The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 5: Town

Chapter 5: Town

The next morning...

When I opened my eyes I felt all groggy.

I sniffed myself and I recoiled in disgust. I need to take a proper bath and a new change of clothes.

"Hey... uhh..."


"Hmm, what should I call you? Qliphoth?"

[Hmm, I am no longer the Qliphoth as I am in you. You may name me whatever you want...]

"Ok then, how about Yukie?"

[I like it... I will now be called Yukie...]

"Alright. Yukie, are there any towns nearby?"

[Yes... give me a few seconds...]

After a few seconds, Yukie spoke.

[There is one not far from here. About 2 miles away in the southern direction...]

"2 miles... fuck... I don't want to walk that far..."

[There is no need for you to rush. Along the way you can defeat any creatures you encounter...]

"That's smart. I guess I can do that. But I'll need a weapon and a stick is not going to be enough."

[With bloodlust, your strength will be doubled. As of your current state, the best you can beat is a wolf...]

"I see."

I looked down at the rotting corpses of the wolves I had slain last night. For some reason, I felt a sense of uneasiness when I stared at them and I noticed my hand began to tremble.

[Do not fret for your body is still adjusting to my presence...]

"I... see..."

After a while, my hand calmed down and I wasn't trembling anymore.

"Well then, I should get going now... Which way is south by the way?"

[The way you are facing currently...]

Oh... convenient.

I took a few steps forward and eventually my legs began to walk on their own.

As I continued forward, I passed by the lake and decided to wash myself up.

I stared at my bloodied face that my reflection projected. I had three scratch marks diagonally across my face. Luckily my eyes weren't scratch but with a torn mouth like that, I doubt I'd be able to eat anything normally.

"Is there no regeneration ability I am able to have?"

[There is, but you need to learn it. There are scrolls in this world that allow those that have used them to obtain the skills stored inside...]

"I see... and where do I buy these scrolls?"

[Town. You can also buy them from merchants but I doubt they will have the spell you are looking for...]

"Crap... I guess I'll just have to deal with this..."


"Will a demonic critter do?"

[Demonic critters can change one's appearance so yes, they will be able to heal the injuries that you have as well...]

"Well then, you better hurry. I can wait but it would terrify others to see me in this state."

[Affirmative, I am working on it...]

Alright, for now, I should wash the blood off me.

After I did that, I continued to walk forward.


Along the way, I had encountered a couple of wolves. As Yukie stated, my strength when bloodlust is activated is enough to majorly harm an animal. Though I can't break their bones, I was able to make them yelp and eventually disable them.

I was now level 12. It's not much but it's progress.




Name: Naoko Akujin

Title: Inept Hero

Class: None

Status: Normal

Level: 12

Mana: [405/405]

Strength: 22

Agility: 23

Technique: 11

Perception: 16

Charisma: 0

Stat Points: 21


Passive Skills: Sprint, Bloodlust

Active Skills: None

Skills: Analysis, Wolf's Blood


I encountered a few more wolves and I decided to test out the skills I was given.

First, I used analysis.

Analysis is obvious, but I'll tell you anyway. Analysis allows me to check the level of the target I am facing and their attributes. It also tells me their level cap, but that only works on humans, demi-humans, and so on. I can also tell what form of magic they are able to perform and even their abilities as well. Along with that, I can see their talent rates which tell me what their percentage to successfully learn a skill is, but I have to switch that out with seeing their abilities. However, I can just switch from one to another but it would be better to look at their rates since the higher it is, the more skills they can learn, though this is useless for heroes like me. Unlike others, heroes have no level caps and our talent rates are always 50% so my secondary stat inspection won't be useful on them.

These wolves that I was facing had levels ranging from 2 to 6. As of my current level, they are nothing compared to me.

The second was Wolf's Blood which I unlocked when I hit level 10.

Wolf's Blood increases my perception whenever it is active and consumes 15 mana. However, that is not the only thing it does. When I activated Wolf's Blood, I was able to see the creatures around me. I could tell whether they were a danger to me or just a pest. This is shown by their outline. Red meant they were a danger and green meant they were harmless or weak. This might sound overpowered but there is a limit. My range is only 5 meters so I can't see that far.

But even with that, it is still useful for avoiding places where I shouldn't be.

Right now, I am walking on a road that leads to the nearby town. A moment later, a few carriages passed me and I noticed that they were carrying figures that were chained up.

[Slavery... mostly directed to demi-humans...]

Of course... it wouldn't be a fantasy world if there wasn't slavery. How cruel this world is, and I bet the government in this country doesn't give a shit to them.

I hate it... No one should be chained up to their will...

As much as I felt sorry for them, I have my own safety to worry about right now.

I should get myself a room and a new set of clothes.

Walking into the town, it was pretty busy. People were buying stuff from stands, entering restaurants, etc.

There was also a stage that was in the middle of the town. There seems to be a large crowd, I wonder what this is about.

"And last but not least, the bounty list!" The man on the stage yelled.

Everyone around me cheered as they heard that. Bounty list?

"Oh? It seems there is only one bounty on today's list and I bet all of you will want to take it."

Hmm, I'm guessing everyone around me right now is a bounty hunter, considering they all have gear on them.

"This is a bounty from his majesty himself!"

That's when everyone around me began to get excited.

"A bounty from the king? I bet he'll be offering a load!"

"Yes, yes, enough for us to drink and party as much as we want!"

"Maybe get me a pedicure."

How stupid are these people? To waste their money on something so useless. Actually... the pedicure doesn't sound so awful considering my state right now.

"His majesty was harmed by an apostle sent by Kuruna herself! He is one of the 9 heroes, but he is the weakest one. He is the Naoko Akujin, the Inept Hero!"

I gulped and began to back up. What? Me?

"Despite his weak appearance, he is still dangerous who dared to injure his majesty! Here! Look at it closely!"

Suddenly he threw paper up into the air which fell from the sky. I took a hold of one and inspected it.

Sure enough... it had my full name and there was a drawing of me with a bounty of 1,000,000,000 at the bottom. I don't know how much money is worth in this world but it has to be a lot if there are this many zeroes.

Despite me being a fugitive now, I was only a bit relieved as the drawing of me was just me before I received these gashes. A man looked at me but he ignored me a second later. These gashes are the only thing keeping me from getting caught but they'll eventually fade away.

I need that Demonic Critter... fast.

I just need to wait a day or two without getting caught and I'll be able to get it. Please hurry up, Yukie.

[I am doing my best. For now, I suggest you find a place to stay and get a set of clothes. I also recommend you stay low until the time comes...]

Find a place to stay. I'll figure that out once I get a new set of clothes because currently, I am standing out as I'm still in my school uniform.

Just need to find a place to get clothes.

After walking around town, I found a shop that sold clothing. Entering the shop I quickly browsed through the clothing that was displayed and eventually got myself a gray tunic, black trousers, and some shoes. I paid with a royal coin I had stuffed in my shoe and the reaction on the accountant almost fainted at the sight. I quickly ran out to avoid getting unnecessary attention.

I couldn't find anything in the clothing store that could hide my face so I had to resort to another measure. The only thing I was able to hide my face was a tattered cloak on the street, which I took without hesitation.

Alright, I got what I need. I just need to find a place where I can lay low until I can alter my appearance.

I'll just wait till it gets dark. When I enter an inn till then, it'll be empty and I can get a room without getting attention.


It was soon dark and I entered an inn. The girl at the counter greeted me and I placed a royal coin on the table.

"I want to stay here for a month. How many nights is this able to get me?"

The girl looked at me with widened eyes and she spoke while stuttering-

"Y-you can stay here for almost 3 years with that."

Huh, so that's how much this is worth. I only had ten and now I'm left with nine. With this, It'll be eight.

Oh well, it doesn't matter. I'm not staying here for long anyway.

"A month is all I need."


When the girl gave me the key to my room, I told her not to tell anyone and also not to bother me.

As I entered my room, it was fitted with a large bed, a closet, essentially anything a room would contain.

I would take a shower but the bathhouse was currently closed so I couldn't get this awful smell off me.

I should just rest since I have nothing else to do. I just need to wait till the day after tomorrow comes. As of now, I need... rest...

[Status: Fatigued]

No need... to remind me...





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