The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 155: Interesting Developments Begin

Chapter 155: Interesting Developments Begin

Currently, I was having an intense battle with the two bums one cheek topped with sauce and cheese in front of me aka the delicacy that I have been wanting to taste since a long time, hamburger.

My hands would almost touch it but then I would pull it out and check the surroundings.

Is there any statue near me? Good! No statue. Maybe this time I can try eating it.

My hand almost touched it... almost.

I could see things playing out in slow motion, my hand nearing the beautiful hamburger but then a hand belonging to someone else intercepting in between and stealing it from me.

Wide-eyed, I looked at the hand in front of me. It was fair and petite but with long fingers. Following the hand, I saw a blonde-haired lady staring at the burger in her hand curiously.

She looked at me from the corner of her eye and took a small bite. Her face contorted into a mixture of pleasure and disgust.

She had blood-red eyes that matched her pale skin and with her gracious way of eating I already knew what she was.

A Royal Vampire.

She then spoke after swallowing the small bite of the burger.


Huh? Huh?? Huh???

Did she just call the hamburger ew.... although she clearly enjoyed eating it? ...Women.

"If you don't like it. Then why did you eat it?" I spoke. My emotions were raging in my heart but my face outwardly was as blank and stoic as it could be.

"I just wanted to see if the food outside my kingdom is any good." She spoke with a haughty expression and then looked at me as if I was an insect before taking another bite of the burger.

"Then stick to your vitamin d multivitamins." I didn't give her another glance and simply started to walk away.

I am pissed off now. Time to go and hunt a woman to release it.

As I stormed through the long hallways I simply admired the architecture. They reminded me a lot of the Celestial Realm. Although the Fairy Realm didn't have much architecture because we liked nature more, I would still travel outside the fairy realm to admire other species architecture.

The banquet was a panorama of cheerful and excited noise, as more and more people, who were no doubt people of some sort of influence, began filling the area up.

Some groups seemed more distinguished than the rest who were personally escorted by the hosts. They seemed like the more affluent nobles even among the nobles.

No doubt. This banquet is the biggest in history with important figures and nobles from all the kingdoms of the Lower World.

A large crowd of females gathered around a venue where two salespeople were selling some kind of product.

My eyebrows raised as I neared the crowd. I refused to enter the group of women to see what the commotion was about so I used the most classic move of all time.

I just elbowed a man who was standing beside me, looking at the same group of people with a tired expression, and whispered.

"Hey man."

The guy dipped his head in and whispered.


"What are they doing?" I inquired.

"Some perfume is being sold, seems to be a co-operation between the Twilight Industries and the ruler of the Lower World, the great highness herself."


I was no longer interested. It seems that Aria and Lucifer were cooperating on some kind of product and had started advertising it in the banquet before selling them worldwide.

I feel that they had briefed me on the product but I don't quite remember now... I also think that they drugged me.... but it could be a hallucination.




A shiver went through my spine. It's better if I stop thinking about it all together.

Whilst in the middle of my daze, I heard a voice that made me get out of it.


Hmm? The name seems familiar.

Tilting my head I saw a red-haired woman running towards us. She immediately hugged the guy who I elbowed before and then kneed him in his balls.

"Oww....why the ball kick..?" He asked with a grateful smile that asked for more.

The girl smiled back. Her face was genuinely happy, it was flushed pink and her ears were lowered as a shy expression came on it while staring at me from time to time.

"Did you find Irakiel for me as my birthday gift to fuck with?"

Huh?... Say that again lady?

Even the boy was dumbfounded and he then took a better look at my face and realization struck him. As he stared at me... I stared back and instantly remembered who he was and the girl in front of me.

Chuck Luver and his girlfriend, the daughter of the Anger Family Head, Lena La Satella.

What a funny duo of cucks.

If I remember correctly Lena would get turned on by me fucking her mums.

"Can you wait for a while, Rael?" She looked at me with a lustful gaze filled with love. I saw her boyfriend tearing up from the corner of my eyes.

"Sure," I said nonchalantly. I wanted to fuck anyway to release all my pent-up anger.

"Thanks. I will go and get my mums." She said as she disappeared, running into the crowd.

"Okay...." I waved my hands with a deadpanned expression.

Putting one hand in my pocket I raised an eyebrow. Chuck glared at her with the most betrayed expression on his visage and then turned to look at me with a livid one.

I mouthed towards him.


I can't think of one single thing I did to anger him.

Shrugging my shoulders I was going to find a chair to sit on and wait for Lena and the Anger Family's head's wives but before I could there was another surprise coming my way.

A familiar-looking human grabbed my hand and like as if he was using a rocket behind his back or a jet pack we zoomed past through the air avoiding all people in our way- almost.

Quickly taking a glass of wine from a lady's hand as I was zooming past everyone I took a sip in mid-air.

Ahhh~ This is so not peaceful.

At least the wine is not bad.

Opening my eyes slowly, I threw the wine glass in the air and wriggled around and roundhouse kicked the guy right in his human ugly disgusting face.

Opening my palm, I waited for the wine glass-


-and took a sip from it.

*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*

While the people around us clapped, I walked towards the human passed out on the ground, and had a frown on my face. He should have woken up by now.

"Quit acting Phillip," I said in a stern voice.

Immediate Philip woke up from the ground and started to straighten out his clothes. He bowed towards the audience around us and showed me a clumsy smile.

"Yes, stepfather. Actually... I am sorry for the trouble you had to face... however, there is a reason why I had to do this in a rush."

Hmmm. Is that so?... I wonder if I should punish him or not?

"Okay then....Tell me the reason and then after hearing I will decide how to punish you."

Philip nodded awkwardly.

"The reason is-

My mother wants to meet you.."


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