The King of Beast Trainers

Chapter 12 - 12 Test Attribute_1

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 Test Attribute_1

"What a pity. In the past, Attribute Fruits weren't so expensive, and we could accumulate quite a number over time, but recently, due to the mass influx of Beast Trainers into Infinite City, Attribute Fruits have become extremely scarce and are monopolized by the major powers."

"Anyway, even though Pet Beasts can obtain stronger combat strength after awakening their attributes, just wait for a while. There's no rush at the moment. Once the wave of newbies has passed, the market will likely be stocked again, and by that time, you should have saved up enough crystal coins to buy them," said Wave's Little White Dragon.

"Or, you could choose to join the officials... You'll generally get the benefit of free awakening of attributes."

"They give out Attribute Fruits for free?" Lu Ran finally heard some good benefits.

"How could that be! It's through other methods."

"Which is better for the Pet Beasts?"

"Obviously, the Attribute Awakening Fruits that you have to pay for are," said Little White Dragon, with a twitch in his mouth. Isn't that obvious?

Free is good enough, let alone expecting more.

"Fine," Lu Ran replied helplessly. If that's the case, he would definitely choose the awakening method that's best for his Pet Beast. It's not like he can't afford Attribute Fruits.

Everything to lay a good foundation for Mr. Husky!

"Alright, that should be enough to explain for now. My Beast Trainer number is 7386. Let's add each other as friends. If you change your mind, you can contact me," said Wave's Little White Dragon. He felt that Lu Ran was catching on quite quickly; students really do have strong learning abilities.

Moreover, Lu Ran seemed quite vigilant in his eyes, evidently not fully trusting him. That's not bad; often, such people are less likely to die too early in the Secret Realm.

"Thank you," Lu Ran said.

"Don't mention it, huh." Little White Dragon glanced at the time and said with surprise, "It's getting late; time to get off work. I might as well go the whole nine yards. I will take you to the nearest Attribute Stone, and it's on my way to grab a meal anyway. Some restaurants inside Infinite City really have an amazing taste, you should try them when you have the chance, but they are expensive!"

"Let's go, Xiao Lu," he said, adjusting his clothes before preparing to leave.

Lu Ran hesitated for a bit, then followed him.


"Compared to the massive Infinite City, the number of Beast Trainers, for now, seems scarce, and Battle-type Beast Trainers seldom show up; they are mostly busy improving their strength. It's almost all lifestyle-type Beast Trainers who are active in the city..."

"This isn't the central area, so there are even fewer people here..."

All the way, Wave's Little White Dragon continued to explain things to Lu Ran; he spoke with ease, suggesting that he had relayed this information to many people after understanding it himself.

Lu Ran listened quietly. He was about to ask about the difference between battle-type and lifestyle-type Beast Trainers, but his attention quickly shifted to two figures.

After arriving in Infinite City, he finally encountered the third and fourth persons!

On a quiet street corner, under an ancient tree several dozen meters tall, stood two figures in front of a giant rock about two meters high.

The former was slightly older, a mature woman in her late twenties, similar in age to Little White Dragon, dressed in professional attire. The latter was a young man about the same age as Lu Ran.

However, judging from the young man's dark, rough skin and his plain clothing, he seemed to be from a rural area. The reason Little White Dragon made this judgment was also because of the Pet Beast next to the young man...

A wild boar almost one and a half meters tall, with long fangs and a body covered in earthy brown fur!

Such animals are not found in the city for contracting!

Little White Dragon was slightly surprised. He didn't know whether this wild boar was a domestic pig that had undergone a mutation back to its ancestors after contracting or if it was wild before the contract.

After contracting, some domesticated animals are highly likely to revert to their ancestral forms, like domestic pigs to wild boars, or dogs to wolves.

In any case, the combat capability of a wild boar is much stronger than those of the cats and dogs raised in the city. This kid sure had a wild start!

He should breeze through the Beginner Trial Secret Realm.

"Sister Hua, a new recruit?" Little White Dragon clearly recognized the professional woman dressed like him and knew what was going on when he saw her with the young man.

Just like him and Passerby A, she was a senior guiding a newbie to test his attribute.

"Little White." The black-stockinged professional woman greeted Little White Dragon and Lu Ran with a smile: "That's right. I got lucky today and found a C-grade newbie. I'm here to test his attributes."

"C-grade?!" Little White Dragon twitched. What luck, if one brings such a promising newbie into the organization, the bonus will be substantial. Too bad that when he had asked Lu Ran about the score earlier, Lu Ran had been evasive. He guessed that Lu Ran's score couldn't be high.

After all, age and temperament considered, he looked like a rich kid from the big city, and being in such a shabby state, it was already good if he could last a day.

"Your luck isn't bad either, managing to wait for a newbie," said Sister Hua cheerfully.

"Haha, right," replied Little White Dragon and then introduced them: "This is Creative Writer, my colleague. And this... Passerby A, a newbie."

At that moment, having seen Creative Writer, Lu Ran started to confirm that Little White Dragon's identity was indeed an official. It seemed that the officials, eager to scout for new recruits, had dispatched quite a few employees to wait and guide here.

"Passerby A..." Faced with Little White Dragon's introduction, Sister Hua and the boar youth hesitated for a moment, then nodded their heads.

"This is a pig farmer... Well, he decided his ID to be 'Pig Farmer,'" said Sister Hua, thinking the young generation is just too odd.

One after another, no attention to detail, huh.

"Ah, it does match the pet beast well, so, it's Rock attribute, is it?" Little White Dragon looked at the layer of petrification on the attribute stone, and then glanced at the boar huffing and puffing, he said.

"Not bad, a Rock attribute pig class pet beast, with proper training, can have impressive combat power."

"You should give it a try too." After nodding, Little White Dragon pointed to the huge stone and said to Lu Ran, the attribute stone was overall grey-white in color, and at this moment, part of the attribute stone had a raised area like dirt clods, indicating petrification.

"The material of the attribute stone is special, just let the pet beast attack it, and it will show different changes based on the potential attribute of the pet beast, then you can choose different awakening methods based on the attribute."

"Basic attributes are divided into elements like wind, rock, thunder, grass, water, fire, ice, etc."

"Generally speaking, after a pet beast attacks the attribute stone and the stone shows petrification, the intrinsic energy inside the pet beast is the Rock attribute, if it turns red hot, it's Fire attribute, if it gets soaked, it's Water attribute, if frost forms, it's Ice attribute... Basically, depending on the attribute, different phenomena will occur, you get it, right?"

"Of course, besides the basic elemental attributes, there are also some rare attributes like light and dark, but those are even harder to come by."

"I see." Lu Ran nodded, it seemed quite straightforward.

"Go ahead and try it." Sister Hua also spoke up.

Even though they had already tested for attributes, Sister Hua and the pig breeder did not leave; instead, they stayed to see what Lu Ran's situation was like.

Eager to find out Mr. Husky's attribute, Lu Ran stretched out his hand and summoned the Contract Black Card into his palm.

"Pet beast, summon!"

At the thought, a circular summoning array appeared on the ground, and simultaneously, the array diagram burst into brilliant light, followed by a grunt, and the silhouette of a huge Husky appeared.

"A Husky, huh?"

Seeing the Husky, the crowd wasn't surprised.

In most cities, the pet beasts of chosen Beast Trainers start as pet cats and pet dogs.

Compared to wild boars and such, passing the beginner's trial using pet cats or dogs is indeed quite challenging.

Based on the Husky's breed, Creative Writer and Wave's Little White Dragon assessed that Lu Ran's beginner's rating couldn't be high.

"Hit that rock." Without any delay, Lu Ran immediately commanded, after summoning Mr. Husky.

"Woof!!" Upon hearing this, Mr. Husky nodded, looked at the huge attribute stone, stood in place, gathered energy for a moment, and then his body was shrouded in a faint white light. In the next instant, Mr. Husky charged towards the attribute stone.

"Not bad talent." Seeing this, Sister Hua and Little White Dragon nodded, showing surprise. He already had a basic knowledge of how to use the energy within his body. It seems that in the Trial Secret Realm, this "Passerby A" did not just scrape by; he must have been through several battles.

The pig breeder and his pig also glanced sideways at Mr. Husky charging at the attribute stone.


The white light flashed, and Mr. Husky's head made intimate contact with the attribute stone.

The next instant, the four onlookers heard a heart-wrenching scream.

"Ow ow ow ow." After hitting the attribute stone, Mr. Husky was in so much pain he didn't know his own name anymore.

His head was actually quite hard, but the stone was clearly harder.

"What the heck..." Seeing this, Lu Ran only felt a headache coming on. It's not like I asked you to risk your life, why did you hit it so hard? Do you have a grudge against it or something?

That's enough already!

He kept a calm expression, pretending he and this Husky were not acquainted, ignoring the astonished gazes of the three people around him.

Without a doubt, they also thought that this Husky didn't seem particularly clever.

But soon enough, everyone's attention was drawn to the attribute stone.

The attribute stone, having absorbed the attribute power, showed changes almost immediately.

In the area where Mr. Husky had hit, visibly and quickly, numerous white scratches like those made by a knife appeared!!

Upon seeing the changes, Little White Dragon said, "Scratch marks, could it be Wind attribute?"

"Generally speaking, Huskies belong to the Snowfield Dog Breed, so Ice attribute is more common. Wind attribute is quite rare, but obviously, Wind is better."

"Wind attribute?" Lu Ran asked, "How good is this attribute?"

Sister Hua said, "It's a good attribute. Wind attribute is known for its speed, and it's said that some creatures that can't fly eventually manage to do so by developing their Wind attribute power..."

A Husky that can fly...

Lu Ran watched Mr. Husky holding his head. He laughed and shook his head—not a dopey dog, but a crazy dog, huh? It wasn't entirely unexpected.


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