The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Chapter 28: Chapter: Dragon Phoenix Tournament (1)

༺ Fifth Chapter – Dragon Phoenix Tournament (1) ༻

 The line at the city’s exit was long.

 Among those waiting to be inspected, whispers of awe rippled through the crowd.

At the center of their attention stood a man.



 The man was dressed in a black silk outfit. His hair, dark as the night itself, shone brilliantly, contrasting with his pale skin and high nose bridge. His downcast eyes brimming with melancholy and red lips completed the personification of beauty.

 Standing still with his eyes closed, the man seemed to give off an otherworldly radiance. 

 “How is it? It’s flawless, right?”

 Zhuge San whispered to Tang Hwa-seo while disguised as a beggar, covered in all sorts of filth.

 All she could do was laugh in disbelief.

 ‘I can’t believe this is actually working.’

 They planned to get Mok Riwon past the inspection disguised as a young noble. It had sounded absurd at the time, but now felt strangely possible.

–Brother Mok, just keep your mouth shut and look at the ground. Sister will do all the talking. If the guards ask any unnecessary questions, just frown.

–Understood! Trust me!

–Young Hero Mok, are you sure this will work…?

–Trust me!

 Those were the last moments before this all happened.

Tang Hwa-seo glanced over at the expressionless Mok Riwon.

 He was undeniably handsome.

 Aside from that however, Tang Hwa-seo felt something else.

 ‘He must be dying of boredom.’

 The twitch on his lips suggested this was an unusual level of boredom for him. That man who usually couldn’t stop talking all day long was now forced to keep silent. Feeling a mix of pity and amusement, Tang Hwa-seo gently gripped him by the arm.

 “Young Hero Mok, just hold on a little longer. Our turn will come soon.”


 He almost broke into a wide smile, but caught himself and stiffened his expression again.

 Even this was amusing to her, and she faintly smiled.

All the while, she avoided looking directly at him.

 Naturally, she didn’t have the confidence to meet his eye.

 ‘This is quite fun.’

 Zhuge San had to suppress his laughter upon seeing her nervousness.

At the same time, he felt slightly regretful, wishing they could have disguised Mok Riwon as a woman.

 ‘Tsk, making him crossdress as a woman would have been fun too.’

 It wasn’t that they hadn’t tried, but Mok Riwon’s strong refusal made it a massive failure.

  –C-Crossdressing? You want me to imitate a woman?! Ah no! Brother Zhuge! How dare you try to insult me!

 His vehement rejection was something Zhuge San couldn’t comprehend, not knowing how often Mok Riwon had been teased for his feminine looks by Ma Il-seok during his childhood.


 The guard’s voice rang out.

Lifting his head, Zhuge San realized it was finally their turn and said to Tang Hwa-seo.

 “Let’s go.”



 Her face was tensed as she took a step forward.

* * *

 The Zhang House’s Martial Artist, Gochang.

 He looked at the trio in front of him, still bearing the wounds from the previous night’s attack by the intruder. While doing that, he calmed himself.

 ‘Wow, how incredibly handsome.’

 The man standing next to him dressed in black silk was stunningly beautiful. And even the woman beside him who was strikingly attractive couldn’t draw Gochang’s gaze away from the man.

 The disheveled servant behind them did not even warrant a glance.

 The man’s appearance seemed to scream that he was alone in the world.

 And his clothes, well, Gochang could immediately tell their worth, given his job in the wealthy household.

 ‘Those clothes cost at least a few gold pieces.’

 Gochang felt tension rising within him.

Whoever this man was, it was clear that he was no ordinary person, so he knew that he couldn’t afford to treat him carelessly.

 “A-Ahem. I shall now begin the inspection…”


 The man sighed deeply and frowned.

 ‘W-What’s this!’

 A dozen thoughts raced through his mind in an instant.

Had he done something to upset this noble-looking man?

Or perhaps the man was simply displeased being in a situation where he had to line up and be inspected?

 Gochang had to desperately try to calm his racing heart, but that didn’t mean he would proceed with the inspection.

Why would he?

It was obvious that provoking someone of high status would only bring him trouble.

Even if the Zhang House was wealthy, they wouldn’t stand up for him against such influential people, all because of a mere martial artist like him.

 “Th…at inspection…”



 The man, Mok Riwon, kept sighing deeply.

He was diligently playing his part despite how awkward it was for him.

Tang Hwa-seo realized that if she didn’t say something soon, the other side might sense something odd.

 “He’s quite on edge because of how busy we’ve been. Please be understanding.”

 “N-No that’s not…”

 “Oh my dearest husband… he couldn’t sleep well because of the commotion this morning.”

 Tang Hwa-seo’s cheeks reddened slightly.

 That’s right.

They were pretending to be a married couple.

 Despite her awkward attempt at calling him her husband, fortunately, Gochang seemed to be understanding.

 ‘Well, if she has such a handsome man for a husband, it’s understandable.’

 Of course she would be grinning to herself and flustered.

 “N-No. I apologize…”

 “It’s nothing to be concerned about. If we may, could you please allow us through now? As I mentioned, we are in a hurry.”

 “Ah, of course!”

 Gochang quickly stepped aside. Tang Hwa-seo smiled slightly and linked arms with Mok Riwon.

 “Thank you for your hard work.”

 With that, they passed through the gate, the servant in tow.

 It was only after they had disappeared from view that Gochang realized he hadn’t asked for their identities.

 ‘…Nah, surely couldn’t be them.’

 The thought that assumptions can be dangerous crossed his mind, but Gochang simply had too many people to inspect to dwell on it.

* * *

 “Success! We’ve safely made it out of the city!”

 The exclamation burst forth as soon as they were far away from the city.

 Mok Riwon was able to finally let go of all of the heavy burden he felt and rejoiced like a child.

 “Truly, Brother Zhuge! I had complete faith in you!”

 “Hah, feel free to praise me more!”

 “I’m realizing once again the greatness of the Zhuge Clan!”


 “Your greatness and magnificence are so astounding that I’m in awe!”


 The scene was like a short skit.

 As Tang Hwa-seo watched them with a blank gaze, Mok Riwon turned towards her.

 “Young Lady was also incredible! It’s the first time in my life I’ve seen such masterful acting.”


 Startled, Tang Hwa-seo’s shoulders twitched.

She looked away, finding somewhere else to focus as if by reflex.

 “Yes, well…”

 “Did you prepare your lines in advance? Or was it all improvisation? I, Mok Riwon, wish to learn acting from you!”


 It was overwhelming. Or maybe more like an honor.

To be looked up to with such admiration by him triggered an unexpected feeling of pride within her.

 “Enough of that. It was really nothing special…”

 “But it was truly amazing!”

 Mok Riwon’s overreaction knew no end.

 It was inevitable though.

 Disguise and acting.

 Escaping from enemy territory.

All of this was a step into the life of a chivalrous hero Mok Riwon had always dreamed of – just like the protagonist of the fifth chapter in ‘Tales of the Martial Heroes’, the Killing Hero, had done before.

 Mok Riwon’s hair fluttered as he continued his animated chatter, and his black silk outfit fluttered in the wind. The color highlighted his fair skin, causing Tang Hwa-seo’s head to spin.

 “How did you do it so well? And how did you make that like, subtly smiling face? Is it like this? Or like this?”

 Mok Riwon pulled up the corners of his mouth with his fingers, leaned in, his scent growing ever stronger,

 And Tang Hwa-seo, blushing with embarrassment, felt her rationality snap.




 Her fist had found its way to his stomach.

Then he dropped to his knees, gasping for air at the unexpected blow.

Upon realizing what she had just done, Tang Hwa-seo apologized.

 Right next to them.

 Zhuge San took a couple steps back, distancing himself from her.

 ‘Can’t she stop that habit of using her fist first?’

 He was terrified that her fury might turn towards him next.

* * *

 After they had traveled for about three days, the trio reached their destination.

Beyond the rocky mountains that pierced through the clouds was one of the Three Great Mountains of the Central Plains, Mount Huang.

 “T-This is Huangshan! It’s one of the must-visit places in Anhui!”

 “Ohhh…! I’ve heard of this place from my master! That enjoying the company of the pine trees at the highest peak of Huangshan is particularly delightful!”

 “Haha! Your master certainly knows his stuff!”

 While Mok Riwon and Zhuge San continued making a big fuss, Tang Hwa-seo focused on suppressing her nerves.


 She had finally arrived.

It was her first step in no longer having to run away.

Here, she would meet the Fist Dragon Il-woon, and seek out the Abbot of Shaolin Temple.


 Tang Hwa-seo’s fists clenched tightly.

 “…Let’s get going.”

 “Are we climbing Mount Huang?”

 “Ah, we’re not. The Dragon Phoenix Tournament will be held in Shexian, so there’s no need to climb up there.”


 A disappointed expression arose on his face.

 Tang Hwa-seo smiled and added.

 “However, if we have time, climbing it wouldn’t be a bad idea. Yes, it’s also my first time visiting Mount Huang, so I’m curious.”


 His face instantly brightened.

If he had a tail, it would surely be spinning like a windmill out of excitement.

 But Tang Hwa-seo felt a bitter regret upon seeing his expression.


 They might have to part ways.

 She felt a bizarre sensation, like something was stabbing her in the heart.

* * *

 The Dragon Phoenix Tournament was essentially a grand festival that was open to the young fighters of the martial arts world, but not just anyone of age could participate.

It was a competition to distinguish the dragons and phoenixes among said martial artists. As such, there were minimum qualifications to be met.

 “Well, that doesn’t concern us. Having the name of a Noble Clan comes in handy at times like this.”

 “What about me?”

 “Don’t worry. With our recommendation, even Brother Mok can secure a spot. Besides, it’s not like you would fail the qualifying rounds, but why bother with the hassle, right?”

 “Right! I’ll trust in Brother Zhuge!”


 In an inn at Shexian where the tournament registrations were held, the three of them sat discussing their plans.

 Mok Riwon had bamboo leaf liquor with his somen noodles, as expected.

Tang Hwa-seo opted for dumplings.

And Zhuge San had a plate of five-spice beef in front of him.

 “Young Hero Mok, please start eating before your noodles become too soft.”

 “Ah, of course! Understood!”

 Mok Riwon began eating only after her reminder. As always, he slurped up his noodles quickly, followed by a gulp of bamboo leaf liquor, and let out a satisfied sound.

 “The bamboo leaf liquor from Mount Huang really does have a unique flavor!”

 “Brother Mok, do you like bamboo leaf liquor that much? Try this too, I’m sure you’ll like it.”

 “Oh! Well then….”

 The meal continued pleasantly with laughter from the two of them.

 And as Tang Hwa-seo was smiling softly at their antics…


 The server shouted loudly, in a tone full of tension that they hadn’t heard since entering the inn.

 It was enough to pique the trio’s curiosity.

Who could have arrived to warrant such a loud greeting?

They turned towards the entrance and then made surprised expressions.


 Entering the inn were four monks, their shaven heads gleaming in the light.

All were young men, and the inner qi they exuded left no doubt that they were from Shaolin.

Even if that wasn’t obvious, to Tang Hwa-seo and Zhuge San, one of the people among them confirmed their affiliation at a glance.

 The monk leading the group, with a head that looked like it could break rocks.

 “…Fist Dragon Il-woon.”

 There sat Fist Dragon Il-woon, the very person Tang Hwa-seo had come to find.

 As they entered, a silence descended upon the inn, and the atmosphere among the three of them began to stiffen. In that moment, Il-woon raised his hand.

 “Excuse me. May I please get a plate of Dongpo Pork?”

 Then, he paused.

 Il-woon’s lips twitched as if he were agonizing over something, and then said.

“…Ah, but without the meat.”

 Zhuge San suddenly burst out laughing.

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