The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 10: Skills

Chapter 10: Skills

When I woke up, I was met with a slender beauty.

I gazed into her eyes curiously. Who is this woman?

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I-it's me"

That voice, Kiyomi?

"Hmm, you look different."

She wasn't a Kitsune anymore, but human.

"I thought it would be best if I was in a form best suited to your preference. Do you not like it?"

"No, you look great, though I'd prefer your original form better. You can use this when we have to go out."

So this is the transformation skill. Interesting



"Why did you break my collar? It was to make sure I'd follow every order you give me so why?"

"Because I don't like to cause harm on those who don't deserve it."

"But how can you be so sure?"

"Because that hatred of yours isn't directed to me and I can sense it. It's towards the ones that captured you, right?"

Kiyomi looked off into another direction and nodded.

"I want to get my revenge."

"Right however, you won't be able to in your current state."

She was skinny, lacking nutrition; you can almost see her ribs. She's gonna need to be fed properly.

I get up and fix my clothes. Then I walked over to the door.

"You stay here, you are probably hungry."

"No, I'm fi-"

But her stomach said otherwise.

"Just stay here, I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

I then exit the room, shutting the door behind me.

I went down towards the first floor and ordered some food. I got her some vegetables and meat while I just got myself some bread.

After that, I returned to my room and placed the food on the table. Kiyomi stared at it with a doubtful look, probably thinking there is something in there. She even took a few sniffs.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad. Here, eat."

I moved the plate to her and she hesitated. She took the corn on the plate and took a little nibble. After that, she began eating like a savage would.

"H-hey now, calm down, don't eat so fast."

She took my advice and ate it at a slow pace. I offered her a glass of water whenever she was having trouble swallowing.

When she finished, she gave me eyes wanting more food. Hmm, it wouldn't hurt to continue spoiling her.

After all, I have plenty of time.


When it got dark, I went out to go hunting again. But this time Kiyomi had tagged along. I suggested she stayed back at the inn but she insisted on coming. So here we are.

We wandered into the forest and encountered a pack of wolves.

I was about to fight them myself but Kiyomi insisted on fighting them herself. I pointed out her current condition but eventually after a minute of bickering, she had her way.

Despite looking weak, she was quick and always on her feet.

In a matter of seconds, the 6 wolves that were around us were shredded to pieces by Kiyomi and her claws.

[Leveled up!]

[Leveled up!]

[Party Member Kiyomi has leveled up!(1)]

Interesting, so if a party member takes out an enemy, the XP is shared with me as well. If I guess in the future, it would go the same for other party members.

Suddenly, Kiyomi fell to the ground. I ran up to her to help her up but she said she was fine and didn't need my help.

I backed off and let her do her thing.

Another wave of wolves came and this time, Kiyomi showed off a few of her mage skills.

Fox Fire Manipulation is similar to regular Fire Manipulation, just that it burns hotter and can be shaped into anything that has physical components such as a sword or a spear.

They were even useful as a torch, though I never needed to bring one since my eyes can adjust to the dark pretty quickly.

I also got to see a glance at Flame Pillars. From the name, it's pretty obvious. Flames erupting from the ground like a volcano just busted.

I also got a glimpse of Sage Arts. To make it short, the user draws energy in the air and uses it as their own to create a being made of that energy. When manifested, it takes on the true form of the user. Of course, Kiyomi being a Kitsune, it comes out as a spiritual version of her, just in her fox form.

I looked at the crest on my arm. If I was able to get Sage Arts, I could probably do the same.

But anyway, a few hours have passed and we leveled up quite a lot, for me anyway.

I was now level 32 while Kiyomi was level 57. I have to say, she did a lot of work today, though I told her she didn't have to, she did it anyway.

Kiyomi passed out after we were done so I was now bringing her back.

After placing her onto the bed, I grabbed a chair and placed it at the door, then sat on it.

[Status: Tired]

Yeah... but I don't feel sleepy right now so I'll just stay awake for the night.

While I do that, I can check my stats.


Name: Nero Akuma|(Former: Naoko Akujin)

Title: Inept Hero

Class: None

Status: Normal

Level: 32

Mana: [338,820/338,820]

Strength: 77

Agility: 48

Technique: 39

Perception: 36

Charisma: 666

Stat Points: 33


Passive Skills: Sprint, Bloodlust, Allocation(Locked), Exceed(Locked), Dagger Arts

Active Skills: None

Skills: Analysis, Wolf's Blood, Mark of Fidelity, Flash Step, Charged Arrow


Hmm, I've been wondering for a while now. Since they are skills, shouldn't I be able to level them up?

[That function is locked as of now...]

When will I be able to unlock it?

[Required level is 65...]

I see, so I'll just have to keep leveling up and I will be able to unlock it. Does this go the same for Kiyomi?


Alright, that's good. So as long as I keep leveling up, I'll be able to unlock that function. I'm guessing there will be more functions to unlock in the future, am I correct?


Well then, that's that.

So for now, I should focus on getting Kiyomi back into shape. That shouldn't take long unless they have the same digestive system as humans. If so, then it might take a few months.

Tomorrow, I should go buy myself some scrolls and learn some magic, otherwise, I'll just be dead weight and Kiyomi will just take my place. I'll lose my dignity if that happens.


When the next morning came up, I bought some food and placed them on the table for Kiyomi to eat when she wakes up.

I am walking down the street towards the scroll shop to buy myself some scrolls. I want one that can be used for healing and one that can be used for defense. Since Kiyomi deals more damage than me, it's better if I back her up whenever she is in trouble.

Upon entering the shop, the inside was almost like a library.

Scrolls were lined up on the shelves. It was specifically organized; fire-related scrolls were in one section, water-related scrolls in another, you get the idea.

I inspected the healing scroll section to find the healing spell I wanted. I wanted a spell that can allow me to heal others and myself in a short amount of time and not consume so much mana every use.

Eventually, I found one lying on the ground. It was called "Quick Regeneration." It's pretty much in the name.

I walked up to the counter and an old lady walked up.

"How may I help you?"

"Is there a spell that can... create a shield?"

"A barrier spell?"


The old lady scratched the side of her head and began thinking. Then she told me to wait and walked to the back.

When she returned, she had three scrolls in her hand and placed them on the counter.

"Choose one to your liking."

I took them and inspected them. However, they were all the same and I didn't know which one to pick.


[Analysis not only inspects another being but can inspect an item as well...]

Ho? Should've told me this earlier.

Using Analysis, I took a look at what they could do.

[Energy Shield: Cast a wall made of condensed energy provided by the host| Effects: Make an energy shield that can be cast onto any target| Conditions: Consumes 200 mana per use]

[Earth Dome(Unable to learn): With the power of the earth, create a mighty dome to shield against projectiles| Effects: With earth magic, cast a giant dome around you| Conditions: Earth Magic, Consumes 500 mana per use]

[Aura Barrier: Cast a barrier made up of the host's energy that can cover a 360-degree radius| Effects: Enwrap an aura around you, deflecting any projectiles away| Conditions: Consumes 300 mana per use]

Hmm, the reason why I probably can't use earth dome is because I can't use earth magic. Well, not like I really have to. Energy Shield and Aura Barrier are pretty trusting, I should get them.

I took a quick glance at Quick Regeneration too before I purchased the scrolls.

[Quick Regeneration: Heal and restore the target to their original state before getting injured| Effect: Restores one to Normal Status| Conditions: Consumes 1,000-10,000 mana per use depending on the condition the target is]

I see, that's useful.

"These two, and this."

"Very well."

After that, I paid for them and returned to the inn.

So, how do I use them?

[Focus your mana into the scroll and you will be able to absorb the spell...]

Hmm, is that so?

Well, guess I can only try.

I picked up the scroll and begun to focus my mana into it.

[Mana: 336,294/338,820]

Then I felt the scroll vanish, just vanish.

[Skill Obtained: Energy Shield]

Nice. So I guess I'll have to do the same with the rest.

[Skill Obtained: Aura Barrier]

[Skill Obtained: Quick Regeneration]

This will be useful, I can protect myself with Aura Barrier and protect others like Kiyomi with Energy Shield. Heh, you could even call me a support hero, but I think I'll stick with Inept for now since being a "support" isn't really my style.

But if I ever do get the chance, then maybe I'll take my chances.





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