The Hunter Who Does Not Age Is So Strong

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

The Leader of Evil Alliance

The Evil Alliance was one of the largest groups from Moorim, occupying one of the pillars of Moorim, and was divided into the three categories of Justice-Evil-Demon. However, their current status in the Shire was not as good as it used to be.

It was a matter of course, it being a well-known fact that ten years ago, the Leader of Evil Alliance was horribly defeated by the Celestial Demon, whose achievements were lower than his. Besides, it had been a few years since he shut himself away and started training. The status quo could not remain unchanged.

The city of Purple Clouds became what it was today partly because of the principle of respect established by the Leader of Evil Alliance but also because

his control wasnt as good as before. If the Leader of Evil Alliance had not been defeated by the Celestial Demon, it would not have become a city of outlaws.

Absolute Evil Sword Phantom?

Haha. Warg. I cant believe you came here of your own will. Havent you heard the news?

 Therefore, the current scene of hostility was a little strange. Purple Clouds was in the Evil Alliances territory, but their warriors hadnt been seen in ten years.

What are you talking about?

Warg asked, looking at the warriors of the Evil Alliance. The relationship between the werewolves and the Evil Alliance wasnt that bad. Unlike the Monstrous Immortal, who often attacked them without their leader, Wargen showed some respect. Although they were based in Purple Clouds, they acknowledged that this city was the domain of the Evil Alliance.

Tsk. It looks like you dont know anything.

The middle-aged warrior, called the Absolute Evil Sword Phantom, smirked. Kim Bongpal could guess the opponents level by looking at him: he was about on par with Warg. Of course, since Warg wasnt just a warrior at his peak but a werewolf, he would handily win a direct conflict.

And one more person with a similar level.

However, the Absolute Evil Sword Phantom acted cockily because he wasnt the only master here.

Talented Evil Phantom.

He could hear Warg muttering next to him. Kim Bongpal had no choice but to flinch when he heard it. After the Absolute Evil Sword Demon, next was Talented Evil Phantomwhat an embarrassing name.

Even a bastard like you has the eyes to recognize us. Yes, this old man is the Talented Evil Phantom.

With that introduction, an old man who looked a few decades older than the Absolute Evil Sword Phantom stepped forward. Kim Bongpal thought that his audacity couldnt be underestimated. Werent they embarrassed to call themselves that at their age?

Besides, what was this method of referring to himself in the third person? Chen Hua-lin, who called herself the great me, did the same, but it seemed even uglier for this old man to follow her example.

Are the people next to you your companions?

Talented Evil Phantom asked as he looked around Warg.

The composition of their group was undoubtedly bizarre. A young supernatural being and two peak masters wielding swords. The Talented Evil Phantom didnt know one of them, but he had heard of the other. He couldnt remember his nickname, but he was a small fry who sold his martial arts for money. Either way, neither of them had reached the supreme peak.

And the last one, his level, wasnt readable. If that was the case, he must be a random bastard who hadnt even learned martial arts. As someone who had reached the wall, Talented Evil Phantom could not believe that this opponent was of a higher level than himself.

What brings you three here?

Warg hurriedly stepped forward as the Talented Evil Phantoms gaze landed on Kim Bongpal. He didnt know why the Evil Alliance was treating them this way, but it was obvious what would happen if he left them like this. For Warg, who hadnt yet grasped the situation, it was best to avoid conflict with them.

But the Talented Evil Phantom wasnt done speaking

What brings us here? Fufu. Of course, to rip your heart out just like we did to your father.

and he easily broke Wargs composure.


Warg let out a roar as fur sprouted across his arms. But it was that moment.


Warg, who was about to rush in to attack before his transformation was complete, and the masters of the Evil Alliance, who were readied to stop him, both stopped. An unbearable pressure weighed them down. The masters of the Evil Alliance couldnt move easily, feeling as though their heads might roll at any moment, and Warg could hardly breathe.


The masters of the Evil Alliance turned pale.

Wargen, is he dead?

W-who the hell are you?

The Talented Evil Phantom could barely choke out the words. Speaking was enough to cause him harm, which meant only one thing. This foe was Transcendent.

You dont need to know that. Arent you going to answer me?

With a frown, Kim Bongpal walked slowly closer. As he drew near, the Talented Evil Phantom hurriedly answered.

T-the Alliance Leader has come out of his training! I dont know where you came from, but he will not let you interfere with his business !

Kim Bongpal stopped at that answer.

Did borrowing the name of their leader work? Thats what the Talented Evil Phantom thought.


But just as relief started to flood him.



The Talented Evil Phantom dropped to the ground. How? There was no time to even think such a thought. Before he knew it, that pressure had driven him into the ground.

Did I fucking ask you that? I asked if Wargen was dead. Huh?


The Talented Evil Phantom couldnt say a word. If he tried, he felt his jaw would tear.

Hes alive!

Instead, it was the Absolute Evil Sword Phantom who answered.


Wargen isnt dead! N-not yet!

Not yet?

Kim Bongpals gaze now turned to the Absolute Evil Sword Phantom.

The Alliance Leader is waiting for the full moon. He wont kill Wargen until the full moon rises!


Warg ground his teeth. There was only one day left until the full moon.


Warg grabbed the Absolute Evil Sword Phantom by his collar.


Father! Where is my father!

Originally, it would have been impossible for Warg to easily subdue the Absolute Evil Sword Phantom. However, they were still being crushed by Kim Bongpals aura.

Wherego to the Alliance Leaders place. You will be able to meet your dying father.

The Absolute Evil Sword Phantom answered with a grimace.

He didnt know where Warg found this Transcendent master, but it was obvious what would happen if they went to the Alliance Leaders place. After all, their leader couldnt be compared with an unknown master.

That was why Absolute Evil Sword Phantom answered Wargens whereabouts without complaint. Even if he died here, he thought he was sending them to their deaths.

Alliance Leader? It is him, right? The one who was beaten by the Celestial Demon ten years ago.

Why did he aim for my father? Tell me! Before I chew you up!

Kim Bongpal, still stepping on Talented Evil Phantoms head, asked. However, those words fell on Wargs deaf ears.


Looking at Warg, Kim Bongpal cursed.

The Leader of Evil Alliance, huh? It was someone he worried about.

Kim Bongpal looked at the party behind them. Seo Hayeon, Maya, and Tearing Wind Sword. None of them could even cover themselves properly by Kim Bongpals standards. Ultimately, he had no choice but to stop Warg, who was trying to attack the Alliance Leader right now.

Warp, lets get out of here first.


But this time, Warg didnt respond. With a bestial roar, he tensed his grip around the Absolute Evil Sword Phantoms neck.


However, Warg couldnt finish him off. Kim Bongpal hit Warg in the back of the neck quicker, causing him to lose consciousness. It wasnt the same technique as the pressure points used by Moorim. He didnt know much about blood vessels, but he did know he could knock someone out by hitting them hard enough.

Uh, umh. I will hold him.

Tearing Wind Sword slung the fainted Warg over his shoulder. Kim Bongpal looked around their party for a while and summoned the Phantom Horse.

You all stay out of the city for now.


How about you, Uncle?


Growing somber, Kim Bongpal looked back at the immobilized warriors of the Evil Alliance.

I have some work left to do.

He didnt care about the ordinary warriors but needed to deal with these two masters. Even if they werent dangerous to Kim Bongpal, they might pose a problem to his companions. And, neither in his days as a hunter nor now was Kim Bongpal the type to leave loose ends.

 * * *


Warg awoke after Tearing Wind Sword evacuated them to a suitable place to wait for Kim Bongpal. Then Maya used her sorcery when Kim Bongpal arrived to wake him up.


Warg cried out.

Why did you do that?! Father. I must go to my father!

Of course, he couldnt save Wargen from the Leader of Evil Alliance even if he went. He might even find himself blocked by minions, but even so, Warg intended to do whatever he could.

Calm down for now.

Tearing Wind Sword stopped him. Warg glared at the swordsman, a demonic light burning in his eyes.

But then, Kim Bongpal asked.

Where is the Alliance Leaders home?


Warg paused.

The biggest building in Purple Clouds. Is it that one?

Right, it is.

The days Warg spent with Kim Bongpal werent that long. Still, that was enough time for Warg to figure out what kind of person Kim Bongpal was. Hence, he didnt understand this question just now.

He knew that Kim Bongpal liked him and Wargen to some extent. He also knew that he and Kim Bongpal built what some would call affection over these past few weeks. But at the same time, Warg also knew how vain affection was here in the Shire and that Kim Bongpal wasnt particularly swayed by such things.

This was the case with the Evil Alliance. They respected each other and even sometimes had drinks together before the Leader of Evil Alliance shut himself off. But now, the Leader of Evil Alliance was trying to take Wargens heart.

Warg didnt know why, but when the Leader of Evil Alliance decided, the friendship he had built up with Wargen couldnt last.

You stay here.

What do you?

Youll only get in my way.

He wanted to say no, but he couldnt. Warg was well aware of Kim Bongpals strength and of his foes. As Kim Bongpal said, Warg would only hinder him if they did fight.

If that bastard is stronger than me, Ill run too. Then you go.

Besides, I need someone to protect them.

Kim Bongpal pointed to Seo Hayeon and Maya. The fire burning in Wargs eyes faded away.

B-but Brother, why are you?

Warg asked.

Why was Kim Bongpal trying to save Wargen, someone he hardly knew?

Kim Bongpal didnt answer. Actually, there was no particular reason.

But if I have to pick one, the sword I got from him was quite useful.

He didnt even say thank you when he got that nice sword from Wargen.

He also gave me a Full Moon Stone. Besides, I still need those Mana Stones from him.

It wasnt just the sword.


When he left Purple Clouds, Wargen called Kim Bongpal a friend. Although Kim Bongpal was secretly terrified of that awkward wordin his eyes, Wargen was a good guy.

Its annoying that there are otherwise only a bunch of fucking bastards in this world.

That was all.


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