The Heroines Who Framed Me Are Clinging to Me

Chapter 37 - Claire’s Arrogance

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 37 - Claire’s Arrogance

In the heart of Eastan, there are all kinds of buildings.

Some are flashy and extravagant.

Others are so dilapidated you’d wonder how they’re still standing in such a bustling area.

Among them is a particularly inconspicuous, narrow, three-story building that seems to strike a perfect balance between the two extremes.

There’s no signboard, and passersby don’t even give it a second glance. A woman steps into this building.

The hallway is empty, devoid of any guide.

—Creak, creak.

As you walk, the creaking floorboards and occasional dust rising serve as your only markers. Before long, you realize the building is longer than it seemed.

A corridor that bends at right angles, a repeating pattern of windows, and endless stairs.

A place that feels like it could put you in a trance, where the only thing keeping you anchored is a single, repeating code in your mind.

Eventually, you arrive.


Bright light pours in the moment you turn the corner. Following the brilliance, you find yourself in a grand space with a high ceiling and a luxurious chandelier. The creaking is gone, replaced by a smooth marble floor that feels like it could make you slip.

Beyond the elegant mahogany furniture, a man greets you.

“Welcome, Lady Claire. Master Il-Sal has been expecting you.”

How does he recognize me even though I’m in disguise, with every inch of me covered?

Claire pushed the question aside and returned the minimum required courtesy.

“Please show me the way.”

“This way.”

This was her second visit.

As awe-inspiring as ever, she thought.

The long corridors that didn’t feel like they belonged in a building and the scenery that suddenly became opulent.

This secret and lavish base might just be the perfect reflection of the Seven Kill Squad.

The grand spiral staircase no longer surprised her.

—Knock, knock.

“Lady Claire is here.”

The one-eyed butler who bowed and vanished in an instant didn’t surprise her either.

‘He must be one of the top experts.’

Claire swallowed nervously as she waited for the office’s owner to appear.


The door slowly opened.

And beyond it, a glaring red eye.

A woman with a long scar running down one side of her face, but whose remaining eye was more than enough to make anyone cower.

Her tall, slender frame.

A beautiful figure with long arms and legs to match.

The woman with the fierce red lips who smiled at Claire was Il-Sal, the leader of the Seven Kill Squad.

“Come in. I’ve been waiting for you.”

There weren’t many people who could casually speak informally to Claire, one of the heroes of the continent.

And even fewer whom Claire wouldn’t mind addressing her that way.

“You’re as beautiful as ever.”

“Thanks, but not as much as you, hero of the continent. Take a seat.”

Il-Sal personally poured the tea.

Her movements were both precise and graceful.

Crossing her legs as she sat down, she spoke.

“The job you requested is progressing well.”

“Thank you.”

“This is nothing. Considering how much money you spent.”

“You know, the hush money was more significant.”

“What do you take us for? Of course.”


Il-Sal covered her lips as she laughed.

Honestly, Claire didn’t like her.

‘She’s too cunning.’

Her eyes, her smirk. It’s as if she’s hiding something deep inside her. When Claire thought about how this woman was the top assassin, it sent a shiver down her spine.

But even so.

Claire had no choice.

Eastan was the key city to expanding her influence in the Empire. To completely take control of it, she needed Il-Sal’s help.

And not just for that.

‘I need to find Lee Han.’

Claire’s condition was worsening by the day.

Even today, she had coughed up blood in the morning.

She had tried to suppress it to maintain her strong front, but even now, one side of her body was trembling slightly.

The symptoms were getting serious.

Not just because of what the doctors said, but because Claire could feel it herself.

‘I need to find him as soon as possible.’

It was no longer a mental issue.

It was a matter of survival.


Claire disguised a cough as she cleared her throat and spoke up.

“I came today for the second request.”

“Oh - The one about finding that boy.”


“Not bad.”

...That’s a lie.

If the job were going well, she wouldn’t be reacting like, ‘Oh - that request?’

Claire bit the inside of her lip lightly.

There was no one she could trust.

Back when she was with the Hero Party, there were people she could trust to handle things. But once they were gone, she realized how rare those kinds of people were in this world. And how much harder it is to find someone who’s already gone.

“I’d like you to put a little more effort into finding him. I’ve paid you quite a bit, haven’t I?”

“The conditions are just so difficult.”

Claire knew it too. A boy in Eastan who used to be called ‘Lee Han’ in a past life.

Finding someone under those conditions was practically impossible.


“Haha. Just kidding. We’re really looking for him.”


Il-Sal grinned as she watched Claire’s somewhat foolish smile.

“Anyway, according to what you’ve said, this ‘Lee Han’ boy is supposed to be strong, right?”

“I think so.”

“Then my people will find him.”


“They’ve got a nose for sniffing out strength like bloodhounds.”


Il-Sal made a circle with her thumb and index finger.

“How about this? If you pay extra, we’ll even persuade him to come to you.”

“Just find him for me.”


“I think I can persuade him myself.”


Il-Sal tilted her head slightly.

As if to say, “How are you going to do that?”

But Claire was confident.

‘Lee Han always listened to me.’

She remembered Lee Han.

He always paid attention to what she said.

He liked how smart and knowledgeable she was.


If she could meet him again, she was sure she could persuade him.

To ask him to stay by her side just one more time.

After all, they were practically childhood friends.

‘If he forgives me just once...’

As Claire’s thoughts wandered.


The office door burst open.

Il-Sal’s delicate brow furrowed.

“This... Master Il-Sal!”

“What is it? Why the commotion?”

“Th-they... Six Kill and Seven Kill! They...!”

Il-Sal’s eyes sharpened instantly.

“Looks like they’ve found him.”

Claire’s eyes lit up.


A white firework burst in the sky.

It should be visible even from outside the village.

If that’s the case, the signal should reach Il-Sal immediately.

Six Kill barely let out a sigh of relief.

The scene he had just witnessed wouldn’t leave his mind.

The kid who had bitten down on the dagger he had thrown and grinned.

“That’s a monster.”

If he hadn’t used the smoke bomb and the emergency escape scroll right then, he would have been caught.

“What a terrifying kid.”

“Were you calling me?”

A chill ran down his spine.

Six Kill froze in place.

Then, slowly, he turned his head.

The boy was standing next to him again.

“Y-you’re crazy.”

“Calling someone names to their face hurts, you know.”

“Who the hell are you?”

“Me? I am Lloyd.”

Damn it.

That’s not what I meant.

Cursing under his breath, Six Kill put some distance between them.

‘Damn monster.’

The speed of the emergency escape scroll was akin to teleportation.

Of course, it didn’t cover a long distance, but still, it didn’t make sense that he could keep up.

How the hell did he do it?

Too fast to be just someone skilled in physical enhancement, too quiet to be a mage.

Either way, it meant he was incredibly strong.

Six Kill’s face hardened.

“Let’s talk.”


The boy who introduced himself as Lloyd tilted his head slightly, as if he were examining something curious.

“You catch on quick.”

“Spare my life.”

“I like how you get straight to the point.”

It was the ultimate humiliation.

But Six Kill knew this was the time to bow his head.

“What do you want to ask? And if I answer, will you let me go?”

“That depends on your answer.”


The boy’s teeth gleamed white in the faint moonlight.

It was like he’d lived two lives already.

Before Six Kill could even collect his thoughts, Lloyd continued.

“You guys are the real power behind Eastan, right?”


Six Kill reflexively asked back.

He clamped his mouth shut, but it was already too late.

“You control the market and such from behind the scenes, don’t you?”

“How did you...”

“I was just taking a shot in the dark, but I guess I was right.”

Damn it.

He was definitely caught off guard.

He hadn’t expected to be questioned like this, as if Lloyd were stabbing in the dark.

“My superior, who’s running over here, has some business with your boss. Can you tell me where they are?”

This guy has a superior?

I can’t even begin to guess how strong that person must be.

Six Kill gritted his teeth.

“It’s better to die than to betray the Seven Kill Squad!”

He lunged at Lloyd.


It was Six Kill who hit the ground.

Blood gushed from his severed foot.

Lloyd looked startled, then quickly swallowed another sedative.

"Stay down, Ortega."

Calming himself despite the sight of blood, Lloyd stopped the bleeding. It seemed he wasn’t dead yet.

"Who told you to suddenly go act out? You startled me."


"Then, shall we have a proper chat?"

Lloyd laughed as he jingled the keys that had come out of his pocket.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]


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