The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 10: You wanna have a harem huh? Bastard!

Chapter 10: You wanna have a harem huh? Bastard!

After getting dressed up, I was having breakfast in the restaurant inside the hotel like a young couple, we decided to tour the city a bit.

Every person on the street was a rich person. It seemed like as if all the normal people had suddenly disappeared! Such is when a big event takes place.

There was a lot of tension in the city, because of the Auction.

There were rumors that the most dangerous and reputated robber group, 'Joker' had decided to steal items off the Auction on the auction day.

It was said that the 'Joker' group was a new robber group but had been taken upon the world by their amazing robberies.

Nobody knew the authenticity of the rumors but they didn't take it lightly. After all Regent Auction was the greatest Auction of all time.

It was the sole reason why influentials would come to the banquet.

Countless! Priceless! Rarest of the rare treasures would be sold! Some could be treasures from the different places in the celestial world and the others could be from the lost ruins! It was all within possibility! I

After rating a lot of clothes, and seeing Alizejh's every outfit for four hours I felt exhausted! But there was nothing I could do... I owed her this much for what I did in the morning.


"Brother... why are you sighing?" She asked with a worried tone.

You are not worried at all! I can see through your facade!

"Nothing much... it's no matter of concern." I gave a fake smile to which she also gave a fake smile and shoved the cloth bag in my hands.

"Buy them for me!" She pleaded.

I stared at her dumbfounded, I still hadn't gotten used to this before.

She is the one who gives me pocket money and she is only the one who is making me spend it... doesn't this mean that you are not giving me any money in reality?!?!


As we were buying the clothes I came across the conversation of the two people.

"Did you hear about 'Joker' they might steal during the Auction?" One of the workers said.

"No I don't think they have the guts to do that... they have already offended many countries and people, this would be like digging their own grave."

"Noo I don't think that they are afraid of anything! They have never failed nor are they afraid or else they would have been caught a long time ago!"

"Well, you might be right... anyway, I have a feeling that we can see a lot of drama."

I was not interested in their conversation so I left after buying the clothes for Alizejh.

We bought an ice cream and started to walk in a random direction.

Sometimes I still wonder what that page from the void was... I could clearly remember the pain my astral form had felt.

Normally it should have been impossible to feel pain or lose consciousness in an astral form! It was very peculiar!

The language the text was written in was also very mysterious.

I sighed as I licked my chocolate ice cream.

At that moment, Alizejh pulled my hand smirking evilly, trying to hide her excitement.

She pulled me into a dark alley, I immediately gulped my saliva. What is she going to do now?

Well if you wanna do that then I am fine with it...

We traveled a bit and then finally reached the end. I was shocked to see that the other side was bustling with people!

There were all kinds of people...elves, dwarves, demons, etc.

She smirked and said proudly, "Welcome to the Black Market.".

I was still stunned admiring the surroundings, it was actually quite beautiful! It reminded me of the fairy market places. I actually missed home a bit.

Then Alizejh waved at a stranger and all of a sudden and I heard a voice from behind my back.

At the time, as I kept on observing the place, Alizejh suddenly waved towards someone. She went running towards the couple and started to talk to them cheerfully.

At that moment the old man waved towards me and asked Alizejh, "Who is he?

"Is he your husband?" The old woman asked nonchalantly.

"Wait what?! You got yourself married?!" The old man exclaimed with a face full of shock. The couple didn't believe her! After all, they knew that she was the cold prodigy of the Enforcer Department and knew about her family situation.

The old woman came closer to me to analyze my face and nodded to herself.

"I don't know how you managed to seduce her with that girly face that you have..." she muttered in her breath disdainfully.

I could hear everything she said but I stayed calm, I had by now gotten used to such remarks and also the fact that I was the fairy king.

Insults wouldn't provoke me.

Alizejh's face reddened but she didn't deny being my wife.

WOMAN!! AND YOU OLD COUPLE!! Are you guys blind?? I have the same looks as her!!! Can't you see that I am her twin?!

Then she pulled me as we went inside an Antique shop. It seemed like the Antique Shop belonged to the old elvish couple.

I stared at the shop with wonder, it was definitely elegant! It seemed like as if the shop was there for ages. I could almost smell the old smell.

I have always liked old smells especially the smell of ancient books. The shop seemed to be made kf wood totally old school!

There were many accessories and peculiar items, elegantly set up behind glasses. However, none of them caught my attention. Most of the shelves were empty. It seemed like the items of this shop had also been given to the Auction House to auction off.

This meant that the host of this auspicious banquet was most probably someone not from the human realm. If maybe the auction wasn't open then the black market would be more lively.

If I ever came back to the demon realm then I would definitely come back here.

At that moment the old male elf came out with fairy ale. I was dumbstruck and started to stare at the old elf.

Alcohol! It was the one thing for what the fairy real was famous for. Fairy Ale! It was a pretty common drink in the fairy realm and it was popularly sold but was very expensive for the other realms. Even beggar fairies drank fairy ale.

It could be called the national drink.

The man then started to boast about fairy ale and how he had got it through so much trouble and connections.

He then started to pour it into glasses and gave each glass to all of us.

Just like a greedy person, he gave all of us less and himself more but I didn't mind it, I wanted to taste the ale. I hadn't had it for ages!

Since I was stuck in the black abyss I had started to appreciate food even more.

It was said that elvish alcohol products were also very amazing however fairy alcohol beat them no hands barred. As expected from the species who were needed to preserve the balance of nihilism.

I stared at my ale with longing eyes, sniffing it from time to time. It was what one was supposed to do before drinking it back in the fairy realm.

The old couple stared at me with an irritated gaze and snorted disdainfully,

"Alizejh your husband is quite weird..." The old female elf whispered in her ears.

Alizejh simply snorted and focused on her own drink and started to chat with the old female elf on some shitty girlish topics.

Tears welled up out of my eyes and fell on the ground as I kept on staring at my glass. The old man looked weirded out and said in a conceding tone.

"If you don't want to drink I can drink it.."

'Is he feeling that he is unworthy?'

I immediately took a sip of the ale, tears started to well up even more as I started to drink it. It was horrible! Lowest quality fairy ale of the fairy realm! But it still made me reminisce.

Even the lowest quality was much more better in quality compared to other realm's drinks.

Noticing their expression, she tried to change the topic and asked the old lady,

"Old Yemi, can you make a divination?"

She nodded understanding the intention underlying what she said to make the awkward environment better.

I was a bit shocked when I heard divination. Divination! It was one of the rarest classes of the races across realms.

Only a handful of people gave it and can predict out someone's fate. Of course, fate isn't absolute because many people in the world are fateless and keep on impacting upon fate and so are called sons of fate.

The old elf man seemed proud and proudly wrapped his arms and gazed towards his wife. Although he had seen divination done by his wife many times he still loved to watch it.

"What do you want me to divine upon?" Yemi asked with a smile on her face. She was also excited to divine.

She hadn't divined in a long time and wanted to try it out.

"Of course love." She said shamelessly.

Yemi laughed, all females have their insecurities. Even if they are stronger, no woman wants to see their man snatched away.

They sat at a table, the mood was very jolly. At that moment Yemi held Alizejh and my hand with both of her hands making it into a message chain.

She closed her eyes as she began to mutter something. It felt like as if she was praying when she started to mutter. Her eyes were deeply closed into immense concentration.

At that moment I felt the familiar energy trying to enter inside my body which I gradually accepted as I knew that it would tell me my fate.

After a few moments, the old woman started to laugh out loud, tears were almost coming out of her eyes as she looked at Alizejh and me with an amused expression.

Then her face turned totally serious and looked at Alizejh with a very serious face.

"Your husband is quite the playboy. He will capture the hearts of many and make a small harem of his own. Almost everyone in his harem will be tamed including you and that's not all every one of them are at the peak of power...oh what's this.... your husband is pretty amazing! It seems like that's not all! In his harem, some of them will also be celestials! I can't peer more!" She sighed regretfully but looked at me in a different light.

She was utterly aghast and looked at me then Alizejh,

"How did you find someone like him?!"

She had a surprised and shocked expression. Celestials were not an ordinary matter! This meant that this young man in front of her would maybe ascend into the celestial realm someday!

The old man snorted and had a changed view about me and looked at me in a different light but he still didn't try to hide his annoyance. After all, I was weird as fuck in his view.

Alizejh blushed a bit but was actually feeling hurt in her heart when she heard that I would have my own harem.

'This might be the only time I'll get to bully him!'

She clenched her hands and put one on my stomach and pouted while nibbling on my earlobe.

'Better if I bully him right now as much as I can!'

She stared at me with disdain and harrumphed, "You dare talk about having a harem! You need to be taught a good lesson."

You teaching me about lessons?? Ha!

I am revered as one of the best teachers. I just taught a lesson yesterday to a girl and now she is my wife!

She suddenly held my little brother tightly. It seemed like my little brother actually became little due to her strong grip.

I felt a lot of pain but I didn't show it.

Sister!! This is indecent!!

At that moment I noticed that the old woman was still holding my hand and her eyes were closed in concentration. It seemed that curiosity had got the upper hand of her when she came to know about my divinity of ascending to the celestial realm.

So she tried to peer into my fate. Even Alizejh and the old elf man was looking at me then her with a curious expression. It was not every day that someone could ascend!

Even for emperors, it was immensely hard! Only some of the demons apostles of the seven sins had ascended before.

Even in the greed family, only my supposed grandfather had ascended into the celestial realm.


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