The Heroines Who Framed Me Are Clinging to Me

Chapter 4 - The Revelation

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 4 - The Revelation

After the welcome banquet ended, the grand assembly hall was left empty except for the three heroes.

"You should have been better prepared, Princess Aina!"

"There was nothing I could do. None of you expected Serena to show up either."

"But your response—what was that? We almost got exposed! If that had happened, everything would’ve been over!"

Aina and Claire began to argue, their voices rising in frustration.

Caught in the middle, Aria could only tremble, hoping the fight would end soon.

"This is why I shouldn’t have gone along with your plans, Aina!"

"Plans? I never made any plans first! If there were plans, they must have been yours, Claire!"

Ever since Lee Han’s death, the relationship between the three had worsened with each passing day. The impact of Lee Han’s final words had been significant.

— My death will benefit you, won’t it? I’m glad. I’ll gladly die for your sake.

It was as if Lee Han had sacrificed himself for someone, hinting that someone among them had gained something substantial from his death.

This subtle accusation had been enough to drive a wedge between them.

By the time the welcome banquet took place, their relationship was already strained to the breaking point.

The only reason they had come together was to discuss how to handle any suspicions that might arise during the banquet.

Given this state of affairs, it was no surprise that they were now at each other’s throats.

"Um... excuse me."

Aria cautiously raised her hand.

The other two turned to glare at her sharply.


Aria flinched, her shoulders trembling as she tried to step back.

"I-I think I should go now. So... goodbye."

She quickly turned and started to leave, her steps hurried and anxious.

But she didn’t get far.

"Where do you think you’re going, Aria? You could’ve been pretending to be innocent while secretly conspiring with Lee Han behind our backs. Becoming a saint of the Deus Church isn’t something just anyone can do. Don’t play innocent."


Aria looked like she was about to cry.

She hated this situation.

It was true that Lee Han’s death had helped her become a saint, but...

"I... I really didn’t... Just let me go, please."

"Do you think anyone here is stupid enough to believe that?"

"I... really..."

"It’s always the ones who pretend to be the most innocent who have the dirtiest secrets. Stay where you are."

Aria, now on the verge of tears, was held back. She felt sick to her stomach—this kind of psychological pressure was something Aria was particularly weak against.

Seeing her distress, Aina suddenly frowned.

"Yes, I’ve seen you clinging to Lee Han many times, Aria. Tell the truth. Wasn’t there something going on between you and Lee Han? Why else would he leave such a will?"

"Now that I think about it, you were always the one closest to Lee Han, Aria. Could it be that you orchestrated all of this?"

Claire moved closer to Aria, almost as if to embrace her.

Aria’s lips trembled.

She spoke up, her voice filled with frustration.

"Th-there’s no way! Why are you suddenly blaming me? It’s one of you... one of you...!"

Just as Aria was about to shout something more, the door to the assembly hall suddenly burst open.

— Boom!

All three heroes snapped their heads toward the sound.

"...What are you talking about?"

It was Chancellor Reinhardt and High Priest Julius, second-highest powers in the Empire and the Holy Constantine.

"H-how long have you been listening?"

Aina, startled, inadvertently revealed her guilt.

'Damn it.'

'It’s all over now.'

Aina clenched her fists tightly.

Claire bit her lip.

Aria just stood there, frozen, as if paralyzed by the situation.

Her eyes were fixed on High Priest Julius.

Aria had always been terrified of the archpriests. They were strict, rigid, and reminded her of her abusive father from childhood.

Julius moved directly toward Aria.

"What is the meaning of this, Lady Aria?"

"I-it’s not..."

"From what I can deduce with my limited understanding, it sounds as though the three of you conspired against the demon from another world... or rather, the hero."

Aria took a step back.

"Th-there’s no way that’s true... I, I was just..."

Lee Han had always been kind.

He had always been there for Aria, looking out for her when she felt down, talking to her when she seemed sad, asking if something was bothering her.

'...He was kind.'

— Slash!

Suddenly, the image of Lee Han’s execution flashed vividly in her mind. Aria tried to erase the image from her thoughts, but she couldn’t.


Lee Han’s head rolling on the ground, the fleeting moment when their eyes met. The emptiness, betrayal, and anger that lingered in those eyes. The lips that seemed to move, as if trying to say something.


Aria’s body swayed.

Aina and Claire, thinking she was acting, frowned.

Thud, thud.

Aria stumbled forward, almost as if drawn, until she stood at the highest point in the assembly hall, the platform.

Suddenly, she looked up.

Her head tilted back further and further until she was staring directly at the ceiling, her neck bent back unnaturally.


Claire called out in confusion at the strange, unnatural movement, but Aria didn’t respond. Claire, alarmed, stepped forward to grab her, but—


High Priest Julius ran toward them.

"Do not touch the saintess!"

He shoved Claire aside.

Claire, completely shocked by the unexpected force, could only blink in disbelief as she fell.

At that moment—


The massive doors of the assembly hall swung open.

There was no one there, yet the doors had opened.

Claire turned to look at the doors, but she had to tilt her head back.

A flood of light poured in through the open doors.

And it illuminated Aria.

She stood bathed in light, her figure framed by the stained glass of the saintess behind her.


A gasp of awe escaped as they all beheld the sight.

And then—

— "Foolish and ignorant humans."

Aria’s mouth opened.

Her voice was clear, precise, holy, and at the same time, chillingly devoid of emotion.

It was nothing like the usual mumbled voice they were accustomed to hearing from her.

— Thud!

A heavy sound echoed.

High Priest Julius had thrown himself to the ground, his forehead pressed to the floor.

Everyone else watched in shock as he shouted.

"I see you, all-knowing Deus! Please, guide your humble servant!"

It was terrifying.

Every hair on their bodies stood on end, their lips trembled.

Aina and Claire, along with everyone else, staggered back, collapsing to the floor.

— "You have forsaken the hope given to you."

This was God.

God was speaking through the saintess.

Thus, this was a revelation.

— "In ten cycles, another trial will come. But do not be complacent. For at the end of it, a greater trial and darkness will descend. A darkness deep, vast, and unfathomable."


Once again, the High Priest struck his head against the floor.

His face was now smeared with blood, but he continued to cry out.

"Please guide us!"

Blood bubbled from his lips with every word.

It was a desperate, yet holy sight.

— "The only path lies in repentance and regret. There will be no second chances."

The revelation continued until the High Priest had no more blood left to spill.

When the revelation ended, Aria collapsed like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

The High Priest, seemingly unable to handle the aftermath, remained frozen in a posture of prostration.

Aina had collapsed to the floor, her legs too weak to support her.

Claire was trembling violently in a corner.

Chancellor Reinhardt of the Empire stood there, observing the scene.


A short laugh escaped his lips.

In over thirty years of being one of the pillars supporting the Empire, this was an experience unlike any he had ever witnessed—both refreshing and unbearably heavy.

— Creak

He closed the door.

Thankfully, no servants had remained.

At least he wouldn’t have to dirty his hands with silencing them.

No matter what, this revelation could not be allowed to spread.

If word got out, the continent, which had only just begun to flourish after the Demon King’s defeat, would be plunged into darkness once more. That could not be allowed to happen.

— Step, step

He turned around and walked over to the High Priest.

"The Demon King will be resurrected? I can’t quite wrap my old mind around it."

"...It seems so. And something else will come after."

"And what might that be?"

"...I don’t know."

The High Priest lifted his head.

Despite his blood-covered face and exhausted demeanor, his eyes were sharp, filled with a sense of crisis.

"We must report this to the Holy Emperor. After that, we must gather all the information we can. We’ll need to delve into the archives of the Holy See."

"The Britannia Empire will provide all possible support."

"...To think the Empire and the Holy Nation would join forces like this."

"We must prevent the continent from falling into ruin."


The High Priest’s lips, which had been trying to smile, dropped again.

"I’m not sure if that can be done."

"It must be. We need to prepare immediately. Are you sure you have no idea what’s coming?"

The High Priest coughed, blood spilling from his mouth.

He struggled for breath before speaking again.

"The Blood Cult."

"...The Blood Cult? You mean the heretics?"

"Recently, many young boys and girls have gone missing across the continent. What do you think that could be for?"

"I don’t know."

"There is a form of dark magic... one that involves creating an altar and offering sacrifices to summon a higher being."


"But as you know, Chancellor."

"The Blood Cult is hard to track."

"We must make it a top priority. The highest priority."

Reinhardt’s wrinkles deepened.

After a moment of deep thought, he made his decision.

"I’ll send the White Knights to infiltrate them. If we have ten years... we might be able to reach the heart of the Blood Cult before then."

"The Holy Constantine will do everything it can as well. And the hero from another world... he may be the key. We must find..."

"Even though I’m old, my mind still works. Yes, you should rest now. I’ve given our guest from the Holy State too much work already."

"Work, you say. It’s cooperation between equals, nothing more."

"You never back down, do you, you old fox."


Reinhardt watched as the High Priest lay down on the floor, then stood up and walked over to where Aina and Claire were.

"Princess Aina. And Lady Claire."

The noble bloodline of Estrid ran through Aina’s veins.

For the first time, as he spoke, Reinhardt felt a strong strong impulse made him want to stop addressing her with such respect.

But Reinhardt was wise and experienced enough to resist such impulses.

"This matter must not get out. Therefore, you will continue to be treated as heroes."

He declared to the stunned Aina and Claire.

"But you must take responsibility. For your actions, and for what is to come."

It wasn’t a threat, nor was it an order, but the pressure behind his words made it feel like their hearts would burst.

With an icy, chilling gaze, Reinhardt turned and left.

'Retirement will have to wait a bit longer.'

— Step, step

His departure left only silence in the hall.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]


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