The Hunter Who Does Not Age Is So Strong

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

I Found It On The Way

Kim Bongpal never thought hed swing a sword made of Demons fangs. The grip wasnt too bad.

He has used good weapons a few times, such as swords made as by-products of high-grade monsters. However, most of them eventually broke, and because of that, Kim Bongpal used only cheap swords after a while.


But this sword couldnt be compared with them. Even if it was a good weapon on Earth, it was all about a good grip and durability. Sometimes there were weapons made from the carcass of 7-Star monsters that were sensitive to mana, but Kim Bongpal had never used them. Such a thing didnt exist during his active career, and he didnt have any specific weapons to hold onto after retirement.

It was that kind of weapon, one sensitive to mana, and it even assisted in accepting mana.


When he breathed in his energy, the Supernatural Force inside the sword rose, and it scanned Kim Bongpal. It hummed once, then made a wailing sound like it was recognizing its owner. Then, it felt like the Supernatural Force inside the sword was helping the mana flow.


Tearing Wind Sword was looking at it with envy. Even though he was a swordsman who used a different type of sword, Moorim people still went crazy when they saw a good weapon. Even he, a skilled warrior with considerable experience, only heard of swords that could distinguish their master in legend.

Hence, he couldnt believe he was actually seeing something like that. Of course, it wasnt that he felt jealous or envious that Kim Bongpal obtained this Spirit Sword.

Good. You were a good guy, werent you?

Hahaha. Dont mention it.

Kim Bongpal, who cut through the air several times while instilling mana, wore a satisfied expression. Wargen laughed as if he liked that reaction.

Are you going to go directly to the Celestial Demon now?

Well. I also want to visit the Leader of Evil Alliance, but I heard he shut himself in and wont come out?

Yeah. Thats right. After losing to the Celestial Demon, he has been practicing for nearly 10 years.

Then, Ill probably be going straight to the Celestial Demon Cult.

Is that so? Hmm. I wish you good luck on your duel trip.

To be precise, it wasnt a duel trip or anything, and he was just going to beat a few kidnappers. However, Kim Bongpal didnt bother to correct Wargen.

Anyway, he left the werewolves territory just like that

Ah. Wargen. By any chance.

He paused and glanced back at Wargen. He knew it was shameless to come suddenly, pick a fight, receive a sword, and ask for another favor, but Wargen was the only one he could ask for it. Fortunately, Wargen granted Kim Bongpals request, saying, Thats what friends are for! Just take it!

Kim Bongpal thought for a moment about when he and Wargen became friends, but he didnt dare to deny Wargens words. He was only called a friend once, but the benefit he received was several times more, and he liked Wargens idea of being friends after their fight.

Anyway. In the end, Kim Bongpal left the Werewolves territory.

* * *

You are here.

Young-no was the first to welcome Kim Bongpal as he entered the Frail Night Sect.

Hey! Where have you been!

I went to visit Wargen.

Wargen? Somehow you smell like a doghuh? No. Is it from this side?

Mayas gaze turned to Warg. Warg looked at her with an expression of concern. Then, as if he had made up his mind, he blinked his eyes once and said to Maya.

M-my name is Warg!

She didnt look like the Maya he used to know, but Maya was still Maya. Warg revealed his name to her, thinking she might remember. But the reaction he got back was different from what he expected.

Yeah. Hi.

Maya, glancing at Warg, waved her hand only once and then turned back to Kim Bongpal.

But what happened to you? The Monstrous Immortal? Where the hell is hehuh?

But then Maya stopped talking and started blinking. Then she took out the Demon Eyes she used when she first saw Kim Bongpal and examined him. It might not be comparable to her before losing her power, but her two eyes didnt lack in performance compared to most other Demon Eyes.

Thanks to this, Maya could easily recognize the change. He wasnt the former Kim Bongpal with only the body of a Transcendent and struggled hard even when fighting against the half-Transcendent Monstrous Immortal.

What was reflected in her Demon Eyes now was Kim Bongpal, who had reached the realm of transcendence?

You have crossed the wall!

Maya exclaimed joyfully. Of course, she saw Kim Bongpal was slowly making his way over it in the battle against the Monstrous Immortal. That was the last thing she could remember before losing consciousness.

Nothing came to mind after she drank Kim Bongpals blood, and thats why she couldnt help but worry. After all, wasnt that what transcendence was all about? If there was even a slight mistake in the process, the transcendence might end in vain. In some cases, Lesser Dragons failed just because others watched their ascension process.

Well, I guess so.

Kim Bongpal replied sternly.

What, why are you so calm? Be a little happier!

Maya grumbled back. Kim Bongpal didnt say anything but wore a strange expression. If Seo Hayeon, who knew Kim Bongpal a little better than Maya, had seen him now, she would have said he was embarrassed.

Is this kid the same person as the one earlier?

There was also a difference between the Maya he saw before he lost consciousness and Maya now.

At first, I thought she was a stupid supernatural being that was easy to take advantage of.

It was because Kim Bongpal had a lot of gratitude for Maya now. If it werent for her, he would have been killed, an undeniable fact he felt grateful for.

If Seo Hayeon knew what Kim Bongpal was thinking now, she would have been quite surprised. She had never even heard Kim Bongpal say thank you. However, these were changes made thanks to the five years he spent with her, though she didnt know about that.


Thats why geniuses are no good! Huh? It took me hundreds of years to get over the wallhuh?

Kim Bongpal handed something over to Maya as she grumbled. He got it from Wargen earlier, and it was familiar to both of them.


A Full Moon Stone, like the one hed given her for a favor, and the Lesser Dragon leather. The size was smaller, but it was still a Full Moon Stone.


Maya gulped as she looked at the Full Moon Stone. She snatched it up and started bringing it to her mouth, but

Ah! RightI have nothing to give you now?

She paused and asked Kim Bongpal.

I found it on my way here. Its up to you whether you eat it or not.

Kim Bongpal had no intention of asking for anything this time.

* * *

When they came to Purple Clouds, Kim Bongpals party was made of one human and one supernatural being. However, the number of their party leaving Purple Clouds had already doubled. Now there were two humans and two supernatural beings. If the Captain of Shadowless Squad, who wasnt included in that party, were counted, there would be three humans and two supernatural beings.

The party was heading to the territory of the Celestial Demon Cult by using the Lightening Technique. In the case of Kim Bongpal, he didnt use Lightening Technique, but his speed was the best at the party. It was inevitable because the injured Captain of the Shadowless Squad had to ride on the Phantom Horse.

But why are you following me?

Haha. Should I step back?

Damn you.

Kim Bongpal responded to Tearing Wind Sword with a curse. Tearing Wind Sword had received a lot of money for his martial arts training, including the price of the drinks he accidentally bought. In other words, the deal between them was over. But even so, Tearing Wind Sword was following Kim Bongpal.

The reason was unknown, but Warg also followed along in wolf form.

Uhm. Munch-munch!

On top of him was Maya, chewing on the Full Moon Stone that Kim Bongpal had given her.


Run! Warp!

Maya, who chewed on the piece of the Full Moon Stone, shouted at Warg. She didnt even remember his name.

Kim Bongpal, watching them for a while, said to Tearing Wind Sword.

Again, I wont take revenge or anything like that even if you die.

Haha. Youre saying the obvious thing. After all, Im also a warrior.

Tearing Wind Sword replied as if it was natural. Rather, if Kim Bongpal had thought so, Tearing Wind Sword wouldnt have followed him. The reason he was going now wasnt simply because of his friendship; he was also a warrior who aimed for the realm of ascension.

Watching the battle between Kim Bongpal and Wargen, Tearing Wind Sword saw a clue that could break the wall, which he was always frustrated at, and was following Kim Bongpal to find more hints. Even if he was caught up in something and died at the Celestial Demon Cult, he wouldnt resent Kim Bongpal. That was also why Kim Bongpal didnt stop Tearing Wind Sword from following him.

At that time, the Captain of Shadowless Squad opened his mouth, quietly listening to the two of them.

The Celestial Demon Cult will not be hostile to the members of the Sword Phantoms party.

The Captain of Shadowless Member wasnt in very good shape, and he was only roughly healed with potions, just enough to keep him alive for the journey. They were merely following the Divine Ladys orders, but in any case, Shadowless Squad was the one who kidnapped the Earthlings. Kim Bongpal had no reason to completely heal him just because he was their guide.

Well. We dont know that.

I-I told you the truth! We were going to use force in an unavoidable situation, but the Divine Lady told us to respectfully bring the Sword Phantom if we could.

The Captain of Shadowless Squad responded hastily to Kim Bongpal. It wasnt a lie; the attempt to use force was at the Captains discretion. Of course, it was because, at that time, he thought the Sword Phantom was still an unknown man under him even though he had defeated Blood Master Shi.

Im sure the Celestial Demon will treat you friendly.



Kim Bongpal looked at the Captain of Shadowless Squad, carefully speaking, and added.

Its not up to you to decide.


Whether it will be a friendly meeting or not, that is for me to decide, not you.

The Captain of Shadowless Squad bit his lip at Kim Bongpals words. Now, the Captain of Shadowless Squad also somewhat guessed his identity, and he must be related to those they kidnapped before.

Whoever he was, the Captain of the Shadowless Squad, having been saved by Kim Bongpal, only hoped there would be no friction between him and the Celestial Demon Cult.

Well, whether its the Divine Lady, the Celestial Demon, or whoever, Im going to talk to them, so you dont have to worry.

It was funny to even talk about that while taking the errand man with them. Kim Bongpal hadnt yet decided what stance he should take with the Celestial Demon Cult, and he would first find Seo Hayeon, listen to her, and decide. Of course, he didnt intend to avoid a conflict if he didnt like her response.

Besides, there were still unanswered questions. Why did the Divine Lady instruct Shadowless Squad to kidnap the Earthlings in the first place? And then, why did she try to find the Sword Phantom, Kim Bongpal? Compared to rescuing Seo Hayeon, the importance was significantly lower, but he was still curious.


However, Kim Bongpals thoughts quickly disappeared as he felt energy approaching from afar. It wasnt a monster. After fighting all day, there werent many left in the area. Besides, they had already entered the territory of the Celestial Demon Cult. It was said that a strike force periodically cleared out monsters outside the city.

I guess they are your friends?

Kim Bongpal said so and looked ahead.

Men in black uniforms stood in their path.

My name is Xi Wu-han, the Captain of Shadowless Squad. Im on my way to take the

guest of the Cult to the Divine Lady.

The Captain of the Shadowless Squad stepped forward and said so. The dark-clothed men lowered their weapons at his words. However, they still seemed to be wary of Kim Bongpals party.

The Captain of Shadowless Squad? Without a mask? Do you have any proof?

Uhm. Wait a minute.

The Captain of Shadowless Squad searched his pockets when asked for proof. But then.


Someone cried out. This was the first time Kim Bongpal had heard it since he entered the Shire. That man obviously called him Butcher, not Sword Phantom.


It wasnt even a face Kim Bongpal knew. However, given the cry just now, they must know Kim Bongpal. In the end, that was what mattered.

In other words, that man over there was an Earthling.

Hey. Stop showing off and get out of my way. You there, come here.

Kim Bongpal waved his hand toward the warriors of the Celestial Demon Cult.


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