The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 140: The Warlock Hero, Joseph

Chapter 140: The Warlock Hero, Joseph

Joseph dashed forward and delivered a right hook. Myran parried and countered with a right cross to the face, but Joseph managed to slip it, wrapping his arms around Myran to do a suplex.


Myran's neck shattered and his body immediately began to heal, however, Joseph didn't allow him to even breathe. Snatching onto his legs, he threw him into the air and sent him flying towards the ground with a devastating axe kick with both legs.

Joseph wasn't done there. He extended his arms and released a rapid barrage of homing red beams at Myran. Myran struggled to evade as the beams were unable to miss and could turn even the sharpest corners.

Eventually, Myran stopped himself and allowed him to be hit. After tanking all the hits, his body healed again, causing Joseph to become a little irritated.

"Come on, Joseph. What are you still fighting for? To kill me? If that's your plan, you know it's useless!"

Myran shot towards Joseph and performed a series of high-speed punches. Joseph blocked and waited for an opening. Once he saw the opening, he ducked and delivered a brutal punch to his stomach, impaling it in the process.

Myran stood in shock as he felt his body overflow with energy. Joseph pulled his arm out and lifted Myran in the air before tossing him away.

As Myran caught himself in the air, he felt the overflowing energy inside him begin to erupt. Under his skin, light coursed through his body and he felt his body heat up as seconds passed by.

"What is-?"

"If you're immortal, let's see how well you survive when I blow you up from the inside!!"

Joseph crossed his arms before raising them both up, detonating the energy within Myran.

Moments later, Myran was encased in a brilliant red and blue burst before exploding, creating a giant mushroom cloud.

The aftermath was devastating. There was a massive crater where Myran once stood. Joseph took heavy breaths as he regained his stamina and energy.

'Is he still alive? I don't sense his energy. Maybe he suppressed it during the explosion.'

He couldn't be too sure. Many people have tricks up their sleeves and there was a possibility that Myran had survived the explosion. Joseph cautiously thought everything through as he lifted his barrier.

"You should've used that earlier." A voice said suddenly.

Instinctively, Joseph spun around and threw a right hook, hitting Myran's right jaw. He chuckled before punching Joseph in the gut.

Joseph stumbled back as he was barraged with a volley of kicks and punches from Myran. Once he regained his footing, Myran had vanished from his sight.

"It's over!" Said Myran from above.

Joseph looked at him and Myran fired down an enormous rain of red energy bullets.

As the energy bullets rained down towards Joseph, he cupped his hands and formed a crackling blue energy sphere between them. Then he thrust his hands forward, firing countless rays of blue energy.

Their energy clashed with each other. Joseph struggled to maintain his attack as energy was quickly rushing out from his palms. Myran on the other hand had no difficulties, simply smiling as he watched Joseph struggled.

The power struggle continued for a while. Joseph felt his legs weaken as he continued to maintain his attack. However, the human body could only do so much.

Soon, Joseph's legs buckled and he fell to the floor, forcing his attack to end.

"Die," Myran smirked as he exerted all of his energy, causing the energy bullets to increase in size. Sensing the sudden change, Joseph took off another one of the bands off his arms which limited his power.

Joseph quickly regained his stamina and darted away from the area, avoiding the fiery storm of explosive energy.

Once Myran's attack ended, he looked around for Joseph's body, assuming he had died. However, Joseph immediately appeared behind him and delivered a devastating blow to the head.

"Tch, well, this is getting a little annoying," Myran muttered. Once his head had healed, his hands took on a different shape.

"Let's settle this like Warlocks, shall we?"

Joseph stared at him blankly, staring at his arms. One arm looked reptilian-like with black scales and glowing blue streaks while the other arm had red flesh with white feathers.

"You sacrificed your life for the ultimate ones?"

"Of course! The drawbacks don't affect an immortal like me, after all." 

Myran's arms were different than the appendages given by the Void Master. Unlike the ones where a certain part of the arm is enhanced, for example, the Red Angel Palm, the Ultimate Ones enchants the entire arm and the entire side of that arm. This gives better control over the principle given to Warlocks but there is a price to pay for it. That price is 77 years off your life span. However, this doesn't affect Myran as he is immortal. A human and mortal like Joseph would lose his life span, and die prematurely.

"What's wrong, Joseph? Is this your limit? Don't tell me you are stopping now."

"Of course not. I'm not even using half of my power." Joseph responded, taking off more of his bands. Unlike the bands he took off earlier, these bands fell to the ground with a thump, causing Myran to flinch lightly.

"I'm ready now." Joseph declared, his hands glowing a strange, purple color.

"Violet?" Myran uttered with a puzzled expression before Joseph swiped the air, pulling Myran closer to him.

With swift speed, Joseph continued to erase the distance between him and Myran. Once Myran was close enough, he swiped his hand again, sending out a sharp wave of energy.

Myran was cut into two by his attack but the former regenerated before Joseph could deal more damage.

Joseph stomped the ground, causing blue pillars of energy to erupt. Myran swiftly dodged them but when he got caught in one of them, he felt his energy sap away. Realizing what they did, Myran became more cautious and evaded them with more precision.

Joseph continued to make more pillars, making Myran struggle to escape from the maze of blue energy. When he was trapped in between them, Joseph shot towards him and Myran was met with a heavy amount of red energy.

The red energy knocked Myran away in the blue pillars where all of his energy was being drained from his body.

"Haha, this is fun," Myran said as he got up on his feet. Though his energy was being absorbed, his stamina remained the same.


Emitting an outburst of energy from his body, the pillars vanished. Spotting Joseph on his knees, Myran darted towards him.

"Is that all!?"


Joseph rushed towards him and the two clashed. As they tried to wrestle the other to the ground, they began bashing each other with headbutts. Considering Joseph had the advantage in power, he managed to knock Myran to the ground.

Lifting his hands up into the air, he created a crackling violet energy sphere in between his palms.


Joseph dropped the sphere onto Myran, creating an explosion that morphed into a giant dark pillar of energy.

Joseph quickly got out of the explosion's radius, taking heavy breathers as he regained his stamina. He was running out of stamina but he still had an endless amount of energy. However, what use was energy going to do if he didn't have the stamina to use it?

"Guess this is the limit of your power," Myran said, his body gradually regenerating after taking heavy damage from Joseph's attack.

"So..." Myran began, facing his palm at Joseph. "Any last words?"

Joseph's breath stabilized and slowly lifted his head, a grin crossing his face.

"How's your brother?"

At that moment, a surge of anger rushed through Myran as he yelled.


A red beam of powerful energy pierced Joseph's chest. Myran stared deeply into Joseph's eyes as they lost their light.

Joseph's fell forward. Myran could sense his energy fade away and his spirit separate from his body. A smirk slowly crossed his face and soon enough, he started to cackle.

"Three heroes slaughtered by my hand, and I've killed the strongest! This is it... this is proof that I can kill that son of a bitch!"

Blood started to spurt out from the open wounds of his body as waves of excitement rushed through his body.

"Nero... I'll find you and kill you! Ahahahahahaha! Hahahaha-! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

After Myran's resurrection, he became a revenant, obsessed with kill one person and one person only and he won't stop until he kills him. That person was of course his own killer, Nero. Obsessed with his fixation to kill Nero, his senses went haywire and he was in his own world. This was the disadvantage of his own power which drowns his instincts. Little did he know, there was an imminent danger behind him.

"Go to hell."

Myran quickly snapped out of daydreaming and avoiding the incoming attack.

He flipped back and looked up to see Joseph standing on both feet. A rather grim aura surrounded the latter, giving Myran goosebumps.

"Wh...what the hell? How are you standing? I pierced a hole in your... chest..."

Looking down, the hole Myran put in his chest was gradually closing up. Joseph's eyes glinted, giving off a cold presence.

"I won't... let you... it's a promise I made... to her."

'Wh-where is this resolve coming from?' Myran questioned in his mind, still shocked at Joseph's recovery.

To understand this, it all started from Joseph's birth.





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