The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 5 Blood Moon

Rex wakes up in the morning only to see a hologram notification appear in front of him, it is regarding the daily quest he saw yesterday.

<Daily Quest Failure, Sanity Decreases by 20%>

Seeing the notification, Rex shrugs his shoulders when he feels nothing changes, 'As I thought, it's only a game. But this damn game tells me that I'm a half-blood? What a joke'

With that, Rex looks down at his body and tries to move a bit.

Rex raises his arm and clenched his fists a couple of times, there's no pain whatsoever as his injury was all gone which can be considered a miracle.

Feeling that his body is already recovered, he decided to leave the military hospital today.

The bag he has is on the side of the bed, Rex wakes up from the bed before putting on his beloved necklace and starting to pack his stuff.

After he's finished, he takes a deep breath and walks out of the room he's in.

Rex met with the nurse he met yesterday before the doctor checks him one more time just to be sure, and after the doctor is done checking he finally exit the hospital.

"Once again, thank you for your service!", the nurse shouted while waving her hands.

Seeing this, Rex also waves back before he turns around to leave.

The scorching sun burns him as soon as he walks out of the hospital, new recruits can be seen running in an orderly manner while singing barbie songs.

It's a sight that feels nostalgic to him,

Rex chuckles thinking about his first day in the military, it's an unforgettable day of his life.

This military barracks Rex in is called the Noob Box since it is a place where teens such as himself trained for at least one year before they help fight the supernatural on the battlefield, it's also the place where Rex first got in during his early times.

Although the new recruits look okay,

One can see the tension that fills the air by just looking at how hard they train, they will be fighting the Supernatural in the front line which is pretty terrifying for new recruits.

Even back then with so much hate, the fear of the Supernatural is still engraved in Rex's mind.

The horror the Supernatural brings into reality can strike immediate fear that will last forever, many veterans suffer psychologically because of this.

Looking at the new recruits, Rex sighs, 'I hope they're ready, the battlefield is not as friendly'

After looking around the Noob Box, Rex straps the bag on his back before he heads towards the exit intending to leave immediately.

With the first mission he successfully completed, he got discharged to get better training.

Yesterday his mother told him that he will attend a university where he will be trained further, it's how the military repays the war heroes.

The mission Rex did before is a secret operation,

Although the military can send more capable soldiers to finish the operation, Rex and the others are chosen due to them being a part of the USR.

Only a handful of soldiers got into the USR,

Normally, the USR will choose the most talented soldier to join their ranks but Rex, Kyle, and Edward got trained there since their early times in the military.

This is why the three of them are a part of the USR, they're specifically trained for the operation.

While Rex is heading to the exit of the Noob Box, everyone greeted him as if he were a celebrity thanks to the ceremony to thank Rex and the others.

Some even make him their role model,

The war in Dwight City is one of the many undergoing wars between the Supernatural and Humanity, it's been three years since the war in Dwight City started.

Many normal military men were killed in Dwight City, it amounted to tens of thousands.

All of this is because of the never-ending tide of Ghouls that acts as the Supernatural foot soldier or frontline, this gives the higher rank Supernatural space to use their powers against humanity's side.

Because of that, the operation that Rex and the others undertook had been planned for one year.

It's only thanks to Rex and the others that Humanity is finally able to push back the Supernatural, that is why the UWO decided to make ceremonial gratitude for them.

Rex is currently living in Ratmawati City,

Since the emergence of Supernaturals, Humanity is pushed to the side forcing humanity to yield half of the world. The countries decided to make a temporary alliance against the Supernatural, this alliance becomes the last stronghold for humanity, it is called Elpida Alliance.

Ratmawati City is one of the big eight cities in Elpida Alliance, It consists of seventy million lives.

After exiting the Noob Box, Rex gives a slight nod to the guards guarding the entrance before he calls a taxi to head back to his home.

While he's sitting in the taxi, his phone suddenly rings.

The rock song that he put as his ringtone sounded inside the taxi, he looks at his phone before he picks it up. It was his mom.

"Hello, Mom?", Rex greeted after he slides the answer button on his phone.

Mrs. Greene's voice replied from the other side saying, "Where are you now? Are you sure you are okay? Discharging from the hospital like that", she asks in worry.

"I'm okay mom, I'm on the way home now", Rex replied with a light chuckle.

It feels like a really long time hearing his mom worrying him like this, the time he spent inside the military took the quality time he would've had if he decided to live a normal life.

But that's not what he wanted, he still needs to avenge his real parents.

Mrs. Greene then sigh in defeat, but she then said enthusiastically, "Fine, you're not a kid anymore so I'll trust your decision. Come to Nokas mall, let's celebrate your discharge!"

Hearing this, Rex paused for a moment deliberating whether to go or not.

After pondering for a while, Rex then thought, 'Well, there's nothing wrong with relaxing for a while, especially after getting discharged like this'

Rex told Mrs. Greene that he'll be there before ending the call.

The streets are crowded with cars as they got stuck in traffic, with nothing to do Rex decided to open the news app on his phone before he was surprised by a headline on a news.

'Appreciation for the Heroes of Dwight City'

This news is about the UWO giving the Medal of Honour to him and the others just as Mrs. Greene and the nurse told him yesterday, it's his ceremonial gratitude.

Scrolling his phone, Rex finds the comment section is booming with many comments.

Most of them give their time to type their gratitude and give Rex and the others their blessings for ending the fierce war in Dwight City, while some of them are cursing the Supernatural.

'It seems good-hearted people like the nurse still exist', Rex thought with a smile.

After scrolling through the comment section, Rex scrolls down once more to see news about the university that he will probably attend.

'Grand Opening of Ochyra University'

Rex looks at the Ochyra University photos before he gasps in shock,

'Are they out of their mind? That is not a university! that is a damn Kingdom!', Rex shouted inside his head seeing the picture of Ochyra University that looks like a castle instead of a university.

Ochyra University is in the middle of Ratmawati City,

The size o the university is so big that it can probably fit tens of millions of students inside! It's simply astonishing to think that it's actually a university.

Rex looks to his right and to his surprise the tip of the University can be seen,

Even though Rex is currently on the outskirts of the third sector of Ratmawati City, the tip of the university can be seen thanks to its gigantic size.

'That's new I guess', Rex thought while shaking his head.

After a long drive through the heavy traffic, Rex finally arrived at Nokas mall.

Rex looks at the sky and saw that it's already starting to get dark,

It shouldn't have been that long to get here but the traffic is very nasty, he went inside to meet up with Mrs. Greene in a fancy restaurant on the highest floor.

When Rex arrived at the table, he saw that Mrs. Greene is not alone.

There are three people accompanying her,

One is a middle-aged man that wears a formal suit and tie, his grey hair showing his old age contrasting with his dominant body posture that looks like a man in his thirties.

Beside him is a middle-aged woman that is already looking at Rex from afar,

The one feature Rex realized the first was her hazel eyes that seem to be sparkling under the light, but what caught Rex's eyes is a beautiful girl sitting beside the middle-aged woman.

Judging from the similarities between the two,

Rex deducted that the beautiful girl is the daughter, her brown curly hair dangles to her collarbone, and the fair and smooth skin becomes a gorgeous ornament to her black gown that reveals half of her waist boasting her seductive figure.

'Who are they? Mom never told me that she will bring her friends', Rex thought.

Then from afar, he can see Mrs. Greene waving at him so he instinctively waves back before approaching the table she's in.

"Rex, let me introduce you. This is the Acosta Family", she introduced before turning her head to the middle-aged man, "Acosta Family meet my son Rex Silverstar"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man is the one that stands up.

The middle-aged man arches his back before he stretches his hand, "Nice to meet you, Rex. I'm your mother's friend, Muji Reel Acosta but you can just call me Muji"

Rex shakes Muji's hand firmly with a polite smile, "Nice to meet you, Sir"

"You seem to have become a celebrity overnight, the news is blowing with your name as the Heroes of Dwight City", the middle-aged man added while keeping eye contact with Rex.

But Rex frown when he feels something is weird,

The way Muji shakes his hand feels as if Muji is probing him,  'He seems to be testing me but why?', Rex thought in confusion.

While he's shaking Muji's hand, a hologram notification suddenly appears beside Muji.

<Muji Reel Acosta>

Power: Rank 4 Awakened - Wind Elementalist

Mental: ??

Strength: ??

Agility: ??

Endurance: ??

Intelligence: ??

Rex was surprised upon seeing this, 'Is this real? Did this system just show Muji's stats? or Is it just a fluke to make it realistic?', he thought curiously.

He then shakes his head before pulling back his hand and suddenly, 'Hmm?'

When Rex tried to pull back his hand, to his surprise, Muji's hand firmly gripped his hand not intending to let go.

Muji even started to add pressure to Rex's hand,

Rex looks at Muji in confusion, the pressure becomes unbearable as his hand started to hurt.

Seeing that Rex didn't reply with the same amount of strength, Muji let go of Rex's hand before turning back to his wife and daughter.

The wife and daughter look at Muji expectantly, but to their surprise, Muji shakes his head.

Rex caught the surprise and disappointment in Muji's gaze and started to get confused, but he slowly realized what Muji did as his expression turns stoic.

After shaking his head, Muji then introduces Rex to the others.

"This is my wife Cinta, and my daughter Rosie", Muji said while pointing at the middle-aged woman before the beautiful girl.

Both of them give Rex a smile which Rex also gives in return,

All of them sat at the table after they introduced themselves to Rex, but then Rex glanced at his mom with a questioning look,

Seeing this, Mrs. Greene then said, "Muji is my old friend"

"Just a couple of days ago he asked about you trying to find a partner for the lovely Rosie here, so I thought why not introduce you to them", she added.

Hearing this, Rex can't help but slap his face inside his head.

'As I thought, Muji is testing me whether I'm an Awakened or not. But he's probably disappointed realizing that I'm not an Awakened even though I am one of the heroes'

After chattering briefly,

Mrs. Greene glanced at Rex and Rosie before she then suggested, "Why don't you kids take a stroll around the mall to get to know each other, you never know what might spark"

"Emm...I think getting to know each other here will be f-", Cinta replied with a smile.

Before Cinta can finish her sentence, Mrs.Greene interrupts her, "What are you talking about, it will be weird if they talk with us old people around"

Mrs. Greene then eyes Rex making him smile wryly,

Rex can't deny his mother's request since he just got back, so he helplessly said, "Rosie, Do you mind accompanying me around the mall?"

Hearing this, Rosei looks at her parents before agreeing to Rex's invitation.

With that, the two of them walk side by side leaving the restaurant.

The contrast between Rex's clothes and Rosie's formal dress is eye-catching, one is too casually with a t-shirt and short pants while the other is a beautiful formal dress.

Rosie looks a bit upset as she looks at her dress in thought,

Noticing the long face on Rosie's expression, Rex then asks lightly, "If you want to change clothes I can wait, walking in that is probably uncomfortable"

"I'm fine", Rosie replied shortly.

After walking for a moment along the mall hallway,

Rosie frowned when she realized that Rex is going around in a circle, she then finally said after glancing at Rex, "So, Where do you want to go?"

"Oh? I didn't realize that you're still here", Rex said pretending to be surprised.

He then added casually, "Judging by your upset look realizing that you dress up to meet a non-Awakened like me, I thought you already left me after the first lap"

"So, you realize it?", Rosie asks with a scoff.

She then added, "Good then, Non-Awakened people will have little achievement in their life. I too am an Awakened so I'm not interested in you, your achievement is already can be considered great for your kind"

After flicking her hair back, she turns around intending to leave Rex.

Rex shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, he doesn't care whether Rosie stays or leaves him but then suddenly he stopped in his tracks.

Out of nowhere, his body started to get hot.

A hologram notification then appears in front of him,

<Blood Moon will start in ten minutes>

<Checking Stats...>

<Adding Mental stats into user's Sanity>

<The user's Sanity stats is still not sufficient to control the Blood Moon blessing>

Rex was surprised upon seeing this, his body is so hot that his breath started to quicken and the heat makes his breath visible as if he were in cold temperature.

He can feel something is coming and it starting to hurt,

The sudden change in his body makes the people around him look at him weirdly, he then decided to head to the mall exit to find a quieter place.

While walking away, Rosie slows her steps intendedly.

She expected Rex to stop her to at least get back for what she has said to him harshly, every man at least has some pride in them when getting those harsh words.

But even after a moment, Rex never came to stop her.

Rosie turns to her back to only see Rex running down through the escalator with a pained expression, this makes her look at Rex in disbelief.

Then suddenly, she squints her eyes seeing faint white steam coming off of Rex's body.

'What happened to him?', Rosie thought before she decided to follow him, the Heroes of Dwight City shouldn't be that plain as she thought that Rex must have a secret.

Meanwhile, Rex is running as fast as he can to the exit.

Arriving at the exit of the mall where many people walk around, Rex looks up to the sky to only be greeted by the shining red blood moon.

"Look, mom! The moon is red!", a kid exclaimed while pointing at the sky.

Rex glance at the kid before he can feel the urge to rip the kid into pieces, the urge came out of nowhere and it makes Rex hold his head with his hands trying to fight the bloodthirsty urge.

It took a moment before Rex calmed down a bit as he quickly open his stat tabs,

<Rex Silverstar>

Level: 1 (0/100)

Race: Half-Blood

Full-Moon: 01:47 minutes-Blood Moon

Berserk: 20%

Sanity: 27%

Mental: 2

Strength: 9

Agility: 7

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 0

<Average Human Adults have 5-7 points for each stat except for Intelligence>

The full moon section shows that the Blood Moon will begin in a bit under two minutes, 'What is going on?!', he thought in confusion.

But then suddenly, Rex looks at his hands.

Rex widens his eyes when he can feel or even see the bones in his hands are moving, even his arms starting to grow hair, 'This can't be really happening!', he thought in shock.

Just as he screamed inside his head, his vision slowly change into a reddish color.

<Unable to contain the effect of the Blood Moon, the user is overwhelmed with Bloodlust>

<Transformation will begin shortly>


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