The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 25: 25 - Life-Friendly Escape

Chapter 25: 25 - Life-Friendly Escape

Suddenly, without warning, Derrick released his tight grip on the handlebars of the motorcycle. With lightning-fast speed, he whipped out his pistol and began to swing his arms and wrists in a wide arc, repeatedly pulling the trigger as he did so.

The sharp crack of gunfire pierced the air, echoing off the surrounding buildings and filling the street with a deafening roar once again.

As the motorcycle roared forward beneath him, Derrick's eyes blazed with a fierce determination, his every movement was calculated and precise.


Two gunshots sounded at very small intervals as if they were shot at the same time.

The muzzle released a lot of gunpowder smoke as the bullets sprayed out from the barrel one after another, stirring up white sound lines.

With the high-speed rotation of the bullets, the original straight trajectory of the two bullets gradually deviated. They drew an exaggerated arc mid-air and dodged the car's solid body, entered the throat of a man, and then came out from behind his neck.

With undiminished momentum, the bullet penetrated the heart of the man sitting beside him.

Along with the sound of the two bullets entering the flesh, four men fell to the ground at almost the same time.

The gangsters stood there frozen, their eyes fixed on the lifeless body before them, their faces etched with shock and disbelief as if they had just witnessed the impossible.

"Where did the bullet come from!?" They hid behind the bunker cars as it was impossible for the bullet to hit their position while they were behind the cars.

Still, they had just seen their four men die after the bullet made a weird arc.

Too many doubts still lingered in the minds of the gangsters, but Derrick didn't give them time to think. The pistol fired out more bullets in an instant, taking several more lives.

"Come on, FIRE!!" Such an illogical scene made the gangsters panic.

They roared, held the automatic rifles with trembling hands and began to rain bullets at Derrick.

Derrick didn't have the slightest intention to stop the motorcycle. He nimbly shuttled the motorcycle between the hail of bullets as if they were nothing more than some small pebbles coming under his way.

With the assistance of bullet time, Derrick deftly manoeuvred the motorcycle, weaving through the hail of bullets with precision. The bullets whizzed by at a hair's breadth, while any that couldn't be avoided was intercepted by Derrick in mid-air.

In the eyes of the gangsters, the bullets seemed to be deliberately avoiding the motorcycles. Even with so many rifles firing at the same time, none of the bullets could hit the target successfully.

The sound of gunshots intensified, becoming a frantic cacophony of noise.

In the fierce gunshots, from time to time, there were crisp and sharp bullet collision sounds.

The moment the last bullet escaped from the barrel of Derrick's pistol, the magazine would slide out and a new magazine was put in at the same time. The gunshots sounded almost seamlessly.

The surge of adrenaline had greatly strengthened Derrick's physical fitness, making the recoil of the pistol almost equal to zero, therefore, not affecting Derrick's precision at all.

Frank sitting in the back seat stared wide-eyed at what happened in front of him. He saw Derrick's movements more clearly than the gangsters.

It seemed that every shot was the result of extreme precision, full of self-confidence and unbelievable marksmanship. Derrick suppressed more than a dozen gangsters wielding rifles with a single pistol and left Frank, who was in the Marine Corps, stunned.

"Monster, he is a monster..."

Seeing their companions fall one after another and the motorcycle getting closer and closer to them, the remaining gangsters got terrified.

No matter how or what they shot, the motorcycle and the people sitting on them were still unscathed.

Even while they were hiding behind the cars, those damned bullets could always find their exact location and take away the lives of their companions with every bullet. It was a One-Shot-One-Kill.

Every time a companion falls, it would leave huge amounts of haze in their hearts. This feeling was like a knife to their necks along with the constant threat of death, completely crushing their willpower.

The gangsters have long forgotten about the orders to catch them.

They squeezed the trigger tightly with their fingers and shot ferociously at Derrick, just hoping that one bullet could hit this monster.

At that moment, the motorcycle was less than 20 meters away from the intersection.

The originally scattered range of bullets gradually became denser and almost covered the whole road ahead of the motorcycle.

Derrick didn't panic, and seemingly casually raised his hand and shot to the right.


Suddenly, the billboard of the street shop fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

The billboard just fell on the trash can on the side of the street, making a perfect slope.

The motorcycle rushed forward with a dull roar. The tires grabbed the billboard tightly, and with a strong inertial force, it suddenly flew into the air, flying over the heads of all the gangsters.

Derrick pulled the trigger with his fingers continuously while in the air.

Several bullets came out of the chamber, hitting the gangsters' bodies in a strange C-shape from high to low. Before the motorcycle landed back, all the bullets in the magazine had been fired.


The motorcycle landed on the ground and let out a low growl as the gangsters behind all fell to the ground at the same time.

Now, there was no obstruction from the gangs. The motorcycle continued to run and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

This seemingly chapters-long shootout actually took only a few minutes.

Four jeeps that were chasing Derrick previously arrived on the scene later as the remaining gangsters got out of them.

There was dead silence in the street. Death and silence.

The strong smell of gunpowder smoke still lingered in the air. The gangsters looked at the massacred corpses lying all over the ground. Cold sweat rolled down their faces and some even trembled uncontrollably.

Everyone's heart felt a little scared.

So many armed men stood there but they were all wiped out by only two people?


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