The Hunter Who Does Not Age Is So Strong

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

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Duel? Are you talking about a duel with the Celestial Demon?

No. Was his name Wargen? With your dad.


Tearing Wind Sword was listening to the conversation between Kim Bongpal and Warg with a bewildered expression. It was because he didnt think Kim Bongpal would say he wanted to have a duel with Wargen, and a duel wasnt supposed to be held spontaneously like this.

It was an act of fellowship conducted to check the level of each persons martial arts while building a friendship. That was the common sense of Moorim.

S-Sword Phantom.

Tearing Wind Sword hastily called Kim Bongpal to inform him of this courtesy. However.

Oh! With my father? All right. Ill tell him right away. My father will probably like it, too.

Really? Thats nice. Then lets go right away.


Tearing Wind Sword looked between Kim Bongpal and Warg as if he didnt understand. According to his standards, Kim Bongpal was hard to understand, but he also couldnt understand the Werewolves race.

* * *

Take care.

Yes! Just leave it to me!

The bodyguard werewolf who handed the smartwatch over to Warg replied to Kim Bongpal. Warg called him because he didnt know when the Captain and other members of Shadowless Squad would wake up and needed someone to watch them.

Is it here?


Before long, Kim Bongpals party had arrived at their destination: the werewolves territory and Wargs residence werent too far.


Tearing Wind Sword swallowed as he saw the werewolves giving them a blank look. It was also the first time Tearing Wind Sword, who had lived in Purple Clouds for a long time, was visiting this place. Rather, he didnt visit it because he knew it quite well.

Most people who lived here in Purple Clouds were confident in their skills, but there were some places they didnt really visit. Such as this one.

Tearing Wind Sword turned his head and looked around. Now he couldnt find another human like him, only werewolves.

Kim Bongpal was walking around the place as if it wasnt a big deal, but this was definitely a burden for Tearing Wind Sword. They didnt come here to pick a fight, but he couldnt help but be nervous. Moreover, they were on the way to meet none other than Wargen, one of the two strongest people in the city of Purple Clouds besides the Leader of the Evil Alliance.

If he told Tearing Wind Sword a few weeks ago that he was about to fight Wargen, he would have dismissed it as insane. After all, Wargen wasnt an easy person to meet.

And then.


A man who Tearing Wind Sword recognized appeared. Wargen, in the flesh.

Oh. Did my son bring some guests?

He landed with a heavy thud. He was a solid head bigger than Warg or the other werewolves. A menacing aura emanated from him, followed by a powerful energy. How could one not think of Wargens name when faced with this?


Tearing Wind Sword let out a groan. Compared to Wargen, Tearing Wind Sword was a Master whod been knocking on the door of Transcendence. Yet facing Wargens aura was a great burden.

Are you Wargen?

Thats right. And you are? I dont think Ive ever seen you before.

Me? Im Kim Bongpal.

Kim Bongpal said so to Wargen with a carefree look.

 * * *

Kim Bongpal didnt want it to take too long. He never knew when Maya would wake up, and there was still more to be heard from those Shadowless Squad guys. Besides, he didnt like the Werewolves territory very much. Warg didnt smell that much, but the other werewolves stunk like dogs. Hence, Kim Bongpal wanted to leave this place as soon as possible after doing what he had to do.

He didnt say much to Wargen. That he was Sword Phantom, how he had fought the Monstrous Immortal, how he wanted to know how strong he was compared to Celestial Demon, and so on. The original duel of the Moorim people omitted such a complicated process.

However, he just-

I heard youre quite good at fighting. Lets fight.

said that. There was a moment of silence that followed Kim Bongpals words.


The thing to break it was Wargens cheerful laugh. And with that laughter, Wargen stretched out an arm.


Wargen threw the first punch.

It feels so good!

He stepped forward without hesitation. No one could catch Wargens movement except for Kim Bongpal. However, he didnt completely let go of Wargens attack. Kim Bongpals belatedly extended fist and Wargens came into contact with each other, and he felt a slight impact. However, it was only a very small loss.

Kim Bongpal boosted his mana and, simultaneously, drew his sword, making Wargen take a step back.


The fight started abruptly, but Kim Bongpal did not panic. Rather, he smiled when Wargen threw his fist without saying anything. Kim Bongpal was always the one who hit first, so wasnt it the first time someone else had done it to him?

He even liked how his opponent fought; those attacks based on instinct flew without special techniques, and they flew relentlessly toward his vital points.

A dog fight, no, in this case, a wolf fight.

Kim Bongpal played with the sword in his hand with such thoughts.


Kim Bongpals sword, surrounded by a dense Trail Force, was blocked by Wargens arms. The werewolf didnt use any weapons. However, he blocked Kim Bongpals sword with a sharp Trail Force wrapped around his forearms.

Haha! This is more than expected.

Wargen said so and eventually shook off Kim Bongpals attack. Then he slammed off the ground.

Lets make it more fun!

Intense Trail Force surrounded every single punch and every kick. His body also finished the beastification process at some point, so his power was now formidable. It was also Kim Bongpals first experience to be pushed back by sheer power.

Of course, it was natural. Although Kim Bongpal wasnt that short in height, he couldnt be compared with Wargen after transforming. There was a difference between humans and werewolves by birth, a gap mana could not fill.


However, Kim Bongpal was a little ahead in speed. He avoided Wargens rushing fist and, at the same time, dug forward, aiming at Wargens armpit. If he went in just like this, one of Wargens arms would fly away. But, as if he was okay with that kind of thing, Wargen rushed forward without pulling back.

Kim Bongpal drew back.

Come to think of it, he wasnt just an asshole.

It wasnt a full moon now, and he didnt have something with full moon energy stored like the vampires, but this opponent was a werewolf. A strong werewolf who was also the leader of their pack. It was natural that his bodys basic regenerative power would go beyond humans.

That was why such a move was possible without fear of losing an arm.

Hehehe. Did you say your name was Kim Bongpal? I didnt expect that there was a person in Purple Clouds who had reached the Transcendental point that I didnt know!

A few seconds of battle was enough time to guess each others level. Wargen recognized that the guest his son had brought was no mere Master.

Then why dont we stop playing around and try to do it properly?

Wargen grinned as he asked. Playing around? Kim Bongpal didnt understand what that meant at first. However, he learned what Wargen was talking about in the subsequent attack.


Kim Bongpals sword collided with a powerful force from the air. It was an attack that flew in the space that Kim Bongpal had learned by fighting the Monstrous Immortal. In other words, an attack as a Transcendent beyond space. It wasnt just a duel but a battle between those who had transcended existence.

 * * *

The battle as Transcendents began. During that short time, Wargen finished understanding his opponent. This human named Kim Bongpal was one step below himself. If he wanted, he could beat his opponent and win any time. However, Wargen didnt because Kim Bongpal was the first proper opponent he had faced in a long time.


Wargens attack and Kim Bongpals sword collided in mid-air. The power was almost the same.


Wargens follow-up struck Kim Bongpal. He intentionally fired them in secret while increasing the speed. This time, Kim Bongpal reacted a little slow to it.

Hes strong but weak.

Seeing how he reacted, Wargen further solidified his opinion. Being strong was natural because the opponent had also reached transcendence. Being weak meant his way of battling was immature because he had only recently reached that level.

Kim Bongpals sword was sharp, fast, and powerful. However, it was too honest. It was either his first battle as a Transcendent, or it hadnt been long since he crossed the wall. Wargen made that guess, and both were true in Kim Bongpals case.

On the other hand, it was a few years ago that Wargen had reached this level properly, contrary to what was known to the public. The reason for that was the duel with the Celestial Demon. Wargen could take a step further with the realization he gained through that duel, and now it had been several years since he trained himself using the Celestial Demons martial arts as his teacher.

In other words, he was more proficient than Kim Bongpal, capable of using techniques the Celestial Demon mastered. That made the difference between them. Otherwise, they were at an equal level.


The two had exchanged a dozen blows in a matter of seconds. As a result, Wargen seemed to relax.

What do you think? Im pretty good, right?

While the battle briefly paused, Wargen asked, showing his fangs.

The fight right now was helpful for him. He embodied many techniques that Celestial Demon had shown, but how painful was it because there was no one to use them on? It had been a while since the Leader of Evil Alliance shut himself away for training, and the Monstrous Immortal wasnt a warrior. Thats why he couldnt help laughing.

Yeah. Youre quite good. No, youre pretty good.

Kim Bongpal was also smiling. Wargen was greatly pleased with it. It was now clear which of the two had the upper hand. Others who hadnt attained transcendence might not recognize it, but he and his opponent must know it clearly for him to smile like that.

It was fun. Regardless of victory or defeat, he was an opponent who enjoyed the fight between two strong people!

The Monstrous Immortal was a dick.


Wargens face twitched at Kim Bongpals remarks that came out of the blue. Now, the question he had been asked recently was correct. The Monstrous Immortal suddenly disappeared from Purple Clouds, and he wondered if this man was the cause.

But youre not a dick.

Haha. Is that so?

A pleasant laugh flowed through Wargens fangs.

Yes. Rather the opposite. I like you.

Haha! I like you, too! Youre a true warrior!

Wargen said so, along with a peal of loud laughter. However.


Kim Bongpal asked. A true warrior? What was this doggy talking about?

Well, Im sure its all right.


Kim Bongpal gave strength to his grip. As expected, it was a good choice to visit Wargen. He was a very strange guy when he talked about being a true warrior and stuff like that, but the skill of his technique was undeniable.

Is this how you do it?



Kim Bongpals fired his sword. The flash of explosive Trail Force crossed the air and reached Wargen. The werewolf stretched out his fist in a straight line to block it, but Kim Bongpals sword wriggled again.

And one more time.


Wargen blocked the second one, but

This is what I showed him earlier, isnt it?

He couldnt block the third one, and it was because the Trail Force suddenly slowed down.

A rapid deceleration.


Wargen moved his arm in a panic. But at that moment.


Kim Bongpals attack cut his fist.

Oh. Fuck. Its working, huh?

As expected, he liked him. Indeed, there was no other training aid like this.


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