The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 1: Consecutive Death

Chapter 1: Consecutive Death

It was dark, all I could see was pitch black just like as if I was in the abyss. There was not even a shred of light. The only light in the entire plain was my glowing body which was in the Astral Form of my soul.

I started to walk in the dark plain. I don't even know how I was able to walk in the darkness. I walked in any direction as I could only see blackness everywhere.

How much time has passed since I started this walk? I don't even know...maybe thousands of years or eons... heck does time even exist over here!

Did I do something wrong to be stuck with this curse?

I knew that I would gradually forget all my memories and I would become mindless. Maybe there would be no hope to get out of here.

But I knew even if there was no hope that there is an end to everything.

To every End, there is a Beginning and likewise, every Beginning has an end.

I started to reminisce about the past to pass the time and also so I would never forget my memories.

Now you would think why I would do this. Why not just gradually forget everything so that nothing would torture me right?

But I just couldn't do that, that would be accepting defeat. There will be a day when I get out of here.

I was the King of Fairies, I had almost everything I wanted. Just before I entered this hell I had been on my deathbed.

Now let's try to remember how I died.... hmmm

If I am right then I was taking a stroll in the capital.

The capital is the best area, at least for me, it was like a haven of peace to me.

Why so?

Because there were so many portraits and statues, and do you know the amazing fact about that?

All of them were based upon me!!

Everywhere I go, I see myself.

Damn, my narcissism is a lot though.

I mean, I feel pity for all my subjects, I know they all want to look like me and have the same qualities as me at least.

Well, I was revered and immensely loved by the citizens of my kingdom... or should I say in the female population? Haha, I don't know what to say.

So where was I?


Just like always, I was taking a stroll in the capital, another statue of mine was being constructed.

To tell you all the truth, this was the grandest of all my statues combined.

It was being constructed of the purest mithril ever, all the more, it was in the center of the capital giving it all the more attention.

Pure Mithril, it has the properties of even destroying the soul to the point of nothingness.

Well, I was standing right under my statue, and admiring myself.

Damn though!! I must say!! How could I be so heaven blessed!!

I had the best facial features, don't even talk about my man's pride it just too good, I also had two wives.

One was Titania, I would call her Titty when we were together for teasing, I won't lie, she had good assets especially the chest part.

The second was Elequeeness, she was another beauty altogether, cold, distant, and brimming with elegance.

The only difference between the two was that Titania would at least talk with me, Elequeeness on the other hand would always put a cold facade.

What she didn't know was that I could easily see through it.

We even had a child, for fairies all we had to do to procreate for a child was mixing our blood with spirits and pledge to the great tree of Ygdrasil for its blessings, and then it would become a seed.

The seed would have to be buried in the ground and brought up with utmost importance and care.

Only then would it grow into a single plant, from that a flower would take birth when the flower would bloom it would contain a child.

I had a baby girl as a child, she was the proof of all of us, Me, Titania, and Elequeeness.

Yes, three people could have one child.

So yes, I was standing right before my statue.

It was shining with white brilliance and looked almost as if it was alive, just it wasn't fully completed.

While I was amid a daze, cracks formed on the surface of the statue, and boom!

Yup. That's how I died, death by my own statue.

Quite ironical it is.

The better word for my death would be death by narcissism.

I had many redeeming and great qualities but my worst quality was my overbearing narcissism. I had everything else in control.

The worst fact was that it was made of pure mithril hence it was my soul which got destroyed along with my body which got crushed.

This was an outcome I hadn't expected at all.

I had led expeditions in my Fairy Realm and finally united it, I even did marriage alliances, Titania and Elequeeness, Titty warmed up to me fair quickly but it seems that Elequeeness was still in a lot of confusion.

Titania and Elequeeness were the only two rulers, then they became mine. Titania through a marriage alliance and Elequeeness through military might.

Fairy realm, a totally different subspace. The only space which was heavily different and personal compared to the lower world, celestial plains, and God plains.

They couldn't even leave the subspace, as if they were bound to it, the latter was the same for outsiders unless they had an invitation.

Maybe because Fairies were a race blessed by the tree of Yggdrasil, the world tree, and supposed preserves of life energy in the wide omniverse.

Fairies had a unique ability that no other races had, they could control spirits to their will, spirits were the incarnations of life energy.

Just like cells of a human body, spirits came together to form a fairy.

I was totally fine with dying at least it would be peaceful. I thought that I had lived for thousands of years so it was fine. It was more like as if I gave myself to death.

My only regret was my daughter.


Who am I lying to?..

My regret was not seeing the completion of my statue.

I felt the same amount of regret towards my family, I can't lie about that no matter how narcissistic I am.

Although I never thought in a million years that I would die this way.

Ugh, this feels like as if I have gone through a clich.

Do you know how much it pained me?!

My soul got literally got obliterated to fade away as it entered the End.

The End has many names, Abyss, Nothingness, Nihilism, Pit of Darkness.

Fairies are immortal, their souls could die, if the astral form of the body is removed then the physical body freezes forever. If they die naturally then they divide into spirit wisps.

So I am guessing that my immortal body must be in a a death trance.

Maybe by now they have already put me in a glass coffin and showcasing it to the public.

There had always been a saying that if a soul dies then it returns to nothingness. That way it would be destroyed forever.

Once again I was walking just like always. The glow on my body was gradually fading. This had been happening since the beginning.

I assume this is because I am an abomination in the place where I am. How could something exist in nothingness?

Finally, after some time all the light had almost dissipated. Only a small glow remained.

Is this death?

Just when all the glow was going to disappear I spotted another golden light.

This was the first time ever since I had entered into the nothingness that I had seen another light.

I started to run towards where the light was.

Will I meet another person just like me? I was overjoyed.

Finally, I reached towards the light. I was disappointed because it wasn't another soul but instead it looked like a page from a book.

The page was glowing brightly and was floating.

As I went closer I noticed that the page was ENORMOUS! It was as big as a star.

Oh well, at least I can try to read it to pass the time.

I floated to the top and started to read it.

Huh? What is this language? I can't understand anything.

I am anyway going to fade away I can at least try to decode what's written on it.

I finally reached to the end of the page, I turned my head up to see the endless page.

Wow! I don't even know how I managed to come to the end of this page.

Although I couldn't decode anything I don't regret it, it was a good way to pass the time. I gradually understand the letters of the words, just that I didn't know what they meant.

Just when I reached the end character of the page was when 'it' took place.

Suddenly the page a few centimeters away from my face got absorbed by my astral body.

For the first time, I felt pain. This pain was directly striking my astral body. I tried to scream but I couldn't.

I could see the texts on the page in my head, every time a text entered into my body I could feel pain.

And moreover, there were zillions of words so you can't even imagine the pain. It was even more painful than normal pain because it was striking my astral body.

The pain was overbearing... for the first time since I came here, I lost my consciousness.

I don't even know how this was possible in my astral form.


I tried to open my eyes but the light was too bright, it invaded and would make me wanna puke. Suddenly I heard a crying noise,

'Who is crying!?!'

Now I could hear it louder, I annoyed tried to open my eyes properly. I felt strange I could feel myself but at the same time, I could not. Now I could feel my mouth filled with a very tasty liquid... Ahhh this is milk... WAIT WHY THE F*CK AM I DRINKING MILK!!!

I wanted to shout at whoever was ruining my final moments of rest.

What happened? What is going on I can't understand!

"Look at him. He's so cute!"

Cute?! I guess I am hehe.....actually I should be called handsome right?

I haven't been breastfed for a long time... almost makes me feel that I am a kid.

Wait... wait wait!! No no no this is not possible... how is this possible?!

Am I in the body of a kid?!

Wasn't I right now in the abyss.... is this hallucination? I remember losing my consciousness. So this must be a hallucination!

Yes, I am sure!

As I finally found the strength to open my eyes, a blurry figure started to come into my view. Slowly my blurry vision started to clear. At last, I was able to see in front of me.

It was a human I guess, a female human, I started to examine her closely.

I had never seen humans in person as fairies never leave their realm even when they have permission to leave kinda like hobbits they love their home.

She had long black hair with a chiseled face. Under her eyes were two huge black bags, but even though she looked tired she couldn't help but smile.


Humans are ugly...

I feel like puking

Suddenly I started to cry, I must have cried for a long time since I could feel that the woman in front of me was annoyed.

But how could I not feel overjoyed! I finally escaped that HELL!


Then I saw that I was being embraced into her soft apples. Truly! This is heaven. It's soft and I feel like sleeping because of it. For the first time since I came out of the abyss, I can sleep.


She was flat as hell!!

My head hurts!


I drank milk to my heart's extent and now my stomach was completely filled. For the first time in eternity, I tasted something.

I started to feel drowsy, I have many questions that are taking up the place in my head. By now I knew that I was a kid.

That was for sure! Judging by how I was getting breastfeed and how I couldn't see properly. At least I could feel my arms and legs which meant I was born without any malfunctions.

The only speculation that I have is that I have been reincarnated.

How funny is this... I, one of the strongest existences have been reincarnated in a disgusting human.

Never thought a day would come when I would be reincarnated in this disgusting species.

But that's fine at least I don't have to stay over there any longer!

I could remember most of my memories, my memories most likely came with me during my reincarnation. I tried to sense the magic in my body...

It's a good thing that I recalled my memories every day.

"Do I not have Magic?"

Noo!! No!

I quickly checked if it was possible to cultivate.


I don't even have a root.

Crap crap!!

Am I supposed to live like this?

Haha jokes on me.

I died twenty years later choking on cup-noodles.


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