The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 7: Black Market

Chapter 7: Black Market

I went to the town hall to register myself an identification paper under my new alias, Nero Akuma. With this paper, I can register for stuff like the adventurer's guild. But I don't think I feel like adventuring right now. I don't feel ready yet.

Once I hit a higher level; maybe level 50, then I'll think of it.

For now, I need some stuff.

The next day

First I walked over to a clothing store which had clothes that are suited for adventuring. This black tunic and trousers aren't going to do so great soon.

I got myself a black sleeveless zippered-turtleneck beneath a black and silver waist vest, black slim pants, black long leather gloves, and dark boots covered by silver gaiters with several straps.

After paying, I quickly left so I wouldn't get more attention than I needed. Stares from the girls passing me were enough to handle. What I need next is some gear.

I walked to a gear shop so I could get some armor and weapons.

I asked for anything that was light but durable and a weapon that was the same. I was suggested a padded armor stuffed with chain-mail made of mithril, a powerful metal that's made in this world. I tried it on and it was lighter than I expected considering how heavy mithril is supposed to be. The weapon I was recommended was a long sharp dagger alongside a bow and quiver.

It didn't sound much but I took it. I also saw a cloak on clearance and decided to buy it as well. I bought a few just in case I lost one or two.

Of course, I left as soon as I paid. After donning the cloak, I went down the street towards where the slave trader had decided to dwell.

Now I have two choices. Either get one from the merchants that reside here or get one from the black market. The ones from the merchants often sell slaves used for pleasure and labor and the ones in black markets do the same but they include children.

Reading all those books at the library really paid off. I studied for an entire night just to understand everything in this world. How money works, politics, and even some of the history. If my parents saw me now, I don't know whether they'd be happy that I'm studying or mad that I'm not studying about things that would make me a successful person in life. Not that it matters anymore.

Eventually, I arrived in front of the slave trader's shop. This one I think is under the black markets branch. Most black markets are extremely good at disguising themselves as regular slave shops but they always give themselves away if they have an underground dungeon.

How repulsive though I can't complain as I'm going there to get a slave myself.

But still

Upon entering, there were a few people entering and exiting the building where the slave trade was held. I noticed that most of them were men and dragging along with them were female demi-humans. I even noticed that one of them had an elf. So elves exist in this world as well.

Swiftly with my Analysis skill, I inspected their levels and their attributes. As I expected, they were all normal humans with no powers at all. Only rich bastards that buy slaves to use as toys.

Anyway, I entered the building and I smelt a faint foul smell coming from my right direction. It seemed to be leaking from that door to my right. Looks like I stand corrected. Only a dungeon would have that kind of smell.

"Greetings, sir. How may I help you?" greeted an elderly man dressed in a robe.

"Hello, I'm here to get myself a slave."

I looked around and on one end I could see demi-humans, elves, and even humans placed in cages. The other end was but a wall, but past that wall were children. I was only able to see because I had activated Wolf's Blood. How vile... not even going to hide them in the dungeon but instead in another room.

I looked down and I noticed there were more. This is definitely a black-market slave trade.

The merchant was looking at me with a disdainful look. Probably because I don't dress like one of his regular customers, aka a noble or wealthy person.

"I see but sir, the slaves here are extremely expensi-"

I dropped a royal coin into his hand and signaled him to shut up about it. The old man looked at the coin for a while and then snuck it into his sleeve.

"What sort of slave do you seek? One for labor? One for pleasure?"

"Is there one suited for combat? Specifically, one that you can get from down there," I whispered the last part into the merchant's ear as I pointed down to the ground.

The old man rubbed his chin and thought about it. He did it while looking at the door that was giving off that awful smell earlier.

"Yes there is. Follow me."

The old man walked to the door and looked around for a second, then he quickly unlocked the door and I followed him down while shutting the door behind me.

As expected, the door led down to an underground dungeon housing even more slaves, kept in jail cells.

Passing through the dungeon, almost all of them were demi-humans. I used my analysis skill as we passed by, inspecting each and everyone's level, talent rates(or TLR for short), and level cap.

"Here we have the flame lizard race, they are more proficient in magecraft and have good endurance. We also have the night rabbits which are better for melee and have higher agility than most, they can maybe even be used for theft if you want to. There is also the harpies, better for aerial combat."

I glanced and inspected them.

[Level 12; TLR: 21%; Level Cap: 56]

[Level 23; TLR: 6%; Level Cap: 41]

[Level 31; TLR: 1%; Level Cap: 32]

I noticed that the older ones had a lower level cap than the younger ones. Looks like the older they are as of now, the more restricted their level caps are and the less their Talent Rates are. That goes the same for those with lower levels, higher-level caps, and higher talent rates.

"Does anything catch your eye?"


"Well, that's good because we have more."

I could've chosen one right there but there are still more. I want to see everything, even if I find one that is in my favor, I still want to see the others.

We took an entire lap around the dungeon but couldn't find one that I wanted. But black markets are usually full of surprises.

"Do you have anything on the... exotic side?" I asked the old man and he nodded.

This dungeon was really big as the old man led me down to a second level. This time there weren't any demi-humans, this time there were beastmen (demi-humans but more on beastly looking), monsters likes goblins and such, and lastly, spirits such as fire sprites, nymphs, etc.

Like the demi-humans on the upper floor, the beastmen had similar level caps and talent rates. The monsters were weak, ranging from level 1 to 10. Most of the spirits were the same as well so I didn't find a single one that was in my preference.

"Will anyone of these satisfy your requests?"

"I saw some but no."

Even though I saw some with promising stats, none of them would be useful for guarding me. In just two days if I grinded, I could reach level 40 or even 50. Maybe I should just find another slave shop, this one is useless.

However, when I turned to walk away, a sinister roar echoed through the hall, scaring everyone around me, including the old man.

"What kind of slaves are those?" I asked.

"Those are... sorry but they are those beyond our control. Even with every torture method, they are still unable to be subjugated."

"Lead me to one, I want to see one with my own eyes."

"Sorry but they are-"

I tossed another royal coin at him. He hesitantly held it in the hand but eventually snuck it in his sleeve. As much as some don't want it, they just can't deny money.

Another floor, this time it was really deep underground. It would make sense since I couldn't sense them with my Wolf's Blood.

When we arrived, there were only a few cages. I noticed there was one that looked like a zombie as it had torn flesh and exposed bones and limbs. They are stupid if they think they were gonna tame that thing.

There was also a human but looking at his dim yellow eyes, he must be a werewolf. He was slim and weak. Looks like they don't feed the ones down here.

As we passed some others, I heard the same roar but it was more clearer and feminine. Then my eyes were drawn towards a girl inside a cage.

It was a fox girl, or Kitsune if you'd call it. I almost didn't notice her as mostly every part of her body was black; her long, silky hair, her ears, and her four tails. The only way I was able to recognize her was her pale skin and her icy-blue eyes which blazed in the dark. She was wearing only a tattered rag which exposed a part of her breast.

When she spotted us, she lunged at us and I almost received another scar on my face with those long claws of hers.

I used Analysis and inspected her stats.

[Level 51; TLR: 61%; Level Cap: 101]

I couldn't help but laugh like a maniac. This one... she's strong, beautiful as well. Though she may be famished, if she was fed correctly, she'd definitely grow to be an elegant lady.

But to why I really need her. Her level, her talent rate, her level cap, they are completely different than the others.

I want her. She's perfect.

"I want this one."

"Are you sure? Out of every slave in this room, she is the most stubborn. We can't make any progress in subjugating her. That werewolf over there will show signs of submission, but she is the complete opposite. We tried bringing her to submission, but the nether regions of the designated trainer had been dismembered. Even with the slave collar around her, she won't surrender."

Hearing that, I'd roar in laughter. A rebellious one, huh?

There are many things they are doing wrong. Kitsunes are creatures full of liberty; they do whatever they want. If you capture one and attempt to place them under slavery, well, let's just say there will be serious consequences.

Even if this one won't submit, there is always one solution.

I'd take out my identification paper and hand it over to the merchant.

"I'll take it, and get me a commandment crest."

"A-are you sure?"


The merchant paused, then he nodded as he ran away.

A commandment crest... consider them as command seals, just with endless regulations. With the right command and the right amount of mana, it can bring one even a dragon to submission if they received the mark.

"You will be of use to me."

I gazed at the Kitsune, which in return gave me a malevolent glare. Those eyes, they are burning with hatred for the ones that robbed her of her freedom. I know exactly what this one wants, after all, it is also what I want.





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