The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 35: The only man I will ever lust for is Astolfo.

Chapter 35: The only man I will ever lust for is Astolfo.

The domain had already broken apart, Rael had returned back to his normal state.

Inside his Soul Sea, the flower had wilted and another flower was taking birth, still a seed.

Other than the tree in his Soul Sea, his martial spirit was also there, currently sleeping as it only wakes up to protect when a foreign entity enters without permission of the soul.

On the ground, Rael was sleeping and beside him was Ishtar who had just woken up and was staring at him.

She looked at him confused, with mixed emotions, he was currently defenseless and sleeping.

If she attacked him then he would surely die, plus she was stronger than him because Rael had already become the normal Rael.

She crept up close to his body, his body had a unique smell, just like cherries.

His silver hair fell all upon his body, drool was coming out of his mouth which made him look like a deity who fell from the heavens.

In her hand was an ethereal blade she constructed, she pointed it to his neck with a firm determination in her eyes.

Her red eyes glinted with a murderous light, she almost touched the blade below his chin, making a blood drop from it.


Looking at the blood, some mysterious feeling exploded from her heart.

Guilt? Worry? She didn't know but she sure didn't enjoy it.

It made her uneasy looking at the blood,

'What are these feelings....'

She gazed at Rael's handsome pretty boy face and she exploded into redness, remembering everything they had done at night.

Her hand started to tremble making the ethereal knife she was holding to disappear.

She fell on her knees atop Rael's chest.

Her hands went forward to touch his innocent sleeping face, after massaging his face for a while, she touched his lips.

His lips were as soft as snow and pink in color just like flowers. She suddenly felt an urge to kiss them, she went close to him and gave him a deep passionate kiss.

Not aware of what she was doing, as if she was in a trance, she pushed him away and frowned while touching her own lips with her long slender fingers.

'Why?... I don't like this makes me feel warm and gives me a sense of security, but it also constantly worries me....'

She stared at Rael's innocent baby face again before strengthening her will to go.

In the end she couldn't kill him.


Her beautiful black raven wings came out from her back and flapped a couple of times. She took a blasting stance and tilted her head in the direction of the sky.


She flew away, like as if she was never there, to begin with.

Rael sighed as he opened his eyes, gazing at the sky with a longing expression.

The night he had spent with her, even though it was short was one of the best moments of his life.

He couldn't help but find Ishtar similar to him, although he didn't pry and didn't ask her, he got a feeling that she had also gone through a lot, betrayals, losing loved ones, etc.

Just like how battles help you to understand your opponent better, battles in bed help you to understand your partner better.

"Just what have you endured all this time...maybe even more than me...."

He stood on his feet and saw that he was naked, a cold wind passed, making him shudder.

"Where are my clothes now.....?!"




~~~x~ The Fairy Realm ~x~~~


A brilliant light erupted inside the entire realm, it was so bright that it illuminated the entire sky making everyone think that it was daytime instead of night.

Everyone rushed out of their houses when they saw that it was already day, some fairies grumbled for not being able to sleep properly, some hastily wore their work clothes to go to work, some who were awake the whole time frowned, some who were in the middle of intercourse felt proud especially the males who were thinking that their stamina was amazing to last till morning.

"It is already morning?"

Many people started to roam the streets and do their everyday life, as there were no watches nobody suspected anything.

After a total of 7 hours the light started to diminish, it was night, but then the most surprising thing for the people was that morning came once again.

"What the fuck?! Why is it morning again?!"

People were screaming and complaining in the entire realm because everything was topsy-turvy.

~ Meanwhile in the center of the capital~

"Why is the body of the previous fairy king exploding with such bright light?!?!?!"

"We had all even forgotten that this king existed!" One of them said in disdain.

"Hey! At least he was handsome!" One girl cried.

"Yeah yeah...he used to be a heartthrob and all that but after his ascension, he never even came to meet us or show a sign that he was alive or even cared about us!...."

"You men are just jealous of him!" A girl snorted while looking in the direction of his coffin with a dreamy expression.

"Yeah, I wish he could be my husband..." A man sighed.

"Bro... you are a boy."

"So what you racist!"

"Eh... I support LGBT."

"What is that?" The gay man frowned.

"Let's get butfucked tonight."

"I am in."

"I am in."

"Count me in too!"

"Hey! Stop insulting him so loudly, what if the royal guards hear us?!" Another man pointing towards the Royal Fairy guards who were standing near the transparent crystal glass coffin.

The others looked at him weirdly, "Maybe we can ask them to join in the mass orgy."

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"



"Everyone be QUIET!!! His Majesty is coming!" One of the Royal Guards screamed in an authoritative tone.

A blonde-haired man with emerald green eyes came, his skin was very fair and his face very chiseled.

His hair was short and more like a modern hairstyle, his limbs and height were very tall. A perfect man, a man loved by all.

He had a kind and gentle smile on his face that could mesmerize anyone who saw it. His eyes were like a diamond shining throughout the time.

But behind the facade of the kind, the gentle and perfect king was a cruel, lustful, and greedy man!

A man who wanted to make a harem and was in love with the wives of his fake sworn brother and had made a plan to kill his fake sworn brother a.k.a his crush's husband.

Why fake brother?

Yeah, because he had formed a cross in his fingers like how kids do, that's a pun, he didn't swear the oath taking the divine laws as the witness.

After years of planning, he was successfully able to come up with a plan.

Irakiel was a narcissistic guy and would often stroll around the city admiring his statues and portraits so he simply rigged his greatest statue and made it topple on him at the perfect time.

But to his dismay and extreme disappointment, after the death of Irakiel, his wives swore to the divine laws to never love any other man or have intercourse with any.

After the oath, they went into seclusion!!!

He felt angry!!! He killed his own King to woo them!!

Even Elequeeness who was cold to her own husband showed that she loved him by taking the oath!!

At that very moment, he knew that he was nothing special, he had a Divine Constitution, unlike Rael who had a Godly Constitution.

If that was not enough, Rael had amazing skills in swordplay, music, art, and medicine.

Rael was also a heartthrob for being extremely handsome and an individual who had seduced even Godesses from the Godly Realm.

As any person with a long life, he had gone through debauchery hundreds if not thousands kf times.

Whenever something too emotional hit him like betrayal or losing someone, he would go into debauchery, it was fairly normal in every person's life.

But!! Rael's debauchery was extreme!!

He didn't know that he could be too overbearing and a god for people with his amazing moonlight fingering techniques!!

Although he became loyal after he married.

Rael would deny being a scumbag but in the inside, he knows the truth that he is a hypocrite but at least he is trying to improve by making morals and sticking to them!!

What did Joz have? Nothing.

He didn't have any of the qualities Rael had.

He was like a Dog compared to a God.

What made him more insecure was the fact that Rael's daughter left the realm right after she came to know that he wanted to marry her!!

If he couldn't marry Titania and Elequeeness then he would marry the daughter, at least that is what he had planned.

She also left him!!

Was she that disgusted by the fact of marrying him?

Joz was too damn insecure.

He started to take down statues of Rael so that his popularity would diminish and started to spread bad rumors about him to make himself feel better.

He couldn't remove all the statues and portraits, the public wasn't that dumb, he even had to keep the dead body of Rael as a display in the center of the capital, or else he would be called a jealous and corrupt king.

That indeed did work and many citizens started to favor him but many ancient families believed that Rael had ascended and kept on praying to him.

Although Joz didn't like that, he still let them do it.

Irakiel was dead, it was not as if he ascended, so what could happen...right...?

But today!!

His dead frozen body started to shine!

If a soul of a fairy dies or is removed then the body will freeze and if it's natural death their body starts to split into wisps turning into spirits.

It shined so brightly that it blinded the eyes of whoever looked at it directly!

Seeing the King, everyone sat on one knee bowing to him.

The King simply waved, urging them to stand up with a gentle smile.

The King opened the coffin of the frozen Irakiel, an aroma of wine and lilies escaped from the coffin making everyone squeal.

The frozen body was no longer emitting the divine light, he touched his body and frowned, it was cold, but it was slightly warmer, which didn't escape from his touch.

The body being indestructible he would not even be able to burn it, even more, it was placed in the center of the capital city. So that people could see the divine body of the previous King.

Many girls, old and new would even fangirl around his dead frozen body many times, kinda creepy but he was too damn handsome!

"This bastard's body has been cold and frozen for 2 million years....why is it a bit warm now?! As if he just died again?!" The King cursed in anger, his face was filled with shock and a bit fearful.

The crowd was in shock seeing an angry expression on their usually smiling kind-hearted King and couldn't help wonder what had happened to cause him to be so angry.

"Where is Puck?!" He roared at the royal guards.

The guards shook their head slightly and a butler came running to explain the situation.

"Lord Puck has been missing for a few years, all of us think that he has left the realm or in seclusion...." The butler said.

"Fuck!" Joz cursed.

"Find him! Send some men across the Celestial Plain and find him, he must have some clues! This matter is very important! I give you all my permission to travel!" He ordered.

'I need to know why this strange phenomenon is happening since I was sure that I killed him right?!' Joz thought as he started to tap his shoes on the floor.

"Should we inform her Highness, Titania, and Elequeeness about this incident?" One of the butlers asked.

"NO!!" Joz screamed at the top of his lungs.

Even though he could never have them, he would never let the two have hope.

Everyone nodded and dispersed quickly.

He looked at the crowd and winked while smiling kindly, saying,

"This matter is still being investigated, don't come near his coffin for some time as we are not sure of the phenomenon and it can be harmful."

"Our King is so kind!"

"Yeah, he is also very efficient at his work!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Everyone in the crowd, be it male, female, young, old all of them at the top of their voices screamed loudly hailing the King.

"All hail his Majesty, Jozron!"

"All hail his Majesty, Jozron!"

"All hail his Majesty, Jozron!"

"All hail his Majesty, Jozron!"

A cynical smile appeared on his face hearing their praise as he waved at them to calm them all down.

Everyone looked at the King, who looked a bit shaken up and couldn't help but wonder what had happened to cause him such worry and anger.


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