The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 90: Jian Shen - FOUND!

Chapter 90: Jian Shen - FOUND!

It wasn't that Han Xia didn't want to have sex with Jian Shen. But it was because she felt she would get addicted to him if she had sex again, due to which she tried to keep her distance from him.

However, since they were going to be spending a whole month together on their way to the Great Sect of Lust, it truly wasn't an easy feat.

Be it when Jian Shen would jump into streams or ponds when he needes to bath, or when she saw his sweaty body after he finished training or fighting against stray Spirit Beasts, Han Xia's throat would turn dry as she would keep on gulping.

Almost as if she was swallowing her desire to pounce on him and have sex right there.

Due to this, every night Jian Shen would see Han Xia sneaking away from where they set camp to secretly masturbate and come back to sleep with a flushed face.

Looking at all of this Jian Shen didn't think much, but both Qingyu and Juewang felt that Han Xia was showing great restraint for someone who was related to the Great Sect of Lust.

And Han Xia did indeed maintain the same restraint the whole time.


Due to being frustrated, Han Xia wanted nothing more than to reach the Great Sect of Lust as soon as possible.

Therefore it took them a little less than three weeks to travel through the rocky mountains and sparse forests before they finally reached their destination.

Looking at the Great Sect of Lust from far, Jian Shen had to admit that it looked much bigger and grander than he expected.

The Great Sect of Lust was situated in the middle of multiple mountains, and below it was a beautiful lake which was created due to the waterfall which flowed down the mountain next to it.

All in all, given how lush the forests on the mountains were, and how serene the atmosphere was, Jian Shen couldn't believe that this was the Great Sect of Lust which he had heard about.

"We're here. Come on."

Saying so Han Xia began leading Jian Shen towards the sect by making them get on a mountain towards their left, and walk through it.

Finally, Han Xia stopped when they were close to the sect's entrance and a gate was there before him.

Despite feeling curious as to why there was a gate, when the sect had no walls around it, Jian Shen didn't ask any questions as Han Xia showed her badge to the guards on duty and spoke something by pointing towards him.

After a while, the guard nodded his head and allowed the two of them to pass through.

Entering the sect, Han Xia didn't lead Jian Shen deeper into it, but took him towards the left.

It was then that Jian Shen noticed, that even though there were no walls around the sect, the mountains behaved as natural barriers by making it impossible for someone to try and sneak into the sect.

Following Han Xia for a while, Jian Shen finally saw what they were heading towards. It was a small two floor building with the words Missions and Exchange Pavillion written on it.

"This is where you can choose a mission, submit herbs or resources and take points in exchange, specific resources, pills, and whatever you need by buying them with points."

Turning towards Jian Shen, Han Xia spoke in a tone which conveyed how serious she was.

"In this sect even though you can grow strong by Dual Cultivating, you will need a lot of resources to support your growth."

"And the only way you can obtain them is by buying them with your points."

"To obtain points you either need to complete the missions given out by the sect, or exchange valuable items and take points in exchange."

Pointing towards the building she added, "That is where you can do all of them."

Saying so Han Xia continued walking, with Jian Shen nodding his head and continuing.

Once they were close to the Missions and Exchange Pavillion, Han Xia walked to the front of it and directly took out all the resources she obtained in the past year, and placed them on the board.

"Elder, I'd like to exchange all of these for points."

Next, she looked and Jian Shen, after which she bent forward and whispered in the ear of the elder who was responsible for the Missions and Exchange Pavillion.

"I'd also like to take credit for introducing Jian Shen to the sect."

Saying so, Han Xia pointed towards Jian Shen who was patiently waiting there.

"Jian Shen?"

Hearing those words the female elder hastily came out of the building and began seriously observing Jian Shen.

The next second she took out a scroll from her spatial ring and began matching Jian Shen with the image on it.

"It's him!"

With wide eyes the elder pointed towards Jian Shen and said, "Wait here!"

Going back inside the building she screamed loud enough for Jian Shen to hear what she said.

She told someone to send word to the Sect Mistress that the one she was looking for has been found.

Coming back outside, the elder brightly smiled and said, "We were worried from not being able to find you. But in the end, I guess you must have heard of our Sect Mistress's beauty and came here on your own."

"Your Sect Mistress? What are you talking about."

Noticing Jian Shen frowning, the elder understands that he truly was oblivious to what was happening.

Smiling mysteriously, the beautiful elder begins explaining.

"When the Great Assessment was happening, we heard that a very very very handsome boy appeared. Unfortunately, by the time we sent someone to scout you, you completely disappeared."

"Luckily, we managed to obtain a portrait of you fr someone who saw you."

Saying so the elder showed unwrapped the scroll and showed Jian Shen his picture.

"Once our Sect Mistress saw your picture, she immediately felt attracted and ordered everyone to find your whereabouts as soon as possible."

Hearing this Han Xia who spent the past year in the City of Recovery understood that something special must've happened during this year's Great Assessment.

Shaking his head, Jian Shen said, "I only came here to grow stronger, and I'll leave once I've achieved my goal."

With an even bigger smile, the lady says, "Everyone who comes here says those same words in the beginning. But once they enter, no one ever leaves. Because this place... Is a real Heaven."


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