The Innkeeper

Chapter 1083 Sapling

Chapter 1083 Sapling

Everyone watched as the treant attacked with all his might, with clear intention to do as much harm as possible. Yet the masked tyrant remained unmoved the entire time. No matter how he attacked, or what move he used, it made no difference.

The treant went from feeling severe wrath and anger, to surprise, caution, and slowly, hopelessness. Everyone could tell that the man had already started to daydream amidst the attacks because he would sometimes mutter to himself, and other times move his hands as if he was doing something. But the less he paid attention to the treant's attacks, the more dreadful he seemed.

After a few minutes, he finally stopped daydreaming, and looked at the treant who was mid-attack.

"Enough," he said, and the oneness off the stage did not feel anything, but the treant felt as if he had experienced the command of an unparalleled being. He lost control of his body as it froze in its stance. Even his attack stopped mid air, unmoving under his command.

Lex, for one, hadn't done anything particular. He had not used any Glyphs, nor did he use Domination. Instead, it was as if, under the control of his mask, he could naturally imbue bits of everything with his voice, giving it power.

The treant only heard his word, but Lex was able to see his words vibrate it a strange way, forming a strange symbol. He… he just discovered another character that could be used in his arrays! Moreover, this character somehow seemed much more powerful than all the other characters he ever used. It was as if the meaning within this character was deeper, and more nuanced.

"Kneel, and for the next ten days, remain kneeling," Lex said, somehow knowing that his words were enough to command the treant. It was actually a little scary to think about, since he was beginning to realize how weak he had been up until now. It would have been so easy for someone stronger to crush him. A word alone would have been enough to end his life.

He could see the same fear and understanding in the treants eyes. It was realizing how futile it had been to try and face Lex. The difference between them was just too vast.

"Understand this, and understand it well. No one, not your Tree of Heaven or your fabled eight legged horse, or anyone else, can command me, or anyone from the Inn. We obey only the Innkeeper. Do not mistake hospitality for weakness. If someone has a problem with that, you can feel free to find me."

Lex turned to look at all those who surrounded the stage, and saw them shy away from his gaze. It seemed his work here was done. He teleported away. It was time to find the Notknit Islands.


After the Tyrant disappeared, many came to help the treant, but discovered that any who tried to help him up suddenly started to kneel themselves. Before the ten days were over, it was impossible for him to get up, and any who helped fell under the same constraints.

A certain dread had captured the hearts of many. At the same time, many felt a rage begin to light up in their hearts.

Pinophyta was also watching from a distance, and upon seeing its brethren forced to kneel at the command of another, it could take no more. Silently, it left, not just the manor, but the Inn as well. To make sure no one knew of his departure, not only did he take no transport, but he also exited the Inn by vaulting over a part of the wall where there were no patrols.

As soon as he exited, however, he proceeded no further. He manipulated the wood that constituted his body, and revealed a single acorn hidden with himself.

He planted the seed in the soil, and watered it with its own blood, to the point where he fell to his knees. Yet he did not stop, until a small sappling sprouted.

Pinophyta was weakened, but still determined. He planted his own roots in the ground right there, and manipulated them so that they touched the roots on the new sapling.

"Forgive me for invoking the seed before schedule, oh Heavenly Tree! The situation here is more dire than we assumed. I have discovered two… two beings… forgive my blasphemy, but I have discovered two beings who share an aura similar to yours, and many whose power is beyond my understanding. Today, finally, I heard from the mouth of one of the Inn's that he is beholden to none save the Innkeeper, not even you. They are planting the roots of rebellion. Please, go through my memories, so you know the truth of what I say."

The roots of the sapling began to wrap around Pinophyta's own, and then began to feed off of the treants lifeforce. Slowly, the treant turned from a sentient tree, to a dead one. That is when the sapling moved, and entered the treants body, slowly changing it.

A few moments later, it seemed like Pinophyta came back to life, but found its form inconvenient. The wood that made up its body began to morph and shrink, until the treant became much smaller, and humanoid. Its eyes began to glow in an eerie yellow, and the vegetation around him began to die.

"The Innkeeper is busy…" the treant said, then turned back to the Inn, and jumped up over the wall. As it continued to walk through the Inn, returning to the settlements, it began to drop more acorns along the way.

The acorns seemed to contain a magical ability, and buried themselves in the dirt. Nothing else happened for now, but the surrounding vegetation seemed to lose a bit of their vibrancy, but it was too minor a change to notice.

If Lex had the Host Attire he might have caught on, but he neither had the suit, nor was he in the Inn. In fact, he had already made his way to the islands!


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