The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 14: Unsuspecting Event

Chapter 14: Unsuspecting Event

The next morning, I woke up to an unsuspecting event.

At the front door of the inn, there were people dressed in armor walking in. When I got closer, I realized that they were the guards that reside here.

They usually come here to get a few midnight drinks and eat but the looks on their faces meant business.

When they spotted me, they began approaching me.

"Mr Akuma, right?"

"Yes, what do you want?"

"Please come with us for a second, we just need to confirm something."


I followed them out the door and there was a tent placed on the other side of the street.


[New Function Unlocked!]

[Title Switcher]

[Title: Inept Hero]


[Title Obtained: Human]

Hmm? What's this all about?

[In this world, all beings are born with a title. All being's titles start out as the name of their race but some can gain titles such as the title of "Hero." These guards are searching for one with the title of "Inept Hero." In other words, you]

So that's why I've been called out here. Looks like they found out where I was staying.

[Title switched: Human]

[Notice: Host can unlock Title effects when they reach the required level(200)]

That's going to take some time. But it's not like I need to rush. After all, what effects is the title "Inept Hero" going to give me?


Christ, you really are blunt.

When we arrived in front of the tent and entered it, there was a familiar mirror in front of me.

"Please place your hand on the appraiser."

I looked at my hand hesitated for a second. Let's hope this works.

I placed my palm on the mirror and white letters began to form.

[Nero Akuma, Human(69)]

That was what appeared on the appraiser.

I looked back at the guards and they put on an embarrassing face.

"Sorry for wasting your time."

I could feel that they were still suspicious of me but when I glared into their eyes, their suspicion faded away.

"It's no worry. Not that I was busy anyway."

I'd leave and walk back towards the inn.

"Of course he couldn't be the Inept Hero. How could someone with that title have such an intimidating look?"

"Yeah, the king must be overreacting. By the way, have you heard? The heroes are coming to this town."

"Well of course they are! After all, a demon wave is going to attack this town. When are they arriving?"

"I think in four days."

I stopped in my tracks. Four days? Well, isn't that nice to know?

The demons attack in five days. They'll arrive just before they invade. I say that they have a horrible schedule if they have to arrive here a day before they attack. They won't even get the chance to see the sights around here.

Well, that is if this place holds up.

When I arrived back at the inn, I spotted the group from yesterday drinking and eating.

I turned my attention and saw who was serving them.

I'm impressed she is even able to act normal around the ones who took her life away from her. She has good self-control.

Hmm since they have their guards dropped, I should go give them a greeting. A nice one.

"How is the food here?" I said as I walked up to them and gave them a content smile. Though I'm faking it, first impressions are always an important thing.

"Huh? Greetings!" The Berserker hollered at me in a wasted like state. Wow, I never seen anyone get this drunk this early. Well, judging on how much he has drunken, I bet he'd be able to continue drinking until night comes.


"I hope my sister has been treating you guys well," I said as I looked over at Kiyomi. "Right?"

Kiyomi stayed silent for a while but eventually uttered a yes.

"Your sister? Hmm, well you guys do look a bit alike," The Assassin said as he downed a bottle of vodka.

"Hey! Stop drinking so much you two! How the hell are we going to do business if you guys are wasted?!" The mage shouted at his comrades.


"Hmm? Oh, we sell slaves."

I almost bursted out in laughter but stopped myself once I saw Kiyomi's bitter smile. I never knew slave traders blurted out they sold slaves just like that. Though considering that slave trading is common in this world and being a slave trader is one of the jobs you can take being a merchant, I can't say much but that they have no shame.

"I see May I ask a question?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"What do you have in that carriage?"

"Oh, that? Just some supplies."

"I see"

Surprised that there aren't any slaves in there. Guess I was right about the supplies part though.

Anyway, I should change the subject before they get suspicious of me because I can already see the Assassin glaring at me.

"So what are your thoughts about the Inept Hero?"

"Oh him?" The Mage smirked. "Well, from the looks of it, he couldn't have gotten far. Last I've heard, he was around the forest near this place. I-"

"He betted 600 silver that the Inept Hero would be dead. But without any evidence and how the bounty is still up, he must be alive somewhere," The Assassin said, interrupting the Mage.

"Yeah, that!" The Berserker said.

"We are still waiting on the money you know?" The Assassin said to the Mage.

"Tch, I'll give you guys the silver when we get our next pay."

As they kept on talking, I could see Kiyomi shaking. I got up and walked over to her.

"Go to our room, you must be tired."

Kiyomi stared at me hesitantly, then nodded.

"Hey boss, Kiyomi needs to take a break. She's a little tired."


A chill went down my spine when I heard the Mage say her name.

"Heh, who knew someone would have the same name as that fox girl we captured 3 years ago."

I turned around and the Mage was wasted. Looks like he's gotten into the alcohol.

"The Kitsune? Yeah, she was a tough one if you ask me."

"A feisty one too."

"Heh, I can't believe we had trouble taking down a girl than her family. It was fun playing with that other girl."

The group laughed as they ranted about Kiyomi's family and how they did things to them. The more they ranted, the more Kiyomi shook.

Then they began talking about Kiyomi herself.

I suddenly felt heat emitting from Kiyomi as they kept on talking. I patted her head and walked her up the stairs while covering her ears.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to end them. Soon" I whispered into her ear.


After that event happened, I had Kiyomi rest as she'll be needing energy for tonight.

The plan was we get them while they were asleep. I knew after all that, Kiyomi would be at her limit and that she would be unable to contain the beast.

So, I decided to farm some levels for her.

When I arrived at the forest, it was silent.

Very silent

"Hmm, that's strange. I don't remember this place being so quiet. It's always so packed with wolves."

Maybe the wolves didn't want to come out tonight? Or maybe another one of those bears came again.

Well, I was correct about the latter.

When I stumbled upon a river, I encountered a pack of Crimson Bears.

Using Wolf's Blood, I spotted 2, 3, 5, 8 of them. 8 Crimson Bears.

Inspecting all their levels, they were some with the same level as the first one we met and two with the level of 74.

My level is the same as the majority of the bears, but numbers won't change anything. I think I can take these guys no problem.

Though to be safe, I should take them out one by one.

I threw a rock at the nearest one and it turned its attention to me. That's when I shot a charged arrow straight between its head. It had no time to react.

When the first bear fell into the lake, the other bears turned their attention. I quickly pulled out 7 arrows and began to charge them.

With Deadshot, I can kill them all easily. All I need to do is aim one, and the rest will follow wherever I want them to go.

When all the bears turned their attention and when my charged arrows were finished, I fired them and all I could hear next was the sound of bear corpses dropping and splashing.


[Charged Arrow Leveled up!]

[Leveled up!(32)]

[Level: 101]

[Party Member Kiyomi has Leveled up!(20)]

[Party Member Kiyomi has reached the maximum level!]

[Party Member Kiyomi has unlocked dual classes]

[Party Member Kiyomi has learned a new class: Assassin]

Wow, I didn't expect to get that many levels. Who knew these bears would give so much, not to forget that Excess doubles the XP.

It also seems that Kiyomi is not only able to use the Mage class, but also the Assassin class now. This must be due to her reaching her level cap.

Since Kiyomi is at her limit now, that means taking care of those three won't be a problem. Not to mention that I also have reached the same level.

Tonight, there is going to be so much fun.





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