The Innkeeper

Chapter 1079 Inn's history

Chapter 1079 Inn's history

The arrival of a little over a thousand new guests didn't go unnoticed, especially since everyone was quite interested in the inhabitants of the new realm.

If someone said that all was perfectly well in the Inn then that wouldn't exactly be true. As months passed, many of the guests began to realize that they might be stuck in this realm for a very long time.

Most did not mind, either because of their long lives or because the cultivation environment here was great, not to mention the opportunities of a newborn realm were unimaginable. A majority of the cultivators in the immortal realm who weren't in closed door cultivation had already left the settlements to go explore the as of yet untouched lands of the Inn.

The same was true for most Nascent soul and Golden core, as well as a good number of Foundation realm cultivators as well. Those who were not out exploring were taking advantage of the fact that the spirit energy here was exceptionally pure! If they had to pay to stay in the Inn, they would never be able to stay this long - at least for the lower leveled cultivators. So in a way, this was the ultimate opportunity for them to cultivate and grow their realm in a safe environment.

But at the same time, there were many guests who were discontent as well. This was akin to kidnapping, and was keeping them away from commitments and people who they wished to meet. Disappearing without notice and being unable to even send back word was not something easy to come to terms with.

These guests had many fights with the workers already, though they were only verbal fights so far. But there was nothing that could be done.

There were also a few guests who did not mind taking all the benefits the Inn offered, but had not a shred of gratitude in their hearts. In fact, they felt that everything they got was what they justly deserved, and had resorted to threatening the workers with what they would do many times if they weren't allowed to leave.

But it was all for not. None of them could leave. So when there was a sudden surge of new guests, it was a welcome distraction, but at the same time, not everyone was in a very welcoming mood.

One such guest, who was troubled about not being able to return home, though not to the point of being bitter against the Inn, was John Fake Kennedy. The krab-man was sitting with his feet dipped in a lazy river, looking out forlornly into the distance.

He saw a whole large group of new guests coming in, but he just could not gather the energy of getting up to investigate. The only thing he could think of was all the harm that was being done to his beloved country in his absence. Now that he had finally gained the strength to go and face those who wanted him assassinated, he was stuck here. With no one to stop them, who knew what harm they would do?

Hours passed by, and he didn't move, nor did he notice when a curious imp came by, sitting in an inflatable doughnut in the lazy river.

"You there, crustacean looking fellow. Are you one of the Inn workers? Good attendant, it appears that circumstances have conspired against me, for I find myself in a predicament most unbecoming. As one unaccustomed to the art of swimming, I must, with considerable reluctance, request your immediate assistance in extricating myself from this watery conveyance. Your prompt and diligent aid in this matter would be most appreciated, as I am certain you understand the gravity of my situation."

"What? No, I'm not… Never mind, I'll help," said Kennedy as he jumped in the pool and pulled the doughnut to the side, allowing Kanye to jump off!

"What a dastardly contraption! Most heinous," Kanye muttered, then looked towards Kennedy. "Well? I am part of a diplomatic envoy. Why are you not profusely apologizing for exhibiting me to that dreadful watery deathtrap? I demand recompense for my trauma!"

Kennedy looked at the imp, then looked left and right. Seeing that they were alone, it would be a lie if he didn't say that he for a moment felt like putting the imp back in the doughnut and throwing it in the lazy river, but resisted the urge.

"Ask not what the Inn can do for you, but what you can do for the Inn," he muttered to himself, before looking at the imp.

"I am not one of the Inns workers, I am a guest here as well. I just helped you out because you looked like you needed it. If you're afraid of water, you should not have gotten on it to begin with."

"Aha, a patron of the establishment!" the imp exclaimed, then looked Kennedy up and down. "My good fellow, I am here as a patron myself, and am most curious about the history of this Inn where we take refuge. Would you, perchance, have a moment to spare to enlighten me with anything you know? I assure you, the Treant empire under the shadow of the Tree of Heaven will extend its gratitude to you for your cooperation."

Kennedy was a shrewd Krab-man, and easily saw that the imp had ulterior motives, but it was not like the history of the Inn was secret. His curiosity, however, was piqued by the sudden promise of intrigue. After all, since he couldn't go back home, he needed to distract himself with something. He might as well learn more about the countries outside the border of the Inn.

But while Kennedy saw through the poorly orchestrated subterfuge, not everyone was as simple to see through as the imp, and not all guests had the good of the Inn at heart. Slowly the crowds started to mingle, and an unbelievable story of how the guests all saw the birth of the realm began to spread.

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