The Highest Bounty

Chapter 85 - Blood Sac Pirates

Chapter 85: Blood Sac Pirates

“Stop right there; don’t move!” Neptune yelled at Gu Ding and Liliath. He was certain that Gu Ding and Liliath had no means of escaping the hands of the bastard that stood in front of them. He was a major general in the Army, a Rank 8 Gene Body powerhouse. If the duo made any sudden moves, he might kill them on the spot.

[Name: Lancelot]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 33]

[Occupation: Federation Army Soldier]

[Military Rank: Major General]

[Gene Level: Rank 8]

[Special Ability: Vine Whip]

[Ability Description: Able to summon vines growable in each different environment and make various attacks such as bind, poison sting, and whip enemies.]

[Highest Capture Reward: 3.8 billion Star Credits]

Neptune pulled up the opponent’s information almost instantly. Sifting through the information, he noticed that this Federation’s major general practiced ritual dismemberment. Every time he caught someone, he would slice off a part of their body and use it as a sacrifice. If he was in a good mood, he might only cut off a finger. If he was in a bad mood, he would chop off the head and take the rest of the body as a sacrifice, keeping the head as a sign of a victorious battle.

It was due to this practice that a lot of the Army’s higher-ups had objections toward him, but his grandfather was the vice chief of the Army, so there was nothing anybody could do. The chief of the Army was the person in charge of making decisions for the Army. The vice chief’s authority was at the same level as the marshal’s. As for the Army’s major generals, their level of authority in the senate was similar to normal senators.

This guy, Lancelot,—nobody wanted his presence there, but when he heard news of a superweapon from his grandfather, he made a fuss about wanting to come. The vice chief was helpless and had to allow Sharp to bring him here, but he also ordered Sharp to ensure Lancelot did not get too involved in the matter. They knew very clearly that this mission was not as simple as just digging out a superweapon.

This guy was also mentioned in the list of six major generals Neptune computed. Back then, Neptune suspected that if he got word of the superweapon, there would be a high probability he would want to get involved.

“I’ve run into two mice.” Lancelot looked ten years younger than his actual age. He had inherited his mother’s looks. That face on a man’s body was indeed incredibly attractive, but he still had a tinge of femininity to him.

“Huh, I’ve seen your bounty offers somewhere...” Lancelot was in no rush to do away with the duo. He, too, was very aware that they had zero chance of escaping. “You’re Gu Ding, aren’t you? The young man who recently bombarded Fengyuan... I have to say, you sure have guts, and a great deal of luck too. Seventy-two armor-piercing cannons unexpectedly malfunctioning at a key moment... I, too, didn’t like those port authorities much. I think you’re right down my alley. How’s this then—I won’t kill you two. I’ll cut off a hand from each of you instead, then send you guys to the federal prison.”

Upon seeing as to Lancelot’s nonchalant demeanor as he asked the question, Gu Ding realized this guy was just as the rumors said. He has a strange mind and a twisted one at that.

“I’ll give you guys three minutes to consider which hand you want to keep. I’m not usually this kind to others, you know.” Having said this, Lancelot sat on a stone and looked down to start the timer button on his intelligent wristwatch.

Liliath turned her head to give Gu Ding a look that meant to split up and run. Gu Ding’s eyebrows knitted slightly, and he shook his head. He was very aware that splitting up to run was no use either. If the two of them chose to run, they would be easily slaughtered.

“Neptune, lure the people who were following us earlier to our location.” Gu Ding covered his mouth and whispered inconspicuously.

Neptune immediately recognized what Gu Ding’s plan was and hacked into the group’s intelligent wristwatches, marking Gu Ding’s current location with a red dot before emitting an alert.

“My wristwatch seems to have picked up a signal. This way!”

“Second-in-Command, don’t go! It could be a trap!” the military advisor shouted, but before he could finish speaking, the second-in-command had already taken off.

“Boss, we...”

“Follow him!” The head of the group ran off in the direction of his brother.

The other people in the team followed closely behind.

The middle-aged man was not too far from Gu Ding’s location. It would only take roughly a few minutes for him to reach. However, Neptune calculations showed that they still would not reach in time.

“There’s not enough time.” He reminded Gu Ding.

“Major General Lancelot.” Gu Ding knew his only hope would be to stall for time and opened his mouth after a moment of silence. “I know a thing or two about the superweapon. I think we can cut a deal.”

“Tell me what you know first.” Lancelot was no fool either. He wanted to wring some information out of Gu Ding before he agreed.

“The Federation Army noticed three superweapons this time, and they’re all artifacts of the paleo-era mechanical civilization. From what I’ve gathered, I’ve come to understand that these three superweapons are all in perfect condition. There has been no damage whatsoever. They can be used once the owner is recognized.” As Gu Ding spoke, he observed the other party’s expression. “Moreover, these three superweapons aren’t your regular superweapons; they’re the source of the mechanical civilization’s destruction. Just one attack can singlehandedly destroy a star sector...”

Judging from the shocked expression on his face, the Army man in front of Gu Ding probably had not been aware of the extent of the superweapon’s power.

“How do you know these things?” Although he was utterly shocked at heart, Lancelot was not an idiot. He would not so easily believe Gu Ding’s words.

“Sorry, this I can’t say, but I can tell you a secret. I hope to exchange this secret for my and my partner’s freedom.” As Gu Ding said this, Neptune’s voice sounded in his ear.

“They’ll arrive in about ten seconds.”

“How do I know this secret of yours is worth two lives?” Lancelot did not want to agree that easily, but he also wanted to know just what the secret Gu Ding was talking about was.

“If you don’t want to know, I can wait until after I enter the federal prison and tell other people.” Gu Ding felt that the group was closing in on his location.

“Okay, I agree!” Lancelot assented after falling silent for a moment. “Tell me what this secret is!”

At that very moment, a muscular middle-aged man dashed toward where the three of them were standing.

“Yet another fly has appeared!” Lancelot obviously did not see the other party as a threat. “Hey, punk, tell me that secret.”

“That secret is... I’ve actually been stalling for our comrades’ arrival.” Gu Ding’s grinned, then turned to look at the muscular man. “Uncle, this guy is the Army’s Lancelot!”

Neptune taught Gu Ding to say this. Neptune had heard this team’s conversation earlier and was certain that the name Lancelot would trigger him to attack.

“Hehe, so you’re Lancelot. As long as I do away with you, Muscle Man can’t sell me off!” Once the brawny man heard Gu Ding say the other party’s name, he charged at Lancelot.

Very soon, the brawny man’s teammates all arrived.

“You guys are the two kids who were in front of us, aren’t you?” A middle-aged man who looked similar to the brawny man walked toward Gu Ding and Liliath. He had three more scars on his face, and his stubble was slightly thicker.

After spotting Liliath, his previously stern expression changed into a smile. He squatted down and retrieved candy from his Inventory. “Little girl, Uncle here has candy. Do you want to eat it?”

“He softened up so quickly...” Gu Ding had been anxious about how to deal with these people, safe to say he was shocked to see them act so kindly.

“That’s right. Our captain’s a renowned lolicon,” the military advisor at the side explained to Gu Ding.

“You guys are...” Seeing that the uncle was completely harmless toward Liliath, Gu Ding was relieved.

“We are the Blood Sac Pirates. That lolicon is our captain. The other brainless advocate of violence over there is our vice-captain, Ulrif, who is also the captain’s little brother,” the military advisor explained.

“Blood Sac. What a weird name.” Gu Ding felt the name was odd.

“Actually, this was caused by Captain’s inaccurate pronunciation when he was registering our pirate crew’s name. He wanted us to go by the name Blood Wolves, but sometimes his Ls and Ns aren’t distinct...” The military advisory once again opened his mouth to explain. [1]

“Alright then...” Gu Ding felt he did not have the energy to question them.

[1] 血囊, xuè náng, means blood sac whereas 血狼, xuè láng, translates to blood wolf/wolves


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