The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin

Chapter 21: Air Quality

Chapter 21: Air Quality

Liu Ji and the others had been traversing in the desert for a full week already. During this week, besides dry yellow sand, the only other thing they saw were two seaberry trees.

Speaking of seaberries, Liu Ji didn't understand why Yaine insisted that he eat some; his tongue nearly fell off from the extreme tartness of those small fruits.

He wanted to spit it out, but seeing Yaine and Osar grimly swallowing, Liu Ji felt embarrassed to do otherwise and reluctantly gulped it down despite the sourness.

And this was despite him not feeling hungry at all. It was bizarre. Despite his stomach being empty all the time, Liu Ji hadn't felt a pang of hunger all week. This made him even more convinced that his hair contained chlorophyll.

While he wasn't hungry, thirst was a common plight for him and the others. Yaine rationed their water with extreme frugality; each person could only sip a few mouthfuls at designated times each day.

Liu Ji tried to keep the water in his mouth as long as possible to keep his mouth moist, but truthfully, it was a challenge. The scarcity of water nearly compelled him to swallow the precious liquid for brief relief at every moment.

Sometimes, Liu Ji thought perhaps he should have stayed at the camp, waiting for them. Their supplies depended almost entirely on the magical space Yaine maintained. If they had one less mouth to feed—his—they might even have had a surplus.

Whenever Liu Ji harbored such thoughts, he felt an added pressure.

I must find a way to be useful, he resolved.

Though, while he had such thoughts, Liu Ji didn't expect an opportunity to arise. After all, this accursed desert was just that, a barren wasteland with nothing.

But unexpectedly, just a day after he had this notion, an opportunity arrived.

It was at that moment Liu Ji realized that he had been mistaken.

The name "Desert of Burials" wasn't just for show.

Under a crimson, blood moon, countless skeletal beasts slowly rose from the sands, howling silently at the sky, revealing the true origins of the desert's name.

As soon as Yaine realized this, she started chanting an incantation. By the time Liu Ji caught on, a thick wall of earth had already enveloped their party.

"Everyone, get ready." Yaine casually cast a Daylight spell overhead, illuminating the entire earthen shelter. "The desert air is basically arid already, so we won't be able to hide for long."

"Damn it, why is there a blood moon again? I distinctly remember it wasn't due for a few more days," Osar muttered as he adjusted his gear.

"Probably because we slaughtered that scouting squad near the desert's edge. Fresh blood makes the blood moon rise earlier, remember?" Mervant said while checking on his own equipment.

"Nonsense, the blood of a few can't be enough to advance the blood moon by several days," Osar said, frowning. "Could it be that others have ventured into the desert?"

"Hard to say. You know how it is out there." Mervant secured his pack, tightened his clothing, and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to move at a moment's notice.

Liu Ji felt somehow confused watching everyone gear up as if about to face a great enemy.

He knew that the situation outside wasn't good, but since they were already sheltered, why would they need to go out?

He also noticed the strange moon in the sky and guessed that the circumstances outside was related to it. Since it was the moon, he reasoned that it would disappear with the coming of the day. Couldn't they just wait here until everything outside returned to normal before leaving?


The magic lamp cast seems rather interesting. I feel warm and comfortable when it's shining on me…

Seeing Liu Ji seemingly in a daze, Yaine quickly nudged him, using gestures and simple words to remind him to get ready for battle.

Liu Ji understood, but what preparations was he supposed to make?

Perhaps he ought to take off his clothes to avoid ripping them when he transformed into a bear…

But it's such a public place…

Liu Ji glanced at Yaine, and then the two others, scratching his cheek. After much deliberation, he finally came to a decision.

Take it off!

Clothing was a scarce resource in the wilderness, and losing a piece meant having one less. Even if it was to be in full view of everyone, Liu Ji could no longer care about modesty when they were at such a critical moment.

Having made his decision, Liu Ji gritted his teeth, stamped his foot, turned around, and under the stupefied stares of the other three, disrobed.

Then, Liu Ji displayed what was probably the fastest hand speed of his life. Akin to wrapping a towel, he wrapped the robe around his waist, covering his rear that was illuminated by magically created light.

This way, when he expanded into a bear, the clothing would naturally be stretched open and fall off rather than being torn apart.

Watching Liu Ji's splendid movements, Osar inhaled sharply. "Yaine, did you tell him that those clothes can be easily made by your familiars as long as you have the right kind of plants?"

"That, uhh…" Yaine's mouth twitched. "Given his current level of spell understanding, I still don't know how to explain it to him…"

Mervant eyed Liu Ji expressionlessly, saying nothing.

And suddenly, someone let out a snicker.

Yaine and Osar both turned to look at Mervant, but the latter was still stoic and silent.

Seeing the reactions of the other three, Liu Ji had no idea what expression was showing on his own face right now.

He only knew that it must be an extremely awkward one…

"Ahem. Alright, it seems we are all prepared," Osar couldn't stand it any longer and changed the subject. "Yaine, how's the air quality now? How much longer can we stay hidden?"

"Let me check," Yaine responded, chanting for a second, then said, "Currently, air quality is great, enough for… Huh? What the heck? Great? Why?"

This reaction wasn't limited to Yaine. Osar and Mervant were equally stunned.

Great air quality?

What the hell? This is the Desert of Burials!

The air outside could only be described as average, and with four living beings huddled up in this small enclosed space for so long, how could the air quality have improved?

"Yaine, are you sure you checked right?" Mervant asked. "This doesn't make any sense even magically."

"No, it makes too much sense." Yaine's gaze was fixed on Liu Ji, making the latter feel uneasy, not knowing whether to turn his back or cover his chest.

"You guys might not believe it," Yaine continued, seemingly oblivious to Liu Ji's panic, "but this guy's breathing seems to purify the air."


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