The Guide to Capturing a Black Lotus

Chapter 35: The Princess’s Worries (10)

Chapter 35: The Princess’s Worries (10)

Your highness Dowager Consort Zhaos expression was in between tears and laughter. Her voice was chock full of sarcasm as she repeated it again.

She had mixed around the palace for thirty years. How many girls used their all, coming in like waves, rising and falling like the tide, just for the title of Imperial Concubine? In the past, she was also one of these girls. But now, her time had passed and newcomers had long taken the stage from her.

Peiyun didnt say much. Her face had gone white and she didnt have any intention of trying to explain. Tears dripped down her swollen cheeks, plopping one by one onto the ground.

The shock of the group of young palace maids all burst out at the same time, they all charged forth trying to not get left behind: Your highness, you have to make things right for the princess! That gonggong harbors malicious thoughts, Peiyun absolutely has some sinister scheme!

Impudent! Dowager Consort Zhao picked up the teacup and threw it over. It shattered beside the feet of the beauties and several young palace maids were so scared they went absolutely quiet for a period of time. Only a moment later, they immediately knocked their heads hard against the floor, looking exactly like ostriches trying to bury their heads in the ground.


Dowager Consort Zhaos eyes were red, filled with boundless resentment and unresolved grievance. Her chest rose and fell fiercely, Do the people beside his royal majesty need any of your opinions?

Upon hearing this, the childish faces of the maids lost all color.

Su Peiyun had stayed by Princess Duanyangs side for five years. She was the oldest and most experienced palace maid in Fengyang Palace. She was once one of his royal majestys people. If it were to be said that she was exchanging information with an eunuch in the palace, it was very likely that this person was a former co-worker of hers. An eunuch by the side of the son of heaven. However, she was shifty in her manner of dealing with things, causing people to have no other choice but to think she was up to something bad.

Mbkp jkde sq alypsdkdt oyp psxlvbkdt vbl uswdt ryzynl xykep nswzedv wdelapvyde. Psoytla Usdpsav Hbys bsolhla, jdlo ellrzu kdpkel vbl rsppkckzkvu sq kv clkdt vawl.

Eswze Vlkuwd byhl pwnb talyv twvp vs byax rakdnlpp Pwyduydt ps srldzu? Ebyv kq vbl xswdvykd cynjkdt bla oyp vbl yzxktbvu lxrlasa bkxplzq?

R wdelapvyde. Rvp clld ps xydu ulyap yde xu kxrlakyz psd pvkzz jllrp vbyv xyvvla bwdt wr kd bkp blyav. Tlp bye y aswtb asye qasx y uswdt ytl yde oyp dlhla nzspl vs vbkp nsdpsav. R nyd sdzu alpktd vs qyvl. Psoytla Usdpsav Hbys blze kd bla vlyap, zssjkdt csvb elralpple yde psaasoqwz. Mbyv ulya, vbyv xyvvla yaspl qasx xl. Ebu nydv bl vyatlv xl? Ykdxkd kp pvkzz uswdt, bso nswze bl rsppkczu nbsspl vs yvvynj bkp sod uswdtla pkpvla?!

Zswa bktbdlpp! G ryzynl ywdvup bydep pbssj yp pbl tayccle ybsze sq Psoytla Usdpsav Hbysp nzsvblp, obs bye yzalyeu zspv yzz alypsdkdt, kd yd yvvlxrv vs pvsr bla qasx prlyjkdt ydu qwavbla: Zswa bktbdlpp, rzlypl! Uyzx uswa ydtla.

Nkw Wwuk yde Yw Zys vssj y tzydnl yv sdl ydsvbla clqsal tskdt vynkvwad yde oyvnbkdt vbl nbysvkn kxrlakyz qyxkzup tayvkvwel yde alpldvxldvp. Gnnsaekdt vs awxsap, Hbys Ckdaw oyp csad kd y ralpvktkswp qyxkzu. Wasx y uswdt ytl, pbl oyp ryxrlale yde prskzle. Ebld pbl ldvlale vbl ryzynl, pbl lhld clnyxl y vuayddknyz ryxrlale nsdpsav. Mbl ralhkswp lxrlasa oyp okzzkdt vs rzwnj vbl pvyap yde xssdzktbv qsa bla. Mblal oyp fwpv sdl zkvvzl bknnwr bl qswde ekqqknwzv vs tkhl vs bla- pwrrsavkdt bla vs vbl rspkvksd sq Oxralpp.

Tsolhla, pbl yzoyup qlzv vbyv pbl oyp vbl hlau zypv hknvsa clnywpl vbl ralhkswp lxralpp ekedv clya ydu psdp. Mbl psd pbl ckavble oyp aykple wdela vbl ralhkswp lxralppp dyxl yde bye pxssvbzu vyjld shla vbl vbasdl.

Ekvb vbkdtp byhkdt alynble vbkp zlhlz vseyu, pbl qkdyzzu alyzkgle vbyv pbl bye nsxrzlvlzu zspv.

Mbkp uswdt psd sq blyhld bye clld aykple kdvs y ekqqlaldv jkde sq rlapsd cu vbl ralhkswp lxralpp. G ekqqlaldv jkde sq rlapsd qasx bla G cldlhszldv yde dsczl rlapsd sq bktb pvyvwp obs nzlyazu ekqqlaldvkyvle clvolld aktbv yde oasdt. Tkp yvvkvwel vsoyaep bkp ckavb xsvbla oyp lmvalxlzu liwkhsnyz. Tl yzoyup xykdvykdle bkp xyddlap yde rszkvldlpp okvb bla yzz vbl oyu vkzz vbl lde. Fs rszkvl, kv qlzv pvaydtl.

To the point that even many years after the previous empress died, Dowager Consort Zhao was unable to rise up to the position of Dowager Empress.


Formerly a consort pampered by all six palaces, and even the consort of the son of heaven, she held great honor with her son rising to the throne, seemingly enough to cover the heavens. Yet, in the end, she was still just a Dowager Consort.

Even the daughter she gave birth to and raised, his very own blood related sister, was only stuck with the name of a pampered princess by the emperor. There had never been a single day that she enjoyed her brothers intimate treatment before.

How could she not be angry? How could she possibly not go crazy?

Dowager Consort Zhao looked at Peiyun and seemed to see past the young girls thin and pitiful face to see her sons unfamiliar and spurning gaze. Her voice filled with a harsh ruthlessness: Lock her away in the Sky Prison! Dont give her any sustenance nor water. Dont let her commit suicide either!

Standing up, the previously kneeling people all held back the words they wanted to spill out with. They all faintly realized that after today, a huge battle was about to erupt. Su Peiyun was merely a primer, a catalyst. If her son had previously come to look for his mother for people from her, this deep-seated contradiction was finally about to erupt.

Your highness Peiyun, who had been roughly picked up, suddenly raised her head. Her hair messily stuck onto her face and her cheeks were still raised high up. Peiyun has been at the princesss side for five years. I had always treated the princess as my own little sister in my love and care. I didnt do this, it wasnt his majesty either

Her voice grew more and more distant as she was brought away by the Imperial Bodyguards, accompanied by their curses and slaps. She slowly disappeared outside of the door.

With just a light rustle of her clothes, Mu Yao who was standing beside Liu Fuyi moved stealthily through the messy crowd and walked to the Imperial Physicians side. She picked up a small chunk of the soothing incense as she started to deeply scrutinize it.

Mu Yao suddenly raised her head, wanting to say something but Liu Fuyi shook his head at her.

With the tacit understanding between the members of the main leads, they only needed a few glances and could understand each others meaning.

Bide your time.

Mother Consort, this whats going on? After resting on the Imperial Consorts couch for about four hours, Princess Duanyang seemed to regain her mind and spirits as she softly opened her mouth.


Princess! Princess you nearly scared us to death Peiyu immediately flew over and hugged onto Princess Duanyangs shin, It was Peiyuns incense that was secretly used to harm you, her highness the Dowager Consort has already locked her in prison.

Duanyangs delicate lips moved slightly, her eyes filled with confusion. Upon hearing that Peiyun had been dragged away, she shut her lips. Her confusion very quickly turned into poor emotional pathos.

Liu Fuyi walked up to Duanyang, his expression filled with caring: Does your highness feel much better now?

Quickly, a red flush surfaced on Duanyangs face, her expression grew lively and spirited, Much better. Thank you very much Brother Liu.

Mhm. Rest well. Liu Fuyi patted her shoulder to console her and felt a nervous gaze landing on his hand like lightning. When he turned around, Peiyun and the other two palace maids had their heads lowered, kneeling as they knew their place.

Liu Fuyi ran his gaze over the large hall and smoothed out the corner of his clothes. Duanyangs clinging expression followed him but upon seeing that he slowly walked back to Mu Yaos side, the bundle of light within her eyes slowly extinguished.

Sigh, every family has its own share of woe and issues. You all mustve seen a great scene of a joke. With a meaningful glance, Dowager Consort Zhao had long indicated for someone to clean up the broken tea cup on the ground. Palace maids brought in new tea on pear blossom trays and deferentially put them onto the table.

Liu Fuyi had his head lowered as he gently caressed the lines of his palm. He looked just like a painting of a jade young master holding his silence.

A clear voice resounded: All along this path weve traveled, we heard many interesting rumors and stories. The long day is boring and uninteresting, if your highness and the princess dont mind, why dont we sit together and have a talk?

Two pairs of eyes looked at Ling Miaomiao.

The person in question had her hair brushed into twin tails. Her emerald green clothes made her seem delicate and charming. With her clearly defined apricot-shaped eyes half covered by a five petal plum blossom muslin handheld fan, her smiling expression was full of a naive, innocent air. Even if her choice of words were overly intimate, it didnt make one feel as if she was tossing their respect out the window either.

Sure, sure. Duanyang took the initiative to clap her palms together and agree. She called people to bring over a prayer mat, completely not putting on any airs and sitting right beside Dowager Consort Zhao.


Because Ling Miaomiao always walked together with Mu Sheng, she didnt have a strong sense of suppression from her. Duanyangs impression of her wasnt bad. She seemed like she had already walked out of the shadow of her nightmares as she excitedly waved her hands at Peiyu, You guys can go.

Peiyus face was full of worry. She took three steps and turned around to look back before finally leaving.

The people within the palace closely cupped their ears against the door, like a horde of cicadas blocking the door. Outside of the square fence, rolling waves of green were faintly visible, it was the verdancy of summertime.

Dowager Consort Zhao still seemed like she had many thoughts on her mind as she waved her hand, wordlessly sending away the aunties waving fans.

Within the doors, there were only a few people left. Dowager Consort Zhao lowered her head to take a sip of tea. The tassels of the dangling ornament she wore covered her face as lightly shook: Can we speak now?

Mother Consort Duanyang was somewhat shocked.

Dont say anything for now. Dowager Consort Zhao quietly looked at Mu Yao. She didnt have any desire to continue putting on a front before the main leads, This consort has some understanding of the Mu family. A demon hunter family. Treats any bit of evil as their enemy. As long as they take on a case, they would absolutely take responsibility till the end. I havent over exaggerated, have I?

Mu Yaos raised eyelashes leaped up, her eyes were clear and bright: Thats right.

When this consort used a jade tablet to summon you all, I already made preparations within my heart. The corner of her lips curled up. Her complexion was somewhat bad, What do you all want to ask? Please, go ahead.

Mu Yao put down a small chunk of half burnt incense on the table: Your highness, did you think that the princesss nightmares were only a result of psychedelic incense?

Duanyang turned around to look at her mothers face, her face filled with astonishment.

How about this. Mu Sheng suddenly spoke up, a smile in the depths of his pitch black pupils, Todays conversation will be split into two parts. Princess, please speak of the entire happenings of when you returned to the palace; The latter half, leave to your consort mother to participate in.


Duanyang first looked at Mu Sheng and only felt that his attitude was both proper and that he looked very handsome. He was a young master that caused others to feel charmed. However, she didnt expect his words to completely ignore standing and rank. She felt stifled and her face went red: You!

However, Dowager Consort Zhao pressed down on her arm and spoke in a low voice: This is fine.

Liu Fuyi poured a cup of tea for Duanyang himself and pushed it before her with both hands: All the things we will ask princess today are related to the princesss safety in the future. Princess, please dont leave out anything.

Sure enough, Duanyangs fury was immediately extinguished by the tea sent from the person in her heart. She smiled as she lifted the teacup for a sip, That is only natural.

Ling Miaomiao glanced over at Mu Yaos taut lips beside her and also copied her expression. She stared intently at Liu Fuyi, even exaggeratedly gripping her fist tightly, completely putting on the appearance of a teeth clenched, fuming young lady in love facing her rival in love.

Mu Sheng looked past his sister and out of the corner of his eye, took a glance at Ling Miaomiaos face full of great bitterness before turning around coldly to look out the window.

Liu Fuyi patiently waited for Duanyang to finish drinking her tea, Please pardon me. Princess, please can you recall the details of your nightmares?

Duanyangs face immediately turned pale white. Her breaths became rapid and looked at her mother in a cry for help. Unfortunately, she didnt expect Dowager Consort Zhao to rigidly pinch her wrist, a look of irrefutability suffusing the depths of her eyes: Minmin, think about it carefully.

In my dream in my dream I was in Xingshan Temple. There was a group of people a group of people calling me Goddess. They said they had been waiting for me for a long time and that I should follow them.

Hearing the word Goddess, Dowager Consort Zhaos lashes jumped up. She clenched her teeth and strived hard to suppress her emotions.

And then?

Duanyang seemed to have a headache now as she used her hands to softly press down on her temples: I walked with them, walked a long distance. We passed by wheat fields before returning to Xingshan Temple.

They exchanged glances, Liu Fuyi motionlessly continued on: Did you discover any changes in Xingshan Temple?

Changes Duanyang nodded, her gaze filled with doubt, Xinshan Temple seemed somewhat different from when I went the temple was filled with people, all kneeling and calling out The Goddess has arrived as if they were about to start some kind of ceremony.

Difficult to detect, Dowager Consort Zhaos hand trembled all of a sudden as cold sweat started to pour out of her temples.

And then and then?

And then Duanyang suddenly clenched her teeth, face turning flushed. Dread and embarrassment flashed through her eyes, This princess doesnt want to speak!

Minmin Dowager Consort Zhao closed her eyes and embraced her daughters thin, delicate arm. There are no outsiders here, just say it.

Duanyang held in her tears, as if this trip down memory lane was full of humiliation and embarrassment, and clenched her teeth to say: Upon entering the great hall, I saw I saw many clay statues of Buddha. There were men and females all they were all

They were in the midst of a joyous occasion? Mu Yaos voice was crisp and made people feel calm and at ease, unable to birth even a thread of bad thoughts within their heads.

Duanyangs gaze turned terrified and she nodded after a long time had passed.


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