The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Chapter 24: Chapter: Anhui (5)

༺ Fourth Chapter – Anhui (5) ༻

 Mok Riwon stared blankly at the courtyard house in front of him.

 The massive main gate, large enough to hold dozens of people, bore the neatly inscribed sign ‘Zhang Family Compound’.

 “This place is…”

 “As you see, it’s the Zhang Family Compound. The largest courtyard house in this city.”

 “Why did we come here? Didn’t you say we were going to perform a chivalrous deed…?”

 “We’re here to do just that.”

 When Zhuge San licked his lips with apparent pleasure, Mok Riwon furrowed his brows in confusion.

 “This place doesn’t seem to be in need of chivalry.”

 The kind of chivalry Mok Riwon knew involved helping the weak who couldn’t fend for themselves or standing up to violence that threatened ordinary people.

 But there was no sign of such things here.

 “Look over there. The workers here are all moving with peaceful expressions. The aroma of food is appetizing, so it’s unlikely anyone is starving, and there’s no sense of malice. Since there’s nobody with bad intentions around, it’s a rather peaceful place indeed. So why, Brother Zhuge, do you say this place needs chivalry?”

 “Heh, it seems Young Brother Mok still has much to learn.”

 Zhuge San laughed merrily as he slung an arm around Mok Riwon’s shoulder.

 “Now, Brother Mok. Is chivalry only about preventing physical hardships?”

 “It’s not, but…”

 “Right. While everyone seems peaceful, they too, might have their own worries. That’s not all, is it? We’re still merely at the front gate. We don’t know the hearts of the people inside. For example…”

 Zhuge San trailed off, observing his reaction.

He was clearly interested.

 ‘Such a naive friend.’

 Thinking this would be a rather entertaining ‘chivalrous deed,’ Zhuge San continued.

 “…the heart of a lady who has lost her husband is now drowning in grief.”


 Mok Riwon trembled.

 He finally understood that Zhuge San had brought him here for something related to the ‘widow’ he had mentioned before.

 “Ah, aha! Brother Zhuge!”

 “Shh! Keep your voice down! Don’t you see the random passerby looking at us suspiciously?!”

 Mok Riwon shivered, then whispered in a much quieter voice, his face smeared with a sense of betrayal and a voice as though he had been wronged.

 “I-I’m disappointed, Brother Zhuge! I thought you came here genuinely to perform a chivalrous deed…!”

 “I am here to perform a chivalrous deed, am I not?”

 “Don’t lie! You’re here because you’ve gone mad with lust, haven’t you, Brother Zhuge?!”

 “Ah no!”

 Zhuge San glared at him and said disapprovingly.

 “Brother Mok, did you think that I came here out of lust?! Do you truly believe that I, Zhuge San, am someone who loses his senses over a married woman?! I’m disappointed!”

 Zhuge San turned his back on Mok Riwon after releasing his shoulder, suggesting he was rather angry.

 Mok Riwon was greatly flustered and tried to string together an excuse, though he couldn’t find the right words.

 ‘W-What do I say?!’

 Circumstantial evidence was a thing, right?

Considering his past behavior and the way he licked his lips with pleasure, how could Mok Riwon not conclude that Zhuge San was here to seduce the widow?

 His panic intensified.

 Meanwhile, the corners of Zhuge San’s mouth were rising. His quivering body showed how much effort he was putting into holding back his laughter.

 “I’ve misjudged you! I praised the chivalry and righteousness you showed in Suyang County and extended an invitation, and this is what I get!”

 Zhuge San slowly, very slowly turned around.

Mok Riwon, not knowing what to do, eventually grabbed him.

 “I-I’m sorry! Calm down for a moment…”

 “Enough! I have nothing more to say!”

 “No, wait! I was wrong! I’m not a scoundrel who judges people based on rumors!”

 It was a mortifying situation.

He had never intended for himself to be labeled a scoundrel.

The situation was odd if he thought about it for even a moment, but Mok Riwon had always been loved and was unaccustomed to being scorned, so he couldn’t think straight when faced with others’ bitter emotions.

 Zhuge San finally glanced back at Mok Riwon with a doubtful look.

 “…Can I trust you?”

 “O-Of course!”

 “Ahem! Then, I will trust you one more time.”

 Mok Riwon’s face brightened up, his smile blooming like he was on cloud nine.

 ‘Indeed, this is the smile that melted the Poison Phoenix!’

 Thinking that, Zhuge San turned to him, who was breathing out a sigh of relief.

 “Then, cause some chaos here.”


 “Cause some chaos. I will sneak inside while you attract attention, Brother.”

 Mok Riwon’s face went blank.

* * *

 “O-Oh my goodness…! Save me, hero…!”

 Mok Riwon stood before the main gate of the Zhang Family Compound, his face flushed as he clutched his stomach, putting on an awkward performance.

 “Oh no, I’m dying here…! M-My stomach, I’m starving to death…!”

 The strange act drew the attention of passersby wondering what the hell he was doing, and even the workers from inside the Zhang Family Compound were watching.

 Mok Riwon felt embarrassed but endured, reminding himself that he had to prove he wasn’t a scoundrel, to prove his innocence.

 His determination made the act all the more pitiful. Though obviously fake, it was incredibly effective at ‘drawing attention’.

 “Oh noooo…!”

 As Mok Riwon firmly shut his eyes, wrinkles formed on his delicate forehead. His pale skin reflected the sunlight with a graceful glow, and the trembling of his fingers evoked sympathy.

 It was as Zhuge San had said, ‘an appearance that bewitched even Tang Hwa-seo.’ 

 “It looks like a play.”

 “Seems so. Good heavens, I’ve never seen anyone so good-looking in my life.”

 “Haaaah… Hey, go and find out who that man is. I want to have some wine alone with him tonight.”

 There were people admiring his looks, agreeing with each other, and even a young lady who happened upon him and entertained lecherous thoughts.

 In a situation that could have endangered his chastity, someone pushed through the crowd.



 The unmistakable angry footsteps belonged to none other than Tang Hwa-seo.

 “Young Hero Mok!”


 Mok Riwon trembled, his eyes tinged with fear as he looked at the source of the voice.

 “Y-Young Lady…”

 “What are you doing?”

 Her eyes were wide open and piercing into Mok Riwon. Her reserved tone seemed almost rageful.

 With a mortified expression, he quickly tried making an excuse. 

 “B-Brother Zhuge…”


 “Y-Young Master asked me to attract attention…”

 “Enough. We’ll talk when we return.”

 Tang Hwa-seo grabbed him by the ear and dragged him away.

Mok Riwon flailed around pathetically, calling for help, but no one dared approach her face that embodied the expression, ‘if looks could kill.’

 The young lady who had earlier given the lecherous order looked at Tang Hwa-seo, let out a squeak, and ran away with her servants.

 Thus, Mok Riwon’s chastity was safe yet another day.

 …Of course, who knew whether the same could be said for his life.

* * *

 Zhuge San watched from afar, chuckling as Mok Riwon was led away by Tang Hwa-seo.

 ‘What a truly interesting friend.’

 He sincerely wished for Mok Riwon to safely get through the night.

 ‘Now, as for me…’

  After sneaking into the Zhang Family Compound by scaling the wall, he calmed his breath and sharpened his qi detection.

 ‘There’s no guards this far.’

 It was expected.

The Zhang Family Compound was just a wealthy family’s property, and they weren’t meticulous enough to station guards behind the outhouses.

 Zhuge San headed towards the inner quarters while pinching his nose to block out the smell of fertilizer.

 ‘It should be right around here…’

 Hidden behind a pillar, he stalked the inner quarters.

All the entrances and windows were heavily guarded by martial artists.

 They could be considered guarding the building, but there was another way to put it.

 ‘It’s no different from a prison!’

 It was as if they were preventing someone from leaving rather than protecting the compound.

 Their focus was so intensely inward that they couldn’t think of anything else.

 Zhuge San observed the martial artists with a dark gaze.

 ‘Second rate, second rate, second rate, late-stage second rate, and the one in the center is an early-stage first rate.’

 He must be the leader.

Zhuge San slipped his hand into his robe and rolled around a few jade stones, contemplating his next action.

 ‘How should I proceed…’

 It was already half-success to him for infiltrating this far, but he wasn’t satisfied with just that. Sharp-wittedness and tenacity were the fundamental elements that made up the Strange Dragon, Zhuge San.

  –Please check if my Esteemed Sister is living well. That’s all I need. Please…

 As his mind wandered, what he remembered was the scene of a shabby-looking man, all skin and bones, emptying the last of his coins.

 ‘Elder Brother, it seems your Esteemed sister isn’t living well.’

 He talked to himself inwardly, knowing his words wouldn’t reach anyone, but still, he grinned and smiled.

 ‘Well, I might as well make sure.’

 Zhuge San pulled his hand out of his robe, holding three small, sparkling jade stones.

 ‘Let’s do this quietly.’


 He channeled his qi into the jade stones and shot them out. The stones flew stealthily, almost invisible to the naked eye, each headed in different directions despite being launched in one swift motion.

 One towards the roof, another behind a pillar, and the last at the foot of a martial artist. Then, an anomaly occurred.


 A qi wave that was undetected to anyone but Zhuge San resonated.

 It was the technique that had placed the Zhuge Clan among the Five Noble Clans. The very same technique that bestowed the Clan Head, Zhuge Byeok, the title of Formation King.

 It was a simple formation technique.

 ‘It’s working pretty good, huh.’

 The martial artists’ eyes briefly blurred for an instant before returning to normal.

However, they would no longer be able to see Zhuge San.

 For the next two hours, all they would see above their eyelids would be the passing clouds and descending sun.


 Zhuge San executed a swift movement technique and dashed forward, slipping through a window left open for fresh air.

 Landing silently inside, he scanned the surroundings.

 ‘This place is…’

 It was a small archive.

 Zhuge San dusted off his knees and began rummaging around.

 ‘Ledgers are usually hidden in these places.’

 Humming to himself, he continued his search in vain. There was no ledger, nor any document related to the family. The main archives had to be elsewhere.


 He was slightly disappointed but shrugged it off and leaped to the ceiling, squeezing through a gap and began crawling in the dust-covered vent above.

 ‘The dust means there are no hidden guards either.’

 The job seemed easier than he had expected.

 After crawling around for a while, he heard voices.

  –Where is it?

  –I do not know.

 Zhuge San’s eyes sparkled mischievously as he grinned. He went towards the source of the voices and peeked through a crack to look below.

 There was a toad-like old man and a delicate-looking woman dressed in neat clothing sitting opposite of him.


 Zhuge San stared at the woman happily.

 ‘How beautiful!’

 As if he had found his target.

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