling of insignificance to any onlooker.

Inside the castle-like school, in the cool climate of the air conditioning, some teenagers who seemed 17,18, or 19 years of age were talking to each other.

Some had already made their friend groups and were playing cards to keep their minds off from the excitement. They couldn't wait for the classes to begin. A new term, new class and new friends!

In the staff room, some of the older men and women were sitting without saying a single word. They all sat with their eyes closed and faces cold as their minds wandered to their families, their dreams.

They would have to teach kids again all year immediately after they returned from a vacation. How could someone get accustomed to a chaotic life again just after experiencing a peaceful life?

All of them were sick of their jobs. Literally, no one in the higher classes like A or S would respect them even though they would pay attention to the lectures for the school points, they would always bitch about them behind their backs which made them feel a bit sad.

Sometimes it was even possible to see two or more male and female teachers sighing at the same time, probably from helplessness.

Such is the life of a teacher.

It was clear, the difference between the group of teachers who had experienced this every year and the group of teenagers who were going there for the first time.

But even with the teenagers being very noisy, the adults did not complain at any time, since they knew that it was normal for kids to feel the excitement in a new environment and among new people.

Quickly the excitement would go away as everyone settled down in their respective friend groups and once the classes would start.

The teachers knew this because after all they too had been that way: energetic, full of life, their hearts burning with the desire for popularity the drive to make good first impressions, imagining that they would return home with prestige, credits, and with several women fawning over them.

After all the school they were currently going to study in was one of the best noble schools across the country.

But life wasn't like that, no. Life was too far from what they imagined.

Despite having money and women or men weren't they still stuck here?

In a particular classroom, the friend groups were already made. Some were talking about sports and online games while the girls were talking about well..... girl shit of course.

Separated from both groups was a young man who seemed to be in his teens, most probably 17 or 18.

He sat alone in a corner of the classroom with his head resting on the glass of the class window, looking at the infinite display of daffodils in front of him and listening to the music playing out from his earphones.

His fingers tapping as if he was getting inspired by the scenery in front of him.

Gazing at the young man sitting alone, a girl in one of the female teenage groups found him to be quite attractive as she stared at him.

The young man had long black hair with a fringe that covered one of his eyes as he anchored himself to the glass, as well as a thin but athletic figure. There was a bit of shade falling on his feline neck but one could see that his skin was actually quite smooth.

Thinking that presenting herself to him might be a good idea, a girl readied herself to get up from her chair and go towards the young man. But before she could take a second step towards him, a friend who was by her side stopped her and frowned.

"What is it, Kella?" The teenager frowned and asked the friend who held her arm.

"You weren't planning on going to talk to that guy there; were you, Tess?" Kella asked her in a grim tone.

Annoyed by her friend's serious tone of voice, she felt a tinge of anger and sadness and asked, "Are you, by any chance, interested in him too?"

Listening to what her friend said, Kella couldn't help but sigh and answered calmly, letting go of her friend's arm since she knew that the friend would wait for her to explain.

"I understand you are attracted to him; that's the problem. Since you are new to this school so you might not know. He is Yohann Asmodeus."

"Who? Yohann Asmodeus?" Tess asked feeling confused.

"Asmodeus! Don't you know what that surname means?" She reprimanded her friend.

"D-dont tell me??"

"Yes. He is a member of the Lust Royal Family and not just that.... he is a bastard prince. He is a bastard child and on top of that he is from the lust royal family...."

She sighed and gave the final words to her gaping friend.

"In simple words, he is a man-whore.."

The girl simply gasped as she looked at him with disappointment.

"Any way you can still go after him, many people don't care and are ready to become his temporary girlfriend. It is said that last year, he had a total of 1000 girlfriends. He became a legend throughout School Island, many people still want to be his girlfriend but for some reason he is now rejecting them all, it also said that he broke up with all his previous girlfriends."

She nodded, is she became his girlfriend then there was a chance that her prestige would lower communicating with a fuck boy like him.

If someone had so many girlfriends in just one year she couldn't imagine how many he would have if he would let it continue.

Tess, hearing this, felt demotivated to go talk to him. As good as he looked, according to what her friend said, that was all.

Tess was raised since she was a little girl to always long for a strong and handsome man: a man who could protect her and protect her family, a man to walk by her side, not a playboy who would have thousands of girlfriends.

After Kella's speech, the small interest that Tess had for Yohann was now gone. After all, she didn't want her reputation to be damaged.

It had cost her parents a lot of hard work and money for her to be able to enroll in one of the three best schools in the realm

She had come here to be able to enjoy her life and pass through the school. After that, her life would be set.

She could get married into a rich family or she could also start working in a large company and have a good position in it, she could even marry a noble.

Yohann was able to listen to every word of their conversation and sighed. Did these people have to talk so loud about him? Couldn't they just go and talk somewhere else if they wanted to discuss about him?

Everyone would always get jealous of him because of his looks, but what did they know?! Blessed?? More like cursed!

One day he had heard from some servants and siblings from his family about a scumbag prince of the Greed Family who had cucked their father.

That scumbag prince had become a legend in their household since that day and was given a lot of respect, even their father who was cucked by him respected him.

Even without future knowledge, the Rael before awakening sealed memories had inherited his skills from the first life as it it was instinct.

Yohann was an asexual guy, a guy who didn't feel any lust, for a year he was involved in depraved activities to make way for his loneliness, soon he found out that sex was very boring.

But now he had already found a way to vent out his loneliness.


Indeed, Yohann had joined the school band and was doing quite well. He sighed, he wished he had discovered about it before rather than wasting his time on sex, copying what his siblings would do.

At that moment a teacher came inside the classroom.

"Everyone lineup! We will be heading downstairs to the Assembly hall!"

Yohann chuckled slightly.

'It seems it is now time to go and meet the new students who will come to school'

Stage lights were moving across the auditorium. Students, seniors, juniors everyone had flooded it sitting on their respectable chairs.

On a particular chair, Yohann was sitting alone, winking at the many girls who were glancing at him at times, blushing very hard.

As a prince of lust, he was naturally a seducer having to seduce and some scary abilities.

His 'Eyes of Temptation' had the power to tempt anyone into ravaging him. 'Charisma' a unique ability that could make him peek into the minds of people with low willpower, he could see memories, change them, and even create new ones, he could even force people to listen to his commands.

He looked at the crowd in front of him and sighed, the newbies who had come into the school were listening intently to the old headmaster who was giving a speech.

"So boring..." He sighed as he also tried to listen to what the old coot was speaking. Even when he tried to listen, his mind would waver.

He started to check out the first years to see if there were any interesting people this year.

While gazing at every newcomer in the school, one of them caught his eye a lot. He looked at him with a bit of shock.

Rubbing his eyes, he kept staring at him, the young boy had silver hair, a smooth feline neck, and icy jade violet eyes. His body seemed to be delicate yet compact.

His silver hair was simply too eye-catchy! Although many dyed their hair, his hair had a lustrous glow to them as if it was otherworldly and divine.

The boy gave out an aura of nobleness and calmness with utmost elegance he had ever seen.

At that moment Yohann felt as if he had finally met his match. In his entire life, he had never seen anyone whose appearance could rival his.

He didn't want to admit it, but the silver-haired boy looked a thousand times more handsome than him.

"I want to know him..." He got an urge to make be friends with him because he would often feel alone because his own beauty was simply too overwhelming so he couldn't make friends.

So Yohann deduced that it must be the same for him.

He kept his gaze locked on the boy what he didn't expect was that the boy would look at him. The boy stared at him for a few seconds before looking away.

Although he was simply inspecting him, Yohann felt a lot of pressure when the boy locked his eyes with his.

Wiping his sweat he couldn't help but look at him amused. The kid totally blocked his Charisma attack, if he wasn't in the auditorium then he was sure that he would have coughed blood.

The kid had obviously gone easy on him!!

"Interesting... interesting.." He chuckled.

Some people looked at him with weird gazes for laughing in the middle of the speech when the hall was silent but when they noticed who he was they simply snorted away.


I noticed a weird pervert trying to invade my mind, does he think I am a fool to not make countermeasures against mind arts?

I tried to look for the source of magic and noticed a black-haired boy staring at me, I also stared at him but he didn't interest me that much so I started to pay attention to the stupid speech.

Finally, the speech was over, we were all given dormitory rooms so I decided to head to my given dormitory.

I strolled down between scuffed walls embossed with many portraits of great demons from history and the many achievements of the school. The school dominated almost every sector.

There were many different kinds of trophies left, there was one particular one which looked very grand.

To me, it wasn't anything shocking or surprising; just by looking at the clean and neat way the school operated could give anybody a clear view of the academy's core and noble endeavors.

They gave each student two cards, one for identification, and the other served as an apartment key.

'Number 74.' I read from the card and headed straight to the dorms.

I passed a mesmerizing grass quad crisscrossed with sidewalks and freshly cut hay.

While in the center, resounded a fountain pumping water up and down, creating magnificent shapes and forms.

The breezy scent of rippled lilies and blooming rose flowers, paired with the bird's melodious chirping, enhanced my mood, it gave me a good feeling and one of excitement.

Walking longer than I expected, I saw a massive campus chapel.

Finally, I reached branch G, a branch made wielding a complicated yet simple maze inspiration with a spray of Victorian-style buildings; the designer must be really into making everything filled with technology, as nearly everything worked using a simple gesture, just like the gate in front of me, only a wave of my card in front the door sensor was all it took for it to open soundlessly.

Peering inside building 9, I searched for my apartment.

[Appartement number 74]

After finding the number, I swiped my card into the lockbox, and the door automatically unlocked.


Inside it, I saw a familiar man sitting, his hair was a normal style and didn't have anything outstanding and looked surprisingly normal.

He looked at me, his eyes beamed as he ran towards me.

"You remember me??" He asked with excitement.

I nodded, he was the magnet deviant element user from before.

"I became your fan since that fateful day.... from that day I decided to make you my rival I will defeat you mark my words!" He said with the hot-blooded youth he had inside of him.

I smiled wryly at his impossible dream and said, "Try your best."

Eddie's expression lit up and he gave a thumbs up.

After talking for a while, I came to know that Eddie came from a rather normal family that had an average payout.

Apparently, he was a prodigy from birth and he came to this school upon a scholarship that the school offered.

"So what about you?" He asked with an expectant look on his face.

Time to bulshit!

After making up a random story about myself I went to my bed. The room comprised of three beds and a T.V, an air conditioner, and a few study tables.

"By the way, I noticed there are three beds...." I told him.

He nodded and said, "It's for our third mate...."

Nodding towards Eddie I started to sort out my clothes in the given wardrobe.

"Did you know we can go into girl's dorms if we want to..." Suddenly Eddie said with a passionate outburst.

As it was my first time in a school because I dropped out of school when I was disowned in my second life, I was confused so I asked in a low voice.

"Is it illegal to go?"

"No no no... I meant that most schools don't allow such free will which means that the school doesn't care if we flirt or go for making love to the girl rooms" Drool started to drop from his mouth as went into a daze.

I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes to make him come out from it.

"If you act like that then you will never get any girls, I'll show you later how to pick one up..." I said smirking a bit.

"Yes sensei! Pls, take care of me!" The boy saluted me.

I nodded, "There is just one rule....."

"One rule?" He asked with a frown.

"Yes... no matter what.... no mater what never.. never flirt or bed a loli! That is the way to be a true man!" I spoke as if I was passing a holy covenant.

"Eh???? I actually like lolis you know." He said while fidgeting.

I stared at him and shook my head, tch tch, he was not at all a cultured person.

Cultured people are those who follow the Yandere Religion and are members of the Milf Cult.

After a while of goofing around, our third dorm mate came.


The door slowly opened and in came a man slowly who went into the shower directly.

Both of us stared at each other, our new dorm mate was covered in innumerable bruises and cuts as if he was trashed badly.

His clothes were in rags and had innumerable holes in them. He was for sure beaten up.

We exchanged glances, both of us, had an idea of what had happened.

Most probably he was bullied and beaten up.

Why? We deducted that also, he was an E rank for sure.

Although I felt pity for him, it was my principle to never poke your noses in someone else's matters.

Just when I was going to go back to goofing around, my dear seductress slime spoke from inside my soul sea.

"Be careful of him." She said in a grave voice.

"Huh?" I frowned, why should I be wary of an E rank demon.

Then the slime spoke.

"He is a system holder."



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