The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 138: Complete Soul

Chapter 138: Complete Soul

After tucking Alizejh into the bed, I too lied on it, hugging her from behind. The peaceful atmosphere and the silence of the night made me drowsy.

My eyes got heavier as my body warmed up. I felt sleepy, all the fiasco before had indeed made me tire. After yawning a bit and stretching my hands I hugged Alizejh again.

Just as deep sleep was about to hit me...



You f*cking with me?!

I didn't open my eyes and simply spoke while hugging my sister.

"Alizejh. I know you are doing this to scare me, stop doing it."

Instead, I heard a very annoyed reply from Alizejh as if extremely grumpy for being awakened.

"Stupid, I didn't do anything. Must have been the wind."

Must have been the wind... must have been the wind.

"Are you sure?" I couldn't help but ask her.

"Yes. Now let me sleep."

I subconsciously hugged her tighter not realizing that my strong body could choke her. Suddenly I got a kick on my butt and fell down on the floor.


Rubbing my butt I lifted my head, only to see an enraged Alizejh who had a grumpy face.

"Let me sleep!!!"

I sighed and grumbled,


They definitely love their sleep.

Walking out of the room I decided to go towards the kitchen. Maybe I could have a midnight cookie or something similar.

Hence I started to walk in the dark hallway. My eyes helped me see the darkness as light but it still didn't help to reduce the eerie feeling in the surroundings.




I stopped. There were three that I heard. A sound of something similar to glass crashing, the sound of a slap, and the wailing of a woman.

Not the wail you hear when a woman is whipped or similar but rather a disturbing wail. Not even similar to a woman.

It sounded scary. It was a low-pitched scream, similar to a banshee.

I knelt on my leg, my breathing became hard as my eyes subconsciously watered a bit. Although one wouldn't be able to make out from the outside, I was genuinely scared.

The hallways were pitch black if not for the candles that were close to dimming out due to the cold hard wind breezing throughout the area.


Another wail resounded. I didn't shiver but I could feel myself numb. After that, there was silence. An eerie silence, the cold wind stopped blowing and the moon hid behind the dark clouds.


The candles too got extinguished.

Darkness. There was only darkness in the passages of the medieval castle. No guards on duty, no maids, no one.

It felt empty as if no one existed and I was alone, stuck in a ghastly place.

The only light that I could amidst the darkness was a small white one.

I walked slowly, the sound of my footsteps felt like echoes in the lonely passageway. Trudging towards the small white light I noticed that it was moving somewhere and there were multiple lights similar to it.

As I reached to the end of the passageway towards the garden, I could see thousands and thousands of white luminescent circles.

Some were small in size while some were large, all kinds of varieties existed. I could feel a strange resonance with them.

My Pure Death Energy instantly started to react with them, it was like as if it was longing for them. It was the same with the lights.

All of them seem to be attracted to me and came near. I instantly knew what they were and why my Pure Death Energy seemed to react with them.

They were Souls.

Long, lost fleeting souls.

They had no will, completely pure. They were the energy, the core of a living being, and all of them were attracted to me.

Not attracted due to my heavy life force but rather due to my Pure Death Energy.

They were beautiful lights, like floating lanterns that illuminated the lonely sky and barren surroundings.

Death is indeed beautiful.

My finger subconsciously plucked one of the souls hovering near me and it immediately burst into tiny small particles that later attracted to each other again in an instant becoming how it was before I touched it.

This proved one thing, the fragment of a respective soul attracts the other fragments of it.

Closing my eyes, I felt numerous hands trying to grab me. I didn't run away from it nor did I run towards it.

I simply let the hands embrace me. They were like children, giggling as if they found their mom or in this case father.

I felt my soul connecting with them all, with each and every one of them.

It pained. It pained a lot. Some of them felt freezing cold while some felt boiling hot. Not a sound escaped from my mouth nor did I form an expression of pain on my face.

I endured them all.

It seems that I was slowly getting the qualities I had from my first life back to me. I was once again becoming elegant to a frightening degree, a true noble.

I could feel my willpower strengthening to a frightening degree every time I made a connection with a soul.

My Soul, after my first life has almost faded, it has disintegrated and turned into nothingness becoming a part of the void.

The truth is that, my current soul is just a fragment of my original soul. My original soul has already been more than half destroyed.

It was the Akashik Records that completed part of my Soul. It was connected to me, it was my soul itself, or I thought it was.

In reality, I am a part of the Akashik Records since my soul is smaller than an ant if compared to it.

I am not even alive. A puppet is what I can be called. I have always felt empty, different from my first life. Now I am completely sure of the reason.

It's not due to Akashik Records but rather because my soul is incomplete.

Nevertheless, today I felt filled up. Alive for the first time, as if I was myself again not a husk of what I used to be.

Opening my eyes, I noticed something different. A faint light covered my body. Not holy nor was it chaotic.

It was simply the resonance of soul brimming outside my body. I could feel something burning in the chest.

It was not the kind of fire that would pain but rather the kind that would give comfort. It was warm and gave a homely feeling.

I finally felt completed.


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