The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 2: The Inept Hero

Chapter 2: The Inept Hero

When I opened my eyes, I was faced by a number of robed men.

I looked around and noticed it wasn't just me they were looking at. There were 8 others around me with puzzled looks on their faces. There was Murai, Kai, Jessica, Risa, and a few others that I don't know.

"What the hell? What is this? Where the hell are we?!" Demanded Murai, shouting at the robed group.

"Welcome o'heroes from another world."

Everyone looked at each other with puzzled looks.


"Yes, heroes! You are all chosen to help our kingdom from the horde of demons! Please, we are desperately in need of your aid."

From a horde of demons?

"Why and how should we help you? We are nothing but normal people," Kai asked as he approached the group.

"If you didn't notice, you were all handpicked by the goddess that judges those from the otherworld and sent here to save us. She has granted you powers and titles that specialize what abilities you use."

Powers and titles? This is starting to look like an RPG game. Or should I say an anime with the situation we are given?

"Please, come and place your hand on this mirror. It will display what your title of hero you are."

Hero? I was brought here so I must also have a title of hero as well, right? This is awesome. Finally, my luck has finally gotten better for once.

"Which one of you wants to go first?"

Everyone looked at each other and eventually, Murai went first.

"Heh, let's see what I am."

When he placed his hand on the mirror, it glowed a gold and blue color and eventually, words began to form in the mirror.

[Murai Kurasu, the Warrior Hero(Lvl 1)]

"Sir Kurasu, the warrior hero, we are blessed with your presence."

Murai smirked as he walked away from the mirror. It seems this mirror shows our level as well. He's at level 1, like all starters should be.

Next was Kai.

[Kai Wyatt, the Archer Hero(Lvl 1)]

"Sir Wyatt, the archer hero, we are blessed with your presence."


I noticed that he looked at me and gave me a grin. Just you wait, I'll definitely get a better title than you.

The others went and this was their status.

[Jessica Phillips, the Mage Hero(Lvl 1)]

[Risa Esumi, the Healer Hero(Lvl 1)]

[Michael Kole, the Berserker Hero(Lvl 1)]

[Akira Nura, the Assassin Hero(Lvl 1)]

[Asuka Takeda, the Summoning Hero(Lvl 1)]

[Eiko Masaki, the Enhancing Hero(Lvl 1)]

I recalled Michael being a troubled kid, and I think he's a senior. If there is anyone more dangerous than Murai and Kai, it would be him. The other three that went up were first years in my school, which would be why I don't recognize them.

Anyway, it was at last my turn. I can't wait to see what I am!

I walked up to the mirror and took a deep breath, before placing my hand on the mirror.


White words began to form and when they were in sight, I heard laughter coming from Murai and Kai.

Why? Well, that is because...

[Naoko Akujin, the Inept Hero(Lvl 0)]

I was an Inept Hero. Wait, why is my level 0?!

"Wait, what does that mean?" I asked the robed people around me and one of them spoke.

"That means you don't have a class. The goddess... never granted you any abilities."

Are you kidding me? Why don't I have a class? What is this bullshit?

"Hehe, it's nothing personal but you were always a loser, to begin with. Maybe the goddess didn't feel like granting you any powers considering you aren't fit for any," snickered Kai. "I'd lend you my power if I want but looking at your level... Nah."

He was mocking me and along with Murai, laughing.

This can't be... why is it that a person like Murai gets powers but I don't?!

"Anyway, the king is currently requesting your presence so let us move."

One of the robed men said and a massive door opened behind us. We then followed them as they walked out.

Along the way, Risa met up with me and patted my arm.

"It's alright Nao, I'm sure she'll grant you abilities... even though-"

"I appreciate you trying to comfort me. I'm ok."

"I see..."

After a while, we arrived in front of an elderly-looking man sitting on a throne. He was wearing attire fit for a king and also had an aura of one. No doubt about it, he is definitely a king.

"My name is Authorian Paragon. I ruled this country, Paragon. You must be the heroes sent here by the goddess, Kuruna."

"Indeed, we are," Murai said as he stood proudly. When was he speaking for us again?

"First of all, can you tell us why we are here?" Kai asked.

"Yes, as one of my servants may have told you, we are being invaded by the demon army. The demon emperor is sending demons to destroy our villages and cities. We are in need of your help to fight them."

"And what if I don't want to fight? Will I be sent back to my world?"

What an idiot, of course, we aren't gonna be able to be sent back to our world.

"Sadly no, you cannot reject a trial that has been provided to you by Kuruna. Look at this as a trial for you. If you managed to rid the demon emperor's presence from this world, you will be given passing judgment and may return to your world. However, if you refuse, you will be stuck here for the rest of your life."

Kai recoiled back and scratched his head.

"I see."

How cliche.

"Well then, we should prepare you with gear that suits your classes. Do not worry for you will be compensated for your participation in our mission to combat against the demon emperor's army. Now-"


Everyone and the king himself turned their attention to Kai. That look on his face... it's not a good sign.

"We all have titles and all that, but one of us here doesn't have a class."

Then he turned his attention towards me and grinned.

This bastard, of course he's gonna point that out.

"Will he be able to fight?"

The king stared at me and rubbed his chin. I spotted a contempt look in his eyes, but it quickly faded away. I must've been dreaming. Then he spoke.

"If he is unable to fight, then I won't treat him any different from you. He was brought to this world by Kuruna so he must also have a trial given by her holiness."

A slightly irritated look appeared on Kai's face. Hmph, he thought he could harm me with something like that. Well too bad.

"My servants will now show you to your rooms and provide you with the resources you need. There will be information sent to you soon."

And then we were sent off.


I was sitting on a large bed in a large room. Such luxury.

I was given information on how to raise your level which was unneeded since it was pretty obvious. Just kill some monsters and that's it.

We were also provided with coins which had royal symbols on it. From what I heard, their value is worth about 3 and a half mansions.

Just in case I get robbed, I should place some in my shoes. That's what I always do since no one would want to touch a coin that has been stained with the smell of toes. Unless of course, they have a foot fetish.


What a pain in the ass...

I'm an Inept Hero, and a level 0. How stupid.

Of all the things I could've gotten, I was given an empty class and I have no level. What bullshit.

I walked over to the mirror that was in my room and looked at myself. My rugged black hair was all over the place and the left side of my face was slightly red. It still hurt after what Kai did to me. I hate how he also has a class. Some bullshit...

I looked out the window and it was already getting dark.

I should get some rest, despite me having nothing to do.

And so I fell face flat onto the bed and dosed off.




Suddenly, when I woke up, I was tied up and there was a soldier in front of me dressed in white. Wait, what the hell is happening right now? Why am I tied up?

"Do not fret inept hero, you are just being relocated," the soldier spoke. I couldn't see his face as it was masked by a white hood.

"Wh-what?! Where am I being located?! For what?!" I asked as I struggled to escape from the ropes.

"Sadly, his majesty has no use for an incompetent person like you in the castle. I am task to just relocating you to a place where you would belong."

"And where is that?!"

Suddenly we stopped and I was untied. Then when I stood up, the soldier kicked me and I landed on the dirt ground.


"In the wild where no one will find you. By the way, watch out for the wolves," The soldier said while sitting back down in the wagon where he faded away from my sight.

I was baffled! Why?! Just because I'm useless doesn't mean you have to throw me away! I can become stronger! Why can't I be given a chance?!

As I was drowning deep into my thoughts, I suddenly realized.

"Did he say... wolves?"

I looked up at the dark sky and I suddenly heard a growl coming from the bushes. I turned and multiple wolves emerged from the bushes.

One thought flew past my mind. You wanna know what it is?





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