The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 17: Demons

Chapter 17: Demons


I looked over to the right where the demon wave approached from and I saw a massive mutant-like crocodile with four massive tentacles coming from its back wreaking havoc. If I were to compare its size with the elites, it would be about three times bigger.

So that must be the boss. That's cool but

Why do I get a feeling that it's not?

I used Analysis and inspected it.

[Level 150]

That's why. It's just a demon, not a boss.

I'd know if it was a boss because if it was, Analysis would've shown its skills and class. I also doubt that a mindless demon lumbering around, destroying its own kin would be the leader of a demon wave. Not to mention there are more of them. I didn't get to find out what these things were called but if you ask me, they would be behemoths.

I deactivated Analysis and rubbed my eyes before using Wolf's Blood. Thanks to it leveling up, the range is now far enough to cover an entire field.

The outlines of the pawns and rooks were green so that meant they were lower level than me. I also looked at the other side; the adventurers. I mostly saw green outlines and even yellow which meant some of them were equally leveled to me. I bet that those were the heroes.

The behemoths were obviously red since I am a lower level. And that's all I've spotted.

But eventually something caught my eye. I noticed that there were an excessive amount of rooks in front of a cave entrance. Weird, why are they over there is the battle is on the open field. Either they are too scared to fight or they are defending someone.

I'd walk closer from the cliff and that's when I spotted an outline from the cave. However, it wasn't green, yellow, or red. It was purple.

I knew that who or whatever was in there must be the boss. I know that because the amount of energy emitting from that area was immense and I almost fell off the ledge just breathing it in.

That's where the boss is


I'll just need to take out the rooks at the entrance and I'll be able to fight it.

I couldn't control the laughter that bursted from my mouth. I can't believe it! In the average eyes, they'd think that those behemoths would be the leader of this attack. But no! The boss is hiding in a cave and I spotted him! And I'll kill him myself.

I jumped down from the cliff and used Fallen Descent to break my fall, creating a crater in the spot I landed.

This Fallen Descent skill makes a shockwave when I hit the ground. Not only does it affect others but it also affects me as well. All it does though is that it breaks my fall, to others, depends on the situation.

I used stealth and walked towards the cave while shuffling through the bushes.

After a while I ran out of bushes to sneak through, but I had already arrived at the entrance. Using Wolf's Blood, I inspected the amount of enemies guarding the entrance.

13 pawns and 5 rooks. Luckily no behemoths and I think whoever is in that cave is relieved as well, else they wouldn't be residing in there.

Now then

I pulled out my longbow and readied 5 arrows. I'll take out the rooks first so I don't get overwhelmed so easily. With an arrow to the head, I can dispose of them with ease. Unlike video games, there are no health bars. All it takes is a deadly blow to the vitals and you'll stun or kill the enemy.

The pawns, I think I'll be able to take them out with ease with my dagger as long as I don't mess up. I could just snipe them but I need to stretch my muscles once in a while.

When my Charged Arrows were flashing at their brightest, I released them and they instantly pierced the side of the rook's head.

[Leveled up!(29)]

[Passive Skill Obtained: Derivation(Locked)]

Another locked skill, just what I needed. How many is that now? Three? Well, it doesn't really matter. I'll unlock them soon I hope.

When the rooks collapsed, the pawns turned their attention towards me. I folded my longbow and hung it on my waist, then I drew my dagger.

The first one rushed towards me and I quickly Flash Stepped behind it. In a split second, it was instantly beheaded.

[Leveled up!(2)]

Two more rushed after me with their weapons swung towards me. I ducked and slashed their legs off, or that's what I thought when it shattered on impact.

I used Flash Step and managed to not get myself cornered. I stared at my broken dagger. Welp, had some good memories with this one but it was inevitable.

I tossed my dagger away and rose my fist.

If I can't slash them, then I'll just beat 'em.

Using fire manipulation, I wrapped my fist in flames and eventually all I felt was heat.

The pawns flinched at the sight of the flames. Are demons scared of flames? Well, isn't that new? They must not possess resistance to flames.

Oh well, better for me.

I Flash Stepped and appeared in front of the closest pawn. I swung my arm, slamming the side of its head and knocking it down onto the ground.

I'd wrap my legs with flames and stomp on the pawn's head. It cried in pain as its face melted. The only thing left was a skull.

[Leveled up!(1)]

I turned to the rest of the pawns and sneered.

"Who's next?"

Saying that, all of them rushed towards me.

"So eager to die, huh?"

I jumped and used Fallen Descent. When my fist struck the ground, not only did a shockwave send them flying away, they were also caught on fire. I managed to get seven of them, the others managed to survive.

[Leveled up!(3)]

One of their weapons landed in front of me and I picked it up and as soon as I did, I gained another skill.

[Passive Skill Obtained: Sword Arts]

[Sword Arts: The host will understand and gain all knowledge with the sword| Effect: Proficiency with the sword]

Hmm, just one touch and I obtain Sword Arts. Wonder why it didn't just give me Dagger Arts when I first held it, but that must've been because I was too weak. Well, if I had known this earlier, I'd buy every weapon in the gear shop. Though, I still prefer the dagger, unless I'm given a Katana

While I was absorbed in thoughts, the pawns were heading towards me. Oh, they finally got here. Let's see what kind of sword moves I can perform.

Due to my perception, they came at me slowly so I had plenty of time to react. I walked forward and swung the sword, beheading one of them.

[Leveled up!(1)]

Two of them came after the first one and I cut them in two so their torsos would disconnect from their hips.

[Leveled up!(2)]

After the ones that I defeated dropped onto the floor, there was only one more pawn. It turned to run away but I had already impaled it with the sword.

[Leveled up!(1)]

I tossed the sword away and looked down the cave. Using Wolf's Blood, I got a closer look at how the boss looked.

He was small and his outline kind of reminded me of a goblin. But that's just me.

I saw their figure move deeper into the cave. Fleeing huh? That's not going to get you anywhere.

I ran inside and triggered Stealth so they would be unable to sense me going after them.

After following them down the cave, I arrived at some kind of underground lake. There were stalactites hanging down from the ceiling with water droplets falling down, strange glowing crystals, and one small ugly demon in ragged clothes.

When the demon noticed me, it shrieked.

"Eek! H-h-h-how d-d-d-did a human m-m-manage to get through my d-d-d-d-defenses?!" He said with a frightened tone.

"Defenses? They were pretty weak to be so-called bodyguards."

"I-i-i-i-impossible! N-n-n-not even I am able to take them on all at once!"

I used Analysis and checked his stats.

[Level 175; Class: Mage/Puppeteer; Title: Sin of Gluttony]


Passive Skills: Darkness Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Water Manipulation

Active Skills: Den of Gluttony

Skills: Analysis, Inferno(Lvl.5), Shadow Puppet(Lvl.7), Earth Dome(Lvl.3)


Upon seeing this, I crossed my arms and wiped my own smirk.

Alright... I shouldn't get cocky for this. He has Analysis, just like me so he can also see my skills.

Wait... why does he have a title? Of all the other people I've used Analysis on, he is the only one to have a title. Maybe it's because he's a boss?

I noticed that his eyes glowed green and suddenly he began to laugh.

"Aha, aha, AHAHAHAHA~!"

I tilted my head. What is he laughing about?

"Pardon me, I was just a bit worried that I was facing a strong enemy considering the amount of mana you possess. However, you are a lower level than me."

Huh, he didn't stutter.

"Who cares if I'm a lower level than you? Levels don't matter, it's skills. And I think you are short on that."

"Cocky human. Once I defeat you, I'll feed your corpse to my pets. Or... I can just eat it myself."

Then he took his cloak off and in his place was a fat ugly pig holding a wicked staff.

"You won't be able to defeat me, the one of many that committed the sin of gluttony! HAHAHAHAHA-"

The only thing that could be heard was his laughter. He continued to laugh and snort at the same time. Then when he spotted the dissatisfied look on my face, his laughter died down.


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before a wave of uncontrollable laughter filled the interior.

"W-what are you laughing at?"

I dropped onto the ground and continued to laugh. T-this thing was a pig?! I really thought he was a goblin for a second but this is unexpected!

When I came down, I got on my feet and wrapped my hands in flames.

"Sorry, it's just funny how a mere pig thinks he can kill me."

"Cocky human! In the name of the demon king, you will die by my hand!"





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