The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 20: End Results

Chapter 20: End Results

After an hour or two, the demon wave was eventually defeated.

Kiyomi and I were resting on top of the cliff as we observed the aftermath. The field was dyed in red and covered in corpses.

The legion defending the town was mostly injured. There were men missing an arm or a leg, some covered in bandages, and some with their bones sticking out their arms. I'd feel bad, but I just had my legs ripped off a few hours ago. Right now, I need a new set of boots and pants. Good thing I have a spare set.

"Master, is it true you are the Inept Hero?"

Kiyomi gave me a curious look and took a deep breath.

Right, I never told her that but it slipped when I started monologuing to that Assassin.

"Yes, I am. Though I prefer you don't mention that ever again. Why'd you ask?"

"No it's just an honor to be serving a hero like you."

"Would it have also been an honor serving under another hero?" I'd ask as I glared at Kiyomi.

"N-no, of course not! I only serve you and you only," She said the last part with a bright red face and buried her face into her tails.

"Is that so?"

I drifted my attention back at the battlefield, and I noticed a green light. That green light eventually glowed brighter, and suddenly a dome of energy appeared.

The adventurers and soldiers that were injured a minute ago were suddenly healed. Their legs had grown back, the same went for their arms, those with bandages were fully restored, and those with broken bones were moving their body as if they never broke a bone in the first place.

This must be the work of the Healer Hero in other words, Risa. Of course, she is still working under the royal bastard but I can't blame her. This king managed to frame me for a crime I never committed. But once I see him again, he'll regret ever throwing me out and mark me as a criminal.

But for now, I still need to get stronger. There is no doubt that the king has strong allies on his side and it'll be reckless to attack him at my current state. Sure I may have become level 250 but I bet there are people with levels higher than a thousand. Hell, there could even be one with over a million levels.

Anyway, the fight is over. We should return to the inn. My feet are getting real chilly right now.


In a few hours, we returned to the inn and everyone was surprised to see Kiyomi again. I just explained to them that Kiyomi was called back here by our parents. A simple but effective lie.

News about the defeat of the demon wave had reached town before we arrived and pretty much everyone in town celebrated.

I bet they were all worried about the behemoth trampling into town but if they met that pig, they would've definitely been more worried.

Den of Gluttony if he had managed to sneak into town, he would've been able to destroy it within a few seconds considering how destructive behemoths are. I'm glad I didn't get that skill from him.

Anyway, I should check my stats. Derivation not only gave me plenty of skills but levels as well. And levels mean stat points. And I think I have a lot


Name: Nero Akuma|(Former: Naoko Akujin)

Title: Sin of Gluttony

Class: Jack of All Trades

Status: Normal

Level: 250

Mana: [100,000,000/100,000,000]

Strength: 369

Agility: 341

Technique: 334

Perception: 329

Charisma: 666

Stat Points: 387


Passive Skills: Sprint, Bloodlust, Allocation(Locked), Exceed(Locked), Dagger Arts, Deadshot, Excess, Grave Robber, Fire Manipulation, Derivation, Sword Arts, Darkness Manipulation, Water Manipulation

Active Skills: None

Skills: Analysis, Mark of Fidelity, Wolf's Blood(Lvl.6), Flash Step(Lvl.5), Charged Arrow(Lvl.7), Energy Shield(Lvl.1), Aura Barrier(Lvl.2), Quick Regeneration(Lvl.3), Stealth(Lvl.7), Shadow Fist(Lvl.2), Fallen Descent(Lvl.2), Volatile Orbs(Lvl.2), Inferno(Lvl.1), Shadow Puppet(Lvl.1)


Tch, I still haven't unlocked the passive skills Allocation and Exceed. Just what do I have to do to unlock them? I've already killed and even consumed a pig's blood. If these skills are so hard to unlock, they gotta be good. But what more do I have to do?! Do I need to kill more?! Just unlock already, I need skills to gain more power, more power!

I clenched my hands but took a deep sigh and rethought it over again.

I just need to keep on moving forward. I'll eventually unlock them soon. Just need to be patient.

Anyway, enough of those two skills, I have a lot of stat points to deposit.


Let's see 387 divided by 4 is 96... right?

I should have focused in math class.

Anyway, I'll just deposit 96 in each for now.

[Strength 369 --> Strength 465]

[Agility 341 --> Agility 437]

[Technique 334 --> Technique 430]

[Perception 329 --> Perception 425]

Now, how many stat points do I have remaining?

[Stat Points: 3]

Alright, just put them in Agility.

[Agility 437 --> Agility 440]

After that was done, I needed to get myself some new gear, and a refill on arrows.

But before I do that, I need to get Kiyomi some identification papers.

When we arrived at the town hall, it was mostly filled with adventurers drinking and eating, celebrating their victory against the demon wave. I'd say they are getting a bit cocky since I was the one who defeated the boss, but I think I'll let them have this one.

As Kiyomi was in the process of filling out her form, I told her to keep her age the same and she curiously asked what my age was.



"I mean, my birthday is coming up tomorrow, so there is that. But just keep your age the same. The little sister act will only stay in this town."

Time in this world is the same as time on earth. The same 12 months, just with different names, which I don't really like to dive deep into much since it's kind of hard to pronounce. My birthday is June 9th and the day in this world right now is June 8th.

"Who knew master was so young?"

"Hey, I'm not that young. You're young as well, you know."

The age to officially be recognized as an adult in this world is 16, so I'm technically an adult in this world right now. Though I don't expose my age to others since that would make them underestimate me. I like to keep my age a secret, unless it's to those I trust, like Kiyomi.

"Master," Kiyomi tugged my sleeve.


"About this part."

She'd point to a section on the form and I glanced at where she had pointed.


"You don't have one?"

Kiyomi looked down and shook her head. Weird, phantoms like Kitsunes should have a surname strange they don't.

"Then why don't you use mine?"

"Huh? Is that really ok?"

"Well I mean, we kind of are like family, just that the only thing you do is clean up after me."

"T-thank you."

"Simmer down Kiyomi, just hurry so we can get the hell outta here. Hearing this much chatter gives me a headache."

After she filled that in, she eventually got her identification papers and we left the town hall.

I walked over to the gear shop and got myself a new dagger along with a new batch of arrows. I also bought myself a sword, considering I can use swords proficiently now.

It was a longsword made of adamantite fused with silver which gave it a silvery glint. Though the blade was thin, it was extremely sharp and was remarkably durable too.

After purchasing that, I went out into the forest to test out my new sword. Kiyomi followed me as well, though I told her she can just watch since she couldn't level up anymore.

That's a problem, I need to find a way to break her level cap. It's possible, but it's quite difficult. There are scrolls in this world that can raise a person's level cap, but their cost is equal to half a royal coin. A royal coin's worth is a hundred platinum coins. Right now, I only have 5 royal coins left, so I can get 10 of them.

However, it would be a waste to spend all of them on level cap-breaking scrolls that only raise the number by only a few numbers. It's just a bit unnecessary to put a high price on something that only raises the level cap by 3.

I'll need to find a different solution. I can make my own but the process is laborious. It needs to be perfect as the highest a level cap breaking scroll can raise is 10 but if I mess up, it'll just go back to 1.

But aside from that, I think it's best I leave this town and move on to another one. In some RPG games, there are towns that only allow players that meet the level requirement. That town will sell higher equipment, armor, and even spells. The average level in this town is between a hundred fifty to eighty, and my level is beyond that.

The longer I stay here, the more I hinder my growth. I can't hide in this town forever, so it's about time I started moving.

But I think staying a few more nights wouldn't hurt.





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