The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 35: The various paths of cultivation

Chapter 35: The various paths of cultivation

While Jian Shen was trying his best to stay inside the medicinal bath for as long as possible, Xinyi who was waiting for the food to arrive began recalling how the first day of training had gone.

At first Jian Shen's sword strikes were clumsy to the max, and we're too broad to hit a moving target.

However, his improvement was very fast, because by the evening his eyes were following her movements accurately and attacked by predicting where she would move next.

'He's a natural genius in both cultivation and sword.'

Smiling from how good his future would be, Xinyi saw that the workers of the restaurant were bringing the food through the gates.

Yesterday, Xinyi had gone to the best restaurant in town and just like with the house owner gave them a pouch of gold coins and ordered them to make a huge feast with Spirit Meat every day and have it sent to where they were living at.

Unlike ordinary meats which were obtained from killing regular animals, Spirit Meat was obtained specifically from only Spirit Beasts.

Just like human cultivators, Spirit Beasts were those who crossed the boundary of being ordinary animals by cultivating.

This way they increased both their strength and lifespan.

However, it was generally accepted that when a human and a Spirit Beast of the same level fought, it would always be the Spirit Beast which won.

Therefore, to hunt and successfully kill a single Spirit Beast at least ten or so human cultivators of the same level needed to fight it.

Due to all of these reasons the cost of Spirit Meat was always very high in the market, and wasn't something which an average family could easily afford.

But, while the meat was costly, the effects it had on those who ate it was more than worth the price.

This was because eating Spirit Meat not only allowed to make the body stronger through the nutrients from the meat, it even allowed the individual to cultivate a little by absorbing the residue Spirit Qi inside the meat.

For all these reasons, having a feast made of just Spirit Meat every day, wasn't something that the restaurant wanted to do for anyone.

But, with the money Xinyi gave them, and the proof of her being a member of the Myriad Flame Sect, the restaurant was more than willing to accommodate to her needs.

Like yesterday, almost ten or so men came over carrying huge bowls with lids on them and set then on the dining table. Following then were a few women who brought the other necessary items for Xinyi and Jian Shen to eat.

What was interesting about them, was how not a single one dared to walk with their heads up since the time they entered the residence. And, instead, they only looked down, almost as if they had been ordered to.

Once they set everything on the table, the workers immediately left, just in time for Jian Shen who wobbled his way over with red coloured skin.

"Your glowing, Jian Shen."

Not at all enjoying the compliment, Jian Shen rolled his eyes, and said, "Very funny."

"Anyway, come and eat. The meat will help ease the pain by nourishing your muscles from the inside."

Not saying anything, Jian Shen just sat down and started stuffing his mouth with the various kinds of stewed, skewered, and fried meats.

Looking at Jian Shen who was eating as if he had been starving for years, Xinyi sat down and began eating as well.

"I have to admit kid, you have great talent in both cultivation and the sword. I suggest, you train as a Sword Cultivator."

"A Sword Cultivator?"

Having become used to how Jian Shen didn't know many basic things, Xinyi didn't make fun of him, but explained it to him.

"I'm sure you already know what a cultivator is."

Nodding his head, Jian Shen said, "I obviously know that. Absorbing Qi inside your Dantian to grow past limits of an ordinary species, is known as cultivation."

"Well, that's more or less correct. However, did you know that there are various paths of cultivating?"

Jian Shen only shook his head in response, and looked at Xinyi with expectations waiting for her to answer.

Not disappointing him, Xinyi began explaining about the various paths of cultivation.

"There's the obvious ordinary cultivator who doesn't focus on a single aspect, or focuses on too many aspects."

"The beast cultivators who have the Bloodline of a beast, or try to obtain one, and then display their characteristics during fights or when cultivating."

"There are the elemental cultivators who are proficient in controlling the natural elements around them."

"The body cultivators who strengthen their physiques and try to make them stronger than even metals."

"And finally, the weapon cultivators who try and become one with the weapon."

"A Sword Cultivator belong to the final category of weapon cultivators."

"Of course, there are even the select few greatly talented ones, who can cultivate in more than one path at the same time, but let's focus on a single aspect for now."

Listening attentively, Jian Shen continuously nodded his head to show that he was understanding her.

"A Sword Cultivator is someone who spends his time other than cultivation to try and learn the Path of Sword. While I don't exactly know much about it, since I am an elemental cultivator. I do know a few brief details regarding it."


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