The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 86 - A Sinister and Evil Man!

Chapter 86 A Sinister and Evil Man!

Blue veins stood out on Immortal Master Gao’s forehead, and he had a ruthless expression in his eyes. He decided that after he broke the formation, he would skin Chen Hanlong, pull his veins out, and make him into lamp-oil.

He ignored Chen Hanlong’s scolding voice and started to focus on breaking the formation.

Chen Hanlong’s voice became lower and lower, and he was a little terrified. Immortal Master Gao’s expression was so frightening that he felt a chill down his spine.

Everyone on the spot stared at Immortal Master Gao, with an attempt to see how he would break the formation.

There were few magic formations on earth, so it was hard to see one.

Immortal Master Gao walked to his duster while murmuring something. He grabbed the duster with one hand and held three copper coins in the other.

“Start going!”

With the low growl, Immortal Master Gao pulled the duster out of the soil, leaving a fist-sized hole on the ground. As Immortal Master Gao flicked his fingers, the copper coins flew away and fell into the hole.


The formation made buzzing sounds and began to shake slightly. Colorful light flew quickly on the formation, which looked like a transparent balloon that seemed to be going to explode.

Chen Hanlong’s expression changed. “Is this master really able to break the magic formation set up by Chu Xun?” Chen Hanlong thought to himself, and when seeing the formation keep shaking, he could not help but feel anxious.

“The formation is going to be broken.”

Mo Xinghe narrowed his eyes. If the formation was destroyed, they would be exposed to danger and would lose their last support.

A terrifying aura rose up from Mo Xinghe’s body. He had promised Chu Xun that he would protect his men. Now, it seemed that he had to risk his life to protect them.

“Why don’t you give me the formula now? Do you really want to see them die?” The fat man stared at Chen Hanlong and despised him in his heart. “To this man, wealth values more than his own life, and he doesn’t care that his companions will die with him.”

Chen Hanlong was furious as he yelled, “I’ve told you that I don’t have the damn formula.”

The fat man’s eyes, which were small, narrowed into a line as he asked with disbelief, “You really don’t have the formula?”

“Fu*k! If I had the formula, I would have given it to you long ago. Do you really think that I love money more than my own life?” Chen Hanlong had explained it so many times that he was almost driven crazy when he explained it again.

The fat man was shocked. He finally believed Chen Hanlong.


The basement started to shake violently, and light flew even faster on the formation.

Immortal Master Gao looked confused because as he saw it, the formation was supposed to be broken long ago.

“The formation is fragile now. The three of you, work together to break it with one blow,” Immortal Master Gao said to Lion, Loach, and Archer.

The three people nodded, and horrible Internal Breaths surged around them, which was really terrifying.

Lion raised his huge fist, which carried powerful Internal Breath, jumped up and punched toward the formation.

As a strong wind rose around Loach, he stamped hard on the ground, causing the tile to crack. After that, he jumped up with a terrifying momentum and kicked toward the formation.

Archer let down his backpack leisurely. There was a simple ancient bow and three arrows made with solid steel inside it.

He pulled the bow and stretched it to the utmost.


The arrow flew out as fast as lightning, and with exploding sounds, it hit the formation ahead of Lion and Loach.

Lion and Loach were fast as well. They hit the formation one after another.


The formation started the self-defense process. A protective shield appeared and emitted dazzling light.

Lion and Loach stepped back as soon as they hit the formation. They had suffered from the power of the magic formation before, so they knew how strong the counterforce could be.

However, with unstoppable momentum, the arrow did not stop after it reached the formation and in the end, half of its body pierced the formation and the shield, which was so terrifying.

Nevertheless, the arrow did not pierce through the formation completely and was stuck in the middle by the formation.

The formation ran fast so as to repair the breach; however, with the arrow stuck there, the breach could not be repaired.

Chen Hanlong and others looked grave. The formation now looked like a piece of glass that had a hole and was covered with cracks and would fall apart once it was touched.

Immortal Master Gao looked down at Chen Hanlong, showing his terrifying and chilling white teeth.

Chen Hanlong felt uneasy as if he were being stared at by a viper.

Immortal Master Gao snorted coldly and waved his duster. The strings of the duster charged at the formation like steel spikes, carrying white light.


The duster struck the formation hard like a steel whip and caused a loud sound, which made people feel dizzy.

Chen Hanlong’s face turned pale when he heard the sound.

Other people all looked in the direction of the sound, and they had a weird expression on their faces.

It turned out that formation was not broken. The hole caused by the arrow was still on the formation, so were the cracks. The earth-shaking strike from Immortal Master Gao failed to destroy the formation.

Immortal Master Gao was stunned. He had thought that his strike would destroy the formation, but it turned out that he was wrong.

Chen Hanlong grinned. He knew that the formation set up by Chu Xun would not be broken so easily.

“Old guy, come in and skin me. I’ll stand here and wait for you,” Chen Hanlong said akimbo, looking like a rogue. He was trying to save his face for he was terrified before.

“Fu*k! I thought you were powerful, but you turned out to be a braggart. You talked big and achieved nothing.”

Immortal Master Gao’s face looked solemn and fierce as he stared at Chen Hanlong coldly.

Chen Hanlong felt uneasy being stared at. He grinned and said, “Stop looking at me like that. Come in and kill me if you can. Stop goggling at me with your eyes as big as a cattle’s balls. Are you trying to scare a widow with your balls?”

The corner of Immortal Master Gao’s eyes twitched; he was really enraged.

Since the formation had not been broken, Mo Xinghe and others let out a sigh of relief and looked more relaxed.

Without the protection from the formation, they obviously would die.

Upon hearing Chen Hanlong’s provoking words, Immortal Master Gao was so angry that his beard almost stood up.

Mo Xinghe and others were amused to see the scene. After all, they were safe at the moment.

Immortal Master Gao glanced at Chen Hanlong with a cold expression before walking away.

“Get lost, Mr. Braggart.”

Sun Ying and others chimed in.

The fat man, however, looked serious, and there was a woebegone expression on his fat face.

“You guys know nothing about Immortal Master Gao.”

“What do you mean?” Chen Hanlong looked back and asked.

“As far as I know, Immortal Master Gao is a narrow-minded man and will always have his revenge. He won’t leave so easily and must have prepared plan B,” the fat man said in a deep voice.

However, Chen Hanlong did not take the words seriously. “Fatty, you’re an expert at the eighth level of the Acquired Realm, yet you are even timider than that mouse demon. No matter what that old man has prepared, he won’t be able to break the formation, and his efforts will be in vain as long as he could not get into here,” said Chen Hanlong casually.

“You’ll dig your grave with your teeth sooner or later,” the mouse-like man said in a cold tone from above.

Chen Hanlong raised his head and yelled, “You mouse demon, cut your crap. Just now, you fled and hid away as soon as they ordered you. Wasn’t you as timid as a mouse? Am I wrong?”

“Those who suit their actions to the time are wise,” the mouse-like man replied proudly and calmly.


Chen Hanlong spat toward the mouse-like man.

“I finally saw you guys through. You behaved so shamelessly with a slogan of ‘working for our country’. You ordered others to give you whatever you wanted, and if they did not obey you, you would rob them. You accused others wrongly and were more rascal than me, the head of a group of rogues.”

The mouse-like man snorted indifferently and closed his eyes as though he wanted to shut all annoying things out of his mind.

At the moment, Immortal Master Gao, Lion, and their companions came back.

“Old guy, what do you want to do?” Chen Hanlong stepped onto the stone stairs so as to get a clear sight of the outside.

“I’ll give you another chance. Hand out the formula of the Immortal Water,” Immortal Master Gao said in an icy tone.

Chen Hanlong wore an expression of disdain and replied in a mocking tone, “Old guy, can you not be so shameless? Come in and get it by yourself if you can.”

Immortal Master Gao glanced at Chen Hanlong with pity in his eyes and said in a frosty tone, “Since you have made your choice, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

After that, he waved his hands and ordered, “Bring it over.”

On hearing the words, Archer walked over, carrying a big bag in one hand. When he drew closer, he threw the bag on the ground.

A groan came from inside the bag.

At the moment, everyone was curious and realized it was a human being that was in the bag.

Immortal Master Gao walked to the bag and shot a mocking glance at Chen Hanlong before untying the bag.

When the bag was removed, a pale, scared, and panic-stricken face came into people’s sight.

“Old bastard, fu*k you! You son of a bitch...” Chen Hanlong glared at Immortal Master Gao in rage and looked every angry when he roared madly.

That was because it was no other than Bai Jing, the director of Chen Hanlong’s company, that was in the bag.

Since Bai Jing saved him last time, the affection between them grew strong quickly. Chen Hanlong planned so settle down and give her a home.

“Bastar, you son of a bitch! Come at me, I dare you! Is what you can do as a man is to go hard with a woman?” Chen Hanlong was enraged and wanted to get out after taking out his Jade Card.

Mo Xinghe reacted so quickly that he grabbed the card over and said, “Calm down. You won’t be able to save her and even may lose your own life if you go out like that.”

“Give me the card. I must save her.” Chen Hanlong’s eyes turned red with anger, and veins stood out on his forehead, which was scary.

Seeing Chen Hanlong, Bai Jing struggled in a panic. Tears kept rolling down from her eyes for she had never experienced such a terrible thing.

“Give me...” Chen Hanlong roared at Mo Xinghe crazily.

The Jade Card was the only key that could open the formation.

“Chen Hanlong, don’t forget that once you opened the formation, all your companions will die with you.” The fat man lowered his voice. Both he and Immortal Master Gao worked for National Security Agency, and though they were in different teams, it was better for the fat man not to break up with him.

Chen Hanlong had a bitter expression on his face. The people in the basement all had gone through hardships with him, and Sun Ying even had gone through fire and water with him...

“Chen Hanlong, what are you waiting for? Get out quickly, or...” Immortal Master Gao showed an evil smile.

There were sounds of ripping clothes!

The suit and white shirt that Bai Jing wore were ripped up by Immortal Master Gao, revealing Bai Jing’s white bra and her snow-white skin.

“Bastard, I’ll kill you...”

Chen Hanlong yelled madly, and he was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Tears welled up in Bai Jing’s eyes. Her hands and legs tied, her mouth gagged with duct tape, she could only struggle desperately.

“If you don’t come out right now, I’ll show your woman’s naked body to everyone here.” Immortal Master Gao showed a vicious smile. He fondled Bai Jing’s fair crura with his withered hands and then moved his hands to the bottom of the skirt that she wore, looking like he was going to rip off the skirt.

Lion, Loach, and Archer stared at Bai Jing’s exposed skin with eager eyes.

“Immortal Master Gao, haven’t we gone too far?”

“Immortal Master Gao, the order we received is to get the formula of the Immortal Water. Isn’t what we’re doing now too improper?”

The fat man and the mouse-like man spoke one after another.

Immortal Master Gao glanced at them and said with a chilling smile, “You’re blindly kind. Sometimes, we must adopt some abnormal means to achieve our goal. Don’t forget that we work for our country, and the interest of the country comes first. So it doesn’t matter if someone’s personal interest is sacrificed. It seems you still have so much to learn from me. No wonder you are still at the Star Level.”

“But Chen Hanlong doesn’t have the formula of the Immortal Water,” said the fat man.

Immortal Master Gao was surprised to hear that, but soon he shook his head disdainfully, saying, “You’re too naive to deceive me.”

The fat man sighed. He had known that nobody would believe his words.

“Chen Hanlong, get out!”

Immortal Master Gao grabbed the bottom of Bai Jing’s skirt and looked like he was going to tear it off.

Chen Hanlong spat out another mouthful of blood and looked distressed.

If he chose to save Bai Jing, it meant that Sun Ying, Zheng Guangyi, and others would die, but if he chose not to go out, Bai Jing would be insulted.

It was a hard for him to make a choice.

“Brother Long, let’s go out and fight with all our might.”

“Yes, let’s fight. I must beat this bastard even at the cost of my life. Mr. Chu will avenge us.”

Sun Ying and Titan roared with tearful eyes.


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