The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 100: Attack on Camp (2)

Chapter 100: Attack on Camp (2)



"Show-offs." Lelia scoffed looking at her teammates.

"Oi, why are you so stiff all the time Lelly, you should loosen up," Feral said with a wide grin upon his face, almost maniacal.

She clicked her tongue and looked at a tan skin guy with dark green hair on its ends and light strikes painted upon it.

"Captain, so what is the plan? Plunder again?" Lelia chuckled at the end.

The tan skin guy turned to look at the girl with a cold face, "Yes, plunder all the points, kill everyone, leave the strong ones alive, we can maybe use them for live experiments or enlist them as a slave to the military."

The girl nodded and sighed, quite gruesome but nothing she wasn't used to. After all, she was a noble and everyone she had ever met in her life was a noble.

Extorting was quite common, nothing new, just it was thoroughly hidden by everyone and only the darkest, most ancient, and noblest families would do so including all the sin families.

Why would only do so and why so much secrecy?

Times had changed, now their influence was not comparable to what it was in ancient times, especially after the realm became diverse.

Now everyone had an opinion.

"Alright everyone let's head out and destroy these peasants!!!!" The tan skin guy yelled.

"YES! Lord Lurcro Leviathanus" His teammates cheered on and went towards the camp with sadistic grins crept onto their faces.

While all the drama was going on in the camp, Rael finally opened his eyes, rather angry because his sleep was disturbed.

He really didn't like it when his sleep was disturbed, he would quickly become a fussy child whenever that happened.

After yawning for a bit he stretched his arms and legs, finally getting up to look at what was going on in the camp.

A soft smile crept onto his face as he thought of Snakey only for it to be destroyed due to the constant miasma flowing and cries of battle.

"Who the hell is making a fuss so early in the morning?!" He yelled in the distance gritting his teeth.

Using water element he took a quick shower and brushed his teeth running towards where the commotion was taking place.

Right, when he was done with his shower he noticed an approaching figure near the stone where the scanner watch which held all their points was kept.

Rael blinked his eyes looking at him with an amused smile, "So it seems I have found someone to release my anger upon."


"We will surrender all our points, there is no need to fight," Sona said in a calm and calculative tone while biting her lips.

Time had already run out, this was the only option left to her, they obviously couldn't fight, the nobles were far stronger than any one of them.

"Surrender your points? You must be kidding." Feral chuckled while looking at them all with disdain.

"Do you really think that we want your pitiful points?" Lelia said looking at her as if she was dumb.

Sona sighed, she had calculated this, it was very much possible that they were doing raids just for the fun of it.

'Is there no other choice?' She gritted her teeth.

"If we are to die then we would rather die fighting!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

The other students who had lost their hope got a new light in their eyes.


Just one simple slogan filled all of them with a whole new conviction as they turned to look at the raiders with absolute hatred and anger.

It is quite amazing how easy it is to get influenced when your numbers are more than theenemys.

Sona took a quick glance and cunningly deduced a plan the only problem was that it would be hard to execute because she didn't get a chance to inform her classmates.

'The raiders are five in number.... so if my calculations are right then they are a basic team consisting of a swordsman, archer maybe, priest, tank, mage and the all-rounder who I am assuming is their captain.'

Sona contemplated for a bit, finally smiling as a smirk came upon her face.

'We have an advantage in numbers, five versus us all, they can never defeat us all, maybe if there was an ambush then.'

"Disperse and head-on confront!!" She yelled and like and flickered into the air, leaning against the branch of a tree.

The five looked at the scene with amusement flickering in their eyes, Feral snorted as he looked at his two other teammates, Tunas and Pomfretus.

Tunas was the tank along with his large bulky body while Pomfretus was the damage dealer.

"Enough tricks, Lelia use sensory magic and bind them using your deviant magic," Lucro ordered in an unexpressive tone.

Immediately metal chains erupted in mass from the ground and bound everyone in their place not letting anyone move.

Sona had her eyes wide open when she saw that she was bound, but not just that!

The metal chains were leeching on her magic and absorbing it!

"What?!" Sona and the others blurted in utter disbelief.

Feral laughed boisterously pointing his fingers at them with his hands on his stomach.

"Dont tell me that you guys were so naive hahahaha!! How else do you think that we managed to subjugate other camps? You guys are even more stupid than them, the worst camp no doubt hahahahaha!!"

Lelia stared at him dumbfoundedly and snorted, "Why do you get to laugh when I am doing all the work?"

"Alright, you guys stop flirting." Pomfretus cut in their conversation.

"Yeah, the two of you are like husband and wife," Tunas said with a chuckle.

"We are not!!" Both of them yelled at once.

"Shut up!!" Suddenly Lucro yelled as he started to frown deeply. Seeing the expression on his face all his teammates zipped their mouths, they knew how their captain was whenever he was serious.

"I lost connection with Mob..." He said gritting his teeth.

"Huh?!!!" All of them had astonished expressions etched upon their visage.

After a few seconds, Lelia spoke up, "How?"

"I don't know but this has suddenly become interesting." He said with a slight grin creeping over his usually stoic face.

They blinked their eyes and sighed, they knew that he didn't value the lives of his teammates and was a battle masochist.

One thing they knew for sure was that at least they cared for their teammates except for their captain, due to their bonds formed as they all had been together since childhood.

The one most hurt was Feral, his knees wobbled as he fell onto the ground, Lelia immediately went to support him. Even Pomfretus and Tunas had grim expressions, grieving from the inside.

"WHO DID IT?! I WILL KILL HIM!! I WILL TORTURE HIM SO BADLY THAT HE WILL WISH HE WAS NEVER BORN!!" Feral howled loudly, the others could only look at him with sad expressions.

Sona had a shocked expression and facepalmed herself in her mind, 'Why didn't I think of it before? Every team has an assassin... so most probably they sent their assassin to steal the scanner watch.'

Then Feral looked at Isera with a crazed expression, "You are their leader, right? TELL ME WHO DID IT?!??"

Sona remained quiet and simply gritted her teeth, in no way was she gonna sell Rael out especially if they were gonna die anyway, better at least give one of their classmates a chance to stay alive.

Seeing that she was not going to answer he looked at the others with bloodshot eyes, "DOES ANYONE HERE KNOW WHO DID IT?!"

Silence, he was met with pin-drop silence.

No one was ready to rat Rael out, they all had the same idea as Sona.

"You gave me no other choice." Feral sighed but his expression still that of anger. His teammates didn't do anything and let him do whatever he wanted since they were also wanting to know who did it.

He turned to look at Sona, "Let me show you how it feels losing your teammates and especially a person you love, aren't you the class president? So you have the responsibility to take care of them all, now see how your responsibility becomes your bane."

Sona's eyes widened, she understood what he intended to do. "NO! DONT YOU DARE!"

He gave an almost maniacal smile in her direction. "Oh yes, I will."

He grabbed a random woman and stripped her naked and generated fire in his hands in order to burn her to death.

"Now watch her die in agony and pain!" He raised his palms near his mouth and blew some air in his hands which created a huge fireball which was then later executed out from his palms.


Right when it was going to hit the girl, a huge douse of water was dumped on the entire area, not letting the fire flicker for even a moment.

Ice covered the entire plain freezing everything blue in color, right when everyone was dazed and confused was when huge wisps of coldness flowed throughout the environment, the aura coming out from them was extremely freezing and ever cold, it was like as if they could even freeze-dry even death.

Huge turquoise blue flames were formed when all the wisps combined giving a totally different feeling, it was just too dense!!

Everyone present at the site started to shiver, even though their bodies should be tempered, they started to develop and runny noses along with a mild fever.

It was right then that the blue flames struck Feral.


The poor guy howled like a wolf as his body started to melt due to the sheer coldness of the flame, the flesh didn't even turn to ash and instead simply turned into vapor.

Everyone heard the horrifying scream coming out from the huge blue flame in the center of the location and quickly upped their guard.

The raiders were greatly confused, they had no idea what happened, was the blue flame belonging to Feral? No that wasn't possible they heard his shriek... maybe that was a hallucination. It must be, it must be Feral's new flame technique since h was a flame master.

But to their expectations, something entirely different happened.

A shadow was slowly walking out from the deep ice-colored flames with the girl in his arms getting carried like a princess, his every step resounded his apathy towards them, the only emotion they could sense was disdain and laziness.

He opened his eyes to speak looking at the spot where the ground was charred due to absolute coldness and where Feral died.

"Dont expect that you won't be tortured when you torture." He said in a soft cold tone but everyone present heard it.

The logic was quite simple, if you kill then you shouldn't be afraid to be killed, if you torture then you shouldn't be afraid of it.

Although Rael's flames were worse than torture...

He then turned to look at Sona with a teasing smile,

"Was I late?"


100 chaps finally, 2 or 3 more chaps then this versions will have caught up to the previous version. After that ill have to write with blood sweat and tears. I have already thought of the plots for the future.


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