The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 171: The Queen Reveals

Chapter 171: The Queen Reveals

The nobles and the influencers socialized in the banquet hall. Their chatters mixed into all the other sounds. (Read while listening to Waste-Kxllswxtch)

A few of them stood near a window to get some air, but most stayed where they were. The women wore pretty dresses, but their faces had a grave look about them; it was obvious what they discussed was not amusing.

Some women by the side giggled happily as they sniffed the parfum sold by Lucifer the Realm Queen herself.

By now all the Sin Family Apostles had left their chatting room and entered the banquet hall. Even the lazy Yugo was enthusiastic, glancing at everyone with a hidden mystery sparkling in her eyes.

People looked at them with awe be it Elves, Humans, or all the other species present. The Demon Heads were just too flamboyant.

Avari the Lord of Greed had attendants to carry his head so it does not touch the ground. His entire dress was practically made out of gold as well.

Roth the Lord or Anger wore nothing but a banyan filled with jewels and beautiful edge-cutting diamonds.

Yugo the Lady of Sloth wore a white robe that contrasted her fiery red hair. She held on to an armrest tightly as she walked around the banquet hall. Her eyes were full of curiosity.

Lala the Lady of Envy wore a plain black dress embroidered with snakes. Her skin was pale and decorated with mithril bangles.

Gulgilbar the Lord of Gulttony wore an oriental heavy dress. His narrow eyes looked over the banquet as he smirked, his mouth full of chicken nuggets.

Behind him were his fat attendants who carried food. Gulgilbar believed that the food in the banquet would not suffice, so he brought his own food!

Last but not the least was the Sin Family Head of the Lust family. They wore something similar to what Kim Kardashian wears at MET Gala.

They had already begun seducing everything in their path. Be it men, women, or children.

At that moment, the lights of the banquet shut down and switched on again with more brightness.

"And now for the main event!" A voice boomed from the microphone.

The audience was hushed in excitement. An elderly man wearing a military uniform appeared onstage. He was dressed like the chairman of a company.

"For those who do not know me, I am General Victor Bivorio, the army chief of the Great Demon Empire and the Hand of the Queen. I welcome all of you, nobles from lands beyond and friends from lands near... welcome to the 69th Royal Assembly of the Realm!"

Gold-cloaked soldiers lined up at every corner and marched in an army fashion, all the lords and nobles watched in awe as their energy presided over the room.

They formed six straight lines, two at each side of the huge stage in the middle and two as a decorative at the staircase.

Mana burst into the room, the potency brought all of them to their knees, the first line held war trumpets in their hands, taking a mouthful of air they forced it in, releasing an enormous roar.


The second line held long swords, while the third held bows and arrows, and the fourth held shields and spears. Last but not least, the fifth line held large drums, and lastly the sixth line held lutes and horns.

The massive amount of mana brought an enormous vibration in the room as the sound resonated through every inch of the castle. It was as if the earth itself was shaking.

"In the name of the Demon God, Fakir, and the power vested in me as the Hand... I command the world to kneel!! Human, Demon, Elf, Goblin... I care not! Our kingdom or a different kingdom... I care not... Everyone KNEEL for her grace and welcome the Ruler of the Andals and the First Men, protector of the Realm... Welcome... HER MAJESTY THE GREAT, QUEEN LUCIFER OF HOUSE ELOHUM, THE BLOOD OF THE ANGEL GOD!!!"

The trumpets blasted again and this time the entire room went silent.

Everyone turned to look at the stage at the center of the room.

Her majesty was standing there, wearing a golden dress that reflected light everywhere. It was a wedding dress.

She had red lips, a red veil flowing behind her, and her hair tied with a red ribbon and golden embroideries around the neckline.

It was designed to show off her beauty and elegance. A transparent choker of jade encircled her throat.

The Queen's eyes were glowing with an intense fire. The whole room felt the heat coming off her body.

All the lords and nobles bowed before her.

The entire room was frozen, no one dared move a muscle.

But not even that could stop the Queen as she walked towards them, her steps echoing against the walls.

Now that they were in front, they were all reminded of the scary presence that was Lucifer Elohum, the Queen of the Realm.

All the beings arrogant and filled with ego were silenced, all those with ulterior motives were silent, and all those born during the era of peace were in silence for they were in front of true power.

The Sin Lords bowed their heads, be it Avari or the Human Saint Joesph Maria... even if it was humiliating... they bowed and knelt... even licking if the situation called for... this was power.

Once upon a time, a noseless fool quoted great wisdom, 'There is no good or evil. There is only power and those too weak to seek it.'

However, he miscalculated. Power is determined even before birth, even before the stars align, or all that bullshit.

Power is only hidden and reveals itself when the shadows creep into the abyss... to find a black hole instead.

Queen Lucifer was the queen of darkness. She was the strongest person in the world.

If anyone could crush the hearts of people with a single glare, it was Queen Lucifer.

Her beauty was so bright, not even the sun could compare to it.

Each person's heart was shaken by her presence, her aura was so powerful that many of the lords and nobles fainted. But they got back up after a few seconds, trying to shake off the feeling.

Those who were born during the era of peace and those who were raised in luxury never experienced such intensity.

But they knew if they did not bow down, they would fall. The fear of death was enough to make them kneel.

She slowly approached each lord and noble, staring directly into their eyes as she passed by.

How could any of them withstand such a gaze?

The aura she emitted was so strong, she was practically blinding everyone.

When she finally reached the end of the row, she stopped and faced the audience.

"I have come here today to announce the beginning of a new age for our Kingdom, I have a huge surprise for everyone... but that can wait a little longer. For now, let the Royal Assembly begin!!"


Happy Diwali to my Indian Readers, may your new year begin with the presence of the Queen Lucifer in your hearts.


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