The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 177: A Toast of Ends

Chapter 177: A Toast of Ends

"Yes you grace, I want to officially file my application of Divorce to the Crown."

The silence that fell upon the room was deafening. No one dared to move, all eyes were fixed on him.

For a second, Connor sighed audibly before continuing.

"My dear wife, I am unworthy of her."

Shock descended upon Shama's visage as she glanced at her soon-to-be ex-husband. It was not just her, all the nobles, influencers, and most of all the Queen, Lucifer herself was astonished.

It was a widely known fact that Connor and Shama were deeply in love and were seen as one of the ideal couples of the entire realm.

People looked up to them, moreover, Connor had gone to great lengths to woo Shama. Meanwhile, the latter was once upon a time the Master of Laws in Lucifer's court before resigning due to marriage.

Shama was greatly respected no less than the Duke Connor of House Yillian himself. She was told to be a direct descendant of Goddess Lubella's daughter and a candidate for the next Holy Priestess of the Theocratic Church.

Shama stood up. Memories of her life with Connor rushed into her mind. It was happy once upon a time but then filled with darkness. Connor never paid attention to her except during Dinner, even then he kept talking about his muscles not even asking how her day was.

Then, memories of Rael rushed into her head. His touch, his fragrance, his handsome dick that would make a woman orgasm by just looking at it.

Drool slightly escaped her mouth, she could feel her pussy wetten. She broke out of her daze instantly, a light blush covering her face noticing the gazes of other people.

Shama glanced at Connor with eyes of sadness, a bitter-sweet taste engulfed her mouth. A wry smile covered her face.

"May I ask why you feel unworthy?"

Connor did not answer immediately. Instead, he stared at the ground, his hands gripping the edge of the table tightly. He looked at Rael from the corner of his eyes as he spoke.

"Because I am a failure as a husband, my wife deserves better."

His words struck Shama to the core as she felt her throat become dry. Tears formed in her eyes, she wanted to say something but no words came out.

A droplet rolled down her cheek as she patted Connor lightly.

"You are a nice person, Connor. If this is what you wish for, then you shall have it granted. We will divorce."

The reaction from the crowd was unexpected. Many gasped loudly as their jaws dropped. Some even uttered curses.

Connor took a deep breath before smiling weakly ever so subtly.

"Thank you."

Shama nodded back then turned to look at Lucifer.

"We ask the Crown for a hearing right here and now."

Lucifer nodded. Shama was the Master of Laws. She knew the rules better than any other person.

"If so is the case, our guests will be the witness and I the Judge. State your conditions."

Connor immediately spoke. He knew how much Shama loved Boaz and Ruth.

"I will grant you full custody of the children."

Lucifer nodded as she looked at Shama.

"Do you accept this condition?"


"Very well, this matter is concluded. Connor shall pay a basic royal alimony of 3,000 gold mines per child every month. The eldest shall still be heir to House Yillian. All personal properties in the name of Connor Yillian will be equally divided in between."

She paused for a moment, glancing at Connor and Shama. "Will you sign?"

Connor hesitated for a moment. He thought long and hard. He knew he was a failure as a husband. Yet he also knew he had no intention of getting remarried.

He did not want to disappoint Shama even more. Plus none of the properties of House Yillian were being stripped simply his own. It was a pretty normal settlement.

"Yes, your grace." He then looked at Shama who nodded as well.

"We will sign." Lucifer looked at the two with a blank expression as a parchment magically appeared in her hands embarked with beautiful ink.

"Sign here please."

Connor gave his signature first. Then Shama followed shortly with hers.

When it was done, she smiled warmly.

"Congratulations! You are now officially divorced!"

With that, the Round Table dissolved into cheers and gasps. Following Connor, many others began to ask for a divorce in front of the Crown. This was one of the first times ever in any of the Realm Discussions that Divorce was this wide-scale.

At one point her highness Lucifer got extremely tired of it and released a ban on it, heading onto more important subjects of the realm.

Rael leaned back as he observed the people around the round table. Nobles were divided and were sitting according to their stature together.

Minors usually sat with their regent. It reminded him a whole lot of the fairy realm. However, the difference was that nobles did not exist back there.

There were officials that governed the kingdom, the Small Council, and the King. That was all.

Even the entrance to the castle was quite free. Anyone could enter and ask for boons or wishes if suffering from a disaster or if their talents were amusing to the King.

Rael smiled lightly. Remembering the good old days. A fond expression formed on his visage as he remembered all artists that appeared in his court to draw him or create sculptures.

The Fairy Realm had gone into a huge financial loss back then. Rael almost chuckled.

Life was simple as well. Money was important but that did not mean fairies could not survive without it.

Most fairies bought drugs with their money. So in its way, it was a good thrift. Or in another word, frugality.

Fae women and men both were very famous for their beauty. Many were bisexual as well or were into different kinks.

For example, Prince Oberon was into donkeys.

Many glanced at Rael with a confused or weird expressions. The man kept giggling every once in a while, it was extremely distracting especially when matters of mass genocide or cannibal appearances in the realm were being spoken off.

Rael opened his eyes lazily. A long time had passed yet his back felt good. The chair was made of good quality no lie.

At the moment, Lucifer was speaking of infrastructure projects across the country and had moved on to foreign relations deals with other country delegates.

As far as Rael was concerned, all those topics were utter nonsense. He had been waiting for the final announcement. The biggest surprise.

Lucifer stood up from her high platform, looking down on everyone. She held a gigantic bottle of champagne in her hands as a smile formed on her face.

"All right everyone, I think we can wrap things up however before that..."

The voice that broke the silence was Lucifer. Everybody looked at her expectantly.

"I would like to commend everyone's patience and perseverance. It was certainly relieving to meet all my subjects and a lot enjoyable. Now, we will finally head on to the last and final part of this evening."

She popped open the bottle of champagne.

There was an explosion of bubbles as the sparkling liquid spilled out as she poured some into her glass chalice and some for Rael.

It was a grand finale indeed.

All the champagne burst out of the bottle and in equal amounts entered the glasses of every noble in the great hall.

Everyone was in awe of the perfect control and had nothing but reverence in their heart towards the great highness Lucifer.

Rael grinned widely. He knew the next few moments were going to be fun.

"To the peace and prosperity of the realm, lords, and nobles, citizens of Bourassa and inhabitants of our beautiful world... lastly my husband-to-be."

"Let us all toast to Irakiel El Navah!"


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