The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 125: Green Dragon Bandits' first group

Chapter 125: Green Dragon Bandits' first group

Just like the previous day, Jian Shen had sex with Lulu till early in the morning, before he left the city.

This time however Jian Shen didn't take a carriage with him, and instead chose to walk.

Due to this, it took him around five minutes longer to reach the place where he fought yesterday.

Stopping in the exact same spot, since he could see the mud road soaked with blood on the exact same places he had killed the three male bandits at, Jian Shen said, "Come out."

For the next few moments, all that remained was pure silence, which would make anyone who saw this scene think that Jian Shen was saying those words to lure his non-existent enemies out.

"Want to do it the hard way? Fine."

Bending over and picking up a small stone, Jian Shen pulled his hand back and threw it.


Flying in a very fast speed, the small stone seemed to be creating a rainbow due to being covered in Jian Shen's seven coloured Qi.

Easily passing through the bushes which were in its direction, the small stone seemed to hit something as a shadow flashed by and landed on the road.

"Seems like you weren't just guessing."

Smiling and refusing to answer, Jian Shen's eyes trailed over six other spots which made the bald-headed man wince.

"Come out, he already knows where you all are."

As the man's voice resounded along the empty road, the sound of more people walking through the bushes, jumping off of branches, and so on could be heard.

And soon, six more individuals joined the bald-headed man.

"Oh? I didn't think this brat had such good observation capabilities."

"Tsk! Let's just kill him and get along with it."

Saying so, the old man whose hair had all turned white, and upper body was covered in slashes all over, began running towards Jian Shen with a greatsword on his back.

Holding the sword's hilt with his both hands, the old man after reaching Jian Shen jumped and turned in three-sixty degrees to make the huge greatsword which had a two-feet wide blade slice through the air towards Jian Shen with an overbearing momentum.


As he heard those words, the old man who moved at a speed which his body didn't seem capable of, knew that he had screwed up.


Not even allowing the old man to scream for help, Jian Shen who managed to easily pass unscathed from the wide slice, used his left hand which held the Sword of Despair to completely cut the old man's lug into two near the knee.

And then, as the old man began falling forward while screaming due to losing his centre of gravity after his leg was severed, Jian Shen appeared behind the panicking old man.

Using the Myriad God Sword which was in his right hand, Jian Shen thrust it through the old man's neck from behind making the white blade come out of the front with blood on it.

In the blink of an eye, the undefeated first group, had already lost one of its members.

Seeing this the other members weren't too fazed, and pushed their shock down and launched their attacks towards Jian Shen at the same time.


Saying that word, Jian Shen turned around and slashed both of his swords upwards in the air towards nothing in particular, but the next instant someone appeared with a sabre which hit the two swords Jian Shen held.


Not saying anything Jian Shen jumped backwards towards a tree, and then used it as his foothold to move on another direction.

As this was happening, multiple tiny needles which almost weren't visible to the naked eye due to how fast they travelling through the air, landed on the spot which Jian Shen was just standing a moment ago.

Followed by this, five more needles pierced the bark of the tree Jian Shen had used to assist his movement.

Once that happened, Jian Shen who had sensed something flying at him, looked towards the skinny man in surprise.

Not just because he was proficient in throwing needles. But because of how deadly the purple coloured poison on the needle tips was.

After all, the tree's bark was turning black and eroding at a very fast speed.

Unfortunately, Jian Shen didn't have enough time to think about what that poison, because he hastily ducked the spear which like a snake kept on moving to strike his vitals.

Repeatedly dodging the spear, Jian Shen from the corner of the eye saw a muscular man who was pulling the bow back and pointing the lodged arrow in it, towards Jian Shen.

Smiling a little even in this situation, Jian Shen after hearing the arrow leaving the bow, took two steps back from where it was going to strike in hopes of luring the hasty spear wielder.

Unfortunately, the man whose back was erect and straight like the spear he held, only sneered and didn't move until the arrow pierced the ground between them.


With just this, Jian Shen guessed that this particular group of men had a lot of experience in fighting together.

If not for the old man who was too hasty and died so soon, Jian Shen was sure that his fight would've turned a lot more troublesome. And might even be disadvantages to him.

But, against just the four of them, Jian Shen couldn't help but smile and start to take the fight seriously.

Having already made a rough estimation on how strong each of them was, and what weapon they were each proficient in, Jian Shen decided to end the fight as soon as possible.


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