The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 4: 04 - Escape (1)

Chapter 4: 04 - Escape (1)

Wade laughed loudly. He continued to emphasize Francis' name being the same as a soap company's.

"Bring him with us," Francis said as he did not pay any attention to Derrick and turned around.

Derrick was about to try to save Wade when he looked at Wade's face and saw him wink at him.

At that moment, Derrick understood what Wade was doing. Wade had noticed the healed body of Derrick and he also knew what would happen if Francis discovered it so, in order to keep Derrick safe, Wade diverted all their attention to himself.

Before Derrick could even move, Wade was gone. He was taken away by the guards while being followed by Francis.

Even then they were tens of meters away, Derrick could hear Wade's loud and exaggerated laughter.

Looking at the back of Francis going away, Derrick secretly heaved a sigh of relief, he was almost discovered.

Thinking of the sacrifice that Wade just made for him, Derrick silently prayed for Wade in his heart.

'Thank you mate, I hope you are fine and well. Also, please at least let me be awake when your plan starts.'



The time at the Institute went by particularly slowly. Days were long and nights were shorter. Well, the experiments did not even know what the sun was anymore.

They all had never seen the green grass ever since they were brought into the lab.

Meanwhile, for days, Derrick had been lying on his bed. He was keeping himself awake at all times, for fear of missing the most critical moment in Wade's plan.

After Wade had left some time ago, Derrick had been waiting, waiting for the only chance he might have to leave this cursed lab.


Suddenly, there was a shock in the hall, the loud sound deafened everyone's ears!

Before anyone could react, a wave of scorching high temperature swept across the hall in an instant, accompanied by a terrifying explosion Shockwave swept across the entire hall.

Derrick only felt a flash of fire in front of his eyes as a huge amount of force directly overturned him. He fell heavily on the ground together with the hospital bed.

Under the pressure of this force, the hospital bed broke into several pieces with a bang and Derrick was flung to the corner of the hall under the influence of the shockwave.

Derrick's body was completely covered with flames, and his hospital clothes had already been destroyed by the flames. His exposed skin was completely burnt with an unknown number of bones broken.

If he were still a normal person, these kinds of injuries would be more than enough to kill him twice.

Derrick did not only not die, but he also stood up trembling.

The charred skin on his body was rapidly chipping down while new skin appeared right in place of the burnt one. His body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, the blood flowing from the wounds had also stopped coming out.

In a few moments, all the horrific injuries disappeared without leaving behind any scars. The black coal-like burnt skin had all fallen on the floor of the hall.

"Successful!" Derrick was ecstatic. His smile made him seem like a maniac worse than Francis. He didn't care about the hall that turned into a sea of fire in front of him.

His escape plan was extremely simple, which was to advance the plot that should have happened sometime earlier.

'I mean, this also works but... Whatever.'

Although Derrick had not planned it like this, when Wade was taken away to be tortured, Francis must've injected him with the serum to make him a mutant. Francis would do that to everyone every time he tortured them.

This gave Wade an early Self-healing factor which in turn made him blow up the lab and create a chance for Derrick to escape.



The explosion came suddenly and lasted for only a short minute.

The hall was in a mess after the explosion with debris scattered all over the ground.

At this moment, the hall was full of screams and cries for help. One could only see horrifically charred corpses of the experimental subjects or those who survived the explosion but were trapped under the debris and could not escape.

Due to the large number of flammable materials in the research institute, the fire quickly spread to the entire hall. The originally dark room was burning brightly in the sea of orange flames.

It was unknown what compound caught fire for the flame to be of such peculiar shade. The smell wafted around, causing Derrick to cough a few times.

Derrick quickly covered his mouth and nose and immediately ran out of the hall regardless of the obstruction made by fire.

As time passed, Derrick could clearly feel that the temperature around him was rising rapidly and the scorching air made it more difficult for him to breathe. Because he was barefoot, every step he took felt like a punishment.

If it weren't for his immortality, which ensured that Derrick was in the perfect state all the time, he might have not lasted for two minutes in this fire.

At this time, a figure appeared in Derrick's sight.

Judging by his attire, this person was clearly a guard of the research institute. He was clutching his injured right arm and struggling to move forward while using the wall as a support.

The guard noticed Derrick at the same time. He was taken aback by his appearance and then looked at the burnt gown on Derrick's body.

"Wait, you are..."

"Shh," Derrick raised his fist without any delay and punched the guard's face with all his strength.

Before the injured guard could react, his face and nose were severely injured. He fell to the ground with his face up. Derrick also let out a muffled grunt as his dislocated phalanges began to repair automatically due to the reaction force.

'This body is damn weak. I was stronger-'

When the guard fell on the ground and was unable to resist anymore, Derrick raised his foot and kicked him on the head violently. He vented out all his frustration on the guard for beating him for the previous months.

At first, the guard wanted to struggle but Derrick didn't give him a chance at all. It was not soon until he gave up struggling after getting his nose kicked in by Derrick's heels.

Apart from a few unconscious twitches of his hands and feet, there was no other movement by him in the end.

Glancing at the bloody guard, Derrick felt a little uncomfortable. It was his first time doing something like this but he did not have many choices and these people did not deserve to be spared either.

"Hah..." Derrick let out a breath slowly, finally venting some of the resentment that had been pent up in his heart these days.

He squatted down, reached out and searched the guard. He soon found a small rifle on the guard's back.

This was the first time Derrick has touched a real gun in both of his lives. It was very heavy.

Derrick thought for a while and then began to take off the guard's clothes and shoes and put them on himself.


At this moment, the sound of something breaking came from nearby.

By now, the fire had gone out of control and some small pieces of gravel kept falling down from the roof.

Derrick knew that he couldn't stay there much longer, otherwise, even if he couldn't die, he would be buried alive under the collapsed building and it would be a pain to climb out.

However, the entire space was filled with billowing thick smoke, which made it difficult for him to see anything around him.

"Bwah, whatever." Derrick gave up thinking, picked up the rifle and ran wildly in any direction.


E/N: Please forgive the grammar and vocabulary quality and also the skill since I am still learning. Hope you understand. Happy reading.


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